Article PROVINCIAL LODGES. ← Page 9 of 11 →
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Provincial Lodges.
moments only , to their practical or personal objects . I beg sincerely to thank you for the kind attention AA'hich you have given me , and in conclusion to solicit your earnest study and meditation of the Principles of our Order ; that , by such means , you may add an intellectual buttress , pinnacle , or cape-stone , to our beautiful moral superstructure . Those AA'ho haA'e the mil ! can always find the opportunity to add their mite to the treasury of Masonic knowledge , for it is in the power of all to give such direction to our Masonic labours as may dignify our profession—invest it with
enduring interest—to make it the depository of the arts and sciences , and the bright exemplar of moral power and union throughout the civil sed world ; so that it may be our boast , that during the revolutions of sixty centuries , amid the fall of mighty empires and tlie destroying hand of time , it still survives , shedding , though diminished , a halo of light over its votaries , and promising to prolong its benign influence , until all the nations of the earth shall unite as one people in praise ancl thanksgiving to their Creator—Avhen distinctive unions of men shall be no longer
required , but from the Heavens again shall be sung the Angelic Anthem , ' Glory to God in the Highest—on earth , peace and good Avill towards men . ' Think not , brethren , for one moment , that you are disqualified to be useful labourers in the Masonic vineyard . All have talents , more or less , and there is ample work for their employment ; duties to perform , onerous aud extensive , and scope for their full exercise ; be it then your task to soften aspirities , to promote the adjustment of differences , and to strengthen and otherwise develope our union , by promoting the
study of the sacred Law , and the benign principles of our Order , by prudence , fortitude , temperance , and justice , but above all , chanty . Thus to sooth the afflicted , and aid the distressed , to sympathise with them in the hour of trial , aud to join in tempered congratulations in their prosperity ; to give to the fraternity the hand of brotherhood , the foot-of support ; to bend the knee in supplication for their welfare ; to offer the breast of fidelity , and to afford them defence aud protection when absent , so that we , as an Order and as a Lodge , may exemplify that divine saying , 'Anew
commandment I give unto you , that ye love one another : as I have loved you—that ye also love one another . ' ' So mote it be . '" At the conclusion of the Lecture , Br , Chas- Lee , R . AV . D . P . G . M ., proposed a vote of thanks for Br . Farrar , the Lecturer , seconded by Br . Dixon , P . G . Treasurer , supported in a A'ery able manner by the Rev . Br . II . D . L . AVillis , chaplain of the Lodge , and unanimously carried . LODGE OF ST . GERMAN , SELHY ( NO . 827 ) . —The annual meeting of the brethren of this Lodge was held at Selby on the 2 nd of March , Avhen Br . John Fothergill
wasinstalled AV . M . for the ensuing year , and appointed his officers as follows : —AVhitehead , S . W . ; Pearson , J . AA . ; Wright and Richardson , Stewards ; Cutting , S . D . ; Tinkinson , J . D . ; Romans , Trea . ; Marshall , Sec . ; AVerry , F . G . ; and Hardisly , Tyler . After the ceremony of installation , which Avas performed by Br . Dr . Bell , of Hull , the brethren adjourned for refreshment , and partook of an excellent dinner at the George Hotel , after AA'hich a pleasant and joyous evening Avas spent . The number present Avas about 30 ; several of the brethren being Past Masters of
thisvery flourishing Lodge . PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE . —A ProA'incial Grand Lodge for AVest Yorkshire AA'as held at the Old Cock Inn , Halifax , on the 3 rd of January ( though the proceedings only reached us on the 24 th March ) , Avhen there Avere present the AA . Charles Lee , D . P . G . Master ; AV . Bentley ShaAV , P . S . G . AA ., 342 ; W . Richard Carter , P . P . S . G . AV ., 73 ; AV . James Peace ( P . P . J . G . AV . ) , as P . J . G . AV ., 342 ; AV . Josh . Senior , L-L . D . ( P . P . J . G . AV . ) , P . G . C ., 727 ; AV . Rev . J . G . Fardell , M . A ., P . P . G . C ,
298 ; AV . Rev . A . AVoodford , M . A ., P . P . G . C . for Durham , 382 ; AV . AA m . Dixon , P . G . Treasurer , 529 ; AV . J . A . Unna , P . G . R ., 379 and 874 ; W . James Hargreaves , P . G . Secretarv , 384 ; AA . Thomas Dewhirst , P . S . G . D ., 379 ; AV . John Lee ( P . P . G . R . ) as P . J . G . D ., 382 ; W . Wm . Smith , P . G . D . C , 365 ; AV . AVm . Smith , P . G . S . B ., 73 ; AV . AV . W . AViddopp , P . P . G . S . B ., 342 and 422 ; AV . Solomon Clayton , P . G . O ., 379 ; AV . J . 0 . Gill , P . G . Pursuivant , 251 ; Brs . Josiah Thomas , P . G . S ., 365 ; R . R . Nelson , P . G . S ., 251 and 384 ; John Becket , P . G . Tyler , 727 ; and a large number of Masters , Past Masters , officers , and brethren from other Loctees . The business of
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Provincial Lodges.
