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Untitled Article
: . ¦ ¦« ,. ¦¦ ' These extracts will , probably , suffice for the present to indicate the appreciation , in which our labours are regarded . We earnestly beg to receive similar encouragement from other quarters , inasmuch as the Brethren well know that " the hope of reward" —and what reward can be more valuable than such as we have acknowledged ?— " sweetens labour . "
To the Editors of the Press who have favourably spoken of our January Number , we beg to express our sense of the obligation conferred upon us . The following are a few of the Notices which have met our eye , though , doubtless , many others have been written : —
" The Fbeemasons' Monthly Magazine is but , in fact , a ' new series' of the Quarterly , - at a reduced price , under the same able management . We cannot but congratulate the Brethren of the ' . 'Mystic . Tie' upon the appearance of the present Number , which augurs well for the future success of the undertaking . Its issue monthly will afford greater facilities for devoting an increased degree of attention to the Masonic intelligence . The effort here made for the edification
and entertainment of ( the Craft' is such as , we doubt not , will command for the editor very extensive and hearty support on the part of those whom he so laudably endeavours to serve . "—Morning Advertiser .
u At the request of a large number of the members of this ancient Craft , the long-recognised organ of the body , the Freemasons' Quarterly Magazine , has assumed the form of a Monthly serial , and will , henceforth , be devoted exclusively to the diffusion of purely Masonic intelligence . The Contents of the
present Number may be looked upon in the light of a pledge that no effort will he spared by the editor to make the work worthy of the support of every member of this ancient and honourable Brotherhood . "—Bell ' s Weekly Messenger . " After an existence of one-and-twenty years , the Freemasons' Quarterly Review has ceased to maintain e a local habitation and a name . ' In lieu thereof we have issued the preliminary Number of the present publication , which will , in future , be printed Monthly . The change appears to be a politic one , inasmuch as a fresh order of things was essentially requisite in order to meet the increasing demands and intellectual tastes of the Masonic Brotherhood of the current dynasty . "—Era .
Notice to Subscribers . —We have several articles in type , intended for the first part of this number , which we have been unavoidably compelled to omit at the last moment , on account of the unusual quantity of Masonic Intelligence , which doubtless will prove more interesting to the Brethren , and which we are not inclined to displace .
Poole . —D . T . W . —The whole transaction is certainly irregular . We do not quite comprehend the latter part of your inquiry , but if it be as we take it , nothing can be more improper than to instal W . M . s in the manner intimated . The Brethren mixed up in such proceedings had better take care not to come under the examination of the B . of G . P .
Gravesend . —There seems to be no positive law upon the subject ( see Book of Constitutions , p . 82 ) , but the proceeding , to which you refer is most unusual , and is never practised in any Lodge of Instruction , with which we are acquainted . Officers are usually appointed for the evening , and are changed from meeting to meeting . When the next attempt is made , resist it , and then bring the subject before the B . of Gr . P . for its decision .
Yarborough Lodge , 3 STo . 812 . —T . Y . —The mistake arose simply from inadvertence , for which , having corrected it in the present number , we beg to tender our apologies to the Lodge . Thanks for the report , which will be always valuable and highly esteemed .
Birmingham . —J . E . —We congratulate you heartily . By all means use the passage if you wish to do so . You are going in a right direction , and will do infinite good to the true cause of Freemasonry ; your success shows what' may be done by perseverance .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Untitled Article
: . ¦ ¦« ,. ¦¦ ' These extracts will , probably , suffice for the present to indicate the appreciation , in which our labours are regarded . We earnestly beg to receive similar encouragement from other quarters , inasmuch as the Brethren well know that " the hope of reward" —and what reward can be more valuable than such as we have acknowledged ?— " sweetens labour . "
To the Editors of the Press who have favourably spoken of our January Number , we beg to express our sense of the obligation conferred upon us . The following are a few of the Notices which have met our eye , though , doubtless , many others have been written : —
" The Fbeemasons' Monthly Magazine is but , in fact , a ' new series' of the Quarterly , - at a reduced price , under the same able management . We cannot but congratulate the Brethren of the ' . 'Mystic . Tie' upon the appearance of the present Number , which augurs well for the future success of the undertaking . Its issue monthly will afford greater facilities for devoting an increased degree of attention to the Masonic intelligence . The effort here made for the edification
and entertainment of ( the Craft' is such as , we doubt not , will command for the editor very extensive and hearty support on the part of those whom he so laudably endeavours to serve . "—Morning Advertiser .
u At the request of a large number of the members of this ancient Craft , the long-recognised organ of the body , the Freemasons' Quarterly Magazine , has assumed the form of a Monthly serial , and will , henceforth , be devoted exclusively to the diffusion of purely Masonic intelligence . The Contents of the
present Number may be looked upon in the light of a pledge that no effort will he spared by the editor to make the work worthy of the support of every member of this ancient and honourable Brotherhood . "—Bell ' s Weekly Messenger . " After an existence of one-and-twenty years , the Freemasons' Quarterly Review has ceased to maintain e a local habitation and a name . ' In lieu thereof we have issued the preliminary Number of the present publication , which will , in future , be printed Monthly . The change appears to be a politic one , inasmuch as a fresh order of things was essentially requisite in order to meet the increasing demands and intellectual tastes of the Masonic Brotherhood of the current dynasty . "—Era .
Notice to Subscribers . —We have several articles in type , intended for the first part of this number , which we have been unavoidably compelled to omit at the last moment , on account of the unusual quantity of Masonic Intelligence , which doubtless will prove more interesting to the Brethren , and which we are not inclined to displace .
Poole . —D . T . W . —The whole transaction is certainly irregular . We do not quite comprehend the latter part of your inquiry , but if it be as we take it , nothing can be more improper than to instal W . M . s in the manner intimated . The Brethren mixed up in such proceedings had better take care not to come under the examination of the B . of G . P .
Gravesend . —There seems to be no positive law upon the subject ( see Book of Constitutions , p . 82 ) , but the proceeding , to which you refer is most unusual , and is never practised in any Lodge of Instruction , with which we are acquainted . Officers are usually appointed for the evening , and are changed from meeting to meeting . When the next attempt is made , resist it , and then bring the subject before the B . of Gr . P . for its decision .
Yarborough Lodge , 3 STo . 812 . —T . Y . —The mistake arose simply from inadvertence , for which , having corrected it in the present number , we beg to tender our apologies to the Lodge . Thanks for the report , which will be always valuable and highly esteemed .
Birmingham . —J . E . —We congratulate you heartily . By all means use the passage if you wish to do so . You are going in a right direction , and will do infinite good to the true cause of Freemasonry ; your success shows what' may be done by perseverance .