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that the essence of his inherent virtues became developed under its influence , and were much enlarged and enforced by the precepts and examples of our ancient brethren , and chastened by the contemplation of the examples which the work of the Lodge constantly lays before him . Such Brethren will easily credit that the application of these principles can be proved , and the essence of Masonry discovered , in the most perfect of the remains which Time has left us .
But for our more sceptical and less attentive Brethren , we will attempt to indicate the analogy , which we believe may be found to exist , between the principles of Craft Masonry and those embodied in the petrified symbols of the Middle Ages ; and we shall find that we
cannot attentively examine one of those erections which have been spared to us , without recognizing in its every line the hand of a worthy disciple of him -under whose immediate inspection arose that magnificent temple , the memory of which lives in the affections of every true Brother .
It has been said by Professor Hay , Mr . Griffiths , and others , that the plans , elevations , and details , of the erections of the Middle Ages were all constructed upon a kind of scaffoldings—of mathematical proportions as believes Mr . Hay , and geometrical figures as believes Mr . Griffiths , —which pervaded every part of the edifice .
It is not difficult to believe , knowing that Preemasonry was largely practised in those days , that their designs were produced by some such system of proportion , though we do not think that the same system can be fairly applied to all periods , but that we should take into consideration the date of the work to which the key is to
be applied ; believing that if one system was in use between the eleventh and twelfth centuries , a more advanced system would prevail in the thirteenth and fourteenth ; and that , before we proceed to test its application , we must remove from our plans those portions of the buildings which are subsequent to the foundation .
As this is a deeper subject than is desirable or convenient to discuss here , though it may probably be found to be intimately connected with Preemasonry , we will proceed to consider the general application of our subject . The plan of our Christian temples , though in their entirety they
were developed in that most sacred of all symbols , the cross , are in their parts composed of parallelograms ; complete , they are situate due east and west , while in a convenient position adjoining the western entrance is performed the ceremony of preparation for the admittance of candidates into the brotherhood of the Church .
There , by the assistance of those who vouch for his future instruction , is laid the foundation upon which , it is hoped , the candidate himself will rear a temple of honour and virtue . Proceeding onwards towards the east , we reach—situated in an analogous position with those pillars upon which much of the fabric of Masonry rests—the position of the expounders of the Christian faith ! "Without the knowledge they teach , we cannot , in either instance , obtain that consolation which all good Masons , as well
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Untitled Article
that the essence of his inherent virtues became developed under its influence , and were much enlarged and enforced by the precepts and examples of our ancient brethren , and chastened by the contemplation of the examples which the work of the Lodge constantly lays before him . Such Brethren will easily credit that the application of these principles can be proved , and the essence of Masonry discovered , in the most perfect of the remains which Time has left us .
But for our more sceptical and less attentive Brethren , we will attempt to indicate the analogy , which we believe may be found to exist , between the principles of Craft Masonry and those embodied in the petrified symbols of the Middle Ages ; and we shall find that we
cannot attentively examine one of those erections which have been spared to us , without recognizing in its every line the hand of a worthy disciple of him -under whose immediate inspection arose that magnificent temple , the memory of which lives in the affections of every true Brother .
It has been said by Professor Hay , Mr . Griffiths , and others , that the plans , elevations , and details , of the erections of the Middle Ages were all constructed upon a kind of scaffoldings—of mathematical proportions as believes Mr . Hay , and geometrical figures as believes Mr . Griffiths , —which pervaded every part of the edifice .
It is not difficult to believe , knowing that Preemasonry was largely practised in those days , that their designs were produced by some such system of proportion , though we do not think that the same system can be fairly applied to all periods , but that we should take into consideration the date of the work to which the key is to
be applied ; believing that if one system was in use between the eleventh and twelfth centuries , a more advanced system would prevail in the thirteenth and fourteenth ; and that , before we proceed to test its application , we must remove from our plans those portions of the buildings which are subsequent to the foundation .
As this is a deeper subject than is desirable or convenient to discuss here , though it may probably be found to be intimately connected with Preemasonry , we will proceed to consider the general application of our subject . The plan of our Christian temples , though in their entirety they
were developed in that most sacred of all symbols , the cross , are in their parts composed of parallelograms ; complete , they are situate due east and west , while in a convenient position adjoining the western entrance is performed the ceremony of preparation for the admittance of candidates into the brotherhood of the Church .
There , by the assistance of those who vouch for his future instruction , is laid the foundation upon which , it is hoped , the candidate himself will rear a temple of honour and virtue . Proceeding onwards towards the east , we reach—situated in an analogous position with those pillars upon which much of the fabric of Masonry rests—the position of the expounders of the Christian faith ! "Without the knowledge they teach , we cannot , in either instance , obtain that consolation which all good Masons , as well