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Ar _ . OI _ . T _ . II __ . TS . Wednesday , April 27 . 7 i .-GE AND FESTIVAL . ; Tiuirsdwj , 2 S / A . —Lodges , Septune ( 22 ) , liadley ' s Hotel ; Grenadiers ( 70 ) , Freemasons' Tarern ; Shakspere ( llli ) , Albion Tavern . .. Aa / . to ' . ' . ' . —St . Alban ' 3 ( 32 ) , London Ooli ' ec House ; Domatic ( 206 ) , l- ' alc-on Tavern ; Friendship ( 213 ) , Ship . and Turtle ; 1 ' olisli ( 773 ) , Freemasons' Tavern . General Committee Girls . School .
Friday , 29 /// . —House Committee Do } -. School . Monday , May 2 nd . —Lodges , I-ohcrt Burns ( 23 ) , . Freeinasons' Tavern ; Hoyal Jubilee ( S ~ >) , Anderlou ' s Hold : SI . John ' s ( 107 ) , liadley ' s Hotel ; St . Luke ' s ( 103 ) . Commercial Hall , Ciielsea ; Joppa ( 223 ) , Albion Tavern ; Unions ( 31 S ) , Freemasons' Tavern . Tuesday , 3 / -. I . —Lodges , Albion (()) , Freemasons' Tavern ; Old Dundee ( iri ) , London Tavern 3 Temple ( 118 ) , Ship and Turtle ; St . John ' s ( 19 ( 1 ) , Holly Bush , Hampstead : Uld Concord ( 201 ) , Freemasons' Tavern ; Fuphrntes ( 257 ) , White Hart , Bishopsgate Street ; Stability ( 201 ) , Green Dragon , Bishopsgate Street ; . La Tolerance ( 7 S 1 ) , Freemasons' Tavern , ilarlt . —Florence Nightingale , Freemasons' 'tavern , Woolwich , at 0 .
ircduesday , _ ....-01 _ AKD CHAFFEE , at 8 . Lodges , IV ' cstniinsicr and Keystone ( 10 ) , Freemasons'Taveru ; Florence . Nightingale ( IC 03 ) , Freemasons'Tavern , Woolwich . Thursday , alh . —Lodges , Egyptian ( 20 ., George and Blue Boar ; Strong Man ( oi ) , Falcon Tavern , Fetter Lane ; Linn and Lamb ( 227 ) , Bridge House Hotel ; Ionic ( 275 ) , Ship ami Turtle ; St . Andrew ' s ( 2 S 1 ) , Freemasons' Tavern ; Yarborough ( S 12 ) , George Tavern , Commercial Bead Fast ; Crystal Palace ( 1011 ) , Crystal Falaee . C / .: o / .. ; -. —St . James ' s ( 2 ) , Freemasons' Tavern , Enctinipnieul . —Ilot ' . nt Canuel , London Tavern . Friday , Qlh . —Chapters— -Fidelity ( 3 ) , London Tavern ; llritish ( S ) , Freemasons' Tavern . Saturday , tlh—Lodge , London ( T 2 _) , Freemason-. ; ' Tavern , Committee Bovs School , at I .
[ The appointments of Lodges of Instruction nppi-ar iu the last nmn ' jer ot ' cacli month . ] l . or . iL YORK LOI _<; E oi' P / OKSiiVJiitAXCB ( Ni ) . 7 . )—This long-established Lodgo closed its season on 'Wednesday , April ' 20 th , at Freemasons' Tavern . Pro . Jenkins , AV . M ., was prevented attending by imiiorlant business , lint tho chair was ably filled by Bro . I . J . ovinson , P . M ., wlio raised Pro . AVtilkci- to tlie third degree . There being no other business , tho brethren adjourned to banquet early , llro . Collins , thtt hnmcdiiitu P . M ., pve .-iiling . There wove some visitors , amongst wlimn wo iioiicccIPro . I- ' . Pii _ ckt . s , . P . M . No . 11 ; and Pro . llonry Garrodof tho same
, , Lodge , as also Pro . Stone , P . Prov . O . l ) .. Kssex . Pro . Hopwood , P . M . and J . G . D ., ou proposing the health of Pro . Collins , said his presence revived their pleasing VCOT-Ieetion of . the . last year , when he ( tiled the en-air with so great satisfaction to the Lodge , Pro . Collins , in responding , said it afforded him . much pleasure to attend as the representative ot their AV . M . Pro . Jenkins , lie remarked , was but a young Mason , and had worked very hard to attain the high position he held . Ho regretted that lie had been unable to attend the Lodge to witness the working of their AV . M ., of which he liad heard such good report , 'le referred to tho
unanimity and good feeling that existed in the Lodge , ancl devoutly wished all tho world had the hearts of thcltoyal A ' ork Masons , who at till times took a charitable view of the intentions of others . For h ' unseli he could say , that . should lie live twenty-live or thirty years longer , it would give him pleasure to again work through all thc offices , from I . G . upwards , and concluded by expressing his thanks for the kindness exhibited to him on that and all other occasions . Pro . Collins next proposed "Tlie Charities , " and in connexion with it , Pro . Adiard , who had undertaken to represent the Lodge at the Girls . School festivalmid their visitor
, , Pro . Pinches . The latter brother said , the cause with which his name had been associated ivas so glorious in itself ) that ho would not complain of its not being left lo one of their own members , quite as energetic as himself in the cause oi thc charities—he meant Pro . Adiard . That worthy brother had been chosen as secretary to the ' stewards at the approaching festival for the Girls School , and hence it would have been more proper for hint to have responded to the toast , but with his innate modesty ho had transferred it to his ( Pro . Pinches , ) hands , Pro ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Ar _ . OI _ . T _ . II __ . TS . Wednesday , April 27 . 7 i .-GE AND FESTIVAL . ; Tiuirsdwj , 2 S / A . —Lodges , Septune ( 22 ) , liadley ' s Hotel ; Grenadiers ( 70 ) , Freemasons' Tarern ; Shakspere ( llli ) , Albion Tavern . .. Aa / . to ' . ' . ' . —St . Alban ' 3 ( 32 ) , London Ooli ' ec House ; Domatic ( 206 ) , l- ' alc-on Tavern ; Friendship ( 213 ) , Ship . and Turtle ; 1 ' olisli ( 773 ) , Freemasons' Tavern . General Committee Girls . School .
