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the pleasure to propose to them , and when he asked them to dedicate that glass to the health of the Prov . G . C , who had that day honoured them by his presence , he was sure he should not call for bumpers in vain . Sir Kt . Cruttenden , the Prov . G . C . of Cheshire , was so well known to all the Templars of Lancashire , that he
felt it to be quite unnecessary to say one word in his praise ; his merits spoke for themselves ; and the fact of his having now " crossed the water" ( to use his own words ) , to honour this Prov . G . C . with his presence , was of itself sufficient to entitle him to a hearty welcome at their hands ; and he felt he might say with confidence , that when another Prov . G . C . was held in Cheshire , the Templars of Lancashire would not be slow to return the compliment .
The Y . E . Prov . G . C . of Cheshire returned thanks , m a neat and appropriate speech ; after which the following toasts were given , viz . : the D . P . G . C . of Lancashire , Sir Kt . Royds ; the G . Officers of G . C . ; the Prov . G . Officers of Lancashire ; the E . G . of the Jerusalem Encamp ., Dr . C . Clay , and his Officers ; and the Sir Kts . Visitors ; all of which were responded to in suitable terms , the latter being acknowledged by Sir Kt . Masson , E . G . of the Observance
Encamp-London . The Prov . G . C . then gave the health of the Prov . G . D . of Cer ., Sir Kt . W . Wright , to whose able assistance and excellent arrangements he felt , not only he , but the Prov . G . C , was greatly indebted . And this was followed by the Eq ., according to ancient custom , giving the usual toast , " To all Knights Templars , " & c , with which concluded the proceedings of a day that will long be remembered , and marked with a white stone , in the annals of Templar Masonry in Lancashire .
Watford Encampment . —The members met in the noble Masonic Hall , on Monday , January 8 , for the ' purpose of electing the E . G . and Treasurer for the year ensuing . Sir Kt . W . S . Tootell was unanimously re-elected to the distinguished post of E . G ., and Sir Kt . Rogers , Treasurer . Among the members present were Sir Kts . H . H . Burchell Heme , T . Abel Ward , G . Francis , P . E . C's . The visitors were Sir Kts . J . How , P . E . G ., and A . L . Bellinger , of the Croydon Encampment .
Ojst Wednesday , January 1 Oth , the members of this Lodge assembled at H . M . in their club-house , Nelson-street , for the purpose of installing Officers for the ensuing six months ; and in the evening dined together in celebration of the festival of St . John , when over thirty of the Order attended . Visiting Brethren from several Lodges were guests . The Prov . G . M . of North Munster graced the assembly , his breast glittering with the numerous gorgeous insignia which
proclaim the enthusiasm for Freemasonry that actuates the kind , benevolent , and charitable Bro . Furnell . Nothing can equal the love and harmony which pervade the festive re-unions of the Donoughmore Lodge . Composed as it is of the elite of this locality , it is quite becoming that an Institution such as Freemasonry should have its chosen home—an Institution which not only appreciates intellectual progress , but devotes itself to the training of the human heart , and specially to the culture of those virtues which at once cement and adorn the social circle . It is
well that there is in Clonmel this temple worthy of such an Order , and the Donough more Lodge is very properly the rallying centre of all true Masons in this county . After the cloth was removed , and the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were propounded by the amiable W . M ., Bro . Whitehead , and duly responded to , the harmonious hilarity was greatly enhanced by the versatile talent and musical ability of a very worthy Brother from the neighbourhood of a renowned little town of " military frequence . " A Masonic festival is indeed a " feast of reason , " and with the Craft the " flow of soul" is proverbial . We are not , then , to be surprised at the surpassing ex -
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the pleasure to propose to them , and when he asked them to dedicate that glass to the health of the Prov . G . C , who had that day honoured them by his presence , he was sure he should not call for bumpers in vain . Sir Kt . Cruttenden , the Prov . G . C . of Cheshire , was so well known to all the Templars of Lancashire , that he
felt it to be quite unnecessary to say one word in his praise ; his merits spoke for themselves ; and the fact of his having now " crossed the water" ( to use his own words ) , to honour this Prov . G . C . with his presence , was of itself sufficient to entitle him to a hearty welcome at their hands ; and he felt he might say with confidence , that when another Prov . G . C . was held in Cheshire , the Templars of Lancashire would not be slow to return the compliment .
The Y . E . Prov . G . C . of Cheshire returned thanks , m a neat and appropriate speech ; after which the following toasts were given , viz . : the D . P . G . C . of Lancashire , Sir Kt . Royds ; the G . Officers of G . C . ; the Prov . G . Officers of Lancashire ; the E . G . of the Jerusalem Encamp ., Dr . C . Clay , and his Officers ; and the Sir Kts . Visitors ; all of which were responded to in suitable terms , the latter being acknowledged by Sir Kt . Masson , E . G . of the Observance
Encamp-London . The Prov . G . C . then gave the health of the Prov . G . D . of Cer ., Sir Kt . W . Wright , to whose able assistance and excellent arrangements he felt , not only he , but the Prov . G . C , was greatly indebted . And this was followed by the Eq ., according to ancient custom , giving the usual toast , " To all Knights Templars , " & c , with which concluded the proceedings of a day that will long be remembered , and marked with a white stone , in the annals of Templar Masonry in Lancashire .
Watford Encampment . —The members met in the noble Masonic Hall , on Monday , January 8 , for the ' purpose of electing the E . G . and Treasurer for the year ensuing . Sir Kt . W . S . Tootell was unanimously re-elected to the distinguished post of E . G ., and Sir Kt . Rogers , Treasurer . Among the members present were Sir Kts . H . H . Burchell Heme , T . Abel Ward , G . Francis , P . E . C's . The visitors were Sir Kts . J . How , P . E . G ., and A . L . Bellinger , of the Croydon Encampment .
Ojst Wednesday , January 1 Oth , the members of this Lodge assembled at H . M . in their club-house , Nelson-street , for the purpose of installing Officers for the ensuing six months ; and in the evening dined together in celebration of the festival of St . John , when over thirty of the Order attended . Visiting Brethren from several Lodges were guests . The Prov . G . M . of North Munster graced the assembly , his breast glittering with the numerous gorgeous insignia which
proclaim the enthusiasm for Freemasonry that actuates the kind , benevolent , and charitable Bro . Furnell . Nothing can equal the love and harmony which pervade the festive re-unions of the Donoughmore Lodge . Composed as it is of the elite of this locality , it is quite becoming that an Institution such as Freemasonry should have its chosen home—an Institution which not only appreciates intellectual progress , but devotes itself to the training of the human heart , and specially to the culture of those virtues which at once cement and adorn the social circle . It is
well that there is in Clonmel this temple worthy of such an Order , and the Donough more Lodge is very properly the rallying centre of all true Masons in this county . After the cloth was removed , and the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were propounded by the amiable W . M ., Bro . Whitehead , and duly responded to , the harmonious hilarity was greatly enhanced by the versatile talent and musical ability of a very worthy Brother from the neighbourhood of a renowned little town of " military frequence . " A Masonic festival is indeed a " feast of reason , " and with the Craft the " flow of soul" is proverbial . We are not , then , to be surprised at the surpassing ex -