Article MASONIC INTELLIGENCE. ← Page 18 of 18 Article PROVINCIAL LODGES. Page 1 of 11 →
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Masonic Intelligence.
qualified brother was afterwards exalted into the Royal Arch . The visitors present comprised Comps . Haywood , Spencer , HOAV , Cooper , and Bellinger . MOUNT SINAI CHAPTER ( N O . 49 ) . —The Companions of this Chapter held a convocation at Comp . Rackstraw ' s , Gun Tavern , Pimlico , on the 20 th of March , when Br . Binckes , S . AV ., of the Enoch Lodge , was duly exalted into tho Royal Arch by the M . E . Z . Comp . Andrew , Comp , Couchman , IT . ( iu the absence of Comp . Jos . Smith ) ,
and Comp . Cooper , J ., Comp . Mortimer officiating as P . S . After the Chapter was closed , the Comps ., about twenty-two , sat down So an excellent supper . The visitors present were Comps . Archer , P . Z . ( Chapter 25 ); Goring , P . Z . ( 25 ); Morbey ( 778 ) , and ITayAvood ( 778 ) . The members separated at an early hour , after spending a A'ery pleasant evening . JERUSALEM CHAPTER ( NO . 218 ) . —This Chapter met on Tuesday , March 13 , for the first time , at its ucw quarters , the Bridge House Hotel , Southwark , Comp .
NCAVsom , M . E . Z ., presiding . There being no other business before the Chapter , the Comps . proceeded to tho election of principals aud other officers for the ensuing year , AA'hen Comp . Scambler Avas elected Z . ; Comp . Thomson , H . ; Comp . Sheen , J . ; Comp . Manico , P . Z ., S . E . ; Comp . Levy , S . N . ; Comp . M'Culloch , P . S ., and Comp . Patten , P . Z . and P . C'r . S . B ., Treasurer . The Companions then retired to refreshment , and the remainder of the evening AA'as spent in the most harmonious manner . Among the visitors were three military Companions from tlio Union and Waterloo Chapter
( No . 13 ); Comp . Richardson ( No . . 12 ) , and Comp . Thursfield , formerly Companion of this Chapter . INSTRUCTION . JOPPA LODGE ( NO . 223 ) . —This admirable Lodge of Instruction lately removed to the Crooked Billet Tavern , King street , ToAver-hill , has just voted £ 3 Ss . Od ., to the Patriotic Fund .
UNITED PILGRIM LODGE ( NO . 745 ) . —This excellent Lodge of Instruction , ever ready to fulfil an act of charity , has come forward with £ 5 for the Patriotic Fund , and some few weeks back voted £ 5 5 i \ Od . to the F . M . AVidows Fund . The Lodge has not been established more than ten years , and during that time it has contributed £ 5 to the F . M . Annuity Fund , £ 10 10 * . Od . to the Boys Institution , and £ 15 5 s . to the Widows Fund , and IIOAV added £ 5 to the Patriotic Fund .
Provincial Lodges.
EATON LODGE , CONGLETON ( N O . 777 ) . —This Lodge held its quarterly meeting at the usual place , Golden Lion Inn , on the 7 th March After transacting the ordinary Lodge business , the bretliren adjourned to tho Bull ' s Head Hotel—of which Br . Ullivero has recently become the landlord—where an excellent dinner Avas served , to which a goodly company sat down , Br . G . C . Antrobus , W . M . of the Lodge , occupying the chair , supported by the Mayor of Congleton , Dr . Bealcs , and other gentlemen . The customary loyal and fraternal toasts were given , and responded to in true
Masonic style , and the evening was spent most agreeably . It was unanimously agreed that the Eaton Lodge should in future be held at the Bull ' s Head . DEVONSHIRE . ST . JOHN THE BAPTIST LODGE , PLYMOUTH ( NO . 83 ) - —Tlie regular monthly meeting of the aboA'e Lodge was held on Tuesday , the Gth of March . The minutes of the previous Lodge having been confirmed , and some private business transacteda
, brother was raised to the sublime degree of M . M . This beautiful and interesting ceremony being performed by Bi * . Pollard , P . M ., P . P . G . T ., the Lodge closed in harmony at 9 o ' clock . LODGE OF FORTITUDE , STONEHOUSE ( NO . 122 ) . —This Lodge held its monthly meeting on the 14 th of March , at the Prince George Hotel , when the W . M ., Br .
