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J . W . ; C . A . Ad ^ amson , Sec . ; J . D . Brown , S . D . ; W . C . H . Willems , J . D . ; W . Twizell , J . G . William Blackwood , P . M ., was unanimouslyelected Treasurer by the Brethren . Bro . Fenwick has received this unusual honour from his Brethren , partly as a graceful acknowledgment for the exertions he has used for the benefit of the Lodge whilst in possession of the chair , St . George ' s Lodge never having been in so flourishing a condition as during the last two years , and
partly on account of a case of suspension of one of the Brethren , on which the decision of the W . M . the G . M . may yet be required . The regular meetings of this Lodge are held on the first Monday in every month . Hartlepool . —The Brethren of the St . Helen ' s Lodge , No . 774 , held their annual festival on Friday , the 29 th December . The Brethren assembled in the
Lodge Boom , King ' s Head Hotel , at three o ' clock in the afternoon , for the purpose of installing the W . M . Bro . H . A . Hammerbom , who then appointed Bros . T . Marshall , S . W . ; G . Moore , J . W . ; W . J . Hodgson , P . M . ; H . Hansen , Treas . ; T . W . Hearon , Sec . ; M . Child , S . D . ; T . Cockburn , J . D . ; J . Gaskell , I . G . ; G . Sanderson and B . Wilson , Stewards ; and J . Lundy , Tyler . In the course of the evening the W . M . presented Bro . W . J . Hodgson with a P . M . ' s jewel which had been unanimously voted to him for his strict attention to the duties of the Lodge , and the general courtesy shown to the Brethren during the term of his office . The proceedings of the evening were spent with a cordiality of feeling which peculiarly characterizes the social meetings of the mystic Brotherhood .
HEBTFOBDSHIBE . Berkhampstead Lodge , No . 742 . — -The first meeting of this Lodge for the present year was held on Wednesday , January 3 , at the King ' s Arms Hotel . The chief business of the day was the Installation of the W . M ., Bro . F . B . Harvey , which ceremony was performed by Bro . J . How , P . M ., No . 82 , Prov ; G . D . C ., Surrey . The W . M . appointed Bro . C . H . Law , S . W . ; and Bro . Thaine , J . W . After the banquet , Bro . B . L . Wilson , the Treas ., on behalf of the Lodge , and in acknowledgment of the * able manner and truly Masonic spirit , in which Bro . A . L . Bellinger had presided over the Lodge for the past year , presented that Bro . with
a most elegant testimonial , m the torm ot aJ . U . W . jewel , ot the Province oi Herts ; the taste displayed by Bro . Thearle in its manufacture was the theme of universal praise . Among the visitors on the occasion was , the V . W . Bro . T . A . Ward , Prov . D . G . M . of Herts , who , in acknowledging the toast of the M . W . the Prov . G . M ., said he was deputed to confer on a member of the Berkhampstead Lodge the office of S . G . W . which had been vacated by the promotion of Bro . Bellinger , and he accordingly presented it to Bro . C . H . Law , the S . W . of the Lodge . The excellent arrangements of the Hotel , since its restoration under Bro . Softlaw ' s management , contribute to render this Lodge one of the most flourishing in the Province . 0
KENT . Gravesend . —Lodge of Freedom , No . 91 , and Lodge of Sympathy , No . 709 , met on Monday , December 18 th , 1854 , at Wale ' s Hotel ; the former for a threefold , and the latter for a twofold purpose . The first was for the transaction of the monthly business ; the second for the annual banquet of the Lodge of Instruction ; and the third for the Presentation of a handsome silver Tea-Service . The Lodge of Freedom was opened at six o ' clock , by Bro . F . Southgate , W . M . : there were present , Bros . W . T . Dobson , Mayor , and P . P . J . G . W . ; G . E .
