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The Week.
ancl has still a fine voice . The " Vi ravviso" was much applauded , and the popular baritone acted ancl sang with great care and judgment throughout the evening . The most interesting incident in the performance was the appearance of Signor Mongini as TElvi . no . Unfortunately , the new tenor was suffering so severely from cold , that it is impossible to speak with any decision as to his qualifications . Ono thing appears to us certain , that he lias a magnificent voice , judging from his lower and middle notes . After the opera , Mr . E . T . Smith was called before the curtain
to receive the loudly expressed thanks of his highly gratified audience . Tho evening ' s entertainment concluded with the ballet or rather divertissement of "Ariadne , " in ivhich Mademoiselles Boschetti and Morlaechi appeared with great applause . Last ni ght the " Favorita" was produced , with Signor Giuglini , and was an equally great success . On Easter Monday the performances at the Hayroarket commenced with Mr . Palgrave Simpson ' s new comedy of " The AVorld and the Stage , in which Miss Amy Sedgwick , Mrs . Buckingham White , Mr . Howe , Mr . Compton , and Mr . Buckstone performed the principal characters in their usual
effective style . The houso was crowded to excess , no doubt on account of its being thc first night of a new burlesque classical extravaganza from the iacile pen of Mr . Frank Talfourd , entitled " Electa , in a new Electric Light . " Mr . Talfourcl has turned into a lively burlesque tho tremendous tragedy of Sophocles ; he has constructed a light , pleasing , and eminently witty extravaganza , literally bristling with puns imdjeuz lie mots . sEgistlius ( Mr . Compton ) appears in the guise of a moody tyrant , wofully henpecked by his wife , Olytemnestra ( Mrs . AVilkins ) , Orestes is charmingly personified by Miss Maria Ternanwhile Klectra was confided to the
, very able care of Miss Eliza AVeekes . Chrysothemis was charmingly played by Miss Louise Leclercq . The scenery was very splendid , the dresses very handsome ; the lust tableau reflected great credit on Mr . Frederick Fonton ; and the p > iece ivas entirely successful . Mr . AA'ebster has revived the "Serious Family" at the Adelphi Theatre , playing the part of the Irish Captain , Murphy Maguire himself , with a
gentlemanlike brogue ancl bearing seldom combined in theatrical representatives of Irish gentlemen ; Mr . Toole , as Am-inadali Sleek , elicited abundant laughter , and Mesdames A . Mellon and Chatterley left nothiug to be desired . AA ' e must candidly say we have witnessed many more amusing extravaganzas than thc new Easter piece ; at the saute time it is true we have seen a vast number much worse . It is called "Asmodeus , " and is taken from au episode in the " Diablo Boiteux" oi Le Sage . Mis . Mellou ' s . Don Cleophas is played ivith much spirit and aplomb , possessing a counterpart in the TDon Mendosa of Miss Kate
Kelly ; while Miss Keeley and Miss Arden , as Leonora and Fatima , are graceful in costume and appearance , and clever in their singing . Mr . J . L . Toole ' s Asmodeus is a striking performance of the " Yellow Dwarf" school . Mr . Paul Bedford is a certain Don Fernando , " au uncle of little cruelty , but of extreme heaviness . " The scenery aud costumes are tasteful , and fully in keeping with the subject of tho extravaganza . Thc entertainment concludes with " The Pretty Girls of Stilberg , " the great feature of which is Mr . AA ' ebster ' s " make-up" for the Emperor Napoleon I .- At the Olympic Mr . Robson has not produced tiny spectacle
this Easter . The loss will not be felt by the frequenters of his theatre ; the witty "Nine Points of the Law , " by Mr . Tom Taylor , is the piece de resistance employing the brilliant acting of that evergreen favourite Mr . Stirling ; this is followed by the "Porter ' s Knot" and "Boots at the Swan . " A more delightful bill of fare for au audience of taste and discrimination could hardly be selected ; high comedy in the first , the most touching pathos in the second , and the broadest fun in the third ; and the public appreciates the manager ' s providing , for the aristocratic stallsthe middle class pitancl the more humble gallery are equallwell filled on
, , y every evening of performance . No other actor ofthe clay we think has so wonderfully succeeded in acquiring the sympathy ( we had almost ' written , the affection ) of his audience as . Mr . Robson ; whether for " grave oi- gay , " lie may truly be called a host in himself . Next week we propose to notice the remaining novelties of the season ; at present we have completely exhausted the space allotted to us in the Magazine ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Week.
