Article MASONIC INTELLIGENCE. ← Page 16 of 18 →
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Masonic Intelligence.
brethren adjourned to the banquet , which was favoured by the presence of several visitors , amongst whom Ave noticed Br . Shephard , who has just returned from the Crimea , and who has been at the battles of Balaklava , Inkerman , and Alma . He returned thanks for the visitors . The Lodge also had the pleasure of the company of the immediate P . M ., -Br . Alfred Tilt , for the first time since his indisposition . The AV . M . proposed the health of Br . A . Tilt , which was responded to in a manner which must have convinced the visitors how much he is respected . The regular routine
toasts having been proposed and responded to , the brethren adjourned until the second Tuesday in April , when , Ave have been given to understand , a great multiplicity of business is to be performed . ST . ANDREWS LODGE ( No . 281 ) . —Br . Dyke , W . M ., presided over the monthly meeting of this Lodge , at the Freemason ' s Tavern , on the 1 st of March , and passed one brother to the second , and two others to the third degree . Nearly thirty of the brethren afterwards supped together .
PRINCE OF WALES' LODGE ( NO . 324 ) . —This distinguished Lodge , which enjoyed the especial patronage of George IV ., the Dnke of York , and AA iiliam IV ., held its meeting at the Thatched-house Tavern , on Tuesday , Feb . 27 th . The W . M ., who , on the former meeting was re-elected for the ensuing year , not being able to attend , the Past Master installed and invested the officers .
BANK OF ENGLAND LODGE ( No . 329 ) —The members of this Lodge met on Thursday , the Sth ult ., at Radley ' s Hotel , Bridge-street , for the dispatch of Masonic business , Br . Charles Stronghill , AV . M . Br . Addison was raised to the third degree . The brethren then retired to refreshment , and concluded the evening with true Masonic good feeling . Br . Thomas Bohn , P . M ., 201 , was the only visitor . The furniture of this Lodge , and the elegant adornments of the banquet table , have been presented by various P . M . ' s of the Lodge , and are Avorthy of admiration .
ZETLAND LODGE ( NO . 752 . )—This Lodge , resumed its meetings after the recess , at Br . Cooper ' s , Adam and Eve Tavern , Kensington , on Wednesday , March 14 , when a very handsome P . M . jewel was presented , in the name of the Lodge , to Br . Barfield , by the W . M ., Br . Schofield , Avith a very flattering and well deserved compliment for the manner in which he had filled the chair during his year of office . Br . Copas was appointed S . D ., vice Br . Jordan resigned , after which the brethren adjourned to an excellent banquet , provided by the hostBr . Cooperin his usual good style
, , . Among the . visitors were Br . Fever , from Jersey , and Br . Shepherd , from Scotland . POLISH NATIONAL LODGE , ( NO . 778 ) . —At the monthly meeting of this Lodge , of which Br . Ritterbrandt is the W . M ., on the Sth of March , a brother was raised to the second degree . There appears to be a long arrear of business on hand in this Lodge , in consequence of brethren not coming up to be advanced to their respective degrees . A Lodge of emergency was also held on the 22 nd , for the purpose of initiating a candidate about to proceed abroad .
AVELLINGTON LODGE ( N O . 805 ) . —At the meeting of this Lodge , at the Railway Tavern , Lewisham , on the 13 th March , it was resolved to remove it to the Roebuck , as more convenient for the members , A Lodge of Emergency was held at the new place of meeting , on the 26 th , when three candidates were initiated into the Order by the W . M ., Br . Ireland , in his usual excellent style ,
THE ROYAL ARCH . _ ST . JAMES ' CHAPTER ( No . 2 ) . —This rapidly progressing Chapter held a convocahon at the Freemasons' Tavern , on March 1 st , when Comp . Wm . Stuart , jun ., wag duly installed as principal Z . ; Comp . AVm . Stuart , jun ., H . ; and Comp . — Renderson , J . The Comps . afterwards retired to refreshment and the proieedings of the evening Avere enliA'ened by the excellent singing of Comp . Lawler . BRITISH CHAPTER ( NO . 8 ) . —This Chapter met at the Freemasons' Tavern
, on Friday , 2 nd February . Comp . Wm . Watson , P . Z . 25 , in his usual efficient manner installed Comp . Stohwasser into the Second Chair , and Comp . Massey Dawson , into the Third . After which Comp . Herbert Lloyd , Z ., invested the remainder of the officers , and exalted Br . Maxwell of No . 8 , into the Sublime Degree of the Royal Arch . The Companions then adjourned to partake of a splendid banquet . In proposing the health of the G . Z . of the Order , the M . E . Z . said that although he had not had the
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Masonic Intelligence.
