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The Week.
to the 21 st of March . During tho carnival , masks of all the ex-royal family were seen . One who personated Soulouque was stabbed by an imperialist . At the Hull police-court , on AVednesday , Betsey Ferguson and Mary Hanson underwent an examination on a charge of attempting to poison the husband of the former . The prisoner Ferguson gave some broth to her husband for his dinner , upon taking which he became very sick . The prisoners were remanded until AA ' ednesday next . At the Court of Bankruptcy , on Thursday , Mr . John Bagshaw , late M . P . for Harwichwas adjudicated bankruptas a lodging-house keeperupon the petition of
, , , Messrs . Cox , Cobbold and Co ., bankers , of Harwich , whose debt is between ' 1001 . and 5001 . The total amount of liabilities is roughly estimated at between 40 , 000 ? . and 50 , 0001 . The adjourned inquest on the body of tho German who was found dead , with wounds upon his breast and hand , at the bottom of thc cliffs at Ramsgate , was resumed last week , when the jury returned a verdict that thc ; deceased died from a wound iu the left breast , but by whom inflicted there was not sufficient evidence to show . Richard Bedford Allen , underwriter at Lloyd ' s , was charged at the Mansion-house with having forged a transfer for the purpose
of defrauding the Bank of England of tho sum of S 751 . Evidence at some length was given in support of the charge , ancl it seems that the prisoner was arrested by a detective at Altona , where he was residing under an assumed name . The lord mayor intimated his intention oi sending the ease for trial as soon as the necessary depositions should have been taken . According to ancient custom the lord mayor , sheriffs , aldermen , & c , went to Christ Church , Newgate-street , ou Easter-Monday , to hear the Spital sermon , which was preached by the Bishop of Carlisle . The children of Christ ' s Hospital sang an
anthem composed for the occasion . Iu the evening tho lord mayor gave a grand banquet at the Mansion-house , at whicli tho Earl of Derby and several of her Majesty's ministers and a numerous and distinguished party were present . In the coursejof the evening tho noble premier made one , of his usual brilliant speeches , in which he referred to tho present state of foreign affairs , and said the government had exhausted every moans in their power to preserve peace , but he was sorry to say , up to the present time , without effect . One last step , however , still remained to be taken at the eleventh hour , and that they had taken , which was to propose thc resumption of thc negotiations carried on by Lord Cowley at the point where they had been broken off , to be conducted under the solo mediation of England . ,. i
PUBLIC AMUSEMENTS . AMONG the Easter entertainments this year , Mr . Smith ' s enterprise at Drury Lane is fairly entitled to the first rank , both as regards its magnitude and its novelty . With such singers as Mongini , Giuglini , Badiali , Graziani , Titiens , Guardacci , Brambilla , and Yictoire Balfc ( to mention only the-most celebrated of tho artists engaged ) the manager may naturally count ] ou the fullest support , especially when to these attractions is added that of cheapnessplayhouse prices being the
, rule which Sir . Smith has laid clown . This gentleman led off on Monday with Miss Balfe , who made a pleasing impression on her debut at the Lyceum two years since . The band of fifty-five performers , under Mr . Benedict ' s able direction , and tlie chorus of sixty , were almost all members of Mr . Lumley ' s troupe at Her Majesty ' s Theatre . The opera selected for the opening was the ever welcome ' ' Sonnambula . " The part of Amina was sustained hy Miss Balfe ; that of the Count by Signor Badiali , who gained such great reputation by his performance of various baritone parts at the Drury-lane Opera , last season ; and that of Klvino b
y Signor Mongini , who for some months past has been generally spoken of as the most richly endowed tenor of modern Italy . The theatre was crowded in every part , and the great success of the evening was decidedly achieved b y Miss Balfe wiio has improved generally since her appearance at the Royal Italian O pera . Sho ' acts with more confidence , her voice is clearer and more open , and her singing is now not that of a highly accomplished student , but of a most promising artiste . Signer Badiali fully sustained his reputation of last year . He is a , thoroug h artist
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Week.
