Article PROVINCIAL LODGES. ← Page 8 of 11 →
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Provincial Lodges.
W . M ., and the Lodge being opened on the second degree , the AV . M . was duly and formally presented . Four brothers were passed by Br . AV . Brightwell , P . M . The Lodge was then opened iu the third degree , and a board of installed Masters being formed , the ceremony of installation Avas impressively performed by Br . Henry T . Wace , P . M . Tho AV . M . then proceeded to appoint the following brethren as his officers : —Brs . the Rev . — Bluck , S . AV . ; Robert Haycock , J . AV . ; Rev . — Elliott , Chaplain ; John Leech Rowland , Hon . Sec . ; J . C . Randal , S . D . ; AV . IT . Bayley ,
J . D . ; J . P . AVliite , H . A . Jones , Sen . Stewards ; S . Wood , for the third time , being unanimously re-elected Treasurer . The Lodge being closed in perfect harmony , the brethren , about 30 in number , proceeded to an elegant banquet . The vice chairs were efficiently filled by the S . AV . and J . W . The customary loyal . Masonic , and patriotic toasts Avere given , and most suitably responded to , and the evening v > 'as characterised by that love and harmony , so peculiarly appertaining to the Craft , and to this Lodge in particular . AVe cannot refrain from mentioning the manner in Avhich
the newly appointed Master closed the Lodge in the various degrees , and conducted the proceedings of the evening , which reflected not only great credit on himself , but AA'as also the theme of general admiration . The brethren Avere happy to congratulate brother Capt . Hubert Freme , of the 69 th Highlanders , on his safe , but temporary , return from the Crimea .
SOMERSETSHIRE . A ALE OF JEHOSHAPHAT , HIGHBRIDGB , CHAPTER ( NO . 367 ) . —The Grand Superintendent of the Province of Somerset , Colonel C . K . K . Tynte , having granted a dispensation to the Companions to meet and reopen their Chapter , a numerous meeting lately assembled at the Highbridge Inn , Huntspill . The Chapter AA'as honoured by the attendance of many Avorthy companions from Bristol . The ceremonies of instalment into the different chairs Avere admirably gone through by Comps .
Taylor , P . Z . ; Page , Z . ; and Evans , S . E . ; all of the Beaufort Lodge , Bristol . The following are the names of the officers for the ensuing year : —IT . Bridges , Z . ; J . B . Tlnvaites , H . ; C . IT . Gregory , J . ; B . T . Allen , E . ; AV . Harwood , N . ; AV . AValkley , P . S . ; H . Bridges , Treasurer .
YORKSHIRE . LODUE OT ? HOPE , BRADFORD ( NO . 379 ) . —AVe have been favoured Avith a summary of the proceedings of this Lodge for the last three months . On the 27 th Dec . last , 1854 , the AV . M . elect , Br . David Salmond , AA'as installed according to ancient custom . He then invested his officers in due form . After which the brethren adjourned to the Bowling Green Hotel , where they partook of a sumptuous repast provided by Br . John Lupton , the worthy host . The evening was spent in true
Masonic love and harmony , and Avas terminated to the pleasure and satisfaction of all . On the 1 st of January , a donation of ten guineas was A'oted from the funds of the Lodge for the Patriotic Fund ; also ten guineas for the relief of the suffering poor of Bradford , to be applied through the medium of the Committee of the " Bradford Soup-kitchen . " At a meeting on March the Sth , the AV . M . Br . David Salmond presiding , agreeably to announcement contained , in our monthly summons , Br . P . M . Henry Farrar delivered a Lecture , Avhich occupied an hour and a quarter , the subject
being , " What is Freemasonry , considered in its origin and history , its symbolical meaning , and its practical objects ? " A great number of the brethren of the Lodge were present , and among others who had came from a distance Avere Br . Charles Lee , R . AV . D . P . G . M ., ancl Br . Dixon , P . G . Treasurer of West Yorkshire ; also the AV . M . officers and many of the brethren from the Lodge of Harmony , 874 , Bradford . The Lecture contained a great amount of A'aluable and interesting information , and was received Avith a great demonstration of satisfaction from the brethren present . The Lecturer concluded by saying , " That having very feebly and imperfectly portrayed to you the divine origin of our ancient institution , coupled with an imperfect exposition of its symbolical and emblematical teachings , I solicit your attention for a few
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Provincial Lodges.
