Article MASONIC INTELLIGENCE. ← Page 14 of 18 →
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Masonic Intelligence.
in Brs . Watson , Coggin , ancl Banke s usual excellent style . The evening was spent in harmony and true Masonic feeling , and the brethren separated , highly pleased with their entertainment . PHCENIX LODGE ( No . 202 ) . —This noAv flourishing Lodge held its monthly meeting at the Freemason ' s Tavern , on Saturday , March 10 , under the able presidency of the W . M . Br . John AVebber , Avhen three gentlemen Avere duly initiated into the mysteries of Freemasonry . The other business having been disposed of , the Lodge voted £ 2 2 s .
as a donation to tho Boys' School , and £ 1 Is . towards the fund now raising for relieving the Aged Masons' Asylum at Croydon from debt At the close of the business the brethren adjourned to refreshment , and the enjoyment of the after part of the evening Avas much enhanced by the excellent singing of Brs . Geo . Perren , Geo . Ford , the veteran Beular , and many other brothers . ' DOMATIC LODGE ( N O . 206 ) . —A very large muster of the members of this prosperous Lodge met at the Masonic Hall , Fetter-lane , on Monday , the 12 th March ,
under the able presidency of their esteemed AV . M . Br . T . Adams , P . M . 196 . The summonses to the brethren announced an unusually large amount of business , eA'en for this Lodge , the greater part of Avhich , viz ., six raisings and one initiation , Avas performed by the AV . M . AA'ith his Avell-knoAvn care , and ability , assisted by a very efficient body of officers . At the close of Masonic business the brethren retired to an elegant repast supplied by Br . Ireland , and the happiness which reigned throughout the evening fully evinced the kindly feeling that exists among the brethren of the
Lodge . Among the visitors were Brs . Suter , AVm . Bennett , J . Greeiwood , Barker , Murray , & c , & c . During the evening the sum of £ 5 was voted to the Asylum Fund , on the proposition of Br . Joseph Smith , P . M . LODGE OP JOPPA , ( No . 223 ) . —This highly numerous , respectable , and excellent working Lodge , held its monthly meeting at the Albion Tavern , Aldersgate ( whence it has removed in consequence of the Avant of accommodation for its increasing numbers
at its former . Lodge house ) , on Monday , March 5 . The AV . M ., Br . Henry Lyons most ably presided , and initiated into the Order two candidates , Messrs . Hugo Cantor , and Kreisner , with a solemnity AA'hich we have never seen excelled . On the motion of Br . P . M . Aarous , seconded by Bi * - P . M . Jones , it Avas resolA'ed to give £ 1 Is . from the funds to the Boys' School , as a donation from the Lodge . At the conclusion of the business , the brethren , upwards of sixty in number , adjourned to a very elegant banquet , Avhich did great credit to the establishment of the Messrs . Staples .
The cloth haA'ing been removed , and grace said , the AV . M . proposed the Queen and Craft—and in an appropriate speech dilated upon the virtues of that illustrious and excellent lady—adverting to the kind feeling and anxiety she had shown toAvards those poor wounded fellows , who had suffered in the cause of their country . The prosperity of the benevolent fund Avas proposed , the chairman stating , that though it had been established for upwards of five years , there had as yet been no claim upon it . The chairman also alluded to the fact that that excellent charity , the Jewish Soup
Kitchen , had been mainly established and supported by members of the Joppa Lodge . The health of the most excellent AV . M ., of the P . M . ' s , and other toasts were drunk and ably responded to . There Avere seA'eral visitors , present , amongst whom were Brs . Warren , P . M ., 202 ; Pyke , 218 ; Gabriel , 310 ; Isaacs , 368 ; Eisenburg , Lowing , & c , & c . In proposing this toast the AV . M . referred in very handsome terms to the Masonic Mirror , which was acknowledged by Br . Warren , who thanked the members of the Lodge for their liberal support , and assured the
brethren that the proprietors were determined to do everything in their power to make the Mirror of the greatett possible utility to the Craft . The proceedings of the evening AA'ere enlivened by some charming singing by the Misses Marian and Ada Taylor , Br . G . F . Taylor , presiding at the pianoforte . JERUSALEM LODGE ( No . 233 ) . —At the monthly meeting of this Lodge , on the 7 th March , Br . Lewis Crombie , W . M ., presiding , a brother AA'as ably passed as a F . C .