to the 21 st of March . During tho carnival , masks of all the ex-royal family were seen . One who personated Soulouque was stabbed by an imperialist . At the Hull police-court , on AVednesday , Betsey Ferguson and Mary Hanson underwent an examination on a charge of attempting to poison the husband of the former . The prisoner Ferguson gave some broth to her husband for his dinner , upon taking which he became very sick . The prisoners were remanded until AA ' ednesday next . At the Court of Bankruptcy , on Thursday , Mr . John Bagshaw , late M . P . for Harwichwas adjudicated bankruptas a lodging-house keeperupon the petition of
, , , Messrs . Cox , Cobbold and Co ., bankers , of Harwich , whose debt is between ' 1001 . and 5001 . The total amount of liabilities is roughly estimated at between 40 , 000 ? . and 50 , 0001 . The adjourned inquest on the body of tho German who was found dead , with wounds upon his breast and hand , at the bottom of thc cliffs at Ramsgate , was resumed last week , when the jury returned a verdict that thc ; deceased died from a wound iu the left breast , but by whom inflicted there was not sufficient evidence to show . Richard Bedford Allen , underwriter at Lloyd ' s , was charged at the Mansion-house with having forged a transfer for the purpose
of defrauding the Bank of England of tho sum of S 751 . Evidence at some length was given in support of the charge , ancl it seems that the prisoner was arrested by a detective at Altona , where he was residing under an assumed name . The lord mayor intimated his intention oi sending the ease for trial as soon as the necessary depositions should have been taken . According to ancient custom the lord mayor , sheriffs , aldermen , & c , went to Christ Church , Newgate-street , ou Easter-Monday , to hear the Spital sermon , which was preached by the Bishop of Carlisle . The children of Christ ' s Hospital sang an
anthem composed for the occasion . Iu the evening tho lord mayor gave a grand banquet at the Mansion-house , at whicli tho Earl of Derby and several of her Majesty's ministers and a numerous and distinguished party were present . In the coursejof the evening tho noble premier made one , of his usual brilliant speeches , in which he referred to tho present state of foreign affairs , and said the government had exhausted every moans in their power to preserve peace , but he was sorry to say , up to the present time , without effect . One last step , however , still remained to be taken at the eleventh hour , and that they had taken , which was to propose thc resumption of thc negotiations carried on by Lord Cowley at the point where they had been broken off , to be conducted under the solo mediation of England . ,. i
PUBLIC AMUSEMENTS . AMONG the Easter entertainments this year , Mr . Smith ' s enterprise at Drury Lane is fairly entitled to the first rank , both as regards its magnitude and its novelty . With such singers as Mongini , Giuglini , Badiali , Graziani , Titiens , Guardacci , Brambilla , and Yictoire Balfc ( to mention only the-most celebrated of tho artists engaged ) the manager may naturally count ] ou the fullest support , especially when to these attractions is added that of cheapnessplayhouse prices being the
, rule which Sir . Smith has laid clown . This gentleman led off on Monday with Miss Balfe , who made a pleasing impression on her debut at the Lyceum two years since . The band of fifty-five performers , under Mr . Benedict ' s able direction , and tlie chorus of sixty , were almost all members of Mr . Lumley ' s troupe at Her Majesty ' s Theatre . The opera selected for the opening was the ever welcome ' ' Sonnambula . " The part of Amina was sustained hy Miss Balfe ; that of the Count by Signor Badiali , who gained such great reputation by his performance of various baritone parts at the Drury-lane Opera , last season ; and that of Klvino b
y Signor Mongini , who for some months past has been generally spoken of as the most richly endowed tenor of modern Italy . The theatre was crowded in every part , and the great success of the evening was decidedly achieved b y Miss Balfe wiio has improved generally since her appearance at the Royal Italian O pera . Sho ' acts with more confidence , her voice is clearer and more open , and her singing is now not that of a highly accomplished student , but of a most promising artiste . Signer Badiali fully sustained his reputation of last year . He is a , thoroug h artist