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of the Lodge , P . S . G . W . of the Province , and S . G . D . of the United Grand Lodge of England . Bro . R . Richardson , immediately after being placed in the Chair , proceeded to initiate a friend of his own , Mr . Greille , in a most masterly manner . After the Masonic business had been concluded , upwards of thirty of the Brethren , amongst whom was the Marquis of Huntley , Prov . G . M ., who honoured the meeting with his presence , dined in the Assembly Rooms . The W . M . gave " The Queen and the Craft ; " " The M . W . the G . M . ; " " Success to the Masonic Charities ;" a theme ever grateful to a Mason ' s heart , of the state and progress of which , at the
present period , a brief but beautiful exposition was given by Bro . John Hervey , S . G . D ., whose name was coupled by the W . M . with the toast . But the toast which perhaps elicited the most applause was the health of the Prov . G . M ., who responded to it in his usual kind , happy , and hearty manner . The health of the D . P . G . M ., Bro . Ewart , the W . M ., the ladies , and various other toasts were most warmly received , and the Brethren separated after enjoying a most happy day . The following Officers were appointed : —Bros . W . Bodge , S . W . ; R . Taverner , J . W . ; W . Hart , Treas . ; W . Willoughby , Sec . ; J . Barton , S . D . ; J . Bristow , J . D . ; G . P . Buckle , I . G .
NOTTINGHAMSHIRE . Presentation of a superb Testimonial to the Prov . Grand Master of Nottinghamshire , Col . Wildman , of Newstead Abbey . —The presentation by the Preemasons of Nottinghamshire of a testimonial to Col . Wildman , of Newstead Abbey , Prov . G . M ., was celebrated at the Exchange Hall , Nottingham , on Dec . 21 st , 1854 , with great pomp and eclat . At four p . m . a Prov . G-. L . was opened in the magistrates' room , Exchange , for the reception of reports and transaction of the usual business . Exclusive of other officers
and members of the G . L ., there were present Bros , the Prov . G . M . Col . Wildman ; Dep . P . G . M . Dr . Pigot ; Bros . Allen , P . G . S . W ., Danks , P . P . G . S . W ., Bradbury , Sollory , and Davis , P . G . Stewards ; Percy , Gr . Sec . ; Rev . L . Jackson , P . G . Chap . ; the Past and Present Masters and Wardens of the various Lodges in Nottingham , Eastwood , Mansfield , & c , and the representatives of the Prov . G . L . of Derbyshire . At half-past four o ' clock the G . L . was closed , and the room appropriated to the reception of visitors , who in great numbers had
assembled in the court-room of the building , and were now admitted to pay their respects to the gallant Colonel and the noble Earl ( Scarborough ) . Shortly after five ; p . m . the company , wearing the appropriate costume , sashes , clothing , and jewels , of the Order , were marshalled in procession , two and two , and proceeded in advance of the Grand Office Bearers , who were now joined by the Mayor of Nottingham , to dinner in the Exchange Hall . The band of the Royal South Notts Yeomanry Cavalry struck up the spirited and beautiful " Freemason ' s Anthem , " as the procession moved forward .
The chair was occupied by the Right Hon . the Earl of Scarborough , Lord Lieutenant of the County . On his right sat the Right W . Prov . G . M . Col . Wildman , wearing the superb gold collar of his office ; the Mayor of Nottingham , Sir T . G . A . Parkins , Bart ., W . M ., 576 , Dr . Williams , P . P . G . S . W ., E . Percy , P . G . Sec , and M . Mills ; whilst on the left of the chair were Dr . Pigot , Dep . Prov . G . M . of Nottinghamshire , Sir Edward Walker , Knt ., T . Close , P . G . T ., and G . Rawson , P . G . S . D ., the Revs . L . Jackson , M . Wilkins , and J . Prior ; and amongst the company were Bros . Carter , W . M .. of the Porest Lodge , Lindley ;
Wright , Wakefield , Midworth , W . Neale , C . J . Neale , E . Paulson , Goodacre , S . Hurt , T . Godfrey , Greenhalgh , Jackson , Cooper , Barrenger , S . Allen , Thompson , Revel , Walkden , White , & c . of Mansfield ; Bros . Warner , of Manchester ; Huggins and Mason , of Derby ; R . Barber , J . A . Shaw , and Godber , of Eastwood ; and the following members of Nottingham Lodges and visitors , viz ., Bros . Aldermen Heymann and Cullen , Lieut . Kingston , R . N ., Capt . Wightman , Drs . Ransom and Robertson , H . Hadden , Long , Miller , Tennant , Martin , Hurst , Johnson , W . Maltby , Temple , Goodson , Nixon , Siemers , T . Danks , and R . Allen , T . C . Morrison , N . Hurst , P . V . Hatton , T . A . Cullen , T . Shaw , S . Parr , Abrahams , W . P . Gibson J . P . Saville , Webster , Semple , T . Porman , Sollory ,
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Untitled Article
of the Lodge , P . S . G . W . of the Province , and S . G . D . of the United Grand Lodge of England . Bro . R . Richardson , immediately after being placed in the Chair , proceeded to initiate a friend of his own , Mr . Greille , in a most masterly manner . After the Masonic business had been concluded , upwards of thirty of the Brethren , amongst whom was the Marquis of Huntley , Prov . G . M ., who honoured the meeting with his presence , dined in the Assembly Rooms . The W . M . gave " The Queen and the Craft ; " " The M . W . the G . M . ; " " Success to the Masonic Charities ;" a theme ever grateful to a Mason ' s heart , of the state and progress of which , at the
present period , a brief but beautiful exposition was given by Bro . John Hervey , S . G . D ., whose name was coupled by the W . M . with the toast . But the toast which perhaps elicited the most applause was the health of the Prov . G . M ., who responded to it in his usual kind , happy , and hearty manner . The health of the D . P . G . M ., Bro . Ewart , the W . M ., the ladies , and various other toasts were most warmly received , and the Brethren separated after enjoying a most happy day . The following Officers were appointed : —Bros . W . Bodge , S . W . ; R . Taverner , J . W . ; W . Hart , Treas . ; W . Willoughby , Sec . ; J . Barton , S . D . ; J . Bristow , J . D . ; G . P . Buckle , I . G .
