Article MASONIC INTELLIGENCE. ← Page 11 of 18 →
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Masonic Intelligence.
OLD KING ' ARMS LODGE ( No . 30 ) . —This Lodge held its usual monthly meeting on Monday , Feb . 2 G , Avhen the brethren were much astonished ancl grieved to see a notice in the ante-room , signed by the W . M ., requesting all the brethren to appear with black rosettes on their aprons , in consequence of the sudden death of P . M . and Treas . Br . Scrivener , the father of the Lodge , which threw quite a damp over the proceedings of the evening . Tho W . M . took occasion in the latter part of the evening of alluding to the death of Br . Scrivener in a very feeling manner , and said he was sure
the Lodge would feel his loss for some time to come . Br . Barnes proposed a vote of condolence to the widow and family of their late lamented brother , which was unanimously agreed to . There AA'ere several visitors from other Lodges present , amongst whom " were a Br . who was initiated in this Lodge 24 voars ago , and who initiated the late Br . Scrivener into tho Order ; Br . Oilman , 8 ; Br . Powell , 109 ; Br . Freeman ; Br . Hutchings , & c , & c . Tho brethren separated at an early hour . Br . Filer , P . M ., has kindly consented to act- as steward at the approaching Festival of the Girls ' School , to which , on the motion of Br . Barnes , £ 10 10 s . has been voted from the funds
ot the Lodge . At the meeting of tho 2 Gf , h March , the W . M . initiated two candidates into the Order . Amongst the visitor were , Br . Dr . Rowe , P . G . D . ; Br . Bisgood , D . P . G . M ., for Kent ; and Br . George Pen-en , Avho delig hted the company the latter part of the evening , by his excellent singing . MOUNT MORIAH LOUGH , ( NO . 40 ) . —The usual monthly Meeting of this Lodge took place on Wednesday , Feb . 28 .- The business consisted of three Initiations and
one Raising . Two of the Initiations were performed in an admirable manner , by the W . M ., Br . Artus ; it is seldom Ave hear a foreigner perform the ceremony so well . Br . Oram , P . M ., then performed the other Initiation in his usual able manner . The W . M . then took the chair again , and Avent through tho ceremony of Raising in a wonderfully correct and impressive manner . Br . Peck proposed that a Jewel to the value of £ 5 5 s . be presented to the late W . M . from the funds of the Lodge , for the skill and ability he had evinced during his year of office in the chair , Avhich Avas carried
unanimously . The brethren then adjourned to partake of the festivities of the banquet table . There were several visitors , amongst them wore Br . E . Warwick , W . M ., 30 ; Br . Rowe , 183 ; Br . Balleral , 4 , & c . Br . Warwick returned thanks for the visitors , and said he was always delighted to visit his mother Lodge , ancl * vas glad to see it in such a flourishing state , remarking also that he Avas initiated in the Lodge he believed before any brother now a member of it ; he was glad to hear they supported the Charities by sending a steward to the Bovs School . The brethren then
separated after a very pleasant evening . STRONG MAN LODGE , ( NO . 53 ) . —This Lodge met on the 1 st ult ., at the Falcon Tavern , Fetter Lane ; . As the gentlemen proposed for initiation did not come up for the ceremonv , the labours of the brethren Avere comparatively lig ht . The Lodge having been closed in harmony , the brethren supped together under the able presidency of the W . M ., Br . Turner . GIHON LODGE ( NO 57 ) . —This respectable and numerous Lodge held its monthly
meeting at the Bridge House Hotel , on Thursday the 15 th March , Br . G . England W . M , presiding . Four brethren Avere initiated into the Order , tAvo brethren passed to the second , and two ( by blood as Avell as in Masonry ) raised to the third degree . Upwards of 40 of the bretliren afterwards dined together . ROYAL NAVAL LODGE ( NO . 70 ) , — . The monthly meeting of this Lodge was held at the Freemasons' Tavern , on Wednesday , March 14 , Avhen a gentleman was initiated into the Order two brethren raised to the second , and one to the third
degree . ST . MARY ' LODGE ( N O . I ' d ) . —The bretliren of this Lodge held their meeting at tlie Freemasons' Tavern , on Thursday , March 15 , when the W . M ., Br . Kelly , raised a brother to the sublime degree of a M . M ., in that able manner for Avhich this Lodge is so much distinguished . PYTHAGOREAN LODGE ( No . 03 ) . —At the monthly meeting of this Lodge at the Globe Tavern , Royal-hill , Greenivich , on the 20 th Feb , Br . Hedley Avas installed as W . M . for the ensuing year . Br . Adams Avas raised to the degree of a M . M ., and all
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic Intelligence.
