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ceremony Bro . H .. James , S . W ., who had been unanimously elected W . M . at the last meeting , was installed by Bro . H . Muggeridge , P . M . 227 , the Preceptor of the Lodge of Instruction held under the sanction of this Lodge , in his usual able and correct style . The W . M . then appointed his Officers , viz . : —P . B . Mason , S . W . ; J . D . Brown , J . W . ; J . King , P . M ., Treasurer ; D . Samuels , P . M ., Secretary ; T . E . Bradley , S . D . ; W . D . Whaley , J . D . ; F . P . Hermann , I . G .
The Lodge of Unions ( No . 318 ) held its monthly meeting on Wednesday , the 3 rd instant , when Bro . J . Hervey , P . M ., who occupied the Chair in the absence of the W . M ., after passing Bros . Ambrosoni and Wade to the Second Degree , installed the W . M . elect , Bro . G . Blair , who appointed the following Brethren his Officers for the ensuing year , viz . : ——Bros . H . Greene , S . W . ; G . Luff , J . W . ; W . Parnfield , Sec . ; J . Pigg , S . D . ; J . Watson , J . D . ; and Standen , I . G . Bro . Bouse was re-elected Treasurer , and Bro . Bice , Tyler . About thirty of the Brethren afterwards sat down to banquet , the usual toasts given and responded to , and the evening passed off in the usual harmonious manner .
The Bank of England Lodge ( No . 329 ) , met January 11 th , at Radleys Hotel , when Bro . Graves , P . M ., acting for the W . M ., after passing a candidate to the second Degree , most ably performed the ceremony of installing Bro . Stroughill into the chair . A handsome P . M . ' s jewel was presented to Bro . Warrick , on his retirement from the W . M . ' s chair , as a token of respect and esteem entertained for him by the members of the Lodge . The W . M . Bro . Stroughill , appointed the following Brethren as his Officers , viz .: —Chance , S . W . ;
Salomo , J . W . ; Bev . T . B . Perris , Chaplain ; Wright , P . M ., Treasurer ; Dr . Bainbridge , pro tern . Secretary ; Moore , S . D . ; Hopwood , J . D . ; Leslie , I . G . ; Imrie , D . of C . and Steward . Among the Visitors were Bro . J . Hodgkinson , P . S . G . D . ; Bro . Wing , from the Province of Essex ; Bro . Rev . T . Russell , of the Alfred Lodge , Oxford ; Moore , & c . & c . The following Past Masters were also present : —Watkins , Wright , Spencer , Bainbridge , Whitmore , Graves , and R . Costa .
Yakborough Lodge ( No . 812 ) . —This flourishing Lodge met on Thursday , 4 th January , in the Lodge-room , George Tavern , Commercial-road , when Bro . P . Edinger , the respected Superintendent of the East London Water-works , was installed in the Master ' s Chair by a numerous board of Installed Masters , amongst whom were the W . Bro . Geo . Biggs , G . S . B . of England ; Bro . Simmonds , the late W . M ; Bro . Thos . Vesper ( the first W . M . of the Lodge ) ; Bro . Thos . E . Davis , P . M ., of 812 , and W . M 830 , Past Steward of all the Masonic Charities ; Bro . W . W . Davis , Treasurer of 812 , P . M . 112 , also a Past Steward of all the Charities ;
Bro . Purdy , P . S . 812 , P . M . 93 , 169 , 212 , & e . & c ; Bro . Potts , P . M . 203 ; Bro . Tuxford , P . P . G . S . D ., Lincolnshire ; Bro . Wynne , P . M ., & c . & c . ; after which the Officers were appointed and invested , viz ., Bro . W . Vesper , S . W . ; Bro . Kindred ( one of those who assisted in founding the Lodge ) , J . W . ; the Rev . Bro . D . Shaboe , M . A ., Chaplain ; the W . Bro . W . Went worth Davis , Treasurer ; the W . Bro . Thos . Vesper , P . M . 212 and 812 , Sec . ; Bro . E . TJ . Gardner , S . D . ; Bro . Crisp , J . D . ; Bro . Hampton , H . M . C ., I . G . ; Bros . Watts and Standerwich , Stewards ; Bro . Austin , Organist ; Bro . Vasey , D . C ., and Bro . Hookey , Tyler . Messrs . Akerstein and Barrett were initiated , Bro . Ross and another passed , and Bro .
Thomas raised . An elegant banquet having been provided by the host , the W . Bro . R . S . Williams , P . M . No . 71 , the Brethren adjourned to the banquet-room , when about fifty Brethren , consisting of members of the Lodge , and several very esteemed visitors , partook of the good cheer of the season in the harmonious manner that at all times is characteristic of this useful and highly influential Lodge . The usual toasts were given , in excellent style , by the newly-installed Master , who was ably supported by the P . M . ' s and other Officers . The business of the evening finished early , and the Brethren departed on their several ways , mutually delighted with the events of the meeting , and each other .