brethren adjourned to the banquet , which was favoured by the presence of several visitors , amongst whom Ave noticed Br . Shephard , who has just returned from the Crimea , and who has been at the battles of Balaklava , Inkerman , and Alma . He returned thanks for the visitors . The Lodge also had the pleasure of the company of the immediate P . M ., -Br . Alfred Tilt , for the first time since his indisposition . The AV . M . proposed the health of Br . A . Tilt , which was responded to in a manner which must have convinced the visitors how much he is respected . The regular routine
toasts having been proposed and responded to , the brethren adjourned until the second Tuesday in April , when , Ave have been given to understand , a great multiplicity of business is to be performed . ST . ANDREWS LODGE ( No . 281 ) . —Br . Dyke , W . M ., presided over the monthly meeting of this Lodge , at the Freemason ' s Tavern , on the 1 st of March , and passed one brother to the second , and two others to the third degree . Nearly thirty of the brethren afterwards supped together .
PRINCE OF WALES' LODGE ( NO . 324 ) . —This distinguished Lodge , which enjoyed the especial patronage of George IV ., the Dnke of York , and AA iiliam IV ., held its meeting at the Thatched-house Tavern , on Tuesday , Feb . 27 th . The W . M ., who , on the former meeting was re-elected for the ensuing year , not being able to attend , the Past Master installed and invested the officers .
BANK OF ENGLAND LODGE ( No . 329 ) —The members of this Lodge met on Thursday , the Sth ult ., at Radley ' s Hotel , Bridge-street , for the dispatch of Masonic business , Br . Charles Stronghill , AV . M . Br . Addison was raised to the third degree . The brethren then retired to refreshment , and concluded the evening with true Masonic good feeling . Br . Thomas Bohn , P . M ., 201 , was the only visitor . The furniture of this Lodge , and the elegant adornments of the banquet table , have been presented by various P . M . ' s of the Lodge , and are Avorthy of admiration .
ZETLAND LODGE ( NO . 752 . )—This Lodge , resumed its meetings after the recess , at Br . Cooper ' s , Adam and Eve Tavern , Kensington , on Wednesday , March 14 , when a very handsome P . M . jewel was presented , in the name of the Lodge , to Br . Barfield , by the W . M ., Br . Schofield , Avith a very flattering and well deserved compliment for the manner in which he had filled the chair during his year of office . Br . Copas was appointed S . D ., vice Br . Jordan resigned , after which the brethren adjourned to an excellent banquet , provided by the hostBr . Cooperin his usual good style
, , . Among the . visitors were Br . Fever , from Jersey , and Br . Shepherd , from Scotland . POLISH NATIONAL LODGE , ( NO . 778 ) . —At the monthly meeting of this Lodge , of which Br . Ritterbrandt is the W . M ., on the Sth of March , a brother was raised to the second degree . There appears to be a long arrear of business on hand in this Lodge , in consequence of brethren not coming up to be advanced to their respective degrees . A Lodge of emergency was also held on the 22 nd , for the purpose of initiating a candidate about to proceed abroad .
AVELLINGTON LODGE ( N O . 805 ) . —At the meeting of this Lodge , at the Railway Tavern , Lewisham , on the 13 th March , it was resolved to remove it to the Roebuck , as more convenient for the members , A Lodge of Emergency was held at the new place of meeting , on the 26 th , when three candidates were initiated into the Order by the W . M ., Br . Ireland , in his usual excellent style ,
THE ROYAL ARCH . _ ST . JAMES ' CHAPTER ( No . 2 ) . —This rapidly progressing Chapter held a convocahon at the Freemasons' Tavern , on March 1 st , when Comp . Wm . Stuart , jun ., wag duly installed as principal Z . ; Comp . AVm . Stuart , jun ., H . ; and Comp . — Renderson , J . The Comps . afterwards retired to refreshment and the proieedings of the evening Avere enliA'ened by the excellent singing of Comp . Lawler . BRITISH CHAPTER ( NO . 8 ) . —This Chapter met at the Freemasons' Tavern
, on Friday , 2 nd February . Comp . Wm . Watson , P . Z . 25 , in his usual efficient manner installed Comp . Stohwasser into the Second Chair , and Comp . Massey Dawson , into the Third . After which Comp . Herbert Lloyd , Z ., invested the remainder of the officers , and exalted Br . Maxwell of No . 8 , into the Sublime Degree of the Royal Arch . The Companions then adjourned to partake of a splendid banquet . In proposing the health of the G . Z . of the Order , the M . E . Z . said that although he had not had the