Article TO OUR READERS. Page 1 of 2 →
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To Our Readers.
? TjyiTH the close of the Fourth Volume , Publisher and Editor beg once more to express their earnest thanks to all who
have given to them their friendly countenance , or [ afforded to them their kindly aid ! In the present state of our mon tidy literature , and with
countless claimants for support , on general and sectional grounds , it is necessarily no easy task to offer to our circle of slowly increasing subscribers a Magazine which will appeal to their sympathies , and invite their perusal . For it must he remembered as a fact , what
many Freemasons seem to forget , that if a Serial is to he thoroughly effective and interesting , it must be supported largely , and carried on systematically . We must get our " wares" in the best market , and pay for them accordingly .
Our worthy Publisher , to whom justice ought to be done by our Craft , has continued to carry on the Magazine , in | hope of better days and a more numerous subscription list . He still trusts that he may not be disappointed , and that those of us who
survive to greet the close of Vol . V ., may be able to report that the Magazine has left its abnormal position , and attained tho normal condition of all true serial literature—whether Masonic or otherwis e—namely a rapidly increasing and remunerative monthly
sale .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
To Our Readers.
? TjyiTH the close of the Fourth Volume , Publisher and Editor beg once more to express their earnest thanks to all who
have given to them their friendly countenance , or [ afforded to them their kindly aid ! In the present state of our mon tidy literature , and with
countless claimants for support , on general and sectional grounds , it is necessarily no easy task to offer to our circle of slowly increasing subscribers a Magazine which will appeal to their sympathies , and invite their perusal . For it must he remembered as a fact , what
many Freemasons seem to forget , that if a Serial is to he thoroughly effective and interesting , it must be supported largely , and carried on systematically . We must get our " wares" in the best market , and pay for them accordingly .
Our worthy Publisher , to whom justice ought to be done by our Craft , has continued to carry on the Magazine , in | hope of better days and a more numerous subscription list . He still trusts that he may not be disappointed , and that those of us who
survive to greet the close of Vol . V ., may be able to report that the Magazine has left its abnormal position , and attained tho normal condition of all true serial literature—whether Masonic or otherwis e—namely a rapidly increasing and remunerative monthly
sale .