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Untitled Article
A YotJK ^ MAHON in Jersey , C . D . H . —We know of no reason why a similar Officer should not be appointed in English Lodges . It is an important office in all foreign Lodges . The proposition , which you mention as about to be carried out , is highly commendable , and would be of infinite advantage , if generally adopted . We hope you will favour us with the particulars for publication . Such documents will be most serviceable for the promotion of the objects of the Monthly .
B . B . ( 661 , Croydon ) . —Will this worthy Brother , from time to time , favour us with his valuable contributions ? .. That of the January number has " won golden opinions , " which we are anxious he should enjoy and enhance . Oxford . —W . P . —We deeply regret that the pressure upon our columns has prevented our giving the account of the Amateur Theatricals on behalf of the Patriotic Fund . >
Bath . —B . C . Y . —Your letter reaches us ( Jan . 27 th ) , too late for insertion this month , the entire Magazine being in type except this portion . It shall certainly appear in the March number , that it may speak for itself . If such things occurred in your presence , which you denounce , you are bound by your O . B . to bring your accusation before the B . of G . P . As to the Masonic spirit of your letter , we shall leave it to the judgment of the Brethren when it appears .
St . Bartholomew ' s . Hospital . —At the moment of going to press , we have received the information that Bro . W . Foster White , P . M ., St . Paul's Lodge , and P . J . G . D ., has been solicited by many of the most influential Governors of St . Bartholomew ' s Hospital , to offer himself as a candidate for the vacant Treasur ^ ership , and that there is every prospect of his being elected . We shall most sincerely congratulate the Governors if this most desirable end he accomplished , for no Brother is better known in Metropolitan Masonry as following out
the noble principles of Brotherly Love , Belief , and Ttuth . The election takes place on Wednesday , February 7 th , 1855 , at 12 o ' clock . If any of the fraternity should be Governors , we are convinced that out of respect to Bro . White , they will be present on this interesting occasion .
Morton Lodge , No . 89 , Lerwick . —We stop the Press just to acknowledge your communication , which shall appear in our next .
We very much regret , that in the hurry of preparing the first number of the Freemasons' Monthly Magazine , several errors were unavoidably unnoticed . We trust our arrangements will preclude the possibility of such mistakes again occurring .
At page 11 , line 14— -For " the worst Lodge , " read " the next Lodge . " We beg to apologise for this blunder , which was twice corrected in proof , but the printer ' s imp , from some cause or other , would not attend to our directions . We were mortified beyond expression at such a lamentable and unwarrantable perseverance in a self-evident mistake .
At page 29 , line 19—For " W . Bro . W . Foster White , " read "W . Bro . John F . White . " Each of these worthy Brethren is so well known for his truly Masonic spirit , that we trust we may be pardoned for having mistaken the one for the other in the present instance . At page 31 ( "Bank of England Lodge" ) line 3—For "Bro . Stroughill , " read u Bro . Stroughill . " We have looked at the MS . from which this report was printed , and find the name written much more like the error , we have fallen into ,
than what it really is . At page 59—For " Newfoundland , " read " Cape of Good Hope . " This error , in some measure , rests with the Brother who supplied the MS ., to which no other heading was given than " Zetland Lodge . " To our inquiry where this Lodge met , we received a reply , " Newfoundland . " We regret that we trusted to this information , without consulting the Masonic Calendar . At page 66—For " the Grand Register , " read " the Grand Registrar . "
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Untitled Article
A YotJK ^ MAHON in Jersey , C . D . H . —We know of no reason why a similar Officer should not be appointed in English Lodges . It is an important office in all foreign Lodges . The proposition , which you mention as about to be carried out , is highly commendable , and would be of infinite advantage , if generally adopted . We hope you will favour us with the particulars for publication . Such documents will be most serviceable for the promotion of the objects of the Monthly .
B . B . ( 661 , Croydon ) . —Will this worthy Brother , from time to time , favour us with his valuable contributions ? .. That of the January number has " won golden opinions , " which we are anxious he should enjoy and enhance . Oxford . —W . P . —We deeply regret that the pressure upon our columns has prevented our giving the account of the Amateur Theatricals on behalf of the Patriotic Fund . >
Bath . —B . C . Y . —Your letter reaches us ( Jan . 27 th ) , too late for insertion this month , the entire Magazine being in type except this portion . It shall certainly appear in the March number , that it may speak for itself . If such things occurred in your presence , which you denounce , you are bound by your O . B . to bring your accusation before the B . of G . P . As to the Masonic spirit of your letter , we shall leave it to the judgment of the Brethren when it appears .
St . Bartholomew ' s . Hospital . —At the moment of going to press , we have received the information that Bro . W . Foster White , P . M ., St . Paul's Lodge , and P . J . G . D ., has been solicited by many of the most influential Governors of St . Bartholomew ' s Hospital , to offer himself as a candidate for the vacant Treasur ^ ership , and that there is every prospect of his being elected . We shall most sincerely congratulate the Governors if this most desirable end he accomplished , for no Brother is better known in Metropolitan Masonry as following out
the noble principles of Brotherly Love , Belief , and Ttuth . The election takes place on Wednesday , February 7 th , 1855 , at 12 o ' clock . If any of the fraternity should be Governors , we are convinced that out of respect to Bro . White , they will be present on this interesting occasion .
Morton Lodge , No . 89 , Lerwick . —We stop the Press just to acknowledge your communication , which shall appear in our next .
We very much regret , that in the hurry of preparing the first number of the Freemasons' Monthly Magazine , several errors were unavoidably unnoticed . We trust our arrangements will preclude the possibility of such mistakes again occurring .
At page 11 , line 14— -For " the worst Lodge , " read " the next Lodge . " We beg to apologise for this blunder , which was twice corrected in proof , but the printer ' s imp , from some cause or other , would not attend to our directions . We were mortified beyond expression at such a lamentable and unwarrantable perseverance in a self-evident mistake .
At page 29 , line 19—For " W . Bro . W . Foster White , " read "W . Bro . John F . White . " Each of these worthy Brethren is so well known for his truly Masonic spirit , that we trust we may be pardoned for having mistaken the one for the other in the present instance . At page 31 ( "Bank of England Lodge" ) line 3—For "Bro . Stroughill , " read u Bro . Stroughill . " We have looked at the MS . from which this report was printed , and find the name written much more like the error , we have fallen into ,
than what it really is . At page 59—For " Newfoundland , " read " Cape of Good Hope . " This error , in some measure , rests with the Brother who supplied the MS ., to which no other heading was given than " Zetland Lodge . " To our inquiry where this Lodge met , we received a reply , " Newfoundland . " We regret that we trusted to this information , without consulting the Masonic Calendar . At page 66—For " the Grand Register , " read " the Grand Registrar . "