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are proud to acknowledge that though she is of ancient days , she is yet admired by the youngy and indeed by all who have the advantage of the " Light . " The Brethren afterwards partook of an excellent banquet , provided by Bro Salmon in his usual style ; and with toasts and songs the Brethren enjoyed themselves exceedingly until the Lodge was closed , when the Brethren retired highly delighted with the labours of the day .
WILTSHIRE . Swindon . —The Royal Sussex Lodge of Emulation ( No . 453 ) held their Annual Festival at Swindon , on St . John ' s Day , when Bro . W . F . Gooch was installed W . M . by Bro . D . Gooch , Dep . Prov . G . M . of the Province , who had occupied the Chair of this Lodge for the two previous years , and during which time he initiated into it 38 candidates . This Lodge , and indeed Masonry in general , is in a most prosperous state in this Province , three new Lodges having been opened during
the last year , and a very large increase made in the subscribing members , as well as those newly initiated . The Royal Sussex Lodge alone counts upwards of 60 Members . After the ceremony of the installation was finished , Bro . D . Gooch presented the Lodge with a handsome Bible , saying , " W . M ., I deem it a great privilege to he permitted , as my last act in this , Lodge , before taking my place amongst its P . M . ' s , to place on your pedestal this copy of the Volume of the Sacred Law , and to express a hope that you W . Sir and Brethren , will
accept it as the strongest proof I can give you of my deep and heartfelt gratitude for the great support and uniform kindness I have received from you all during the two past years that I have had the honour of occupying the Chair . I feel sure that the great prosperity of this Lodge , and the large attendance we have had at our numerous meetings , is mainly due to the truly Masonic spirit , founded on the principles contained in that Holy Work , that has actuated every one of the Brethren ; we have met and parted , on all occasions , in perfect harmon . y and
Brotherly love ; and the young Brethren amongst us must , I am sure , have been deeply impressed with the good order and propriety that has invariably been observed not only in Lodge , but at our refreshment table . But , Brethren , let me hope ( and believe me that I do so most fervently ) , that our meetings have not been held as a mere form , or for conviviality , and refreshment alone . Let me hope that we have had a higher and nobler object in view , and a more just appreciation of the aim and design of Freemasonry , and that the true labour of the
Lodge has been our chief attraction ; that our beautiful ceremonies , inculcating aa they do the purest and most sublime principles of Morality , Piety , and Virtue , may have led us more earnestly to take this Sacred Volume for our guide , and m all things to consider it as the unerring standard of Truth . Brethren , believe mo it is in this Sacred Book pure Freemasonry is to be studied , and doubt not that such study will amply reward you both in time and eternity . Let me also remind you that the solemn obligations you have entered into are not merely to keep our
secrets , but in our conduct to practise the virtues taught by this Holy Book , and so to live in this life that we may look forward with cheerfulness , because with hope to that home where we shall be summoned from this sublunary abode to the Grand Lodge above , there to render an account of all our actions ; and God grant that it may then be found our time spent in this Lodge has not been spent ia vain . To those young Brethren , whom it has been my privilege to initiate into the Order , I would earnestly say , persevere in the study of our mysteries ; you
will find , as you proceed , how much beauty and meaning is contained in our ceremonies . Say , Brethren , I feel that without this study these ceremonies must appear to you an outward form without a soul . Let me also entreat you to bear in mind that humility is an essential qualification of a good Mason ; do not allow yourselves to be led away by an idea that because you have taken the usual
degrees , and may even , perhaps , be able to work our ceremonies , you are , therefore , well versed in Masonry ; you may even then be only on the threshold , all the knowledge and the beauty being within ; but they are freely open to them who will with humility and diligence seek for them , assisted by the light of this Sacred Volume . I fear , Brethren , I have detained you at too great a length ; but the deep interest I take in the welfare of the Lodge must plead my excuse . In conclusion ,
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Untitled Article
are proud to acknowledge that though she is of ancient days , she is yet admired by the youngy and indeed by all who have the advantage of the " Light . " The Brethren afterwards partook of an excellent banquet , provided by Bro Salmon in his usual style ; and with toasts and songs the Brethren enjoyed themselves exceedingly until the Lodge was closed , when the Brethren retired highly delighted with the labours of the day .
WILTSHIRE . Swindon . —The Royal Sussex Lodge of Emulation ( No . 453 ) held their Annual Festival at Swindon , on St . John ' s Day , when Bro . W . F . Gooch was installed W . M . by Bro . D . Gooch , Dep . Prov . G . M . of the Province , who had occupied the Chair of this Lodge for the two previous years , and during which time he initiated into it 38 candidates . This Lodge , and indeed Masonry in general , is in a most prosperous state in this Province , three new Lodges having been opened during
the last year , and a very large increase made in the subscribing members , as well as those newly initiated . The Royal Sussex Lodge alone counts upwards of 60 Members . After the ceremony of the installation was finished , Bro . D . Gooch presented the Lodge with a handsome Bible , saying , " W . M ., I deem it a great privilege to he permitted , as my last act in this , Lodge , before taking my place amongst its P . M . ' s , to place on your pedestal this copy of the Volume of the Sacred Law , and to express a hope that you W . Sir and Brethren , will
accept it as the strongest proof I can give you of my deep and heartfelt gratitude for the great support and uniform kindness I have received from you all during the two past years that I have had the honour of occupying the Chair . I feel sure that the great prosperity of this Lodge , and the large attendance we have had at our numerous meetings , is mainly due to the truly Masonic spirit , founded on the principles contained in that Holy Work , that has actuated every one of the Brethren ; we have met and parted , on all occasions , in perfect harmon . y and
Brotherly love ; and the young Brethren amongst us must , I am sure , have been deeply impressed with the good order and propriety that has invariably been observed not only in Lodge , but at our refreshment table . But , Brethren , let me hope ( and believe me that I do so most fervently ) , that our meetings have not been held as a mere form , or for conviviality , and refreshment alone . Let me hope that we have had a higher and nobler object in view , and a more just appreciation of the aim and design of Freemasonry , and that the true labour of the
Lodge has been our chief attraction ; that our beautiful ceremonies , inculcating aa they do the purest and most sublime principles of Morality , Piety , and Virtue , may have led us more earnestly to take this Sacred Volume for our guide , and m all things to consider it as the unerring standard of Truth . Brethren , believe mo it is in this Sacred Book pure Freemasonry is to be studied , and doubt not that such study will amply reward you both in time and eternity . Let me also remind you that the solemn obligations you have entered into are not merely to keep our
secrets , but in our conduct to practise the virtues taught by this Holy Book , and so to live in this life that we may look forward with cheerfulness , because with hope to that home where we shall be summoned from this sublunary abode to the Grand Lodge above , there to render an account of all our actions ; and God grant that it may then be found our time spent in this Lodge has not been spent ia vain . To those young Brethren , whom it has been my privilege to initiate into the Order , I would earnestly say , persevere in the study of our mysteries ; you
will find , as you proceed , how much beauty and meaning is contained in our ceremonies . Say , Brethren , I feel that without this study these ceremonies must appear to you an outward form without a soul . Let me also entreat you to bear in mind that humility is an essential qualification of a good Mason ; do not allow yourselves to be led away by an idea that because you have taken the usual
degrees , and may even , perhaps , be able to work our ceremonies , you are , therefore , well versed in Masonry ; you may even then be only on the threshold , all the knowledge and the beauty being within ; but they are freely open to them who will with humility and diligence seek for them , assisted by the light of this Sacred Volume . I fear , Brethren , I have detained you at too great a length ; but the deep interest I take in the welfare of the Lodge must plead my excuse . In conclusion ,