Article THE BROKEN TESSERA. ← Page 2 of 2 Article THE BROKEN TESSERA. Page 2 of 2 Article THE WOMEN OF OUR TIME. Page 1 of 4 →
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The Broken Tessera.
A clear sale was forthwith made of the whole property , amounting to more than fifty thousand dollars . No documentary evidences relative to the "debt were retained by Mr . Simpson . Prudence pointed out this as the only course that jwomised a successful result .
At parting , while yet the boat was waiting at the pier , and the drums of the American advance guard were sounding in the suburbs of the city , Mr . Simpson took a gold piece from his pocket , broke it in two partsand handing one to his
noble-, hearted friend , observed , " you aud I used to debate the purpose of the ancient tessera ; now we will make it a practical question . 'Whoever presents you with this fragment of gold , to him I authorize you to render up whatever in your hand
belongs to me . Farewell . " Years rolled by , and Jonas Lee heard no more from his old friend . With great difficulty , and by the aid of powerful friends at headquarters , he had succeeded in disposing of the property without much loss ; and by a judicious use of the money he had become rich . Old age then crept upon him . His daily walks about the
city began to be shortened . The almondtree flourished . The grasshopper began to be a burden . From year to year he drew nearer his own mansion , and finally confined himself within bis retired apartment to await the summoner of all flesh . One day , as he was reclining in the
listlessness of old age , with but the word of God and the person of bis good wife for companionship , aud the voices of his grandchildren ringing from the next room in happy harmony , he was accosted by a beggarly-looking young man , who prayed
a gift of money "for a poor ahirjirreckod foreigner , who had lost his all and barely escaped with life itself . " Jonas Lee was not a person to refuse such a demand . He made him a bountiful gift of money , clothes , and kind words .
But when the foreigner was about to depart , he walked up to Mr . Lee ' s couch , and , pressing his hand with thankfulness , he dropped into it a worn and ragged piece of metal , and asked him if he would accept that piece of gold as a token of a poor beggar ' s gratitude 1 There was something peculiar iu the foreigner ' s tone , which led Mr . Lee to draw out his spectacles and
The Broken Tessera.
examine the offering intently . What was the surprise of his wife to see him rise from his chair , draw a similar fragment from his bosom , where it had been suspended by a ribbon for a long time , and applying the p ieces together , to hear him
triumphantly declare : " They fit I they fit ! The brokeu tessera is complete ! the union is perfect Thank God , thank God , my Brother is yet alive !" The foreigner turned out to be the youngest sou of Mr . Simpson , who had
been shipwrecked , as he stated , to the great hazard of his life . Preserving the golden fragment , he had landed at Philadelphia , ragged and poor , charged by his father with a message to Mr . Lee . Why the former had so longed delayed his claim
does not appear . The history informs us , however , that he followed the British army through the rest of the war , and amassed a large fortune by some successful government contracts ; gone to England ; embarked in some extensive speculations there , and finally , retiring from business immensely wealthy , was made a baronet for his loyal
. His son was received with open arms , and introduced into the best circles of Philadel phia . The report concerning the Masonic ] jart of the transaction became public , aud gave a new impetus to the Order .
But when a full account of his stewardship was prepared by Mr . Lee , and the property , both principle and interest , tendered to the young mau , the proffer was met by a letter from Sir Hubbard Simpson just received , in which he declined receiveing a shilling of it , and presented it with his warmest regards to his old friend and Brother , Jonas Lee .
The Women Of Our Time.
BY CALEBS . FAST YOUNG LAIWES . I CONFESS that I write this paper with some little fear , aud no little pain . My own idea of women is in itself a very high one , and I greatly object to see the halo of romance and of " sentiment" which ever surrounds them , according to my view , brought down to the material forms and
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Broken Tessera.
A clear sale was forthwith made of the whole property , amounting to more than fifty thousand dollars . No documentary evidences relative to the "debt were retained by Mr . Simpson . Prudence pointed out this as the only course that jwomised a successful result .
At parting , while yet the boat was waiting at the pier , and the drums of the American advance guard were sounding in the suburbs of the city , Mr . Simpson took a gold piece from his pocket , broke it in two partsand handing one to his
noble-, hearted friend , observed , " you aud I used to debate the purpose of the ancient tessera ; now we will make it a practical question . 'Whoever presents you with this fragment of gold , to him I authorize you to render up whatever in your hand
belongs to me . Farewell . " Years rolled by , and Jonas Lee heard no more from his old friend . With great difficulty , and by the aid of powerful friends at headquarters , he had succeeded in disposing of the property without much loss ; and by a judicious use of the money he had become rich . Old age then crept upon him . His daily walks about the
city began to be shortened . The almondtree flourished . The grasshopper began to be a burden . From year to year he drew nearer his own mansion , and finally confined himself within bis retired apartment to await the summoner of all flesh . One day , as he was reclining in the
listlessness of old age , with but the word of God and the person of bis good wife for companionship , aud the voices of his grandchildren ringing from the next room in happy harmony , he was accosted by a beggarly-looking young man , who prayed
a gift of money "for a poor ahirjirreckod foreigner , who had lost his all and barely escaped with life itself . " Jonas Lee was not a person to refuse such a demand . He made him a bountiful gift of money , clothes , and kind words .
But when the foreigner was about to depart , he walked up to Mr . Lee ' s couch , and , pressing his hand with thankfulness , he dropped into it a worn and ragged piece of metal , and asked him if he would accept that piece of gold as a token of a poor beggar ' s gratitude 1 There was something peculiar iu the foreigner ' s tone , which led Mr . Lee to draw out his spectacles and
The Broken Tessera.
examine the offering intently . What was the surprise of his wife to see him rise from his chair , draw a similar fragment from his bosom , where it had been suspended by a ribbon for a long time , and applying the p ieces together , to hear him
triumphantly declare : " They fit I they fit ! The brokeu tessera is complete ! the union is perfect Thank God , thank God , my Brother is yet alive !" The foreigner turned out to be the youngest sou of Mr . Simpson , who had
been shipwrecked , as he stated , to the great hazard of his life . Preserving the golden fragment , he had landed at Philadelphia , ragged and poor , charged by his father with a message to Mr . Lee . Why the former had so longed delayed his claim
does not appear . The history informs us , however , that he followed the British army through the rest of the war , and amassed a large fortune by some successful government contracts ; gone to England ; embarked in some extensive speculations there , and finally , retiring from business immensely wealthy , was made a baronet for his loyal
. His son was received with open arms , and introduced into the best circles of Philadel phia . The report concerning the Masonic ] jart of the transaction became public , aud gave a new impetus to the Order .
But when a full account of his stewardship was prepared by Mr . Lee , and the property , both principle and interest , tendered to the young mau , the proffer was met by a letter from Sir Hubbard Simpson just received , in which he declined receiveing a shilling of it , and presented it with his warmest regards to his old friend and Brother , Jonas Lee .
The Women Of Our Time.
BY CALEBS . FAST YOUNG LAIWES . I CONFESS that I write this paper with some little fear , aud no little pain . My own idea of women is in itself a very high one , and I greatly object to see the halo of romance and of " sentiment" which ever surrounds them , according to my view , brought down to the material forms and