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The Week.
readiness to depart for tho south . The Austrian minister at Copenhagen , Count l __ aroly , who onlyreturned toA'iennaa few days ago on leave of absence , has been sent on a sudden and special mission to St . Petersburg . The object entrusted to this diplomatist isfco secure , by a binding treaty , the neutrality of Russia in caseof war . ¦ From Piedmont we learn that the legislature has motupropria conferred dictatorial powers upon King A'ictor Emmanuel . Threatening movements of the Austrian army , on the frontiers of Piedmonthave taken place . Tho Austrian authorities
, had directed the managers of the Lombard railway to suspend the usual trains on Thursday , the 22 nd inst . All the locomotives have been ordered back for the transport of soldiers . Troops are expected on the road from Milan to the Ticino . On Thursday , a council of the Sardinian ministers was held under the presidency of the king . [ A letter from Turin says , " AVar seems altogether inevitable to every man iu Italy , and I have heard of nothing but volunteers hastening to Piedmont . Eight hundred are gone from the little duchy of Massa-Carrara alone .
Amongst the Lombard volunteers were two or three Hungarian deserters , who stated that a rumour was spread amongst their brethren in Lombardy that Kossuth is now at Turin , so that the greatest ferment reigns amongst those troops . A letter from Berlin says , the Archduke Albrecht of Austria is still there , ancl his mission has been attended with tlie most complete success . He has signed a military convention with Prussia , by which the latter engages to send to the Rhine an army of 280 , 000 men , under the personal command of the Prince Regent , if the
present negotiations for maintaining peace should fail . The contingent of Bavaria ( 69 , 000 ) , and thc eighth federal army corps ( AA'urtemberg , Baden , and Hesse-Darmstadt , together 60 , 000 men ) , with tho other contingents , will receive orders to hold themselves in readiness to march . A Belgian paper states that the Emperor of Austria and the Prince Regent of Prussia will shortly have an interview at Teschen , on the frontiers of Bohemia and Saxouy . TTfce Prussian Gazette of Thursday says , that the assembling of the congress is becoming more and more doubtful , aud that thefetate of affairs having assumed a most serious aspect , induces the Prussian
government to think that it is a proper time to make proposals to the Federal Diet for the purpose of taking general measures for its own interest and safety . Govern , ment has preceded these j . roposals by ordering three corps d ' armee ( 70 , 000 men ) to be placed on a war footing . The King of Bavaria left Munich on the 16 th fcr Darmstadt , to attend , as it is alleged , a meeting of several monarclis of South German states . Tho Wurtcmhergischcr StaulMinzeitjei ; ol Sunday , publishes ait extra sheet , contaiuing a ministerial decree concerning tho forced levy of horses for military service . Tho Franlforl Journal ofthe same date statesthat the ministers of
, war of several Gorman states , aud the commanders of the eighth federal corps d-armee , were to hold another meeting at Heidelberg . The ministry of Cassel have resigned . Advices have also been received from Naples to thc 16 th inst . After a terrible attack of his malady , the king received the sacrament , and afterwards blessed and bade farewell to his family . Signor FiJangieri has been summoned to Caserta . The king ' s disease is said to have been a carbuncle , which has defied the efforts of the best surgeonsand has at length begun to mortify . His death is
, hourly expected ; thc Nord actually announced that event this week , and in Rome aud Turin many people will have it that tho King of Naples is dead , aud that the fact ishidden in order to keep off a revolution . The realisation of tho constitution under a new reign appears certain . According to a Madrid telegram , the ministers had declared that , should tho news be confirmed of the capture of a Spanish merchant ship , the Maria y Julia , off tho coast of Peru , Spain will act energetically . The senate has held a secret sitting to arrange the preliminaries ofthe trial of M .
