Article METROPOLITAN. ← Page 2 of 3 →
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Adiard said he must personally thank Pro . Pinckes for ably elucidating the principles ofthe charities ; and ho remarked that when steward , in 1853 , for tlie Boys School festival , his list realized . £ 113 , and he trusted thc ; support he would receive on the coining occasion would enable him to hand in as good an amount for the Girls School Tlie AV . M ., in proposing " The Past Masters of Lodge , No . 7 , " referred to thc fact that that day was the twenty-fifth anniversary of Pro . Adlard ' s becoming a memberand he was pleased to see him looking as well as overand as
, , likely to be amongst them for another twenty-five years . The manner in whicli Pro . Adiard laboured for their comfort entitled him to their esteem and regard . Pro . Harry May , as senior P . M ., acknowledged tho toast , but said that as thc AV . M . had especially alluded to Pro . Adiard iu his observations , he should leave tho task of . reply to tho worthy Director of Ceremonies . Bro . Adiard said , that among his pleasurable recollections was the introduction of Pro . May into the Eoyal York Lodge . With regard to his own long membership ib liad been uniform happiness aH ( l satisfaction , and during the twenty-fivo years there had never been a dark
spot to mav thc gratification lie felt from his connection with the Lodge . AVith reference to tho prosperity of the Lodge , ho might say that its cause was found in the fact that in tho appointments , thc rule had invariably been acted upon , that he who worked best was appointed to office .
COXSTITUTIOXAI . LOIKIE ( No . 63 . )—This Lodge held its meeting at the Ship and Turtle Tavern , Leadenhitll-strcct , on Thursday , tho 21 st of April . Tho AV . M ., Pro . Joseph Smith , not being present , Pro . John W . M . Dosell , immediate P . M ., took the chair , when two brethren were raised to tho degree of M . M ., aud two other brethren passed to the degree of Fellow Craft . Pro . John Shirley , P . M ,, ancl Treas ., then initiated three gentlemen into the mysteries of tho Order . Thc votes of the Lodge for the Hoyal Benevolent Institution for the females were given to the widow of Pro . J . Chase , and those for tho males , to Pro . J . Jardiue ; all business being concluded , the Lodge was closed iu duo form . The brethren then adjourned to the banquet , and the evening was passed in a truly Masonic manner , enhanced by the vocal abilities of many of tho brethren .
Tire ST . GEOUCKS LUDGI . ( NO . 11 . 1 ) . —Tho members of this Lodge held their monthly meeting at the Globe Tavern , Royal Hill , Greenwich , on AVednesday , April 20 th . Bro . Kobinson , AV . M ' ., passed Bro . Scott to the second degree . There being no other business , the brethren adjourned to banquet . Among the numerous visitors we noticed Pro . Capt . 'Hudson , No . 1 , 0 . 15 ; Pro . P . C . Danvers , No . 1 , 055 ; and Bro . Chevalier , No . 187 , Halifax , N . S .
LODGE OF TKMPF . IIAXCB ( NO . 198 ) . —This Lodgo hold its monthly mooting at the Plough Tavern , Hotherhithe , ou AVednesday , April 20 th , under the presidency of the AV . M ., Bro . 1 . AV . Barrett . Tho summons for the evening specified that there was a brother to bo passed to the second degree , but as he did not present himself , the W . M . called on the brethren to work some of the sections of the first lecture , a command which was freely and zealously obeyed by them ; and with thc able assistance of Bro . AVhitaker of tho Justice Lodgo , and Bros . Thompson ancl Oliver of the Crystal Palace Lodgethe sections were worked in a manner that
, reflected great credit on the brethren . Three gentlemen were then proposed for initiation tet the next niacUiig . The Vmsiw ; .- ; .. t >_ the everting being concluded , tins brethren retired and partook or an excellent banquet provided by Bro . Holman . Thc usual loyal ancl Masonic toasts were given ancl responded to , the evening being spent in the mostfagreeable manner . The visitors expressed their hi gh admiration of the excellent manner in which tlie business of tho Lodge was conducted .