W . M ., and the Lodge being opened on the second degree , the AV . M . was duly and formally presented . Four brothers were passed by Br . AV . Brightwell , P . M . The Lodge was then opened iu the third degree , and a board of installed Masters being formed , the ceremony of installation Avas impressively performed by Br . Henry T . Wace , P . M . Tho AV . M . then proceeded to appoint the following brethren as his officers : —Brs . the Rev . — Bluck , S . AV . ; Robert Haycock , J . AV . ; Rev . — Elliott , Chaplain ; John Leech Rowland , Hon . Sec . ; J . C . Randal , S . D . ; AV . IT . Bayley ,
J . D . ; J . P . AVliite , H . A . Jones , Sen . Stewards ; S . Wood , for the third time , being unanimously re-elected Treasurer . The Lodge being closed in perfect harmony , the brethren , about 30 in number , proceeded to an elegant banquet . The vice chairs were efficiently filled by the S . AV . and J . W . The customary loyal . Masonic , and patriotic toasts Avere given , and most suitably responded to , and the evening v > 'as characterised by that love and harmony , so peculiarly appertaining to the Craft , and to this Lodge in particular . AVe cannot refrain from mentioning the manner in Avhich
the newly appointed Master closed the Lodge in the various degrees , and conducted the proceedings of the evening , which reflected not only great credit on himself , but AA'as also the theme of general admiration . The brethren Avere happy to congratulate brother Capt . Hubert Freme , of the 69 th Highlanders , on his safe , but temporary , return from the Crimea .
SOMERSETSHIRE . A ALE OF JEHOSHAPHAT , HIGHBRIDGB , CHAPTER ( NO . 367 ) . —The Grand Superintendent of the Province of Somerset , Colonel C . K . K . Tynte , having granted a dispensation to the Companions to meet and reopen their Chapter , a numerous meeting lately assembled at the Highbridge Inn , Huntspill . The Chapter AA'as honoured by the attendance of many Avorthy companions from Bristol . The ceremonies of instalment into the different chairs Avere admirably gone through by Comps .
Taylor , P . Z . ; Page , Z . ; and Evans , S . E . ; all of the Beaufort Lodge , Bristol . The following are the names of the officers for the ensuing year : —IT . Bridges , Z . ; J . B . Tlnvaites , H . ; C . IT . Gregory , J . ; B . T . Allen , E . ; AV . Harwood , N . ; AV . AValkley , P . S . ; H . Bridges , Treasurer .
YORKSHIRE . LODUE OT ? HOPE , BRADFORD ( NO . 379 ) . —AVe have been favoured Avith a summary of the proceedings of this Lodge for the last three months . On the 27 th Dec . last , 1854 , the AV . M . elect , Br . David Salmond , AA'as installed according to ancient custom . He then invested his officers in due form . After which the brethren adjourned to the Bowling Green Hotel , where they partook of a sumptuous repast provided by Br . John Lupton , the worthy host . The evening was spent in true
Masonic love and harmony , and Avas terminated to the pleasure and satisfaction of all . On the 1 st of January , a donation of ten guineas was A'oted from the funds of the Lodge for the Patriotic Fund ; also ten guineas for the relief of the suffering poor of Bradford , to be applied through the medium of the Committee of the " Bradford Soup-kitchen . " At a meeting on March the Sth , the AV . M . Br . David Salmond presiding , agreeably to announcement contained , in our monthly summons , Br . P . M . Henry Farrar delivered a Lecture , Avhich occupied an hour and a quarter , the subject
being , " What is Freemasonry , considered in its origin and history , its symbolical meaning , and its practical objects ? " A great number of the brethren of the Lodge were present , and among others who had came from a distance Avere Br . Charles Lee , R . AV . D . P . G . M ., ancl Br . Dixon , P . G . Treasurer of West Yorkshire ; also the AV . M . officers and many of the brethren from the Lodge of Harmony , 874 , Bradford . The Lecture contained a great amount of A'aluable and interesting information , and was received Avith a great demonstration of satisfaction from the brethren present . The Lecturer concluded by saying , " That having very feebly and imperfectly portrayed to you the divine origin of our ancient institution , coupled with an imperfect exposition of its symbolical and emblematical teachings , I solicit your attention for a few