'Estcban Collantes . From Turkey and the East the news is not of very great interest . Thc submarine cable to Candia and Alexandriawill be laid most likely on the first of May next . The Grand Duke Constantino will accompany King Otho on a visit to the Holy Places . The frigate Ctcrucoci , having on board Lorcl Lyons , the new British minister to AA ' ashington , arrived at Annapolis , Maryland , on the 7 th instant . A destructive fire has occurred in Now Orleans . The cotton press known as the Lower Levee Press , ancl about seventy of the adjacent houses , have been burnt down . The Press is said to have contained forty thousand bales of cotton , aud ten thousand bales were destroyed . From Hayti wo have accounts
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Week.
readiness to depart for tho south . The Austrian minister at Copenhagen , Count l __ aroly , who onlyreturned toA'iennaa few days ago on leave of absence , has been sent on a sudden and special mission to St . Petersburg . The object entrusted to this diplomatist isfco secure , by a binding treaty , the neutrality of Russia in caseof war . ¦ From Piedmont we learn that the legislature has motupropria conferred dictatorial powers upon King A'ictor Emmanuel . Threatening movements of the Austrian army , on the frontiers of Piedmonthave taken place . Tho Austrian authorities
, had directed the managers of the Lombard railway to suspend the usual trains on Thursday , the 22 nd inst . All the locomotives have been ordered back for the transport of soldiers . Troops are expected on the road from Milan to the Ticino . On Thursday , a council of the Sardinian ministers was held under the presidency of the king . [ A letter from Turin says , " AVar seems altogether inevitable to every man iu Italy , and I have heard of nothing but volunteers hastening to Piedmont . Eight hundred are gone from the little duchy of Massa-Carrara alone .
Amongst the Lombard volunteers were two or three Hungarian deserters , who stated that a rumour was spread amongst their brethren in Lombardy that Kossuth is now at Turin , so that the greatest ferment reigns amongst those troops . A letter from Berlin says , the Archduke Albrecht of Austria is still there , ancl his mission has been attended with tlie most complete success . He has signed a military convention with Prussia , by which the latter engages to send to the Rhine an army of 280 , 000 men , under the personal command of the Prince Regent , if the
present negotiations for maintaining peace should fail . The contingent of Bavaria ( 69 , 000 ) , and thc eighth federal army corps ( AA'urtemberg , Baden , and Hesse-Darmstadt , together 60 , 000 men ) , with tho other contingents , will receive orders to hold themselves in readiness to march . A Belgian paper states that the Emperor of Austria and the Prince Regent of Prussia will shortly have an interview at Teschen , on the frontiers of Bohemia and Saxouy . TTfce Prussian Gazette of Thursday says , that the assembling of the congress is becoming more and more doubtful , aud that thefetate of affairs having assumed a most serious aspect , induces the Prussian
government to think that it is a proper time to make proposals to the Federal Diet for the purpose of taking general measures for its own interest and safety . Govern , ment has preceded these j . roposals by ordering three corps d ' armee ( 70 , 000 men ) to be placed on a war footing . The King of Bavaria left Munich on the 16 th fcr Darmstadt , to attend , as it is alleged , a meeting of several monarclis of South German states . Tho Wurtcmhergischcr StaulMinzeitjei ; ol Sunday , publishes ait extra sheet , contaiuing a ministerial decree concerning tho forced levy of horses for military service . Tho Franlforl Journal ofthe same date statesthat the ministers of
, war of several Gorman states , aud the commanders of the eighth federal corps d-armee , were to hold another meeting at Heidelberg . The ministry of Cassel have resigned . Advices have also been received from Naples to thc 16 th inst . After a terrible attack of his malady , the king received the sacrament , and afterwards blessed and bade farewell to his family . Signor FiJangieri has been summoned to Caserta . The king ' s disease is said to have been a carbuncle , which has defied the efforts of the best surgeonsand has at length begun to mortify . His death is
, hourly expected ; thc Nord actually announced that event this week , and in Rome aud Turin many people will have it that tho King of Naples is dead , aud that the fact ishidden in order to keep off a revolution . The realisation of tho constitution under a new reign appears certain . According to a Madrid telegram , the ministers had declared that , should tho news be confirmed of the capture of a Spanish merchant ship , the Maria y Julia , off tho coast of Peru , Spain will act energetically . The senate has held a secret sitting to arrange the preliminaries ofthe trial of M .
'Estcban Collantes . From Turkey and the East the news is not of very great interest . Thc submarine cable to Candia and Alexandriawill be laid most likely on the first of May next . The Grand Duke Constantino will accompany King Otho on a visit to the Holy Places . The frigate Ctcrucoci , having on board Lorcl Lyons , the new British minister to AA ' ashington , arrived at Annapolis , Maryland , on the 7 th instant . A destructive fire has occurred in Now Orleans . The cotton press known as the Lower Levee Press , ancl about seventy of the adjacent houses , have been burnt down . The Press is said to have contained forty thousand bales of cotton , aud ten thousand bales were destroyed . From Hayti wo have accounts