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Reports of Proceedings op G . L . —A M . M . —We receive more inquiries upon this than any other subject . We would suggest to our many correspondents that the Grand Secretary ' s Office is the proper quarter to apply to for a reason why these documents are no longer regularly issued . Country Lodge Proceedings . —We regret that the request we tendered in our last number has not yet been sufficiently replied to , to enable Us to add to the list of the London meetings at present .
Temple . — "A heated Brother . " Be patient ! The M . W . the G . M . ' s allusion at the last G . L ., to a new method of ventilation adopted at Halifax , has caused inquiry , and that method is so effectual , that in all probability it will be applied to the Temple before many months have passed . A ppointment of Officers . —We tender our best thanks for the kind attention , which has been given to our request under this head , in our January number . The replies received have enabled us to make the present number more full of
Masonic intelligence than was ever possible in the Quarterly . All we have to request , that the Brethren will continue to supply us as liberally as they have begun to do with information , and to let no interesting event pass without favouring us with a communication at their earliest convenience . We feel sure that we have only to intimate to our subscribers that the number of each month must be in the hands of our publishers at least three days before the tirst day of the month , to secure their receipt of it on that day , to induce them not to delay their contributions beyond the 20 th at latest .
Girls' School . —A Subscriber . —A report of the Quarterly General Court , of the 11 th ult ., will be found in the present number . Upon the question debated on that occasion , we wish to obtain the fullest information before giving our opinion . That an improved system of education must be at once gone into and maintained is imperative . A sincere friend to the Charity thus writes to us on this point : — " I am glad to be enabled to testify to the fitness of the new Schoolmistress for her situation : she is devoted to the business of the School , is beloved
by the children , and has gained the affection of the household . Everything progresses most satisfactorily thus far , and I have confident hopes in the future . " This is very satisfactory , for the old system was only suitable to a bygone age , and needs the most ample extension . Why cannot the Grand Chaplains , with two lay Brethren , be appointed to inspect the school twice every year ? We will answer for one , and we are sure we may do so for the other , that they will willingly undertake this office , if they are not subjected to interference .
Boys' School . —P . M . —An examination will certainly take place before the Festival . The V . W . the Grand Chaplain , Bro . J . E . Cox , and Bro . J . Hervey , S . G . D ., have promised to undertake it early in the present month , or at the beginning of March . The late Bro . G . Moore . —We promised ( p . 65 ) to give a report of the trial of the assassin Barthele " my , for the murder of thfs lamented Brother . We regret our inability to fulfil this promise , inasmuch as the trial , upon which Barthelemy was cast for execution , was for the murder of the poor man Collard , who arrested him , and not for that of Bro . Moore . Barthe'le ' my was executed at Newgate , on Monday morning , January 22 nd .
Mark Degree . —A R . A . Mason . —Apply to Bro . R . Spencer , 314 , High Holborn , for all the particulars you require . The Mark Lodge is held under warrant from the G . C . of Scotland . Patriotic Eund . —R . A . —We have no doubt that Chapters will contribute as well as Lodges , though the amounts must not be expected to be so large . We
have given a list , in the present number , of the donations of such Lodges as have reported to us . It is very incomplete at present , and can be taken as no criterion of what Masonry will do for this noble cause . We earnestly request our Brethren in the E . 8 . W . and N ., to communicate the amounts subscribed by their respective Prov . Grand Lodges and Chapters , and private Lodges and Chapters , that we may be able to announce them to the Craft .
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Untitled Article
Reports of Proceedings op G . L . —A M . M . —We receive more inquiries upon this than any other subject . We would suggest to our many correspondents that the Grand Secretary ' s Office is the proper quarter to apply to for a reason why these documents are no longer regularly issued . Country Lodge Proceedings . —We regret that the request we tendered in our last number has not yet been sufficiently replied to , to enable Us to add to the list of the London meetings at present .
Temple . — "A heated Brother . " Be patient ! The M . W . the G . M . ' s allusion at the last G . L ., to a new method of ventilation adopted at Halifax , has caused inquiry , and that method is so effectual , that in all probability it will be applied to the Temple before many months have passed . A ppointment of Officers . —We tender our best thanks for the kind attention , which has been given to our request under this head , in our January number . The replies received have enabled us to make the present number more full of
Masonic intelligence than was ever possible in the Quarterly . All we have to request , that the Brethren will continue to supply us as liberally as they have begun to do with information , and to let no interesting event pass without favouring us with a communication at their earliest convenience . We feel sure that we have only to intimate to our subscribers that the number of each month must be in the hands of our publishers at least three days before the tirst day of the month , to secure their receipt of it on that day , to induce them not to delay their contributions beyond the 20 th at latest .
Girls' School . —A Subscriber . —A report of the Quarterly General Court , of the 11 th ult ., will be found in the present number . Upon the question debated on that occasion , we wish to obtain the fullest information before giving our opinion . That an improved system of education must be at once gone into and maintained is imperative . A sincere friend to the Charity thus writes to us on this point : — " I am glad to be enabled to testify to the fitness of the new Schoolmistress for her situation : she is devoted to the business of the School , is beloved
by the children , and has gained the affection of the household . Everything progresses most satisfactorily thus far , and I have confident hopes in the future . " This is very satisfactory , for the old system was only suitable to a bygone age , and needs the most ample extension . Why cannot the Grand Chaplains , with two lay Brethren , be appointed to inspect the school twice every year ? We will answer for one , and we are sure we may do so for the other , that they will willingly undertake this office , if they are not subjected to interference .
Boys' School . —P . M . —An examination will certainly take place before the Festival . The V . W . the Grand Chaplain , Bro . J . E . Cox , and Bro . J . Hervey , S . G . D ., have promised to undertake it early in the present month , or at the beginning of March . The late Bro . G . Moore . —We promised ( p . 65 ) to give a report of the trial of the assassin Barthele " my , for the murder of thfs lamented Brother . We regret our inability to fulfil this promise , inasmuch as the trial , upon which Barthelemy was cast for execution , was for the murder of the poor man Collard , who arrested him , and not for that of Bro . Moore . Barthe'le ' my was executed at Newgate , on Monday morning , January 22 nd .
Mark Degree . —A R . A . Mason . —Apply to Bro . R . Spencer , 314 , High Holborn , for all the particulars you require . The Mark Lodge is held under warrant from the G . C . of Scotland . Patriotic Eund . —R . A . —We have no doubt that Chapters will contribute as well as Lodges , though the amounts must not be expected to be so large . We
have given a list , in the present number , of the donations of such Lodges as have reported to us . It is very incomplete at present , and can be taken as no criterion of what Masonry will do for this noble cause . We earnestly request our Brethren in the E . 8 . W . and N ., to communicate the amounts subscribed by their respective Prov . Grand Lodges and Chapters , and private Lodges and Chapters , that we may be able to announce them to the Craft .