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Bradbury , Evans , Berenhart , Kidd , Campbell , Bar wis , Davis , Hearn , Jacobson , Hoyles , & c . * Bros . W . Page and Comyn officiated as vice-chairmen . Gonfalons charged in emblazonry with the arms and quarterings of Col . Wildman , and the Prov . G . L . were displayed on standards behind the Chairman ' s platform . The dinner was served up by Bro . W . H . Malpas , of the Flying Horse Hotel , in his usual elegant style .
Grace before and after meat was said by the Prov . G . Chap . Rev . L . Jackson , ofHucknall . During dinner , the band played a succession of spirited military and other pieces of music . The cloth having been withdrawn , The Noble Chaikman rose and emphatically pronounced the words ec The Queen , " which elicited a hearty burst of loyalty and applause . The Noble Chairman then gave " His Royal Highness Prince Albert and the Royal Family ; " and afterwards " The Grand Master , the Earl of Zetland , " which was received with great cheering and applause .
THE TESTIMONIAL . On the disposal of the above toasts , a novel and interesting ceremony presented itself . The testimonial , consisting of a rich and massive silver Epergne , valued at 200 guineas , and weighing nearly 300 ounces , was introduced in the midst of a procession formed as under , the band enlivening the scene by playing a portion of the " War Gallop . "
ADDRESS . R . Allen , P . G . S . W . | T . Danks , P . ' P . Gr . S . W . E . Percy , Prov . G . Sec . W . M . ' s Allen and Danks , with blue scarfs and wands .
THE TESTIMONIAL . W . M . ' s Bradbury and Comyn , with blue scarfs and wands . The coup d ' ceil of the whole of the elegant presentation scene was greatly heightened in effect by the remarkably elegant form of the Epergne , and the brilliant exotic flowers with which its seven glasses were crowned . * The Epergne , of frosted silver , thirty inches in height , had its prominent portions highly burnished , and was surmounted by cut glass dishes . The base was a massive tripod with sculptured compartments betwixt the boldly enscrolled claws . On these compartments
were executed in basso relievo three life impersonations of Col . Wildman in his three prominent characteristics . First , of Prov . G . M . Mason in complete costume , and surrounded by Masonic emblems traced in highly burnished lines ; then as Colonel of the 7 th Hussars , standing beside his war steel in the battle-field , the sword and cannon being brightly burnished ; and , finally , as a country gentleman , surrounded by the emblems of agricultural industry . On a shield over the Masonic bus relie f is inscribed the record of the presentation as follows : —• Presented by the Freemasons of Nottinghamshire to
Col . Thomas Wildman , of Newstead Abbey , Asa token of fraternal esteem and regard for his valuable services
as Grand Master ol the Province , during a period of thirty-five years . Dec . 21 , 1854 .
The shield over the hussar , bas relief } was charged with the gallant colonel ' s armorial bearings , and that over the agricultural in like manner , with the arms of the Prov . Grand Lodge . The figures and still-life accessories in these basement sculptures were most artistically executed , and much admired . Prom above the tripod springs a long-stemmed hollow cup or tube , most gracefully formed of a series of West India palm leaves , beautifully sculptured in frosted silver , as indicative of Colonel Wildman ' s West India possessions . The central stem bears
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Untitled Article
Bradbury , Evans , Berenhart , Kidd , Campbell , Bar wis , Davis , Hearn , Jacobson , Hoyles , & c . * Bros . W . Page and Comyn officiated as vice-chairmen . Gonfalons charged in emblazonry with the arms and quarterings of Col . Wildman , and the Prov . G . L . were displayed on standards behind the Chairman ' s platform . The dinner was served up by Bro . W . H . Malpas , of the Flying Horse Hotel , in his usual elegant style .
Grace before and after meat was said by the Prov . G . Chap . Rev . L . Jackson , ofHucknall . During dinner , the band played a succession of spirited military and other pieces of music . The cloth having been withdrawn , The Noble Chaikman rose and emphatically pronounced the words ec The Queen , " which elicited a hearty burst of loyalty and applause . The Noble Chairman then gave " His Royal Highness Prince Albert and the Royal Family ; " and afterwards " The Grand Master , the Earl of Zetland , " which was received with great cheering and applause .
THE TESTIMONIAL . On the disposal of the above toasts , a novel and interesting ceremony presented itself . The testimonial , consisting of a rich and massive silver Epergne , valued at 200 guineas , and weighing nearly 300 ounces , was introduced in the midst of a procession formed as under , the band enlivening the scene by playing a portion of the " War Gallop . "
ADDRESS . R . Allen , P . G . S . W . | T . Danks , P . ' P . Gr . S . W . E . Percy , Prov . G . Sec . W . M . ' s Allen and Danks , with blue scarfs and wands .
THE TESTIMONIAL . W . M . ' s Bradbury and Comyn , with blue scarfs and wands . The coup d ' ceil of the whole of the elegant presentation scene was greatly heightened in effect by the remarkably elegant form of the Epergne , and the brilliant exotic flowers with which its seven glasses were crowned . * The Epergne , of frosted silver , thirty inches in height , had its prominent portions highly burnished , and was surmounted by cut glass dishes . The base was a massive tripod with sculptured compartments betwixt the boldly enscrolled claws . On these compartments
were executed in basso relievo three life impersonations of Col . Wildman in his three prominent characteristics . First , of Prov . G . M . Mason in complete costume , and surrounded by Masonic emblems traced in highly burnished lines ; then as Colonel of the 7 th Hussars , standing beside his war steel in the battle-field , the sword and cannon being brightly burnished ; and , finally , as a country gentleman , surrounded by the emblems of agricultural industry . On a shield over the Masonic bus relie f is inscribed the record of the presentation as follows : —• Presented by the Freemasons of Nottinghamshire to
Col . Thomas Wildman , of Newstead Abbey , Asa token of fraternal esteem and regard for his valuable services
as Grand Master ol the Province , during a period of thirty-five years . Dec . 21 , 1854 .
The shield over the hussar , bas relief } was charged with the gallant colonel ' s armorial bearings , and that over the agricultural in like manner , with the arms of the Prov . Grand Lodge . The figures and still-life accessories in these basement sculptures were most artistically executed , and much admired . Prom above the tripod springs a long-stemmed hollow cup or tube , most gracefully formed of a series of West India palm leaves , beautifully sculptured in frosted silver , as indicative of Colonel Wildman ' s West India possessions . The central stem bears