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CHESHIRE . Chesteb Masonic Ball . —This annual festivity took place at the Royal Hotel , on Thursday evening , 11 th January , when the popularity of the Craft , the distinguished patronage with which the ball was honoured , and the intended appropriation of the proceeds to the Patriotic Fund , insured a full attendance , not only of the Brethren and their families , but of all who were desirous of enjoying the social pleasures of " Friendship , Love , and Truth , " which the principles of Freemasonry inculcate and exemplify .
DORSETSHIRE , WAREHAM . — On Wednesday evening , January 3 , the W . M . elect of the Lodge of Unity , No . 542 , in this town , Bro . the Rev . Thomas Pearce , was duly installed for the ensuing year by Bro . C . 0 . Bartlett , assisted by P . M . ' s Groves and Oust . After the ceremony , the Brethren of the Lodge , not P . M . ' s , were recalled , and the following Officers chosen by the W . M ., and invested with their respective Jewels of Office : —B | os . C . Filliter , S . W . ; J . 0 . Phippard , J . W . ; H . Hatherley ,
S . D . ; L . Barnett , J . D . ; J . Gust , Treas . ; H . D . Cole , Sec . ; C . Groves , Org . ; W . Phippard , I . G . ; Bros . C . B . Barfoot , and 0 . Yearsley , Stewards ; and Bro . J . Frampton , T . Each Officer , on being invested , was addressed by the Installing M ., Bro . Bartlett , in suitable terms ; after which the Lodge was called from labour to refreshment . The banquet took place at the Red Lion Hotel , provided by Bro . Yearsley in- his usual good style , and the Brethren enjoyed themselves in a mutual interchange of fraternal regard .
On Thursday , January 4 th , being the regular night of meeting of the Lodge of Unity , No . 542 , in this town , the Brethren assembled in the Lodge-room at five o ' clock . The object of this early meeting was to allow the attendance of Visiting Brethren from various Lodges in the Province , as well as from a distance ; the W . M ., Bro . Thomas Pearce , having specially invited the members of his own Lodge , the B . W . P . G . M . and Officers of the Prov . Grand Lodge , as well as the Masters and Wardens of various other Lodges , to dine with him at the
Red Lion Hotel . The Lodge was opened in form precisely at five , and about twenty-six Brethren were found to have responded to the friendly invitation of the Rev . Brother . After the usual routine business , the Lodge was duly closed , and the Brethren adjourned to the Red Lion Inn . The dinner was served by Bro . Yearsley , with more than his usual good taste . The whole arrangements gave the greatest satisfaction . The chair was filled and most ably sustained by the W . M . of the Lodge of Unity , Bro . the Bev . Thos . Pearce ; the vice-chair was filled by
P . M . Bro . C . O . Bartlett . Among those present were Bro . Mainwaring , P . M ., of the Lodge of Hengist , No . 230 , Bournemouth ; Bro . Bailey , P . M ., ditto ; and Bro . Rebbick , ditto ; Bro . J . Sydenham , No . 160 , Poole , P . G ., Registrar ; Bro . J . Osment , P . G ., Deacon ; Bro . W . Parr , P . G ., Director of Ceremonies ; Bro . G . H . Gutch , P . G . S . B . ; Bro . T . W . Dominey , and Bro . J . H . Boyt , P . G ., Stewards ; Bro . Stone , Bro . Pettitt , and Bro . Knight , all of Lodge of Amity , No . 160 , Poole ; Bro . Kingdon , Lodge of St . Cuthburga , No . 905 , Wimborne ; Bro . J . Cust , P . M . and Treasurer ,
Lodge of Unity , No . 542 , Wareham ; Bro . H . D . Cole , Secretary ; Bro . P . Pilhter ; Bro . J . O . Phippard , P . G . S . B . ; Bro . C . Filliter , P . G ., Deacon ; Bro . Hatherly , S . D . ; Bro . Barnett , J . D . ; Bro . Yearsley , Steward ; Bro . W . Phippard , I . G . ; Bro . J . Drew ; Bro . C . Groves , P . M . and Organist ; Bro . Frampton , Tyler . Letters , pleading unavoidable absence , from business and other causes , were read in the Lodge . Among them , one from the R . W . P . G . M ., Bro . Ralph Willett ; one from Bro
R . J . Spiers , P . G . S . B ., late Mayor of Oxford ; one from Bro . Deacon , Southampton , and many others . The first toast was the health of her Most Gracious Majesty the Queen , introduced in the usual Masonic style , and with all the honours . His Royal Highness Prince Albert , the Prince of Wales , and the rest of the royal family , followed . The next toast was that of the G . M . of England , the Earl of Zetland , who had , for the twelfth time , been just elected to that high office ; this toast , as well as that of the R . W . the D . G . M ., was responded to by the Brethren , and drank with all the honours . The health of the P . G . M ., Bro . Willott , of the
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Untitled Article
CHESHIRE . Chesteb Masonic Ball . —This annual festivity took place at the Royal Hotel , on Thursday evening , 11 th January , when the popularity of the Craft , the distinguished patronage with which the ball was honoured , and the intended appropriation of the proceeds to the Patriotic Fund , insured a full attendance , not only of the Brethren and their families , but of all who were desirous of enjoying the social pleasures of " Friendship , Love , and Truth , " which the principles of Freemasonry inculcate and exemplify .
