Article PROVINCIAL LODGES. ← Page 4 of 11 →
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Provincial Lodges.
limited , but a spirit of harmony and order among the select few compensated , in some degree , for the absence of several Companions . A Convocation of Emergency of Adam ' s Chapter was held on the 5 th of March , for the exaltation of a brother about to leave England for the Baltic . The Companions assembled at 7 p . m ., and the ceremony Avas conducted by E .. C . Keddell , P . Z ., and E . C . Townsend , H . as P S . After the exaltation , the Companions partook of a banquet prepared by Br . Green , of the Crown , and separated after a very
cheerful CA-ening . The Lodge again met on Tuesday , the Gth of March , and three brethren were raised to the S . D . of M . M . by the W . M ., Br . AVhifctall , in a manner suitable for the solemnity of that important degree . Three brethren were also passed to the degree of F . C ., and Lieut . J . B . Parkins , R . A ., was initiated into Masonry . The Avhole of the ceremonies were performed with a due regard to order and decornm , so as to impress the recip ients of the various degrees with exalted notions of the excellency
and dignity of Freemasonry . At tlie banquet the AV . M ., on behalf of the brethren , presented the Secretary of the Lodge , Br . Isaac ToAvnsend , P . M ., Avith a handsome silver Avatch , as a testimonial of their esteem and regard for his long and valuable services to the Lodge . The W . M . dilated very pleasingly on the claims of the worthy and excellent brother to the gratitude and respect of the Lodge , not only for his faithful services as Secretary , but for the zeal and energy manifested by him as a Past Master , which had resulted in
bringing the Lodge into its present state of prosperrity , Indeed , the services rendered by Br . ToAvnsend , in keeping alive the sacred flame of Freemasonry Avhen adversity and clouds threatened to overwhelm in its ruin , could not he too highly appreciated ; and we are sure that the brethren of No . 184 , as Avell as the brethren of the province of Kent , entertain a due sense of the value of such a Mason as Br . Townsend , sen . Br . AV . F . Keddell , the son of Br . J . S . Keddell , P . S . G . AV . for Kent , took his farewell of the brethren , he being about to proceed to the Crimea for the medical department at Eupatoria . Though a young Mason , he will be a valuable accession to the Craft who may be there already , and the brethren took their leave of him Avith every fraternal wish for his . health and success .
LANCASHIRE , EAST DIVISION . CHAPTER OF HOPE , ROCHDALE ( NO . 62 ) . —This excellent Chapter held , its annual convocation on the Sth inst ., at the Spread Eagle Inn , at G o ' clock , p . m . The Chapter having been opened in due form , the minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed , and the following Companions re-elected officers for 1855 : —Com . John Lord , Z . ; AV . Roberts , H ., P . Z . ; J . L . Holland , J . ; T . Reed , S . E . ; G . Hulme , N . ;
P . P . Baker , P . S . ; S . Stott , Treasurer ; E . Clegg , Secretary ; and R . Nield , Janitor . The bye-laAvs having been revised by the principals , Avere presented and read by AV . Roberts , H ., and , with slight amendments , passed . At the conclusion of the business of the Chapter the Companions sat doAvii to refreshment , and after spending a couple of hours in perfect harmony , retired at half-past nine o ' clock , well pleased with the evening's transactions . KEYSTONE LODGE , FACIT ( NO- 469 ) . —The Monthly meeting of this Lodge was
held at the Bay Horse Inn , on Wednesday , the 7 th inst ., at 7 o ' clock , p . m ., the W . M . Br . Shackleton presiding . The business of the evening consisted of appointing a Treasurer in the place of Br . James Butterworth , resigned . At the conclusion of the Masonic business the Lodge Avas closed in due form , and the brethren adjourned to refreshment , and spent a very pleasant evening .
