Article MASONIC INTELLIGENCE. ← Page 7 of 18 →
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Masonic Intelligence.
honour he had done him by coupling his name with so excellent a toast . He delighted ! at all times jn witnessing the prosperity of the Masonic Charities , and it Avas highly gratifying to him to notice the progress making by the Boys School , ancl he sincerely hoped , that ere long , to see the boys gathered under one roof receiving the advantages which the Girls now derived from one general superintendence . He Avas sure that ncx person could visit the Girls School without being delighted with all the arrangements , and here he particularly wished to impress upon the ladies that it was peculiarly
their province to watch over , and guard that School —( cheers ) . He could not conclude without reminding them that the festival of the Girls School would take place in that room on the 16 th of May , Avhen he trusted that the brethren would rally round them and show their appreciation of its value , by a numerous attendance —( cheers ) . The children in that School Avere of a class that any brother might be proud to call his own daughters , and their health and acquirements Avere most strictly attended to—( cheers ) . He thought it AA'as somewhat extraordinary , that looking at the severe
Avinter they had gone through , there had not been a child who had a cough or cold—( cheers ) . He presumed he Avas indebted for being now called upon to address them , to the kindness . of his Br . Cox , whose many kindnesses he could never forget , and he assured the R . W . D . G . M ., Br . Cox , and the rest of the brethren , that he felt deeply grateful for the compliment which had been paid to him , and through him to the Masonic Charities —( cheers ) . The D . G . M . then proposed the Committee of Management , Avhich was acknowledged by Br . John Hervey , G . S . D ., who assured the company that the committee were deeply sensible of the obligations they OAved to the brethren for their attendance . Br . A . U . Thisleton , then read the lists of subscriptions to the names of the different Stewards , as nearly as Ave could collect as follows : —
Br . The Rev . John Edmund Cox , Grand Chaplain , Lodge of Unity , 82 , President .. 42 0 0 „ Walter Prideaux , J . W ., Lodge of Friendship 6 , Viec-Pres .. 39 18 0 „ William H . Absolon , P . M ., Mount Moriali Lodge .. 40 , Treasurer . 51 9 0 „ Joseph Henry Dart , Grand Master ' s Lodge 1 50 8 0 „ Henry Morgan Vane , S . D . Lodge of Antionity 2 4 2 0 „ John Collier Shackleton , P . M . 340 , and J . W ., ' Lodge of Fidelity 3 77 14 0 „ Charles Locock Webb , W . M . Royal Somerset House & Inverness Lodge 4 36 5 0 „ Richard Havers , St . George and Corner Stone Lodge 5 49 4 0
„ Henry BccherJPigott , J . W . British Lodge S ' 14 14 0 „ James Burton , W . M . Albion Lodge ... " 9 1111 0 „ John Scott , Enoch Lodge 11 27 9 6 ,. Henry Browse , P . M . Old Dundee Lodge IS 2 D 8 0 „ David Samuels , P . M . 264 , and Lodge of Emulation 21 24 0 0 „ M . P . Humphrey , W . M . Globe Lodge 23 8 8 0 „ William Croft , S . D . Old King's Arms Lodge 30 13 13 0 Thomas HatchingsSt . Alban ' s Lodge 32 15 15 0
„ , „ William Smith , W . M . Lodge of Felicity 66 10 10 0 „ Lewis Solomons , AV . M . Lodge of Regularity 108 14 14 0 „ G . H . Baskcomh , Middlesex Lodge IS 7 21 0 O „ Capt . Thomas Malkin , W . M . Cactogau Lodge 18 S 84 0 a „ John Webber , W . M . Phoenix Lodge 202 17 17 0 „ William Simpson , P . M ., Jerusalem Lodge 233 32 11 0 ,. Joseph D . Rigby , Prince of Wales'Lodge 324 21 0 0 „ William Barter , Apollo "University Lodge 460 16 16 0
„ Horatio Semon Samuel Polish National Lodge 778 24 3 0 „ Thomas Campbell Eyton , J . G . W . North Wales and Shropshire , and St . John ' s Lodge 875 44 0 0 „ Benjamin Banks , Beadon Lodge 902 10 10 0
Amongst tho subscriptions Ave noticed , Her MajestA ' , £ 10 10 s . ; the M . W . G . M ., £ 10 10 * . ; the R . W . D . G . M , £ 10 10 * . ; Br . B . Bond Cabbell , Treasurer , £ 10 10 s . ; Br . Rov . J . E . Cox . G . Chaplain , £ 5 5 * .: Mrs . Cox , £ 5 5 s . ; the Masonic Mirror , £ 2 2 s ., & c , & c . The R . W . D . G . M . said that though it Avas late in the evening , he Avas sure they AVOUUI be glad of the opportunity of showing their respect for the Stewards of the day , by drinking their health , for it was owing to their exertions they were indebted for so pleasant ancl orderly a meeting . Br . the [ Rev . J . E . Cox , as chairman of the Board of Stewards , acknowledged the compliment , and assured hi Lordship , that the Stewards felt themselves deeply indebted to him for the readin ess AA'ith which he had undertaken to occupy the chair upon that occasion . The Stewa rds
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Masonic Intelligence.
