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was th » election of the AV . M . for the ensuing year , when Bro . Charnock , S . AA ., was unanimously chosen to fill that important office . Bro . Farmer , P . M ., was unanimously re-elected Treasurer ; ancl Bro . Bradley , Tyler . The Lodge was then closed , and the brethren sat down to dinner . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given , Bro . Burt , of the Royal Burns Lodge , responding on behalf of the visitors . The pleasures of the evening were greatly increased by the vocal abilities of Bros . Brahara , Silvester , Johnson , AVardell , and Drummond . BEIGRAVE LODGE ( No . 1051 ) . —This Lodge held an emergency meeting on
, AVednesday , April 20 th , for the purpose of initiating three candidates into the ancient mysteries of the Order . After the performance of the ceremony , Bro . AV . Grogan was raised to the degree of M . M ., by Bro . AVoodstook , AV . M ., assisted by Bro . Froud , S . AV ., ancl Bro . Bunting , J . AV . This Lodge , not yet twelve months old , is rapidly increasing its members .
INSTRUCTION . ENOCH LODGE ( NO . 11 ) . —This Lodgo held its second meeting ( shies the sanctum of the mother Lodge had been obtained ) on Thursday evening , at the Newton Hotel , St . Martin-street , Leicester-square , Bro . Garrod presiding on that occasion as AV . M ., supported by Bros . AVatson , S . AV ., and Sewell , J . AV . The Lodge being opened in due form , the by-laws were agreed to , and upon the motion of Bro . Fred . Binckes , P . M ., were unanimously adopted . Being somewhat different from those
usually made for the government of Lodges of Instruction , we will instance , for the information of the brethren , that any brother wishing to join , must be proposed and seconded at one meeting , ancl balloted for at the next , three black balls to exclude ; the entrance fee ia hslf-a-crown ; annual subscription , half-a-crowu ; attendance fee , sixpence ; and visitors' fee , one shilling . There are also fines imposed upon any officer absenting himself upon his night of office . The Lodge was then closed , aud adjourned to Thursday , the 28 th , at seven o ' clock . CRYSTAL PALACE LODGE ( No . 1055 ) . —The announcement of thc intention to
, work the fifteen sections at this favourite Lodge on Monday the 18 th inst , resulted in the attendance of nearly forty brethren , amongst whom were several distinguished AV . Ms . and P . Ms , of the Craft . Bro . AnsJow took the chair at seven o ' clock , supported by Bro . AA'atson as S . AV ., and Bro . Handford as J . AV ., and at once proceeded to open the Lodge in the three degrees . The fifteen sections were then admirably worked by the following brethren : —First lecture—first section , Bro . Lascelles ; second , Bro . J . Smith ; third , Bro . Purbrook ; fourth , Bro . Oliver ; fifth , Bro . AA ' ebb ; sixthBro . H . T . Thompson ; seventhBro . AVatson . Second lecture
, , —first section , Bro . Hollings ; second , Bro . Hill ; third , Bro . Thomas ; fourth , Bro . A \ . Blackburn ; fifth , Bro . Brewer . Third lecture—first section , Bro . Newman ; second , Bro . Bertram ; f liircl , Bro . R . JL Smith . At the conclusion of the lectures , six members were elected , several of whom expressed their admiration of the excellent working they had heard , and a vote of thanks to the AV . M ., which be acknowledged in his usual courteous manner , terminated a delightful evening , ft was mentioned that owing to the great support awarded to this Lodge , the members had thought it necessary to continue their meetings during the summer
months , and that accordingly , on and after the 2 nd of May , the Lodge will be opened at eight o ' clock . ROYAL ALFRED LODGE ( NO . 1 , 082 ) . —The opening of this Lodge ivas held at the Princes Tavern , Princes-street , Soho , on Thursday , April 21 st , a large number of brethren being present . At seven o ' clock Bro . AVatson opened Lodge , and having appointed his Wardens , jiroceeded with the ceremony of consecration . Bro . Smith , Ml ., No . / 206 , Grand Purst . and AV . M , of the parent Lodge , was installed AVJtf . for this occasion .
