Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 3 of 3 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 4 →
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BUES _/ F _ . —Sutherland Lodge ( No . 000 ) . —Tho festival oE St . John was celebrated by this Lodge on AYcdnesdiiy , April 20 th , at the Town Hall , Bttrslem . Tho Lodgo was duly formed at four o ' clock , when the RAV . D . Prov . G . M ., Bro . AVard , made his official visit . Thc business having been concluded , Pro . Baker , P . M ., delivered a lecture on Masonry , after -which two candidates vero proposed . At five o ' clock the brethren adjourned to the banquetwhich was held in the magistrates' room
, , decorated for the occasion . Bro . It . Hales , AA . M .. presided , supported by the K . AV . D . Prov . G . M ., Bro . AVard ; Bros . CI . Baker , P . M .- ; AV . Harding , P . Prov . G . Peg-. ; C . Davenport , Prov . S . G . AV . ; G . Sergeant , P . M ., the Rev . Dr . Armstrong , & c , & c . Tho vice-chair was filled , in tho unavoidable absence of Bro . J . S . Forbes , S . AV ., by Bro . Lowndes , P . M . There was also a full attendance , including visiting brethren from several Lodges , amongst whom we observed Bros . J . Ford , AV . M ., No . 115 ; , T . ButterworfchAV . M . No . 606 ; J . Hiinbottomancl J . CheadleNo .
, , gg , , _ > 20 ; H . Hyatt , ancl AV . Hyatt , No . 67-1 ; J . Clarke , P . M . ; G . TunniclifF , S . AV . ; G . Landor , J . T . Smith , J . Bennett , J . Knight , F . T . Povey , P . M ., No . 115 ; J . Emery , P . Prov . G . Org . ; J . S . Meigh , and AV . Smith , No . 606 . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were duly giveu and ably responded to , and tho harmony of tho meeting was considerably enhanced by tho exertions of Pro . Emery , ivho abl y presided at the pianoforte , ancl sang several songs iu his usual characteristic st ylo , Bros . C . Davenport and G , Landor also sang excellent songs .
SUFFOLK . APPOINTMENT , —/ . orfgc . —Wednesday , Stay -Itli , Doric ( 00 ) , Private Kooms , Woodbridgo , at 7 . SUSSEX . APPOINTMENTS . —Lodges . —Tuesday , May 3 rd , Royal Yorlc ( . ' 191 ) , Old Ship Tavern , Brighton , Wednesday , -Ifh , South Sussex ( 390 ) , Freemasons' Hall , Lewes ; Thursday , 5 lh , Union ( VJ ) , Council Chamber , Lowes . r . ' / ioji ( cr , —Friday , 6 th , Lennox ( 338 ) , Old Ship , ilrighlon . AVALES ( SOUTH . )
APPOINTMENT . —/" . odi'o . —l't'inoo of Wales ( 969 ) , Thomas Arms , Llanelly , at 7 . AVARAVICKSHIRE . APPOTNTOT . NTS . —f . od ;; cs . ~ Momlay , May 2 nd , Trinity ( 310 ) , Castle Inn , Coventry j Thursday , tith , Temperance ( J 01 I ) , Masonic Booms , Birmingham , at ! i . AVORCESTERSHIRE . APPOINTMENTS . —Lod—Monday 2 nd Fidelia ( 77- ) Cromi HotelWorcester
ges . , May , Semper _ , , ; at Ii . }; Tuesday , 3 rd , Harmonic ( 313 ) , Freemasons' Tavern , Dudley , at 0 . !; Wednesday , 4 th , U'orceslor ( 310 ) , Bell Hotel , Worcester , at 0 J . ' YORKSHIRE ( NORTH AND EAST ) . . APPOINTMENTS . —Lodges . —Monday , May 2 nd , -Onion ( 2 S 7 ) , Masonic Hall , York , at 7 ; Tuesday , 3 rd , Camolo . lunum ( 05 S ) , Freemasons' Hall , New Ilalton , at 7 ; Thursday , -1 th , Constitutional ( 371 ) , Assembly Booms , JJeverley , at 3 ; Friday , sth , St . Germain . 327 . , The Crescent ,. Selbv , at 7 .
YORKSHIRE ( AVEST ) . iU' 1 'oiNT . ifE . v-ra . —Lodges . —Friday , May Sth , Alfred ( . ' . Si ) , Griffin Hotel , T . eeds , at 7 ; Truth ( 703 ) , Freemasons' Hall , I ( udders ' lield , at 7 . Chapters . —Monday , 2 nd , Paradise ( 102 ) , Music Hall , Shcllield , at 7 ; Thursday , Oth , Sincerity , ( S 7-1 ) , Freemasons' Hull , Bradford , at 8 .
Royal Arch.
