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Lodge of Peace and Harmony ( No . 72 ) . —This old and celebrated Lodge has been singularly unfortunate . The W . M ., Bro . Major , through severe illness , has been unable to attend during his entire year of office , and not having appointed his Officers , the J . W . ruled the Lodge ; and the recent violent death of Bro . Moore , its respected Treasurer , by the hands of the assassin Barthe * ie * my , would of necessity create a somewhat gloomy meeting of the members . The Lodge proceeded to the
installation of Bro . El wood as W . M . for the year ensuing , which ceremony was performed by Bro . J . N . tomkins . Bro , J . Dawson was passed to the Second Degree by the W . M . Bro . W . Young , P . M ., No . 11 , was elected a member of the Lodge . A resolution was entered into to convey to the family of Bro . Moore , the deep sympathy of the members of the Lodge for his untimely death . Bro . Tomkins was elected Treasurer ; Bro . Long was nominated G . S . for the ensuing year .
Moiea Lodge ( No . 109 ) . —The members of this Lodge assembled at the London Tavern , on Tuesday , Jan . 23 , in full strength , to greet Bro . Francis Graham Moon , the Lord Mayor , who had accepted their invitation . The Lodge was opened by the W . M-., Bro . 0 , Hogg , and Messrs . W . Bains and B . N . Phillips , barrister-at-law , were initiated . The Brethren , seventy-two in number , adjourned to banquet at half-past six ; the tables were spread with all the delicacies the good taste of Bro . Bathe is accustomed to provide . Lodge or Honour and GenerosityNo 194—The members met at the
. . . London Tavern on Monday , January 1 st , the day for the annual election of W . M . and Treasurer , Bro . Bichard Bell , W . M . presiding . Bro . C . J . Corbet was unanimously elected W . M ., and Bro . B . L . Wilson re-elected Treasurer . It being New Year ' s Day , the attendance was rather thin . The only visitor present was Bro . J . How , P . M ., No . 82 . Old Concord Lodge ( No . 201 ) . —This Lodge met on Tuesday , January 2 nd , when the W . M ., Bro . Kennedy , initiated Mr . Edmonds and Mr . Smith into the
mysteries of the Order . Bro . Wesfrwood and Darby were passed to the second Degree , and Bro . the Bev . J . W . Laughlin and Bro . Silcock raised to the Degree of M . M . This being the installation meeting , Bro . G . M . Gurton , S . W ., ( who had been unanimously elected W . M . for the ensuing year ) , was ably installed by Bro . Kennedy . The installation having been concluded , the W . M . appointed his Officers , viz . Bro . Collard , S . W . ; Bro . Nicholson , J . W . ; Bro . Jeffries , S . D . ; Bro . G-. Watson , J . D . ; Bro . Jackson , I . G . ; and Bro . Emniens ( the Senior P . M . and member of this Lodge ) , Secretary for the fifteenth year . Bro . the Bev . J . W .
Laughlin was appointed Chaplain to the Lodge , and Bros . J . Gurton and Harrison , Stewards . It was then proposed and unanimously agreed that a vote of thanks should be recorded to Bro . Kennedy for the very efficient manner in which he had conducted the affairs of the Lodge during the past year , and that he be presented with a P . M . ' s jewel . After several other propositions and business being concluded , the Brethren ( numbering nearly fifty ) adjourned to " refreshment , " and spent a very delightful evening . Bro . W . Watson , P . M ., No . 25 , returned thanks on behalf of the visitors , and spoke in high terms of the very able and efficient
manner in which the entire business of the Lodge had been conducted , and congratulated the W . M . on having such good working Officers . Several appropriate toasts were proposed and responded to . The visitors were Bros . Somers , P . M ., No . 11 ; Watson , P . M ., No . 25 ; Lowick , No . 15 ; M'Manus , S . W ., No . 165 ; Collard , No . 168 ; J . Gurton ( late of this Lodge ); Barfield , P . M ., No . 752 ; Hammett , No . 752 ; Copas , No . 752 ; and Simpson , No . 752 . A subscription list was opened , and a very liberal subscription made for the Patriotic Pund .
