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Mackey was rendered during tho late sessions ofthe Grand Chapter of South Carolina , by the presentation from his numerous pupils and admirers of a silver pitcher , a beautiful specimen of decorative silver work enriched with lotus work , and various tasty embosses upon its contour . The outside is divided into six compartments , two of which contain the following inscription : — " To Albert G . Mackey , M . D ., the Gamaliel of American Freemasonry . From the Grand R . A . Chapter of South Carolina , 5859 . " The other compartments bear specimens of the engraver ' s art , the one enclosing the Masonic mark of Dr . Mackeyand the other a representation
, of a grand high priest in full robes . The presentation was made by the Rev . Comp . B . Johuson , Grand Chaplain , who briefly and happily expressed the regard entertained for Dr . JMackey by his associates in the Order . The testimonial is most fitting , and the act will be hailed by all patrons of the royal art as an evidence of appreciation , only excelled by the worthiness of its object .
CALIFORNIA , GP . ASS VALLKV . —A presentation of an interesting and affecting character , evinced the gratitude of Madison Lodge , No . 23 , to Bro . AVilliam McCormick . A Past Master ' s jewel was presented at the hands of Bro . A . B . Dibble , on thc 27 th December last . It is of gold , weighs over three ounces , and cost one hundred and twenty dollars ; in form it is like that represented in Maeoy ' s Manual . Inscription— ' - ' Presented to our beloved Brother and Past Master , R . AV . AVm , McCormick , S . G . AA . of the Grand Lodge of California , as a token of our fraternal regard and esteem by the brethren of . Madison Lodge , No . 23 , F . & A . if ,, Grass Valley , California , December 27 , A . D . 1858 ; A . L , 585 S . "
¦ tNi . w ORLEANS , LA . —During tho late sessions of tho Grand Lodge of Louisiana a goblet of pure gold was presented to M . AV . Bro . Perkins , as a testimony of the esteem and regard entertained for him , who for four successive years had held the highest offices iu their gift . AVISCONSIN . —Tho Grand Chapter met at Madison , February 2 nd , 1859 ; seventeen Chapters were represented . The G . H . P ., Henry L . Palmer , delivered an address abounding in animating sentiment . AA'ith scarcely an exception , he says , the " purple banner" floats triumphantly over the Chapters of AVisconsin . The membership ofthe seventeen Chapters is five hundred aud forty-six , of whom one hundred ancl twelve were exalted last year .
. 'INDIANA . —Tho hall of AVayne Lodge , No . 25 , was dedicated by the G . M ., Bro , Bayles in person , December 27 th , last , a detailed report of which appears in the Indiana Freemason , of January 9 th . This hall is 40 feet by 52 feet , 14 feet ceiling , well and emblematicall y lighted with gas , carpeted with tapestry ingrain , fitted with chairs and sofas , ancl capable of accommodating 300 persons . The dedication ceremonies were conducted in ample form , concluding with thc song "AA ' e meet upon the level , " & c , and Burns ' s " Adieu , a heart warm , " etc . The address , by the Rev . G . C . Beeks , Grand Orator , is an eloquent production , and published in full by request of the Lodge .
GRAND LODGE ot' MICHIGAN . —The Grand Lodge of this state met on the 12 th of January , 1859 . Nearly all thc Lodges were represented . The Grand Master recommended that all communications to him , should come from a Lodge accompanied with the seal thereof . This was concurred in . AVe are gratified to find that the brethren exercise due precaution iu the selection of material . Of 1 , 054 applicants during the past year for the degrees in Masonry , 229 were rejected .