OLD KING ' ARMS LODGE ( No . 30 ) . —This Lodge held its usual monthly meeting on Monday , Feb . 2 G , Avhen the brethren were much astonished ancl grieved to see a notice in the ante-room , signed by the W . M ., requesting all the brethren to appear with black rosettes on their aprons , in consequence of the sudden death of P . M . and Treas . Br . Scrivener , the father of the Lodge , which threw quite a damp over the proceedings of the evening . Tho W . M . took occasion in the latter part of the evening of alluding to the death of Br . Scrivener in a very feeling manner , and said he was sure
the Lodge would feel his loss for some time to come . Br . Barnes proposed a vote of condolence to the widow and family of their late lamented brother , which was unanimously agreed to . There AA'ere several visitors from other Lodges present , amongst whom " were a Br . who was initiated in this Lodge 24 voars ago , and who initiated the late Br . Scrivener into tho Order ; Br . Oilman , 8 ; Br . Powell , 109 ; Br . Freeman ; Br . Hutchings , & c , & c . Tho brethren separated at an early hour . Br . Filer , P . M ., has kindly consented to act- as steward at the approaching Festival of the Girls ' School , to which , on the motion of Br . Barnes , £ 10 10 s . has been voted from the funds
ot the Lodge . At the meeting of tho 2 Gf , h March , the W . M . initiated two candidates into the Order . Amongst the visitor were , Br . Dr . Rowe , P . G . D . ; Br . Bisgood , D . P . G . M ., for Kent ; and Br . George Pen-en , Avho delig hted the company the latter part of the evening , by his excellent singing . MOUNT MORIAH LOUGH , ( NO . 40 ) . —The usual monthly Meeting of this Lodge took place on Wednesday , Feb . 28 .- The business consisted of three Initiations and
one Raising . Two of the Initiations were performed in an admirable manner , by the W . M ., Br . Artus ; it is seldom Ave hear a foreigner perform the ceremony so well . Br . Oram , P . M ., then performed the other Initiation in his usual able manner . The W . M . then took the chair again , and Avent through tho ceremony of Raising in a wonderfully correct and impressive manner . Br . Peck proposed that a Jewel to the value of £ 5 5 s . be presented to the late W . M . from the funds of the Lodge , for the skill and ability he had evinced during his year of office in the chair , Avhich Avas carried
unanimously . The brethren then adjourned to partake of the festivities of the banquet table . There were several visitors , amongst them wore Br . E . Warwick , W . M ., 30 ; Br . Rowe , 183 ; Br . Balleral , 4 , & c . Br . Warwick returned thanks for the visitors , and said he was always delighted to visit his mother Lodge , ancl * vas glad to see it in such a flourishing state , remarking also that he Avas initiated in the Lodge he believed before any brother now a member of it ; he was glad to hear they supported the Charities by sending a steward to the Bovs School . The brethren then
separated after a very pleasant evening . STRONG MAN LODGE , ( NO . 53 ) . —This Lodge met on the 1 st ult ., at the Falcon Tavern , Fetter Lane ; . As the gentlemen proposed for initiation did not come up for the ceremonv , the labours of the brethren Avere comparatively lig ht . The Lodge having been closed in harmony , the brethren supped together under the able presidency of the W . M ., Br . Turner . GIHON LODGE ( NO 57 ) . —This respectable and numerous Lodge held its monthly
meeting at the Bridge House Hotel , on Thursday the 15 th March , Br . G . England W . M , presiding . Four brethren Avere initiated into the Order , tAvo brethren passed to the second , and two ( by blood as Avell as in Masonry ) raised to the third degree . Upwards of 40 of the bretliren afterwards dined together . ROYAL NAVAL LODGE ( NO . 70 ) , — . The monthly meeting of this Lodge was held at the Freemasons' Tavern , on Wednesday , March 14 , Avhen a gentleman was initiated into the Order two brethren raised to the second , and one to the third
degree . ST . MARY ' LODGE ( N O . I ' d ) . —The bretliren of this Lodge held their meeting at tlie Freemasons' Tavern , on Thursday , March 15 , when the W . M ., Br . Kelly , raised a brother to the sublime degree of a M . M ., in that able manner for Avhich this Lodge is so much distinguished . PYTHAGOREAN LODGE ( No . 03 ) . —At the monthly meeting of this Lodge at the Globe Tavern , Royal-hill , Greenivich , on the 20 th Feb , Br . Hedley Avas installed as W . M . for the ensuing year . Br . Adams Avas raised to the degree of a M . M ., and all