PA 5 _ . II _ I . I _ LODGE ( XO . 1 , 022 ) . —The opening meeting of this Lodge for thc season was held on Monday , April 18 th " , at tlie Swan Tavern , Stockwell . Bro . Thomas , P . M ., of No . 715 , in the unavoidable absence of the AV . M . ( Pro . J . it , AVarren ) , officiated as AV . M . Bros . Charnock , Brabam , Garrod , Green , and Stevens , the officers , were present . The visitors were Bros . Burt , No . 25 ; Keene , No . 20 ( i ; Smith and Drummond , No . i % ; and Smith , No . 191 ( Gravesend ) . A ballot for five candidates for initiation then took place , which was declined to be unanimous . Bros , Hughes and Johnson wore passed to the second degree . The next business
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Adiard said he must personally thank Pro . Pinckes for ably elucidating the principles ofthe charities ; and ho remarked that when steward , in 1853 , for tlie Boys School festival , his list realized . £ 113 , and he trusted thc ; support he would receive on the coining occasion would enable him to hand in as good an amount for the Girls School Tlie AV . M ., in proposing " The Past Masters of Lodge , No . 7 , " referred to thc fact that that day was the twenty-fifth anniversary of Pro . Adlard ' s becoming a memberand he was pleased to see him looking as well as overand as
, , likely to be amongst them for another twenty-five years . The manner in whicli Pro . Adiard laboured for their comfort entitled him to their esteem and regard . Pro . Harry May , as senior P . M ., acknowledged tho toast , but said that as thc AV . M . had especially alluded to Pro . Adiard iu his observations , he should leave tho task of . reply to tho worthy Director of Ceremonies . Bro . Adiard said , that among his pleasurable recollections was the introduction of Pro . May into the Eoyal York Lodge . With regard to his own long membership ib liad been uniform happiness aH ( l satisfaction , and during the twenty-fivo years there had never been a dark
spot to mav thc gratification lie felt from his connection with the Lodge . AVith reference to tho prosperity of the Lodge , ho might say that its cause was found in the fact that in tho appointments , thc rule had invariably been acted upon , that he who worked best was appointed to office .
COXSTITUTIOXAI . LOIKIE ( No . 63 . )—This Lodge held its meeting at the Ship and Turtle Tavern , Leadenhitll-strcct , on Thursday , tho 21 st of April . Tho AV . M ., Pro . Joseph Smith , not being present , Pro . John W . M . Dosell , immediate P . M ., took the chair , when two brethren were raised to tho degree of M . M ., aud two other brethren passed to the degree of Fellow Craft . Pro . John Shirley , P . M ,, ancl Treas ., then initiated three gentlemen into the mysteries of tho Order . Thc votes of the Lodge for the Hoyal Benevolent Institution for the females were given to the widow of Pro . J . Chase , and those for tho males , to Pro . J . Jardiue ; all business being concluded , the Lodge was closed iu duo form . The brethren then adjourned to the banquet , and the evening was passed in a truly Masonic manner , enhanced by the vocal abilities of many of tho brethren .
Tire ST . GEOUCKS LUDGI . ( NO . 11 . 1 ) . —Tho members of this Lodge held their monthly meeting at the Globe Tavern , Royal Hill , Greenwich , on AVednesday , April 20 th . Bro . Kobinson , AV . M ' ., passed Bro . Scott to the second degree . There being no other business , the brethren adjourned to banquet . Among the numerous visitors we noticed Pro . Capt . 'Hudson , No . 1 , 0 . 15 ; Pro . P . C . Danvers , No . 1 , 055 ; and Bro . Chevalier , No . 187 , Halifax , N . S .
LODGE OF TKMPF . IIAXCB ( NO . 198 ) . —This Lodgo hold its monthly mooting at the Plough Tavern , Hotherhithe , ou AVednesday , April 20 th , under the presidency of the AV . M ., Bro . 1 . AV . Barrett . Tho summons for the evening specified that there was a brother to bo passed to the second degree , but as he did not present himself , the W . M . called on the brethren to work some of the sections of the first lecture , a command which was freely and zealously obeyed by them ; and with thc able assistance of Bro . AVhitaker of tho Justice Lodgo , and Bros . Thompson ancl Oliver of the Crystal Palace Lodgethe sections were worked in a manner that
, reflected great credit on the brethren . Three gentlemen were then proposed for initiation tet the next niacUiig . The Vmsiw ; .- ; .. t >_ the everting being concluded , tins brethren retired and partook or an excellent banquet provided by Bro . Holman . Thc usual loyal ancl Masonic toasts were given ancl responded to , the evening being spent in the mostfagreeable manner . The visitors expressed their hi gh admiration of the excellent manner in which tlie business of tho Lodge was conducted .
PA 5 _ . II _ I . I _ LODGE ( XO . 1 , 022 ) . —The opening meeting of this Lodge for thc season was held on Monday , April 18 th " , at tlie Swan Tavern , Stockwell . Bro . Thomas , P . M ., of No . 715 , in the unavoidable absence of the AV . M . ( Pro . J . it , AVarren ) , officiated as AV . M . Bros . Charnock , Brabam , Garrod , Green , and Stevens , the officers , were present . The visitors were Bros . Burt , No . 25 ; Keene , No . 20 ( i ; Smith and Drummond , No . i % ; and Smith , No . 191 ( Gravesend ) . A ballot for five candidates for initiation then took place , which was declined to be unanimous . Bros , Hughes and Johnson wore passed to the second degree . The next business