OXFORDSHIRE . CHER - WELL LODGE , BANISURY ( NO . 873 ) . —The anniA'ersary festival of the Cherwell Lodge Avas held at the Red Lion Hotel , Banbury , on the 2 Gth of February , AA'hen a large number of the brethren attended . The Lodge Avas opened at three o ' clock , when the retiring AVorshipful Master , Br . Rev . Vernon Blake , presided . Br . Calcutfc was passed , and two candidates , Br . Faulkner , solicitor , of Deddington , and Br . Lampitt , engineer , of Banbury , were initiated . The ceremony of installing the AV . M .,
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Provincial Lodges.
limited , but a spirit of harmony and order among the select few compensated , in some degree , for the absence of several Companions . A Convocation of Emergency of Adam ' s Chapter was held on the 5 th of March , for the exaltation of a brother about to leave England for the Baltic . The Companions assembled at 7 p . m ., and the ceremony Avas conducted by E .. C . Keddell , P . Z ., and E . C . Townsend , H . as P S . After the exaltation , the Companions partook of a banquet prepared by Br . Green , of the Crown , and separated after a very
cheerful CA-ening . The Lodge again met on Tuesday , the Gth of March , and three brethren were raised to the S . D . of M . M . by the W . M ., Br . AVhifctall , in a manner suitable for the solemnity of that important degree . Three brethren were also passed to the degree of F . C ., and Lieut . J . B . Parkins , R . A ., was initiated into Masonry . The Avhole of the ceremonies were performed with a due regard to order and decornm , so as to impress the recip ients of the various degrees with exalted notions of the excellency
and dignity of Freemasonry . At tlie banquet the AV . M ., on behalf of the brethren , presented the Secretary of the Lodge , Br . Isaac ToAvnsend , P . M ., Avith a handsome silver Avatch , as a testimonial of their esteem and regard for his long and valuable services to the Lodge . The W . M . dilated very pleasingly on the claims of the worthy and excellent brother to the gratitude and respect of the Lodge , not only for his faithful services as Secretary , but for the zeal and energy manifested by him as a Past Master , which had resulted in
bringing the Lodge into its present state of prosperrity , Indeed , the services rendered by Br . ToAvnsend , in keeping alive the sacred flame of Freemasonry Avhen adversity and clouds threatened to overwhelm in its ruin , could not he too highly appreciated ; and we are sure that the brethren of No . 184 , as Avell as the brethren of the province of Kent , entertain a due sense of the value of such a Mason as Br . Townsend , sen . Br . AV . F . Keddell , the son of Br . J . S . Keddell , P . S . G . AV . for Kent , took his farewell of the brethren , he being about to proceed to the Crimea for the medical department at Eupatoria . Though a young Mason , he will be a valuable accession to the Craft who may be there already , and the brethren took their leave of him Avith every fraternal wish for his . health and success .
LANCASHIRE , EAST DIVISION . CHAPTER OF HOPE , ROCHDALE ( NO . 62 ) . —This excellent Chapter held , its annual convocation on the Sth inst ., at the Spread Eagle Inn , at G o ' clock , p . m . The Chapter having been opened in due form , the minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed , and the following Companions re-elected officers for 1855 : —Com . John Lord , Z . ; AV . Roberts , H ., P . Z . ; J . L . Holland , J . ; T . Reed , S . E . ; G . Hulme , N . ;
P . P . Baker , P . S . ; S . Stott , Treasurer ; E . Clegg , Secretary ; and R . Nield , Janitor . The bye-laAvs having been revised by the principals , Avere presented and read by AV . Roberts , H ., and , with slight amendments , passed . At the conclusion of the business of the Chapter the Companions sat doAvii to refreshment , and after spending a couple of hours in perfect harmony , retired at half-past nine o ' clock , well pleased with the evening's transactions . KEYSTONE LODGE , FACIT ( NO- 469 ) . —The Monthly meeting of this Lodge was
held at the Bay Horse Inn , on Wednesday , the 7 th inst ., at 7 o ' clock , p . m ., the W . M . Br . Shackleton presiding . The business of the evening consisted of appointing a Treasurer in the place of Br . James Butterworth , resigned . At the conclusion of the Masonic business the Lodge Avas closed in due form , and the brethren adjourned to refreshment , and spent a very pleasant evening .
OXFORDSHIRE . CHER - WELL LODGE , BANISURY ( NO . 873 ) . —The anniA'ersary festival of the Cherwell Lodge Avas held at the Red Lion Hotel , Banbury , on the 2 Gth of February , AA'hen a large number of the brethren attended . The Lodge Avas opened at three o ' clock , when the retiring AVorshipful Master , Br . Rev . Vernon Blake , presided . Br . Calcutfc was passed , and two candidates , Br . Faulkner , solicitor , of Deddington , and Br . Lampitt , engineer , of Banbury , were initiated . The ceremony of installing the AV . M .,