Article PROVINCIAL LODGES. ← Page 5 of 11 →
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Provincial Lodges.
elect , Br . Captain Bowyer , then took place , Br . Blake fulfilling the duties in an impressive and admirable manner . On the conclusion of the ceremony , the AV . M , addressed the brethren , and besought their indulgence and support during his year of office . The W . M . then appointed the following brethren to be his officers for the year , aud invested them Avith the various insignia of office : —Senior AVarden , Br . AV . J . Birch ; Junior AVarden , Br . Hayward ; Senior Deacon , Br . Clement Cottrell Dormer ;
Junior ditto , Br . J . Cooke ; Treasurer , Br . Bryden ; Secretary , Br . J . B . Looker ; Director of Ceremonies , Br . Rusher ; Organist , Br . Cakutt ; Inner Guard , Br . Margetts ; Tyler , Br . Moss . About six o ' clock the bretliren proceeded in due form and order to the banquet room , where a sumptuous entertainment awaited them . The dinner was succeeded by an elegant dessert , and the wines supplied on the occasion Avere of a superior character , and such as met with general- approbation . The W . M . presided , and Avas
supported by Br . R . J . S piers , P . G . S . B . ; Br . Rev , A . Blake , the late AV . M . of the Cherwell Lodge ; Br . Beech , P . M . of the Apollo University Lodge ; Brs . AA . Thompson and J . AVyatt , Past Masters of the Alfred City Lodge ; Br . T . Joy , AV . M . of the Churchill Lodge ; Br . AV . W . Harrison , of Brasenose College , Senior Warden of the Apollo Lodge ; Brs . Birch , C . C . Dormer ; Atkinson , St . Edmund Hall ; Bond , Trinity College ; Stother , Magdalen Hall ; Codrington , Brasenose College ; Joseph Prior , of Woodstock ; B . AV . Aplin , Rowell , Bryden ; Foot , Deptford ; Cook , Scroggs , Kirby , Gardiner , Rusher , Havers , Perry , Birch , jun . ; Margetts , Coleman , G . Bruce , Lampitt , Faulkner , Joseph Plowman . & c , & c .
On the removal of the cloth , tho AV . M . proposed " The Gheen and the Craft ""The Grand Master of England , the Earl of Zetland . " In proposing " The health of the Deputy Grand Master of England , the Earl of Yarborough , and the other Grand Officers , " the AV . M . begged to couple with the toast the name of Br . Spiers , Past Grand Swordbearer , who , he remarked , Avas not only a most skilful and zealous Mason , but might be regarded as the great promoter and benefactor of Masonry in this province—( Loud cheers ) .
Br . Spiers responded to the toast , and observed that the most gratifying circumstance which had occurred in this province , and , lie might add , in the Grand Lodge , was the welcoming among the Grand Officers the distinguished brother , Capt . Bowyer , who so ably presided over the Cherwell Lodge , at the present moment . Although the announcement had not been officially made , yet Br . Bowyer AA-as at that time Pro . G . M . of Oxfordshire ; for four days ago , he ( Br . Spiers ) saw his patent signed by the Grand Master , the Deputy G . M ., and the Grand Secretary , and it only waited
some formal proceeding to constitute him de facto Prov . G . M . of this province—( Much cheering ) . The compliment paid to that brother was enhanced by the fact that the appointment had been made at the earliest possible moment—( Cheers ) . Although this province had not been accustomed to haA'e Grand Officers , it now possessed two very energetic ones in Br . Bowyer and Br . Moore , He ( Br . Spiers ) had had great pleasure in being present at the consecration and foundation of the Cherwell Lodge , and the success Avhich had attended itand the important position
, Avhich it had attained in four years , were the best proofs that they had laid their lines carefully , and acted wisely in selecting Banbury as the site for a new Masonic Lodge . They had been fortunate in having such good Masters to preside OA'er them , and such efficient officers to carry on the Avork ; but , as in the case of all young Lodges , there was much to be learned , he hoped that the brethren of Banbury AA'ould embrace every opportunity of visiting the Lodges at Oxford , where they would meet with a cordial reception , and gain instruction AA'hich AA'ould be very useful to them ; for not only as
Masons , but as citizens in the same county , it was desirable that they should know more of each other , and meet more frequently —( Cheers ) . Br . Blake proposed "The health of the AV . M . and P . G . M . of Oxfordshire , Br . Bowyer , " and said that he felt how unequal he was to express their feelings and his own towards that distinguished brother , but he knew IIOAV much he was beloved and respected by every one present ; his unwearied and continued kindness to every member of the Lodge , and the unexcelled way in Avhich lie carried into public and
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Provincial Lodges.
