Article PROVINCIAL LODGES. ← Page 7 of 11 →
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Provincial Lodges.
He alluded to the appointment of Capt . Bowyer as Prov . G . M ., and said that it Avould have been impossible for one to have been made more in accordance with the wishes and feelings of the whole province , and assured that brother , that in Oxford it was hailed Avith such satisfaction and delight , that he might depend vpon every assistance and support which it was possible for the brethren of the Oxford Lodges to give him on every occasion —( Loud cheers ) . The W . M . proposed " The healths of the Past Masters , officers , and brethren , of the
Apollo Lodge , " which , as a working Lodge , Avas inferior to none in England . He coupled with tho toast the name of Past Master Beech , and complimented him on the admirable manner in which he fulfilled the duties of the chair for two years—( Cheers ) . Br . Beech responded to the toast , and remarked that he Avas present at the foundation and consecration of the Cherwell Lodge , when among those who took part in the ceremony was that estimable brother , their late Prov . G . M ., Br . Ridley , whose many
virtues and truly Masonic character were cherished in affectionate remembrance throughout the province , and their esteemed brother , Br . Burstall , who was now located in a far distand land , but whose dearest recollections of England were associated with Freemasonry —( Cheers ) . Although these were some of the changes which had occurred since that memorable occasion , he rejoiced to find that no change had come over the Lodge , but that it continued in the same uninterrupted career of prosperity , that it still flourished , and it could not fail to do so under such auspices—( Cheers ) . It Avas with sincere pleasure that he and his brethren of tho Apollo Lodge heard of the appointment of Br . Bowyer as Prov . G . M ., for he was no less esteemed , and no less cordially welcomed , in Oxford than lie Avas at Banbury , where he Avas
more immediately connected —( Cheers ) . Before sitting down , Br . Beech proposed " Prosperity to the Cherwell Lodge . " The AV . M . proposed ' * The health of the Master , officers , and brethren of the Churchill Lodge , " associating with the toast the name of the present AV . M ., Br . T . Joy . Br . Joy returned thanks , and said he had reason to be proud of his Lodge , which Avas making great progress , and where any visiting brother Avould see some excellent
working , and receive a cordial and hospitable welcome . The AV . M . proposed "The healths of the officers of the Cherwell Lodge , " ancl expressed his regret that the late Senior AA arden , Br . B . AV . Aplin , had declined to take the Master ' s chair , AA'hich had been offered him , and for which he Avas so eminently qualified . Br . Birch , S . AA " ., acknowledged the toast , and remarked , that Masonry should be a pattern to all mankind , on account of the sound moral principle which it inculcated .
In conclusion , he expressed a hope that all who had taken office would fulfil the duties devolving on them , and that Masonry might not only gain strength among themselves , but that its sentiments and principles might spread all over the Avorld—( Much cheering ) . Br . Aplin briefly explained that his only reason for declining the chair at present was , that his engagements would preclude him from fulfilling the duties in the way lie Avished or Avas due to the Lodge ; but if at some future time he should feel himself more at liberty , he Avould not shrink from the responsibility . The AV . M . then gave the parting toast , "To all poor and distressed Masons ;" after Avhich tea and coffee Avere served , and the brethren separated .
SHROPSHIRE . SALOPIAN LODGE , SHREWSBURY ( NO . 328 ) . —This Lodge held its monthly meeting on Monday the 12 th of March , at the Raven and Bell Hotel . The Lodge wa s opened in due form at 4 o ' clock . The minutes of the former Lodge AA'ere read and confirmed . The brethren had the painful duty to proceed to the election of a Master to preside over them , in consequence of the demise of the late lamented and esteemed Br . Benjamin Churchill , the AV . M . elect for the ensuing year , being summoned from this sublunary abode , to the Grand Lodge above , the very day on which the ceremony for his installation Avas fixed . Br . the Rev . G . C . Guise being unanimously elected
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Provincial Lodges.
He alluded to the appointment of Capt . Bowyer as Prov . G . M ., and said that it Avould have been impossible for one to have been made more in accordance with the wishes and feelings of the whole province , and assured that brother , that in Oxford it was hailed Avith such satisfaction and delight , that he might depend vpon every assistance and support which it was possible for the brethren of the Oxford Lodges to give him on every occasion —( Loud cheers ) . The W . M . proposed " The healths of the Past Masters , officers , and brethren , of the
Apollo Lodge , " which , as a working Lodge , Avas inferior to none in England . He coupled with tho toast the name of Past Master Beech , and complimented him on the admirable manner in which he fulfilled the duties of the chair for two years—( Cheers ) . Br . Beech responded to the toast , and remarked that he Avas present at the foundation and consecration of the Cherwell Lodge , when among those who took part in the ceremony was that estimable brother , their late Prov . G . M ., Br . Ridley , whose many
virtues and truly Masonic character were cherished in affectionate remembrance throughout the province , and their esteemed brother , Br . Burstall , who was now located in a far distand land , but whose dearest recollections of England were associated with Freemasonry —( Cheers ) . Although these were some of the changes which had occurred since that memorable occasion , he rejoiced to find that no change had come over the Lodge , but that it continued in the same uninterrupted career of prosperity , that it still flourished , and it could not fail to do so under such auspices—( Cheers ) . It Avas with sincere pleasure that he and his brethren of tho Apollo Lodge heard of the appointment of Br . Bowyer as Prov . G . M ., for he was no less esteemed , and no less cordially welcomed , in Oxford than lie Avas at Banbury , where he Avas
more immediately connected —( Cheers ) . Before sitting down , Br . Beech proposed " Prosperity to the Cherwell Lodge . " The AV . M . proposed ' * The health of the Master , officers , and brethren of the Churchill Lodge , " associating with the toast the name of the present AV . M ., Br . T . Joy . Br . Joy returned thanks , and said he had reason to be proud of his Lodge , which Avas making great progress , and where any visiting brother Avould see some excellent
working , and receive a cordial and hospitable welcome . The AV . M . proposed "The healths of the officers of the Cherwell Lodge , " ancl expressed his regret that the late Senior AA arden , Br . B . AV . Aplin , had declined to take the Master ' s chair , AA'hich had been offered him , and for which he Avas so eminently qualified . Br . Birch , S . AA " ., acknowledged the toast , and remarked , that Masonry should be a pattern to all mankind , on account of the sound moral principle which it inculcated .
In conclusion , he expressed a hope that all who had taken office would fulfil the duties devolving on them , and that Masonry might not only gain strength among themselves , but that its sentiments and principles might spread all over the Avorld—( Much cheering ) . Br . Aplin briefly explained that his only reason for declining the chair at present was , that his engagements would preclude him from fulfilling the duties in the way lie Avished or Avas due to the Lodge ; but if at some future time he should feel himself more at liberty , he Avould not shrink from the responsibility . The AV . M . then gave the parting toast , "To all poor and distressed Masons ;" after Avhich tea and coffee Avere served , and the brethren separated .
SHROPSHIRE . SALOPIAN LODGE , SHREWSBURY ( NO . 328 ) . —This Lodge held its monthly meeting on Monday the 12 th of March , at the Raven and Bell Hotel . The Lodge wa s opened in due form at 4 o ' clock . The minutes of the former Lodge AA'ere read and confirmed . The brethren had the painful duty to proceed to the election of a Master to preside over them , in consequence of the demise of the late lamented and esteemed Br . Benjamin Churchill , the AV . M . elect for the ensuing year , being summoned from this sublunary abode , to the Grand Lodge above , the very day on which the ceremony for his installation Avas fixed . Br . the Rev . G . C . Guise being unanimously elected