NOTTINGHAMSHIRE . Presentation of a superb Testimonial to the Prov . Grand Master of Nottinghamshire , Col . Wildman , of Newstead Abbey . —The presentation by the Preemasons of Nottinghamshire of a testimonial to Col . Wildman , of Newstead Abbey , Prov . G . M ., was celebrated at the Exchange Hall , Nottingham , on Dec . 21 st , 1854 , with great pomp and eclat . At four p . m . a Prov . G-. L . was opened in the magistrates' room , Exchange , for the reception of reports and transaction of the usual business . Exclusive of other officers
and members of the G . L ., there were present Bros , the Prov . G . M . Col . Wildman ; Dep . P . G . M . Dr . Pigot ; Bros . Allen , P . G . S . W ., Danks , P . P . G . S . W ., Bradbury , Sollory , and Davis , P . G . Stewards ; Percy , Gr . Sec . ; Rev . L . Jackson , P . G . Chap . ; the Past and Present Masters and Wardens of the various Lodges in Nottingham , Eastwood , Mansfield , & c , and the representatives of the Prov . G . L . of Derbyshire . At half-past four o ' clock the G . L . was closed , and the room appropriated to the reception of visitors , who in great numbers had
assembled in the court-room of the building , and were now admitted to pay their respects to the gallant Colonel and the noble Earl ( Scarborough ) . Shortly after five ; p . m . the company , wearing the appropriate costume , sashes , clothing , and jewels , of the Order , were marshalled in procession , two and two , and proceeded in advance of the Grand Office Bearers , who were now joined by the Mayor of Nottingham , to dinner in the Exchange Hall . The band of the Royal South Notts Yeomanry Cavalry struck up the spirited and beautiful " Freemason ' s Anthem , " as the procession moved forward .
The chair was occupied by the Right Hon . the Earl of Scarborough , Lord Lieutenant of the County . On his right sat the Right W . Prov . G . M . Col . Wildman , wearing the superb gold collar of his office ; the Mayor of Nottingham , Sir T . G . A . Parkins , Bart ., W . M ., 576 , Dr . Williams , P . P . G . S . W ., E . Percy , P . G . Sec , and M . Mills ; whilst on the left of the chair were Dr . Pigot , Dep . Prov . G . M . of Nottinghamshire , Sir Edward Walker , Knt ., T . Close , P . G . T ., and G . Rawson , P . G . S . D ., the Revs . L . Jackson , M . Wilkins , and J . Prior ; and amongst the company were Bros . Carter , W . M .. of the Porest Lodge , Lindley ;
Wright , Wakefield , Midworth , W . Neale , C . J . Neale , E . Paulson , Goodacre , S . Hurt , T . Godfrey , Greenhalgh , Jackson , Cooper , Barrenger , S . Allen , Thompson , Revel , Walkden , White , & c . of Mansfield ; Bros . Warner , of Manchester ; Huggins and Mason , of Derby ; R . Barber , J . A . Shaw , and Godber , of Eastwood ; and the following members of Nottingham Lodges and visitors , viz ., Bros . Aldermen Heymann and Cullen , Lieut . Kingston , R . N ., Capt . Wightman , Drs . Ransom and Robertson , H . Hadden , Long , Miller , Tennant , Martin , Hurst , Johnson , W . Maltby , Temple , Goodson , Nixon , Siemers , T . Danks , and R . Allen , T . C . Morrison , N . Hurst , P . V . Hatton , T . A . Cullen , T . Shaw , S . Parr , Abrahams , W . P . Gibson J . P . Saville , Webster , Semple , T . Porman , Sollory ,