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by proposing the double toast of the "French Emperor and the Alliance ivhich was drunk with loud ancl flowing honours . After joining in a quadrille , their excellencies withdrew amid enthusiastic cheers , accompanied to the lower door by the Officers of the Lodge , the baud playing " God savo the Queen . " Dancing was then resumed , and kept up with great spirit till nearly six o ' clock when the assembly broke ui > , ancl all retired infinitely gratified with all tho details of the first En-dish Masonic ball in Constantinople . The proceeds of the ball amounted to nearly seven thousand piasters , equal to fifty pounds sterling ; which sum has been equally divided amongst the charities of Constantinople .
The Week.
THE Court is still at AVindsor , ancl the royal family continue to enjoy good health The confirmation of the Princess Alice took place on Thursday with great pomp . The Court . Circular describes the dresses and jewellery with much unction . Anion" - the distinguished visitors to her Majesty this week have been the Duke and Duchess of Saxo Coburg , the Duke of Oporto , and the Cavahere Massimo Azerdio . The Princess Alice attained her sixteenth year on Monday , and the day was observed at AVindsor with marks of loyalty and respect . -It is said that tlie the French not ready for
warlike manifesto of Austria finds the Emperor of quite the field . About six weeks longer would have sufficed to comp lete his preparations . In the meantime , La France Centrals is permitted to announce that , in case of war , the staff of the army will be composod'as follows : —The Emperor , Commander-in-Chief- General Canrobert , Major-General ; General Neill , General cle Service ; General Lebouif , Commissioner of the Artillery ; General cle Martinbrey , Chief ot the Staff . In tho Morning Star , on AVednesday , appeared an extraordinary story the terrible Marianne"
of a new plot against the Emperor ' s life , got up by " association . It was to have come off at tho Opera Comique , had not the tender conscience of a conspirator led him to give information in time . Several letter earners belonging to tho Paris post are said to bo implicated in the business . " Gigantic efforts , " says our contemporary , "have been mado by the police to maintain the strictest secrecy upon the subject . Some bird oi the air must surely carry these matters in Parisfor particular concerning the attempt has
trans-, every pired" Tho "bird , " we suspect , belonged to thc | celebrated genus canard . Paris letters of Sunday , though full of details of military movements m France , and stating that tho declaration of war between Austria and Piedmont was to be officially promulgated that day , say that a faint hope of peace was still entertained but that that hope rested on no foundation . The Advertiser , Morning and , Evening Star , Leader , Court Journal , Sim , Nation , and emancipation , of Brussels were seized at Paris on Sunday . Tho papers have been ordered to be silent as to mado in favour of the
the military movements ; but an exception appears to bo semi-official Palrie . It seems questionable whether the combined influence of Enn-land and Prussia will be sufficient to prevent Austria carrying out her threatsagainst Sardinia . On Thursday the news arrived that General Gyulai has been ordered to present an ultimatum to the Sardinian government , requiring disarmament aud tho sending away of the volunteers from tho various Italian states , amounting , it is said , to 60 , 000 men . If these terms are refused , war is to be Austrian of 80000
declared in three clays . Two more divisions of tho army , men have been ordered to thc Tioino . The English proposal for a congress upon the same conditions as that of Laybac-h has been refused . Upon the receipt of this intelligence a cabinet council was held at Downing-street , ancl the result is believed to IYAVC been the transmission of a . strongly worded protest against the precipitate course taken by the government of Austria . The effect of the news on the French government was to induce the immediate movement of troops towards the Sardinian frontier and a part of the army of Paris received orders to hold itself in instant
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
by proposing the double toast of the "French Emperor and the Alliance ivhich was drunk with loud ancl flowing honours . After joining in a quadrille , their excellencies withdrew amid enthusiastic cheers , accompanied to the lower door by the Officers of the Lodge , the baud playing " God savo the Queen . " Dancing was then resumed , and kept up with great spirit till nearly six o ' clock when the assembly broke ui > , ancl all retired infinitely gratified with all tho details of the first En-dish Masonic ball in Constantinople . The proceeds of the ball amounted to nearly seven thousand piasters , equal to fifty pounds sterling ; which sum has been equally divided amongst the charities of Constantinople .
The Week.
THE Court is still at AVindsor , ancl the royal family continue to enjoy good health The confirmation of the Princess Alice took place on Thursday with great pomp . The Court . Circular describes the dresses and jewellery with much unction . Anion" - the distinguished visitors to her Majesty this week have been the Duke and Duchess of Saxo Coburg , the Duke of Oporto , and the Cavahere Massimo Azerdio . The Princess Alice attained her sixteenth year on Monday , and the day was observed at AVindsor with marks of loyalty and respect . -It is said that tlie the French not ready for
warlike manifesto of Austria finds the Emperor of quite the field . About six weeks longer would have sufficed to comp lete his preparations . In the meantime , La France Centrals is permitted to announce that , in case of war , the staff of the army will be composod'as follows : —The Emperor , Commander-in-Chief- General Canrobert , Major-General ; General Neill , General cle Service ; General Lebouif , Commissioner of the Artillery ; General cle Martinbrey , Chief ot the Staff . In tho Morning Star , on AVednesday , appeared an extraordinary story the terrible Marianne"
of a new plot against the Emperor ' s life , got up by " association . It was to have come off at tho Opera Comique , had not the tender conscience of a conspirator led him to give information in time . Several letter earners belonging to tho Paris post are said to bo implicated in the business . " Gigantic efforts , " says our contemporary , "have been mado by the police to maintain the strictest secrecy upon the subject . Some bird oi the air must surely carry these matters in Parisfor particular concerning the attempt has
trans-, every pired" Tho "bird , " we suspect , belonged to thc | celebrated genus canard . Paris letters of Sunday , though full of details of military movements m France , and stating that tho declaration of war between Austria and Piedmont was to be officially promulgated that day , say that a faint hope of peace was still entertained but that that hope rested on no foundation . The Advertiser , Morning and , Evening Star , Leader , Court Journal , Sim , Nation , and emancipation , of Brussels were seized at Paris on Sunday . Tho papers have been ordered to be silent as to mado in favour of the
the military movements ; but an exception appears to bo semi-official Palrie . It seems questionable whether the combined influence of Enn-land and Prussia will be sufficient to prevent Austria carrying out her threatsagainst Sardinia . On Thursday the news arrived that General Gyulai has been ordered to present an ultimatum to the Sardinian government , requiring disarmament aud tho sending away of the volunteers from tho various Italian states , amounting , it is said , to 60 , 000 men . If these terms are refused , war is to be Austrian of 80000
declared in three clays . Two more divisions of tho army , men have been ordered to thc Tioino . The English proposal for a congress upon the same conditions as that of Laybac-h has been refused . Upon the receipt of this intelligence a cabinet council was held at Downing-street , ancl the result is believed to IYAVC been the transmission of a . strongly worded protest against the precipitate course taken by the government of Austria . The effect of the news on the French government was to induce the immediate movement of troops towards the Sardinian frontier and a part of the army of Paris received orders to hold itself in instant