DORSETSHIRE , WAREHAM . — On Wednesday evening , January 3 , the W . M . elect of the Lodge of Unity , No . 542 , in this town , Bro . the Rev . Thomas Pearce , was duly installed for the ensuing year by Bro . C . 0 . Bartlett , assisted by P . M . ' s Groves and Oust . After the ceremony , the Brethren of the Lodge , not P . M . ' s , were recalled , and the following Officers chosen by the W . M ., and invested with their respective Jewels of Office : —B | os . C . Filliter , S . W . ; J . 0 . Phippard , J . W . ; H . Hatherley ,
S . D . ; L . Barnett , J . D . ; J . Gust , Treas . ; H . D . Cole , Sec . ; C . Groves , Org . ; W . Phippard , I . G . ; Bros . C . B . Barfoot , and 0 . Yearsley , Stewards ; and Bro . J . Frampton , T . Each Officer , on being invested , was addressed by the Installing M ., Bro . Bartlett , in suitable terms ; after which the Lodge was called from labour to refreshment . The banquet took place at the Red Lion Hotel , provided by Bro . Yearsley in- his usual good style , and the Brethren enjoyed themselves in a mutual interchange of fraternal regard .
On Thursday , January 4 th , being the regular night of meeting of the Lodge of Unity , No . 542 , in this town , the Brethren assembled in the Lodge-room at five o ' clock . The object of this early meeting was to allow the attendance of Visiting Brethren from various Lodges in the Province , as well as from a distance ; the W . M ., Bro . Thomas Pearce , having specially invited the members of his own Lodge , the B . W . P . G . M . and Officers of the Prov . Grand Lodge , as well as the Masters and Wardens of various other Lodges , to dine with him at the
Red Lion Hotel . The Lodge was opened in form precisely at five , and about twenty-six Brethren were found to have responded to the friendly invitation of the Rev . Brother . After the usual routine business , the Lodge was duly closed , and the Brethren adjourned to the Red Lion Inn . The dinner was served by Bro . Yearsley , with more than his usual good taste . The whole arrangements gave the greatest satisfaction . The chair was filled and most ably sustained by the W . M . of the Lodge of Unity , Bro . the Bev . Thos . Pearce ; the vice-chair was filled by
P . M . Bro . C . O . Bartlett . Among those present were Bro . Mainwaring , P . M ., of the Lodge of Hengist , No . 230 , Bournemouth ; Bro . Bailey , P . M ., ditto ; and Bro . Rebbick , ditto ; Bro . J . Sydenham , No . 160 , Poole , P . G ., Registrar ; Bro . J . Osment , P . G ., Deacon ; Bro . W . Parr , P . G ., Director of Ceremonies ; Bro . G . H . Gutch , P . G . S . B . ; Bro . T . W . Dominey , and Bro . J . H . Boyt , P . G ., Stewards ; Bro . Stone , Bro . Pettitt , and Bro . Knight , all of Lodge of Amity , No . 160 , Poole ; Bro . Kingdon , Lodge of St . Cuthburga , No . 905 , Wimborne ; Bro . J . Cust , P . M . and Treasurer ,
Lodge of Unity , No . 542 , Wareham ; Bro . H . D . Cole , Secretary ; Bro . P . Pilhter ; Bro . J . O . Phippard , P . G . S . B . ; Bro . C . Filliter , P . G ., Deacon ; Bro . Hatherly , S . D . ; Bro . Barnett , J . D . ; Bro . Yearsley , Steward ; Bro . W . Phippard , I . G . ; Bro . J . Drew ; Bro . C . Groves , P . M . and Organist ; Bro . Frampton , Tyler . Letters , pleading unavoidable absence , from business and other causes , were read in the Lodge . Among them , one from the R . W . P . G . M ., Bro . Ralph Willett ; one from Bro
R . J . Spiers , P . G . S . B ., late Mayor of Oxford ; one from Bro . Deacon , Southampton , and many others . The first toast was the health of her Most Gracious Majesty the Queen , introduced in the usual Masonic style , and with all the honours . His Royal Highness Prince Albert , the Prince of Wales , and the rest of the royal family , followed . The next toast was that of the G . M . of England , the Earl of Zetland , who had , for the twelfth time , been just elected to that high office ; this toast , as well as that of the R . W . the D . G . M ., was responded to by the Brethren , and drank with all the honours . The health of the P . G . M ., Bro . Willott , of the