PROVINCIAL CHAPTER . COXSEOBATION OP Till : HOYAL SUSSEX CIIArTEE . BRIGHTON . —Eoyal Susserc Chapter ( No , 1034 ) . —A warrant for this Chapter , to bo attached to tho Brunswick Lodge , having been granted , it was decided by the
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
BUES _/ F _ . —Sutherland Lodge ( No . 000 ) . —Tho festival oE St . John was celebrated by this Lodge on AYcdnesdiiy , April 20 th , at the Town Hall , Bttrslem . Tho Lodgo was duly formed at four o ' clock , when the RAV . D . Prov . G . M ., Bro . AVard , made his official visit . Thc business having been concluded , Pro . Baker , P . M ., delivered a lecture on Masonry , after -which two candidates vero proposed . At five o ' clock the brethren adjourned to the banquetwhich was held in the magistrates' room
, , decorated for the occasion . Bro . It . Hales , AA . M .. presided , supported by the K . AV . D . Prov . G . M ., Bro . AVard ; Bros . CI . Baker , P . M .- ; AV . Harding , P . Prov . G . Peg-. ; C . Davenport , Prov . S . G . AV . ; G . Sergeant , P . M ., the Rev . Dr . Armstrong , & c , & c . Tho vice-chair was filled , in tho unavoidable absence of Bro . J . S . Forbes , S . AV ., by Bro . Lowndes , P . M . There was also a full attendance , including visiting brethren from several Lodges , amongst whom we observed Bros . J . Ford , AV . M ., No . 115 ; , T . ButterworfchAV . M . No . 606 ; J . Hiinbottomancl J . CheadleNo .
, , gg , , _ > 20 ; H . Hyatt , ancl AV . Hyatt , No . 67-1 ; J . Clarke , P . M . ; G . TunniclifF , S . AV . ; G . Landor , J . T . Smith , J . Bennett , J . Knight , F . T . Povey , P . M ., No . 115 ; J . Emery , P . Prov . G . Org . ; J . S . Meigh , and AV . Smith , No . 606 . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were duly giveu and ably responded to , and tho harmony of tho meeting was considerably enhanced by tho exertions of Pro . Emery , ivho abl y presided at the pianoforte , ancl sang several songs iu his usual characteristic st ylo , Bros . C . Davenport and G , Landor also sang excellent songs .
SUFFOLK . APPOINTMENT , —/ . orfgc . —Wednesday , Stay -Itli , Doric ( 00 ) , Private Kooms , Woodbridgo , at 7 . SUSSEX . APPOINTMENTS . —Lodges . —Tuesday , May 3 rd , Royal Yorlc ( . ' 191 ) , Old Ship Tavern , Brighton , Wednesday , -Ifh , South Sussex ( 390 ) , Freemasons' Hall , Lewes ; Thursday , 5 lh , Union ( VJ ) , Council Chamber , Lowes . r . ' / ioji ( cr , —Friday , 6 th , Lennox ( 338 ) , Old Ship , ilrighlon . AVALES ( SOUTH . )
APPOINTMENT . —/" . odi'o . —l't'inoo of Wales ( 969 ) , Thomas Arms , Llanelly , at 7 . AVARAVICKSHIRE . APPOTNTOT . NTS . —f . od ;; cs . ~ Momlay , May 2 nd , Trinity ( 310 ) , Castle Inn , Coventry j Thursday , tith , Temperance ( J 01 I ) , Masonic Booms , Birmingham , at ! i . AVORCESTERSHIRE . APPOINTMENTS . —Lod—Monday 2 nd Fidelia ( 77- ) Cromi HotelWorcester
ges . , May , Semper _ , , ; at Ii . }; Tuesday , 3 rd , Harmonic ( 313 ) , Freemasons' Tavern , Dudley , at 0 . !; Wednesday , 4 th , U'orceslor ( 310 ) , Bell Hotel , Worcester , at 0 J . ' YORKSHIRE ( NORTH AND EAST ) . . APPOINTMENTS . —Lodges . —Monday , May 2 nd , -Onion ( 2 S 7 ) , Masonic Hall , York , at 7 ; Tuesday , 3 rd , Camolo . lunum ( 05 S ) , Freemasons' Hall , New Ilalton , at 7 ; Thursday , -1 th , Constitutional ( 371 ) , Assembly Booms , JJeverley , at 3 ; Friday , sth , St . Germain . 327 . , The Crescent ,. Selbv , at 7 .
YORKSHIRE ( AVEST ) . iU' 1 'oiNT . ifE . v-ra . —Lodges . —Friday , May Sth , Alfred ( . ' . Si ) , Griffin Hotel , T . eeds , at 7 ; Truth ( 703 ) , Freemasons' Hall , I ( udders ' lield , at 7 . Chapters . —Monday , 2 nd , Paradise ( 102 ) , Music Hall , Shcllield , at 7 ; Thursday , Oth , Sincerity , ( S 7-1 ) , Freemasons' Hull , Bradford , at 8 .
Royal Arch.
PROVINCIAL CHAPTER . COXSEOBATION OP Till : HOYAL SUSSEX CIIArTEE . BRIGHTON . —Eoyal Susserc Chapter ( No , 1034 ) . —A warrant for this Chapter , to bo attached to tho Brunswick Lodge , having been granted , it was decided by the