moments only , to their practical or personal objects . I beg sincerely to thank you for the kind attention AA'hich you have given me , and in conclusion to solicit your earnest study and meditation of the Principles of our Order ; that , by such means , you may add an intellectual buttress , pinnacle , or cape-stone , to our beautiful moral superstructure . Those AA'ho haA'e the mil ! can always find the opportunity to add their mite to the treasury of Masonic knowledge , for it is in the power of all to give such direction to our Masonic labours as may dignify our profession—invest it with
enduring interest—to make it the depository of the arts and sciences , and the bright exemplar of moral power and union throughout the civil sed world ; so that it may be our boast , that during the revolutions of sixty centuries , amid the fall of mighty empires and tlie destroying hand of time , it still survives , shedding , though diminished , a halo of light over its votaries , and promising to prolong its benign influence , until all the nations of the earth shall unite as one people in praise ancl thanksgiving to their Creator—Avhen distinctive unions of men shall be no longer
required , but from the Heavens again shall be sung the Angelic Anthem , ' Glory to God in the Highest—on earth , peace and good Avill towards men . ' Think not , brethren , for one moment , that you are disqualified to be useful labourers in the Masonic vineyard . All have talents , more or less , and there is ample work for their employment ; duties to perform , onerous aud extensive , and scope for their full exercise ; be it then your task to soften aspirities , to promote the adjustment of differences , and to strengthen and otherwise develope our union , by promoting the
study of the sacred Law , and the benign principles of our Order , by prudence , fortitude , temperance , and justice , but above all , chanty . Thus to sooth the afflicted , and aid the distressed , to sympathise with them in the hour of trial , aud to join in tempered congratulations in their prosperity ; to give to the fraternity the hand of brotherhood , the foot-of support ; to bend the knee in supplication for their welfare ; to offer the breast of fidelity , and to afford them defence aud protection when absent , so that we , as an Order and as a Lodge , may exemplify that divine saying , 'Anew
commandment I give unto you , that ye love one another : as I have loved you—that ye also love one another . ' ' So mote it be . '" At the conclusion of the Lecture , Br , Chas- Lee , R . AV . D . P . G . M ., proposed a vote of thanks for Br . Farrar , the Lecturer , seconded by Br . Dixon , P . G . Treasurer , supported in a A'ery able manner by the Rev . Br . II . D . L . AVillis , chaplain of the Lodge , and unanimously carried . LODGE OF ST . GERMAN , SELHY ( NO . 827 ) . —The annual meeting of the brethren of this Lodge was held at Selby on the 2 nd of March , Avhen Br . John Fothergill
wasinstalled AV . M . for the ensuing year , and appointed his officers as follows : —AVhitehead , S . W . ; Pearson , J . AA . ; Wright and Richardson , Stewards ; Cutting , S . D . ; Tinkinson , J . D . ; Romans , Trea . ; Marshall , Sec . ; AVerry , F . G . ; and Hardisly , Tyler . After the ceremony of installation , which Avas performed by Br . Dr . Bell , of Hull , the brethren adjourned for refreshment , and partook of an excellent dinner at the George Hotel , after AA'hich a pleasant and joyous evening Avas spent . The number present Avas about 30 ; several of the brethren being Past Masters of
thisvery flourishing Lodge . PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE . —A ProA'incial Grand Lodge for AVest Yorkshire AA'as held at the Old Cock Inn , Halifax , on the 3 rd of January ( though the proceedings only reached us on the 24 th March ) , Avhen there Avere present the AA . Charles Lee , D . P . G . Master ; AV . Bentley ShaAV , P . S . G . AA ., 342 ; W . Richard Carter , P . P . S . G . AV ., 73 ; AV . James Peace ( P . P . J . G . AV . ) , as P . J . G . AV ., 342 ; AV . Josh . Senior , L-L . D . ( P . P . J . G . AV . ) , P . G . C ., 727 ; AV . Rev . J . G . Fardell , M . A ., P . P . G . C ,
298 ; AV . Rev . A . AVoodford , M . A ., P . P . G . C . for Durham , 382 ; AV . AA m . Dixon , P . G . Treasurer , 529 ; AV . J . A . Unna , P . G . R ., 379 and 874 ; W . James Hargreaves , P . G . Secretarv , 384 ; AA . Thomas Dewhirst , P . S . G . D ., 379 ; AV . John Lee ( P . P . G . R . ) as P . J . G . D ., 382 ; W . Wm . Smith , P . G . D . C , 365 ; AV . AVm . Smith , P . G . S . B ., 73 ; AV . AV . W . AViddopp , P . P . G . S . B ., 342 and 422 ; AV . Solomon Clayton , P . G . O ., 379 ; AV . J . 0 . Gill , P . G . Pursuivant , 251 ; Brs . Josiah Thomas , P . G . S ., 365 ; R . R . Nelson , P . G . S ., 251 and 384 ; John Becket , P . G . Tyler , 727 ; and a large number of Masters , Past Masters , officers , and brethren from other Loctees . The business of