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Masonic Intelligence.
qualified brother was afterwards exalted into the Royal Arch . The visitors present comprised Comps . Haywood , Spencer , HOAV , Cooper , and Bellinger . MOUNT SINAI CHAPTER ( N O . 49 ) . —The Companions of this Chapter held a convocation at Comp . Rackstraw ' s , Gun Tavern , Pimlico , on the 20 th of March , when Br . Binckes , S . AV ., of the Enoch Lodge , was duly exalted into tho Royal Arch by the M . E . Z . Comp . Andrew , Comp , Couchman , IT . ( iu the absence of Comp . Jos . Smith ) ,
and Comp . Cooper , J ., Comp . Mortimer officiating as P . S . After the Chapter was closed , the Comps ., about twenty-two , sat down So an excellent supper . The visitors present were Comps . Archer , P . Z . ( Chapter 25 ); Goring , P . Z . ( 25 ); Morbey ( 778 ) , and ITayAvood ( 778 ) . The members separated at an early hour , after spending a A'ery pleasant evening . JERUSALEM CHAPTER ( NO . 218 ) . —This Chapter met on Tuesday , March 13 , for the first time , at its ucw quarters , the Bridge House Hotel , Southwark , Comp .
NCAVsom , M . E . Z ., presiding . There being no other business before the Chapter , the Comps . proceeded to tho election of principals aud other officers for the ensuing year , AA'hen Comp . Scambler Avas elected Z . ; Comp . Thomson , H . ; Comp . Sheen , J . ; Comp . Manico , P . Z ., S . E . ; Comp . Levy , S . N . ; Comp . M'Culloch , P . S ., and Comp . Patten , P . Z . and P . C'r . S . B ., Treasurer . The Companions then retired to refreshment , and the remainder of the evening AA'as spent in the most harmonious manner . Among the visitors were three military Companions from tlio Union and Waterloo Chapter
( No . 13 ); Comp . Richardson ( No . . 12 ) , and Comp . Thursfield , formerly Companion of this Chapter . INSTRUCTION . JOPPA LODGE ( NO . 223 ) . —This admirable Lodge of Instruction lately removed to the Crooked Billet Tavern , King street , ToAver-hill , has just voted £ 3 Ss . Od ., to the Patriotic Fund .
UNITED PILGRIM LODGE ( NO . 745 ) . —This excellent Lodge of Instruction , ever ready to fulfil an act of charity , has come forward with £ 5 for the Patriotic Fund , and some few weeks back voted £ 5 5 i \ Od . to the F . M . AVidows Fund . The Lodge has not been established more than ten years , and during that time it has contributed £ 5 to the F . M . Annuity Fund , £ 10 10 * . Od . to the Boys Institution , and £ 15 5 s . to the Widows Fund , and IIOAV added £ 5 to the Patriotic Fund .
Provincial Lodges.
EATON LODGE , CONGLETON ( N O . 777 ) . —This Lodge held its quarterly meeting at the usual place , Golden Lion Inn , on the 7 th March After transacting the ordinary Lodge business , the bretliren adjourned to tho Bull ' s Head Hotel—of which Br . Ullivero has recently become the landlord—where an excellent dinner Avas served , to which a goodly company sat down , Br . G . C . Antrobus , W . M . of the Lodge , occupying the chair , supported by the Mayor of Congleton , Dr . Bealcs , and other gentlemen . The customary loyal and fraternal toasts were given , and responded to in true
Masonic style , and the evening was spent most agreeably . It was unanimously agreed that the Eaton Lodge should in future be held at the Bull ' s Head . DEVONSHIRE . ST . JOHN THE BAPTIST LODGE , PLYMOUTH ( NO . 83 ) - —Tlie regular monthly meeting of the aboA'e Lodge was held on Tuesday , the Gth of March . The minutes of the previous Lodge having been confirmed , and some private business transacteda
, brother was raised to the sublime degree of M . M . This beautiful and interesting ceremony being performed by Bi * . Pollard , P . M ., P . P . G . T ., the Lodge closed in harmony at 9 o ' clock . LODGE OF FORTITUDE , STONEHOUSE ( NO . 122 ) . —This Lodge held its monthly meeting on the 14 th of March , at the Prince George Hotel , when the W . M ., Br .