honour he had done him by coupling his name with so excellent a toast . He delighted ! at all times jn witnessing the prosperity of the Masonic Charities , and it Avas highly gratifying to him to notice the progress making by the Boys School , ancl he sincerely hoped , that ere long , to see the boys gathered under one roof receiving the advantages which the Girls now derived from one general superintendence . He Avas sure that ncx person could visit the Girls School without being delighted with all the arrangements , and here he particularly wished to impress upon the ladies that it was peculiarly
their province to watch over , and guard that School —( cheers ) . He could not conclude without reminding them that the festival of the Girls School would take place in that room on the 16 th of May , Avhen he trusted that the brethren would rally round them and show their appreciation of its value , by a numerous attendance —( cheers ) . The children in that School Avere of a class that any brother might be proud to call his own daughters , and their health and acquirements Avere most strictly attended to—( cheers ) . He thought it AA'as somewhat extraordinary , that looking at the severe
Avinter they had gone through , there had not been a child who had a cough or cold—( cheers ) . He presumed he Avas indebted for being now called upon to address them , to the kindness . of his Br . Cox , whose many kindnesses he could never forget , and he assured the R . W . D . G . M ., Br . Cox , and the rest of the brethren , that he felt deeply grateful for the compliment which had been paid to him , and through him to the Masonic Charities —( cheers ) . The D . G . M . then proposed the Committee of Management , Avhich was acknowledged by Br . John Hervey , G . S . D ., who assured the company that the committee were deeply sensible of the obligations they OAved to the brethren for their attendance . Br . A . U . Thisleton , then read the lists of subscriptions to the names of the different Stewards , as nearly as Ave could collect as follows : —
Br . The Rev . John Edmund Cox , Grand Chaplain , Lodge of Unity , 82 , President .. 42 0 0 „ Walter Prideaux , J . W ., Lodge of Friendship 6 , Viec-Pres .. 39 18 0 „ William H . Absolon , P . M ., Mount Moriali Lodge .. 40 , Treasurer . 51 9 0 „ Joseph Henry Dart , Grand Master ' s Lodge 1 50 8 0 „ Henry Morgan Vane , S . D . Lodge of Antionity 2 4 2 0 „ John Collier Shackleton , P . M . 340 , and J . W ., ' Lodge of Fidelity 3 77 14 0 „ Charles Locock Webb , W . M . Royal Somerset House & Inverness Lodge 4 36 5 0 „ Richard Havers , St . George and Corner Stone Lodge 5 49 4 0
„ Henry BccherJPigott , J . W . British Lodge S ' 14 14 0 „ James Burton , W . M . Albion Lodge ... " 9 1111 0 „ John Scott , Enoch Lodge 11 27 9 6 ,. Henry Browse , P . M . Old Dundee Lodge IS 2 D 8 0 „ David Samuels , P . M . 264 , and Lodge of Emulation 21 24 0 0 „ M . P . Humphrey , W . M . Globe Lodge 23 8 8 0 „ William Croft , S . D . Old King's Arms Lodge 30 13 13 0 Thomas HatchingsSt . Alban ' s Lodge 32 15 15 0
„ , „ William Smith , W . M . Lodge of Felicity 66 10 10 0 „ Lewis Solomons , AV . M . Lodge of Regularity 108 14 14 0 „ G . H . Baskcomh , Middlesex Lodge IS 7 21 0 O „ Capt . Thomas Malkin , W . M . Cactogau Lodge 18 S 84 0 a „ John Webber , W . M . Phoenix Lodge 202 17 17 0 „ William Simpson , P . M ., Jerusalem Lodge 233 32 11 0 ,. Joseph D . Rigby , Prince of Wales'Lodge 324 21 0 0 „ William Barter , Apollo "University Lodge 460 16 16 0
„ Horatio Semon Samuel Polish National Lodge 778 24 3 0 „ Thomas Campbell Eyton , J . G . W . North Wales and Shropshire , and St . John ' s Lodge 875 44 0 0 „ Benjamin Banks , Beadon Lodge 902 10 10 0
Amongst tho subscriptions Ave noticed , Her MajestA ' , £ 10 10 s . ; the M . W . G . M ., £ 10 10 * . ; the R . W . D . G . M , £ 10 10 * . ; Br . B . Bond Cabbell , Treasurer , £ 10 10 s . ; Br . Rov . J . E . Cox . G . Chaplain , £ 5 5 * .: Mrs . Cox , £ 5 5 s . ; the Masonic Mirror , £ 2 2 s ., & c , & c . The R . W . D . G . M . said that though it Avas late in the evening , he Avas sure they AVOUUI be glad of the opportunity of showing their respect for the Stewards of the day , by drinking their health , for it was owing to their exertions they were indebted for so pleasant ancl orderly a meeting . Br . the [ Rev . J . E . Cox , as chairman of the Board of Stewards , acknowledged the compliment , and assured hi Lordship , that the Stewards felt themselves deeply indebted to him for the readin ess AA'ith which he had undertaken to occupy the chair upon that occasion . The Stewa rds