ancl has still a fine voice . The " Vi ravviso" was much applauded , and the popular baritone acted ancl sang with great care and judgment throughout the evening . The most interesting incident in the performance was the appearance of Signor Mongini as TElvi . no . Unfortunately , the new tenor was suffering so severely from cold , that it is impossible to speak with any decision as to his qualifications . Ono thing appears to us certain , that he lias a magnificent voice , judging from his lower and middle notes . After the opera , Mr . E . T . Smith was called before the curtain
to receive the loudly expressed thanks of his highly gratified audience . Tho evening ' s entertainment concluded with the ballet or rather divertissement of "Ariadne , " in ivhich Mademoiselles Boschetti and Morlaechi appeared with great applause . Last ni ght the " Favorita" was produced , with Signor Giuglini , and was an equally great success . On Easter Monday the performances at the Hayroarket commenced with Mr . Palgrave Simpson ' s new comedy of " The AVorld and the Stage , in which Miss Amy Sedgwick , Mrs . Buckingham White , Mr . Howe , Mr . Compton , and Mr . Buckstone performed the principal characters in their usual
effective style . The houso was crowded to excess , no doubt on account of its being thc first night of a new burlesque classical extravaganza from the iacile pen of Mr . Frank Talfourd , entitled " Electa , in a new Electric Light . " Mr . Talfourcl has turned into a lively burlesque tho tremendous tragedy of Sophocles ; he has constructed a light , pleasing , and eminently witty extravaganza , literally bristling with puns imdjeuz lie mots . sEgistlius ( Mr . Compton ) appears in the guise of a moody tyrant , wofully henpecked by his wife , Olytemnestra ( Mrs . AVilkins ) , Orestes is charmingly personified by Miss Maria Ternanwhile Klectra was confided to the
, very able care of Miss Eliza AVeekes . Chrysothemis was charmingly played by Miss Louise Leclercq . The scenery was very splendid , the dresses very handsome ; the lust tableau reflected great credit on Mr . Frederick Fonton ; and the p > iece ivas entirely successful . Mr . AA'ebster has revived the "Serious Family" at the Adelphi Theatre , playing the part of the Irish Captain , Murphy Maguire himself , with a
gentlemanlike brogue ancl bearing seldom combined in theatrical representatives of Irish gentlemen ; Mr . Toole , as Am-inadali Sleek , elicited abundant laughter , and Mesdames A . Mellon and Chatterley left nothiug to be desired . AA ' e must candidly say we have witnessed many more amusing extravaganzas than thc new Easter piece ; at the saute time it is true we have seen a vast number much worse . It is called "Asmodeus , " and is taken from au episode in the " Diablo Boiteux" oi Le Sage . Mis . Mellou ' s . Don Cleophas is played ivith much spirit and aplomb , possessing a counterpart in the TDon Mendosa of Miss Kate
Kelly ; while Miss Keeley and Miss Arden , as Leonora and Fatima , are graceful in costume and appearance , and clever in their singing . Mr . J . L . Toole ' s Asmodeus is a striking performance of the " Yellow Dwarf" school . Mr . Paul Bedford is a certain Don Fernando , " au uncle of little cruelty , but of extreme heaviness . " The scenery aud costumes are tasteful , and fully in keeping with the subject of tho extravaganza . Thc entertainment concludes with " The Pretty Girls of Stilberg , " the great feature of which is Mr . AA ' ebster ' s " make-up" for the Emperor Napoleon I .- At the Olympic Mr . Robson has not produced tiny spectacle
this Easter . The loss will not be felt by the frequenters of his theatre ; the witty "Nine Points of the Law , " by Mr . Tom Taylor , is the piece de resistance employing the brilliant acting of that evergreen favourite Mr . Stirling ; this is followed by the "Porter ' s Knot" and "Boots at the Swan . " A more delightful bill of fare for au audience of taste and discrimination could hardly be selected ; high comedy in the first , the most touching pathos in the second , and the broadest fun in the third ; and the public appreciates the manager ' s providing , for the aristocratic stallsthe middle class pitancl the more humble gallery are equallwell filled on
, , y every evening of performance . No other actor ofthe clay we think has so wonderfully succeeded in acquiring the sympathy ( we had almost ' written , the affection ) of his audience as . Mr . Robson ; whether for " grave oi- gay , " lie may truly be called a host in himself . Next week we propose to notice the remaining novelties of the season ; at present we have completely exhausted the space allotted to us in the Magazine ,