Friday , 29 /// . —House Committee Do } -. School . Monday , May 2 nd . —Lodges , I-ohcrt Burns ( 23 ) , . Freeinasons' Tavern ; Hoyal Jubilee ( S ~ >) , Anderlou ' s Hold : SI . John ' s ( 107 ) , liadley ' s Hotel ; St . Luke ' s ( 103 ) . Commercial Hall , Ciielsea ; Joppa ( 223 ) , Albion Tavern ; Unions ( 31 S ) , Freemasons' Tavern . Tuesday , 3 / -. I . —Lodges , Albion (()) , Freemasons' Tavern ; Old Dundee ( iri ) , London Tavern 3 Temple ( 118 ) , Ship and Turtle ; St . John ' s ( 19 ( 1 ) , Holly Bush , Hampstead : Uld Concord ( 201 ) , Freemasons' Tavern ; Fuphrntes ( 257 ) , White Hart , Bishopsgate Street ; Stability ( 201 ) , Green Dragon , Bishopsgate Street ; . La Tolerance ( 7 S 1 ) , Freemasons' Tavern , ilarlt . —Florence Nightingale , Freemasons' 'tavern , Woolwich , at 0 .
ircduesday , _ ....-01 _ AKD CHAFFEE , at 8 . Lodges , IV ' cstniinsicr and Keystone ( 10 ) , Freemasons'Taveru ; Florence . Nightingale ( IC 03 ) , Freemasons'Tavern , Woolwich . Thursday , alh . —Lodges , Egyptian ( 20 ., George and Blue Boar ; Strong Man ( oi ) , Falcon Tavern , Fetter Lane ; Linn and Lamb ( 227 ) , Bridge House Hotel ; Ionic ( 275 ) , Ship ami Turtle ; St . Andrew ' s ( 2 S 1 ) , Freemasons' Tavern ; Yarborough ( S 12 ) , George Tavern , Commercial Bead Fast ; Crystal Palace ( 1011 ) , Crystal Falaee . C / .: o / .. ; -. —St . James ' s ( 2 ) , Freemasons' Tavern , Enctinipnieul . —Ilot ' . nt Canuel , London Tavern . Friday , Qlh . —Chapters— -Fidelity ( 3 ) , London Tavern ; llritish ( S ) , Freemasons' Tavern . Saturday , tlh—Lodge , London ( T 2 _) , Freemason-. ; ' Tavern , Committee Bovs School , at I .
[ The appointments of Lodges of Instruction nppi-ar iu the last nmn ' jer ot ' cacli month . ] l . or . iL YORK LOI _<; E oi' P / OKSiiVJiitAXCB ( Ni ) . 7 . )—This long-established Lodgo closed its season on 'Wednesday , April ' 20 th , at Freemasons' Tavern . Pro . Jenkins , AV . M ., was prevented attending by imiiorlant business , lint tho chair was ably filled by Bro . I . J . ovinson , P . M ., wlio raised Pro . AVtilkci- to tlie third degree . There being no other business , tho brethren adjourned to banquet early , llro . Collins , thtt hnmcdiiitu P . M ., pve .-iiling . There wove some visitors , amongst wlimn wo iioiicccIPro . I- ' . Pii _ ckt . s , . P . M . No . 11 ; and Pro . llonry Garrodof tho same
, , Lodge , as also Pro . Stone , P . Prov . O . l ) .. Kssex . Pro . Hopwood , P . M . and J . G . D ., ou proposing the health of Pro . Collins , said his presence revived their pleasing VCOT-Ieetion of . the . last year , when he ( tiled the en-air with so great satisfaction to the Lodge , Pro . Collins , in responding , said it afforded him . much pleasure to attend as the representative ot their AV . M . Pro . Jenkins , lie remarked , was but a young Mason , and had worked very hard to attain the high position he held . Ho regretted that lie had been unable to attend the Lodge to witness the working of their AV . M ., of which he liad heard such good report , 'le referred to tho
unanimity and good feeling that existed in the Lodge , ancl devoutly wished all tho world had the hearts of thcltoyal A ' ork Masons , who at till times took a charitable view of the intentions of others . For h ' unseli he could say , that . should lie live twenty-live or thirty years longer , it would give him pleasure to again work through all thc offices , from I . G . upwards , and concluded by expressing his thanks for the kindness exhibited to him on that and all other occasions . Pro . Collins next proposed "Tlie Charities , " and in connexion with it , Pro . Adiard , who had undertaken to represent the Lodge at the Girls . School festivalmid their visitor
, , Pro . Pinches . The latter brother said , the cause with which his name had been associated ivas so glorious in itself ) that ho would not complain of its not being left lo one of their own members , quite as energetic as himself in the cause oi thc charities—he meant Pro . Adiard . That worthy brother had been chosen as secretary to the ' stewards at the approaching festival for the Girls School , and hence it would have been more proper for hint to have responded to the toast , but with his innate modesty ho had transferred it to his ( Pro . Pinches , ) hands , Pro ,