JORDAN LODGE ( NO . 237 ) . —The members of this Lodge held their monthly meeting on Friday , the 16 th March , at the Freemasons' Tavern . In the unavoidable absence of Br . Spooner , W . M . ( who had been re-elected to the office ) , Br . Sheen , P . M ., officiated in passing Br . Robinson to the second degree , and afterwards pro-
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Masonic Intelligence.
in Brs . Watson , Coggin , ancl Banke s usual excellent style . The evening was spent in harmony and true Masonic feeling , and the brethren separated , highly pleased with their entertainment . PHCENIX LODGE ( No . 202 ) . —This noAv flourishing Lodge held its monthly meeting at the Freemason ' s Tavern , on Saturday , March 10 , under the able presidency of the W . M . Br . John AVebber , Avhen three gentlemen Avere duly initiated into the mysteries of Freemasonry . The other business having been disposed of , the Lodge voted £ 2 2 s .
as a donation to tho Boys' School , and £ 1 Is . towards the fund now raising for relieving the Aged Masons' Asylum at Croydon from debt At the close of the business the brethren adjourned to refreshment , and the enjoyment of the after part of the evening Avas much enhanced by the excellent singing of Brs . Geo . Perren , Geo . Ford , the veteran Beular , and many other brothers . ' DOMATIC LODGE ( N O . 206 ) . —A very large muster of the members of this prosperous Lodge met at the Masonic Hall , Fetter-lane , on Monday , the 12 th March ,
under the able presidency of their esteemed AV . M . Br . T . Adams , P . M . 196 . The summonses to the brethren announced an unusually large amount of business , eA'en for this Lodge , the greater part of Avhich , viz ., six raisings and one initiation , Avas performed by the AV . M . AA'ith his Avell-knoAvn care , and ability , assisted by a very efficient body of officers . At the close of Masonic business the brethren retired to an elegant repast supplied by Br . Ireland , and the happiness which reigned throughout the evening fully evinced the kindly feeling that exists among the brethren of the
Lodge . Among the visitors were Brs . Suter , AVm . Bennett , J . Greeiwood , Barker , Murray , & c , & c . During the evening the sum of £ 5 was voted to the Asylum Fund , on the proposition of Br . Joseph Smith , P . M . LODGE OP JOPPA , ( No . 223 ) . —This highly numerous , respectable , and excellent working Lodge , held its monthly meeting at the Albion Tavern , Aldersgate ( whence it has removed in consequence of the Avant of accommodation for its increasing numbers
at its former . Lodge house ) , on Monday , March 5 . The AV . M ., Br . Henry Lyons most ably presided , and initiated into the Order two candidates , Messrs . Hugo Cantor , and Kreisner , with a solemnity AA'hich we have never seen excelled . On the motion of Br . P . M . Aarous , seconded by Bi * - P . M . Jones , it Avas resolA'ed to give £ 1 Is . from the funds to the Boys' School , as a donation from the Lodge . At the conclusion of the business , the brethren , upwards of sixty in number , adjourned to a very elegant banquet , Avhich did great credit to the establishment of the Messrs . Staples .
The cloth haA'ing been removed , and grace said , the AV . M . proposed the Queen and Craft—and in an appropriate speech dilated upon the virtues of that illustrious and excellent lady—adverting to the kind feeling and anxiety she had shown toAvards those poor wounded fellows , who had suffered in the cause of their country . The prosperity of the benevolent fund Avas proposed , the chairman stating , that though it had been established for upwards of five years , there had as yet been no claim upon it . The chairman also alluded to the fact that that excellent charity , the Jewish Soup
Kitchen , had been mainly established and supported by members of the Joppa Lodge . The health of the most excellent AV . M ., of the P . M . ' s , and other toasts were drunk and ably responded to . There Avere seA'eral visitors , present , amongst whom were Brs . Warren , P . M ., 202 ; Pyke , 218 ; Gabriel , 310 ; Isaacs , 368 ; Eisenburg , Lowing , & c , & c . In proposing this toast the AV . M . referred in very handsome terms to the Masonic Mirror , which was acknowledged by Br . Warren , who thanked the members of the Lodge for their liberal support , and assured the
brethren that the proprietors were determined to do everything in their power to make the Mirror of the greatett possible utility to the Craft . The proceedings of the evening AA'ere enlivened by some charming singing by the Misses Marian and Ada Taylor , Br . G . F . Taylor , presiding at the pianoforte . JERUSALEM LODGE ( No . 233 ) . —At the monthly meeting of this Lodge , on the 7 th March , Br . Lewis Crombie , W . M ., presiding , a brother AA'as ably passed as a F . C .
JORDAN LODGE ( NO . 237 ) . —The members of this Lodge held their monthly meeting on Friday , the 16 th March , at the Freemasons' Tavern . In the unavoidable absence of Br . Spooner , W . M . ( who had been re-elected to the office ) , Br . Sheen , P . M ., officiated in passing Br . Robinson to the second degree , and afterwards pro-