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for the year ensuing , viz .: —Sir Kts . W . H . Wright , G . W . Ormerod , R . Burton , C . Clay , and T . * R . Bridson ^ jun . ; and the Y . E . Prov . G . C . nominated Sir Kts . Royds , H . Bridson , E . Barlow , and H . Alpass , as Members of the same Committee . The Y . E . Prov . G . C . then addressed the assembled Sir Kts ., and , after alluding to the number present ( 45 ) , which was most satisfactory , and to the fact that each Encampment in the Province was there represented , remarked on the
importance of every one of those Encampments immediately procuring a copy of the new statutes , and adopting the recently revised Ritual ; on the fees for installation not being reduced below the amount prescribed by the new statutes ; on the impropriety of some of the Encampments continuing to held meetings on Sundays ; on the necessity of Bye-laws for each Encampment ; and of notice being given to the P . G . Yice-Chanc . whenever , any change was made in the days of meeting ; and on several other matters connected with the conduct and wellbeing of the Order , in the Prov . of Lancashire .
The business having been concluded , and the Prov . G . C . having been closed in solemn form , the Sir Kts . accompanied the Y . E . Prov . G . C . to the Banqueting * room , where the Y . E . Prov . G . C . was supported , on his right , by SirKt . Wm . Courtenay Cruttenden , the Y . E . P . G . C . of Cheshire ; Sir Kt . Masson , E . C . of the Observance Encamp ., London , and P . 1 st G . C . ; Sir Kt . Capt . Burney of the Observance Encamp ., Madras , & c . & c . & c . ; and on his left by Sir Kt . Royds , D . P . G . C . of Lancashire ; Sir Kt . H . Bridson , P . G . R . ; Sir Kt . R . F . Ainsworth , P . G . H ., & c . & c . & c .
We regret that our space will not allow us to give more than a portion of the several excellent speeches which were delivered on the occasion . In proposing the first toast the Prov . G . C . said , it might be confidently asserted that " there never was a Sovereign on the throne of these realms who liad so entirely won the affections of her people as our present most gracious Queen . Whether we regard her as a Sovereign , as a wife , or as a mother , she equally claims our respect and admiration , and I therefore call upon you , Sir Kts ., without further preface , to fill bumpers to the health of her Majesty , Queen Yictoria , and may God bless her . "
On the next toast the Prov . G . C . remarked , that it would be a want of respect to her Majesty Queen Yictoria , if they did not drink to the health of those nearest and dearest to her . Prince Albert , though devoted to science , was not a patron of the science of Masonry , and therefore could not be a Masonic Templar ; but it was to be hoped , when the Prince of Wales arrived at man ' s estate , he would , by becoming a Kt . T ., emulate the steps of his grandfather , and of his royal mother ' s uncles .
In introducing the next toast , the Y . E . P . G . C . said , "At a time like the present , when our brave fellows in the . Crimea are enduring such fearful hardships and privations , it would ill become any assembly of Britons , gathered around the festive board , to omit to toast the healths of the Army and Navy , who have so recently » added fresh laurels to those so nobly won in former days . The insignificant River Alma , which until September last was scarcely known , except to a few wandering Tartar herdsmen , will now flow down the stream of time renowned
for the victory achieved on its banks—the brilliant , though , alas ! fatal , charge of our light cavalry at Balaklava , will henceforth take its place in history , along with the chivalrous exploits of our sainted ' predecessors / the Kts . T . of old , and the indomitable bravery and courageous endurance of our fine fellows at Inkermann will ever command the admiration and respect of the whole civilised world , —and shall we , Sir Kts ., with such deeds as these fresh in our recollection , restrict ourselves to the usual Masonic toasts ? No , let us ail fill bumpers , and
upstanding , with three cheers , give the hearty goodhealthof our Army and our Navy , and may they , and our brave allies , soon return victorious to their Western homes ( great applause ) . With this toast , I will couple the name of our guest , Sir Kt . Capt . Burney , of the 51 st regiment ; which regiment , I believe , is shortly going to the Crimea , and we will charge him to inform our ' Companions in arms , ' before Sebastopol , that they are not forgotten in our convivial moments" ( Cheers ) . Sir Kt . Capt . Burney , in returning thanks for his name being coupled with the
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Untitled Article
for the year ensuing , viz .: —Sir Kts . W . H . Wright , G . W . Ormerod , R . Burton , C . Clay , and T . * R . Bridson ^ jun . ; and the Y . E . Prov . G . C . nominated Sir Kts . Royds , H . Bridson , E . Barlow , and H . Alpass , as Members of the same Committee . The Y . E . Prov . G . C . then addressed the assembled Sir Kts ., and , after alluding to the number present ( 45 ) , which was most satisfactory , and to the fact that each Encampment in the Province was there represented , remarked on the
importance of every one of those Encampments immediately procuring a copy of the new statutes , and adopting the recently revised Ritual ; on the fees for installation not being reduced below the amount prescribed by the new statutes ; on the impropriety of some of the Encampments continuing to held meetings on Sundays ; on the necessity of Bye-laws for each Encampment ; and of notice being given to the P . G . Yice-Chanc . whenever , any change was made in the days of meeting ; and on several other matters connected with the conduct and wellbeing of the Order , in the Prov . of Lancashire .