NEWARK , N . J . —The hall appertaining to St . John ' s Lodge , was dedicated on the 22 nd February last . Nearl y 400 brethren were present , including many distinguished guests , A . T . C . Pierson , G . M . of Minnesota ; AV . H . Stevens , P . G . M . of Mississippi , & c . Thc exercises were conducted under the personal direction of G . M . Jos . AA ' . Trimble . An address of a historical character was pronounced b y Bro . G . Grant , in which he spoke of the institution of St . John ' s Lodge , in 1761 , and one of its acts , the donation of £ 60 to the poor of the city . An oration followed from tlie classic pen of Bro . Charles R . AA'augh , appropriate to the day ( AA'ashington ' s birthday ) , concluding with a thrilling invocation to the assembled craftsmen to follow thc model which the character of AYashington affords for their
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Mackey was rendered during tho late sessions ofthe Grand Chapter of South Carolina , by the presentation from his numerous pupils and admirers of a silver pitcher , a beautiful specimen of decorative silver work enriched with lotus work , and various tasty embosses upon its contour . The outside is divided into six compartments , two of which contain the following inscription : — " To Albert G . Mackey , M . D ., the Gamaliel of American Freemasonry . From the Grand R . A . Chapter of South Carolina , 5859 . " The other compartments bear specimens of the engraver ' s art , the one enclosing the Masonic mark of Dr . Mackeyand the other a representation
, of a grand high priest in full robes . The presentation was made by the Rev . Comp . B . Johuson , Grand Chaplain , who briefly and happily expressed the regard entertained for Dr . JMackey by his associates in the Order . The testimonial is most fitting , and the act will be hailed by all patrons of the royal art as an evidence of appreciation , only excelled by the worthiness of its object .
CALIFORNIA , GP . ASS VALLKV . —A presentation of an interesting and affecting character , evinced the gratitude of Madison Lodge , No . 23 , to Bro . AVilliam McCormick . A Past Master ' s jewel was presented at the hands of Bro . A . B . Dibble , on thc 27 th December last . It is of gold , weighs over three ounces , and cost one hundred and twenty dollars ; in form it is like that represented in Maeoy ' s Manual . Inscription— ' - ' Presented to our beloved Brother and Past Master , R . AV . AVm , McCormick , S . G . AA . of the Grand Lodge of California , as a token of our fraternal regard and esteem by the brethren of . Madison Lodge , No . 23 , F . & A . if ,, Grass Valley , California , December 27 , A . D . 1858 ; A . L , 585 S . "
¦ tNi . w ORLEANS , LA . —During tho late sessions of tho Grand Lodge of Louisiana a goblet of pure gold was presented to M . AV . Bro . Perkins , as a testimony of the esteem and regard entertained for him , who for four successive years had held the highest offices iu their gift . AVISCONSIN . —Tho Grand Chapter met at Madison , February 2 nd , 1859 ; seventeen Chapters were represented . The G . H . P ., Henry L . Palmer , delivered an address abounding in animating sentiment . AA'ith scarcely an exception , he says , the " purple banner" floats triumphantly over the Chapters of AVisconsin . The membership ofthe seventeen Chapters is five hundred aud forty-six , of whom one hundred ancl twelve were exalted last year .
. 'INDIANA . —Tho hall of AVayne Lodge , No . 25 , was dedicated by the G . M ., Bro , Bayles in person , December 27 th , last , a detailed report of which appears in the Indiana Freemason , of January 9 th . This hall is 40 feet by 52 feet , 14 feet ceiling , well and emblematicall y lighted with gas , carpeted with tapestry ingrain , fitted with chairs and sofas , ancl capable of accommodating 300 persons . The dedication ceremonies were conducted in ample form , concluding with thc song "AA ' e meet upon the level , " & c , and Burns ' s " Adieu , a heart warm , " etc . The address , by the Rev . G . C . Beeks , Grand Orator , is an eloquent production , and published in full by request of the Lodge .
GRAND LODGE ot' MICHIGAN . —The Grand Lodge of this state met on the 12 th of January , 1859 . Nearly all thc Lodges were represented . The Grand Master recommended that all communications to him , should come from a Lodge accompanied with the seal thereof . This was concurred in . AVe are gratified to find that the brethren exercise due precaution iu the selection of material . Of 1 , 054 applicants during the past year for the degrees in Masonry , 229 were rejected .
NEWARK , N . J . —The hall appertaining to St . John ' s Lodge , was dedicated on the 22 nd February last . Nearl y 400 brethren were present , including many distinguished guests , A . T . C . Pierson , G . M . of Minnesota ; AV . H . Stevens , P . G . M . of Mississippi , & c . Thc exercises were conducted under the personal direction of G . M . Jos . AA ' . Trimble . An address of a historical character was pronounced b y Bro . G . Grant , in which he spoke of the institution of St . John ' s Lodge , in 1761 , and one of its acts , the donation of £ 60 to the poor of the city . An oration followed from tlie classic pen of Bro . Charles R . AA'augh , appropriate to the day ( AA'ashington ' s birthday ) , concluding with a thrilling invocation to the assembled craftsmen to follow thc model which the character of AYashington affords for their