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ceremony Bro . H .. James , S . W ., who had been unanimously elected W . M . at the last meeting , was installed by Bro . H . Muggeridge , P . M . 227 , the Preceptor of the Lodge of Instruction held under the sanction of this Lodge , in his usual able and correct style . The W . M . then appointed his Officers , viz . : —P . B . Mason , S . W . ; J . D . Brown , J . W . ; J . King , P . M ., Treasurer ; D . Samuels , P . M ., Secretary ; T . E . Bradley , S . D . ; W . D . Whaley , J . D . ; F . P . Hermann , I . G .
The Lodge of Unions ( No . 318 ) held its monthly meeting on Wednesday , the 3 rd instant , when Bro . J . Hervey , P . M ., who occupied the Chair in the absence of the W . M ., after passing Bros . Ambrosoni and Wade to the Second Degree , installed the W . M . elect , Bro . G . Blair , who appointed the following Brethren his Officers for the ensuing year , viz . : ——Bros . H . Greene , S . W . ; G . Luff , J . W . ; W . Parnfield , Sec . ; J . Pigg , S . D . ; J . Watson , J . D . ; and Standen , I . G . Bro . Bouse was re-elected Treasurer , and Bro . Bice , Tyler . About thirty of the Brethren afterwards sat down to banquet , the usual toasts given and responded to , and the evening passed off in the usual harmonious manner .
The Bank of England Lodge ( No . 329 ) , met January 11 th , at Radleys Hotel , when Bro . Graves , P . M ., acting for the W . M ., after passing a candidate to the second Degree , most ably performed the ceremony of installing Bro . Stroughill into the chair . A handsome P . M . ' s jewel was presented to Bro . Warrick , on his retirement from the W . M . ' s chair , as a token of respect and esteem entertained for him by the members of the Lodge . The W . M . Bro . Stroughill , appointed the following Brethren as his Officers , viz .: —Chance , S . W . ;
Salomo , J . W . ; Bev . T . B . Perris , Chaplain ; Wright , P . M ., Treasurer ; Dr . Bainbridge , pro tern . Secretary ; Moore , S . D . ; Hopwood , J . D . ; Leslie , I . G . ; Imrie , D . of C . and Steward . Among the Visitors were Bro . J . Hodgkinson , P . S . G . D . ; Bro . Wing , from the Province of Essex ; Bro . Rev . T . Russell , of the Alfred Lodge , Oxford ; Moore , & c . & c . The following Past Masters were also present : —Watkins , Wright , Spencer , Bainbridge , Whitmore , Graves , and R . Costa .
Yakborough Lodge ( No . 812 ) . —This flourishing Lodge met on Thursday , 4 th January , in the Lodge-room , George Tavern , Commercial-road , when Bro . P . Edinger , the respected Superintendent of the East London Water-works , was installed in the Master ' s Chair by a numerous board of Installed Masters , amongst whom were the W . Bro . Geo . Biggs , G . S . B . of England ; Bro . Simmonds , the late W . M ; Bro . Thos . Vesper ( the first W . M . of the Lodge ) ; Bro . Thos . E . Davis , P . M ., of 812 , and W . M 830 , Past Steward of all the Masonic Charities ; Bro . W . W . Davis , Treasurer of 812 , P . M . 112 , also a Past Steward of all the Charities ;
Bro . Purdy , P . S . 812 , P . M . 93 , 169 , 212 , & e . & c ; Bro . Potts , P . M . 203 ; Bro . Tuxford , P . P . G . S . D ., Lincolnshire ; Bro . Wynne , P . M ., & c . & c . ; after which the Officers were appointed and invested , viz ., Bro . W . Vesper , S . W . ; Bro . Kindred ( one of those who assisted in founding the Lodge ) , J . W . ; the Rev . Bro . D . Shaboe , M . A ., Chaplain ; the W . Bro . W . Went worth Davis , Treasurer ; the W . Bro . Thos . Vesper , P . M . 212 and 812 , Sec . ; Bro . E . TJ . Gardner , S . D . ; Bro . Crisp , J . D . ; Bro . Hampton , H . M . C ., I . G . ; Bros . Watts and Standerwich , Stewards ; Bro . Austin , Organist ; Bro . Vasey , D . C ., and Bro . Hookey , Tyler . Messrs . Akerstein and Barrett were initiated , Bro . Ross and another passed , and Bro .
Thomas raised . An elegant banquet having been provided by the host , the W . Bro . R . S . Williams , P . M . No . 71 , the Brethren adjourned to the banquet-room , when about fifty Brethren , consisting of members of the Lodge , and several very esteemed visitors , partook of the good cheer of the season in the harmonious manner that at all times is characteristic of this useful and highly influential Lodge . The usual toasts were given , in excellent style , by the newly-installed Master , who was ably supported by the P . M . ' s and other Officers . The business of the evening finished early , and the Brethren departed on their several ways , mutually delighted with the events of the meeting , and each other .