elect , Br . Captain Bowyer , then took place , Br . Blake fulfilling the duties in an impressive and admirable manner . On the conclusion of the ceremony , the AV . M , addressed the brethren , and besought their indulgence and support during his year of office . The W . M . then appointed the following brethren to be his officers for the year , aud invested them Avith the various insignia of office : —Senior AVarden , Br . AV . J . Birch ; Junior AVarden , Br . Hayward ; Senior Deacon , Br . Clement Cottrell Dormer ;
Junior ditto , Br . J . Cooke ; Treasurer , Br . Bryden ; Secretary , Br . J . B . Looker ; Director of Ceremonies , Br . Rusher ; Organist , Br . Cakutt ; Inner Guard , Br . Margetts ; Tyler , Br . Moss . About six o ' clock the bretliren proceeded in due form and order to the banquet room , where a sumptuous entertainment awaited them . The dinner was succeeded by an elegant dessert , and the wines supplied on the occasion Avere of a superior character , and such as met with general- approbation . The W . M . presided , and Avas
supported by Br . R . J . S piers , P . G . S . B . ; Br . Rev , A . Blake , the late AV . M . of the Cherwell Lodge ; Br . Beech , P . M . of the Apollo University Lodge ; Brs . AA . Thompson and J . AVyatt , Past Masters of the Alfred City Lodge ; Br . T . Joy , AV . M . of the Churchill Lodge ; Br . AV . W . Harrison , of Brasenose College , Senior Warden of the Apollo Lodge ; Brs . Birch , C . C . Dormer ; Atkinson , St . Edmund Hall ; Bond , Trinity College ; Stother , Magdalen Hall ; Codrington , Brasenose College ; Joseph Prior , of Woodstock ; B . AV . Aplin , Rowell , Bryden ; Foot , Deptford ; Cook , Scroggs , Kirby , Gardiner , Rusher , Havers , Perry , Birch , jun . ; Margetts , Coleman , G . Bruce , Lampitt , Faulkner , Joseph Plowman . & c , & c .
On the removal of the cloth , tho AV . M . proposed " The Gheen and the Craft ""The Grand Master of England , the Earl of Zetland . " In proposing " The health of the Deputy Grand Master of England , the Earl of Yarborough , and the other Grand Officers , " the AV . M . begged to couple with the toast the name of Br . Spiers , Past Grand Swordbearer , who , he remarked , Avas not only a most skilful and zealous Mason , but might be regarded as the great promoter and benefactor of Masonry in this province—( Loud cheers ) .
Br . Spiers responded to the toast , and observed that the most gratifying circumstance which had occurred in this province , and , lie might add , in the Grand Lodge , was the welcoming among the Grand Officers the distinguished brother , Capt . Bowyer , who so ably presided over the Cherwell Lodge , at the present moment . Although the announcement had not been officially made , yet Br . Bowyer AA-as at that time Pro . G . M . of Oxfordshire ; for four days ago , he ( Br . Spiers ) saw his patent signed by the Grand Master , the Deputy G . M ., and the Grand Secretary , and it only waited
some formal proceeding to constitute him de facto Prov . G . M . of this province—( Much cheering ) . The compliment paid to that brother was enhanced by the fact that the appointment had been made at the earliest possible moment—( Cheers ) . Although this province had not been accustomed to haA'e Grand Officers , it now possessed two very energetic ones in Br . Bowyer and Br . Moore , He ( Br . Spiers ) had had great pleasure in being present at the consecration and foundation of the Cherwell Lodge , and the success Avhich had attended itand the important position
, Avhich it had attained in four years , were the best proofs that they had laid their lines carefully , and acted wisely in selecting Banbury as the site for a new Masonic Lodge . They had been fortunate in having such good Masters to preside OA'er them , and such efficient officers to carry on the Avork ; but , as in the case of all young Lodges , there was much to be learned , he hoped that the brethren of Banbury AA'ould embrace every opportunity of visiting the Lodges at Oxford , where they would meet with a cordial reception , and gain instruction AA'hich AA'ould be very useful to them ; for not only as
Masons , but as citizens in the same county , it was desirable that they should know more of each other , and meet more frequently —( Cheers ) . Br . Blake proposed "The health of the AV . M . and P . G . M . of Oxfordshire , Br . Bowyer , " and said that he felt how unequal he was to express their feelings and his own towards that distinguished brother , but he knew IIOAV much he was beloved and respected by every one present ; his unwearied and continued kindness to every member of the Lodge , and the unexcelled way in Avhich lie carried into public and