Sharland , P . P . G . S . W . ; J . J . Nickoll , P . P . G . S . ; and G . Gore , P . P . G-. S . ; and about twenty of the Brethren . The business consisted of one Baising , one Passing , and one Initiation ; by the request of the W . M ., the two former were performed by Bro . H . W . Moore , P . P . J . G . D ., in his usual style and ability ; by permission of the W . M ., Bro . G . Gore , P . M ., No . 709 , and P . P . G . S ., initiated Mr . T . Halsey , which was ably performed , and received the thanks of the P . P . G .-Officers . We hope that the W . M ; will continue to manifest the same zeal for the Craft which was apparent on this occasion , and he will become one of its
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Untitled Article
J . W . ; C . A . Ad ^ amson , Sec . ; J . D . Brown , S . D . ; W . C . H . Willems , J . D . ; W . Twizell , J . G . William Blackwood , P . M ., was unanimouslyelected Treasurer by the Brethren . Bro . Fenwick has received this unusual honour from his Brethren , partly as a graceful acknowledgment for the exertions he has used for the benefit of the Lodge whilst in possession of the chair , St . George ' s Lodge never having been in so flourishing a condition as during the last two years , and
partly on account of a case of suspension of one of the Brethren , on which the decision of the W . M . the G . M . may yet be required . The regular meetings of this Lodge are held on the first Monday in every month . Hartlepool . —The Brethren of the St . Helen ' s Lodge , No . 774 , held their annual festival on Friday , the 29 th December . The Brethren assembled in the
Lodge Boom , King ' s Head Hotel , at three o ' clock in the afternoon , for the purpose of installing the W . M . Bro . H . A . Hammerbom , who then appointed Bros . T . Marshall , S . W . ; G . Moore , J . W . ; W . J . Hodgson , P . M . ; H . Hansen , Treas . ; T . W . Hearon , Sec . ; M . Child , S . D . ; T . Cockburn , J . D . ; J . Gaskell , I . G . ; G . Sanderson and B . Wilson , Stewards ; and J . Lundy , Tyler . In the course of the evening the W . M . presented Bro . W . J . Hodgson with a P . M . ' s jewel which had been unanimously voted to him for his strict attention to the duties of the Lodge , and the general courtesy shown to the Brethren during the term of his office . The proceedings of the evening were spent with a cordiality of feeling which peculiarly characterizes the social meetings of the mystic Brotherhood .
HEBTFOBDSHIBE . Berkhampstead Lodge , No . 742 . — -The first meeting of this Lodge for the present year was held on Wednesday , January 3 , at the King ' s Arms Hotel . The chief business of the day was the Installation of the W . M ., Bro . F . B . Harvey , which ceremony was performed by Bro . J . How , P . M ., No . 82 , Prov ; G . D . C ., Surrey . The W . M . appointed Bro . C . H . Law , S . W . ; and Bro . Thaine , J . W . After the banquet , Bro . B . L . Wilson , the Treas ., on behalf of the Lodge , and in acknowledgment of the * able manner and truly Masonic spirit , in which Bro . A . L . Bellinger had presided over the Lodge for the past year , presented that Bro . with
a most elegant testimonial , m the torm ot aJ . U . W . jewel , ot the Province oi Herts ; the taste displayed by Bro . Thearle in its manufacture was the theme of universal praise . Among the visitors on the occasion was , the V . W . Bro . T . A . Ward , Prov . D . G . M . of Herts , who , in acknowledging the toast of the M . W . the Prov . G . M ., said he was deputed to confer on a member of the Berkhampstead Lodge the office of S . G . W . which had been vacated by the promotion of Bro . Bellinger , and he accordingly presented it to Bro . C . H . Law , the S . W . of the Lodge . The excellent arrangements of the Hotel , since its restoration under Bro . Softlaw ' s management , contribute to render this Lodge one of the most flourishing in the Province . 0
KENT . Gravesend . —Lodge of Freedom , No . 91 , and Lodge of Sympathy , No . 709 , met on Monday , December 18 th , 1854 , at Wale ' s Hotel ; the former for a threefold , and the latter for a twofold purpose . The first was for the transaction of the monthly business ; the second for the annual banquet of the Lodge of Instruction ; and the third for the Presentation of a handsome silver Tea-Service . The Lodge of Freedom was opened at six o ' clock , by Bro . F . Southgate , W . M . : there were present , Bros . W . T . Dobson , Mayor , and P . P . J . G . W . ; G . E .
Sharland , P . P . G . S . W . ; J . J . Nickoll , P . P . G . S . ; and G . Gore , P . P . G-. S . ; and about twenty of the Brethren . The business consisted of one Baising , one Passing , and one Initiation ; by the request of the W . M ., the two former were performed by Bro . H . W . Moore , P . P . J . G . D ., in his usual style and ability ; by permission of the W . M ., Bro . G . Gore , P . M ., No . 709 , and P . P . G . S ., initiated Mr . T . Halsey , which was ably performed , and received the thanks of the P . P . G .-Officers . We hope that the W . M ; will continue to manifest the same zeal for the Craft which was apparent on this occasion , and he will become one of its