Lodge of Tra . nquilli . ty ( No . 218 ) . —The following Officers have been appointed for the year ensuing , viz .: —Bro . Solomon , "W . M . ; Bro . Van Goor , S . W . ; Bro * Davis , J . W . ; Bro . Bev . Levy , Chap . : Bro . Isaacs , Treaa . ; Bro . Levy , P . M ., Sec . ; Bro . Smart , S . D . ; Bro . Eyre , J . D . ; Bro . Harris , I . G . ; Bro . Hirsehfeld
D . ol'C . ; Bros . Lipman and Hirschberg , Stewards . Lodge of Stabilit y ( "No . 264 ) . —This Lodge met on Tuesday , January 2 nd , when Bros . Short and Laurie were passed , and Bro . Taylor raised , after which
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Untitled Article
Lodge of Peace and Harmony ( No . 72 ) . —This old and celebrated Lodge has been singularly unfortunate . The W . M ., Bro . Major , through severe illness , has been unable to attend during his entire year of office , and not having appointed his Officers , the J . W . ruled the Lodge ; and the recent violent death of Bro . Moore , its respected Treasurer , by the hands of the assassin Barthe * ie * my , would of necessity create a somewhat gloomy meeting of the members . The Lodge proceeded to the
installation of Bro . El wood as W . M . for the year ensuing , which ceremony was performed by Bro . J . N . tomkins . Bro , J . Dawson was passed to the Second Degree by the W . M . Bro . W . Young , P . M ., No . 11 , was elected a member of the Lodge . A resolution was entered into to convey to the family of Bro . Moore , the deep sympathy of the members of the Lodge for his untimely death . Bro . Tomkins was elected Treasurer ; Bro . Long was nominated G . S . for the ensuing year .
Moiea Lodge ( No . 109 ) . —The members of this Lodge assembled at the London Tavern , on Tuesday , Jan . 23 , in full strength , to greet Bro . Francis Graham Moon , the Lord Mayor , who had accepted their invitation . The Lodge was opened by the W . M-., Bro . 0 , Hogg , and Messrs . W . Bains and B . N . Phillips , barrister-at-law , were initiated . The Brethren , seventy-two in number , adjourned to banquet at half-past six ; the tables were spread with all the delicacies the good taste of Bro . Bathe is accustomed to provide . Lodge or Honour and GenerosityNo 194—The members met at the
. . . London Tavern on Monday , January 1 st , the day for the annual election of W . M . and Treasurer , Bro . Bichard Bell , W . M . presiding . Bro . C . J . Corbet was unanimously elected W . M ., and Bro . B . L . Wilson re-elected Treasurer . It being New Year ' s Day , the attendance was rather thin . The only visitor present was Bro . J . How , P . M ., No . 82 . Old Concord Lodge ( No . 201 ) . —This Lodge met on Tuesday , January 2 nd , when the W . M ., Bro . Kennedy , initiated Mr . Edmonds and Mr . Smith into the
mysteries of the Order . Bro . Wesfrwood and Darby were passed to the second Degree , and Bro . the Bev . J . W . Laughlin and Bro . Silcock raised to the Degree of M . M . This being the installation meeting , Bro . G . M . Gurton , S . W ., ( who had been unanimously elected W . M . for the ensuing year ) , was ably installed by Bro . Kennedy . The installation having been concluded , the W . M . appointed his Officers , viz . Bro . Collard , S . W . ; Bro . Nicholson , J . W . ; Bro . Jeffries , S . D . ; Bro . G-. Watson , J . D . ; Bro . Jackson , I . G . ; and Bro . Emniens ( the Senior P . M . and member of this Lodge ) , Secretary for the fifteenth year . Bro . the Bev . J . W .
Laughlin was appointed Chaplain to the Lodge , and Bros . J . Gurton and Harrison , Stewards . It was then proposed and unanimously agreed that a vote of thanks should be recorded to Bro . Kennedy for the very efficient manner in which he had conducted the affairs of the Lodge during the past year , and that he be presented with a P . M . ' s jewel . After several other propositions and business being concluded , the Brethren ( numbering nearly fifty ) adjourned to " refreshment , " and spent a very delightful evening . Bro . W . Watson , P . M ., No . 25 , returned thanks on behalf of the visitors , and spoke in high terms of the very able and efficient
manner in which the entire business of the Lodge had been conducted , and congratulated the W . M . on having such good working Officers . Several appropriate toasts were proposed and responded to . The visitors were Bros . Somers , P . M ., No . 11 ; Watson , P . M ., No . 25 ; Lowick , No . 15 ; M'Manus , S . W ., No . 165 ; Collard , No . 168 ; J . Gurton ( late of this Lodge ); Barfield , P . M ., No . 752 ; Hammett , No . 752 ; Copas , No . 752 ; and Simpson , No . 752 . A subscription list was opened , and a very liberal subscription made for the Patriotic Pund .
Lodge of Tra . nquilli . ty ( No . 218 ) . —The following Officers have been appointed for the year ensuing , viz .: —Bro . Solomon , "W . M . ; Bro . Van Goor , S . W . ; Bro * Davis , J . W . ; Bro . Bev . Levy , Chap . : Bro . Isaacs , Treaa . ; Bro . Levy , P . M ., Sec . ; Bro . Smart , S . D . ; Bro . Eyre , J . D . ; Bro . Harris , I . G . ; Bro . Hirsehfeld
D . ol'C . ; Bros . Lipman and Hirschberg , Stewards . Lodge of Stabilit y ( "No . 264 ) . —This Lodge met on Tuesday , January 2 nd , when Bros . Short and Laurie were passed , and Bro . Taylor raised , after which