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was th » election of the AV . M . for the ensuing year , when Bro . Charnock , S . AA ., was unanimously chosen to fill that important office . Bro . Farmer , P . M ., was unanimously re-elected Treasurer ; ancl Bro . Bradley , Tyler . The Lodge was then closed , and the brethren sat down to dinner . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given , Bro . Burt , of the Royal Burns Lodge , responding on behalf of the visitors . The pleasures of the evening were greatly increased by the vocal abilities of Bros . Brahara , Silvester , Johnson , AVardell , and Drummond . BEIGRAVE LODGE ( No . 1051 ) . —This Lodge held an emergency meeting on
, AVednesday , April 20 th , for the purpose of initiating three candidates into the ancient mysteries of the Order . After the performance of the ceremony , Bro . AV . Grogan was raised to the degree of M . M ., by Bro . AVoodstook , AV . M ., assisted by Bro . Froud , S . AV ., ancl Bro . Bunting , J . AV . This Lodge , not yet twelve months old , is rapidly increasing its members .
INSTRUCTION . ENOCH LODGE ( NO . 11 ) . —This Lodgo held its second meeting ( shies the sanctum of the mother Lodge had been obtained ) on Thursday evening , at the Newton Hotel , St . Martin-street , Leicester-square , Bro . Garrod presiding on that occasion as AV . M ., supported by Bros . AVatson , S . AV ., and Sewell , J . AV . The Lodge being opened in due form , the by-laws were agreed to , and upon the motion of Bro . Fred . Binckes , P . M ., were unanimously adopted . Being somewhat different from those
usually made for the government of Lodges of Instruction , we will instance , for the information of the brethren , that any brother wishing to join , must be proposed and seconded at one meeting , ancl balloted for at the next , three black balls to exclude ; the entrance fee ia hslf-a-crown ; annual subscription , half-a-crowu ; attendance fee , sixpence ; and visitors' fee , one shilling . There are also fines imposed upon any officer absenting himself upon his night of office . The Lodge was then closed , aud adjourned to Thursday , the 28 th , at seven o ' clock . CRYSTAL PALACE LODGE ( No . 1055 ) . —The announcement of thc intention to
, work the fifteen sections at this favourite Lodge on Monday the 18 th inst , resulted in the attendance of nearly forty brethren , amongst whom were several distinguished AV . Ms . and P . Ms , of the Craft . Bro . AnsJow took the chair at seven o ' clock , supported by Bro . AA'atson as S . AV ., and Bro . Handford as J . AV ., and at once proceeded to open the Lodge in the three degrees . The fifteen sections were then admirably worked by the following brethren : —First lecture—first section , Bro . Lascelles ; second , Bro . J . Smith ; third , Bro . Purbrook ; fourth , Bro . Oliver ; fifth , Bro . AA ' ebb ; sixthBro . H . T . Thompson ; seventhBro . AVatson . Second lecture
, , —first section , Bro . Hollings ; second , Bro . Hill ; third , Bro . Thomas ; fourth , Bro . A \ . Blackburn ; fifth , Bro . Brewer . Third lecture—first section , Bro . Newman ; second , Bro . Bertram ; f liircl , Bro . R . JL Smith . At the conclusion of the lectures , six members were elected , several of whom expressed their admiration of the excellent working they had heard , and a vote of thanks to the AV . M ., which be acknowledged in his usual courteous manner , terminated a delightful evening , ft was mentioned that owing to the great support awarded to this Lodge , the members had thought it necessary to continue their meetings during the summer
months , and that accordingly , on and after the 2 nd of May , the Lodge will be opened at eight o ' clock . ROYAL ALFRED LODGE ( NO . 1 , 082 ) . —The opening of this Lodge ivas held at the Princes Tavern , Princes-street , Soho , on Thursday , April 21 st , a large number of brethren being present . At seven o ' clock Bro . AVatson opened Lodge , and having appointed his Wardens , jiroceeded with the ceremony of consecration . Bro . Smith , Ml ., No . / 206 , Grand Purst . and AV . M , of the parent Lodge , was installed AVJtf . for this occasion .