The business having been concluded , and the Prov . G . C . having been closed in solemn form , the Sir Kts . accompanied the Y . E . Prov . G . C . to the Banqueting * room , where the Y . E . Prov . G . C . was supported , on his right , by SirKt . Wm . Courtenay Cruttenden , the Y . E . P . G . C . of Cheshire ; Sir Kt . Masson , E . C . of the Observance Encamp ., London , and P . 1 st G . C . ; Sir Kt . Capt . Burney of the Observance Encamp ., Madras , & c . & c . & c . ; and on his left by Sir Kt . Royds , D . P . G . C . of Lancashire ; Sir Kt . H . Bridson , P . G . R . ; Sir Kt . R . F . Ainsworth , P . G . H ., & c . & c . & c .
We regret that our space will not allow us to give more than a portion of the several excellent speeches which were delivered on the occasion . In proposing the first toast the Prov . G . C . said , it might be confidently asserted that " there never was a Sovereign on the throne of these realms who liad so entirely won the affections of her people as our present most gracious Queen . Whether we regard her as a Sovereign , as a wife , or as a mother , she equally claims our respect and admiration , and I therefore call upon you , Sir Kts ., without further preface , to fill bumpers to the health of her Majesty , Queen Yictoria , and may God bless her . "
On the next toast the Prov . G . C . remarked , that it would be a want of respect to her Majesty Queen Yictoria , if they did not drink to the health of those nearest and dearest to her . Prince Albert , though devoted to science , was not a patron of the science of Masonry , and therefore could not be a Masonic Templar ; but it was to be hoped , when the Prince of Wales arrived at man ' s estate , he would , by becoming a Kt . T ., emulate the steps of his grandfather , and of his royal mother ' s uncles .
In introducing the next toast , the Y . E . P . G . C . said , "At a time like the present , when our brave fellows in the . Crimea are enduring such fearful hardships and privations , it would ill become any assembly of Britons , gathered around the festive board , to omit to toast the healths of the Army and Navy , who have so recently » added fresh laurels to those so nobly won in former days . The insignificant River Alma , which until September last was scarcely known , except to a few wandering Tartar herdsmen , will now flow down the stream of time renowned
for the victory achieved on its banks—the brilliant , though , alas ! fatal , charge of our light cavalry at Balaklava , will henceforth take its place in history , along with the chivalrous exploits of our sainted ' predecessors / the Kts . T . of old , and the indomitable bravery and courageous endurance of our fine fellows at Inkermann will ever command the admiration and respect of the whole civilised world , —and shall we , Sir Kts ., with such deeds as these fresh in our recollection , restrict ourselves to the usual Masonic toasts ? No , let us ail fill bumpers , and
upstanding , with three cheers , give the hearty goodhealthof our Army and our Navy , and may they , and our brave allies , soon return victorious to their Western homes ( great applause ) . With this toast , I will couple the name of our guest , Sir Kt . Capt . Burney , of the 51 st regiment ; which regiment , I believe , is shortly going to the Crimea , and we will charge him to inform our ' Companions in arms , ' before Sebastopol , that they are not forgotten in our convivial moments" ( Cheers ) . Sir Kt . Capt . Burney , in returning thanks for his name being coupled with the