Article PROVINCIAL. Page 1 of 4 →
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DEA'ONSHIRE . ' PLYMOUTH . —Brunswick Lodge ( No . 185 ) . —The usual monthly meeting of this lodge Avas held on the 5 th inst ., AA'hen three brethren of the E . A . degree Avere examined as to their proficiency ; having giving satisfactory proof , they were then passed to the degree of F . C . At the same lodge one person was balloted for and accepted , but nofc present , one also proposed . At the festive board Ave noticed two of the oldest
Masons in tlie province , Bro . Brewer , Sec . S 3 , and Bro . Maynard . The toast of the visiting brethren , having been given Avith the usual Masonic honours , Bra . Brewer rose and saicl it gave him considerable pleasure to visit Loclge Brunswick , aud see so many of his Masonic friends . After eulogising the Avorking of the W . M ., Bro . Elliott , lie resumed his seat . The AA . M . of the Lodge of Charity , 270 , and J . D . of Lodge Friendship , No . 238 , returned thanks for the complimentThe province had notice
, from the D . Prov . G . M ., Rev . J . Huyshe , on the demise of the late R . AA . Prov . G . M ., Earl Fortescue , that from the 21 st of September , 1861 , the Craft Avere to assume Masonic mourning for six months ; the question has been raised as to the propriety of discontinuing the same Avithout further notice .
DURHAM . WEST HARTLEPOOL . —National Lndustrial Schools . —The Rev . John Rudd , vicar of Stranton , impressed Avith the deficiency of the means of education enjoyed hy the inhabitants of his parish , some time ago conceived the idea of setting about an effort to prOA'ide National Schools , to be erected in the village , and primarily for the education of the children of the village and its rural neighbourhood . He immediately set about a subscription
, eliciting a most encouraging response . The sum realized by this means amounted to £ 760 ; a grant of £ 367 has been received from the Educational Commissioners ; ancl £ 84 froii the National Society . 'These sums , together Avith presents of timber , lime , and bricks , about met the estimated cost of the building , namely , £ 1405 . Mr . Charles Casebourne , of AA'est Hartlepool , prepared the plans as a SreeAvill offering of Avhat Avill really be a very neat building . AVe may observe that there
will be a new feature in these schools—an industrial clement There ivill be a laundry ancl cook-house for the instruction of girls in household Avork ; and a garden of five or six acres , in which the boys ivill be taught gardening ancl other useful outof-door employments . The building is already several feet above the ground ; and the vicar having applied to Bro . John Sutclift ' e , W . M . of the Harbour of Refuge Lodge , to lay the corner-stone Avith masonic ceremonies , Bro . Suteliffe applied for
and obtained a dispensation from the R . AV . Piov . G . M ., Bro . J . FaAvcett , enabling him to do so . The ceremony came off on Tuesday the llth inst . The Prov . G . M . also granted a dispensation permitting the Master and brethren of St . Helen ' s , 774 ,
to assist the Master and brethren of the Harbour of Refuge Loclge ; and Bro . Sutclift ' e sent invitations to other neighbouring lodges , many of Avhose members , though not permitted to appear in the clothing of the craft , attended to Avitness tho interesting proceedings of the day . Among these Avere Bros . J . Crosby , G . R . H . Gilmore , Sunderland ; Rev . J . Milner , J . J . " Wilson , Stockton ; George Moore , J . Groves , S . Armstrong , and II . Hammerbom P . M . s ; and brethren to the amount of about 130 from
, about aight lodges of the province , including AA'est Hartlepool—St . Helen's , Hartlepool , and Phoenix , Sunderland , being Avell represented . Lodge Avas opened about 11 a . m ., after Avhich the brethren inarched to , the parish church Stranton in procession—Bro . Crookes , P . G . Sec , officiating as Dir . of Cers . Arrived at the church , prayers Avere read by the Eev . the Alcar , after Avhich the ReA ' . James Milner , of Elton , P . M ., preached
from 1 Chronicles , 28 th c , 9 th v ., "My son know thou the Gocl of thy fathers , and serve Him Avith a perfect heart and willing rnind . " Tlie preacher dwelt on the importance of education—¦ not vieAved merely as a matter of Avorldly expediency , but of duty as a means of preparation for the world to come . He contended for a religious education , and adverted , to the evils likely to arise from its secularisation . He congratulated them on the occasion Avhich had assembled them together that day
, and enforced the duty Avhich lay on those Avhom Providence had blessed in their substance to aid the poor towards the realisation of the blessings of a sound education . And in conclusion he said , " let me congratulate yon , my brethren of the Craft , in being permitted to take part in this holy , this useful
AA'ork . It is not often that Ave have the Opportunity of joining in ceremonies like the present , or of showing to the Avorld in general that Freemasonry has a deeper interest in the Avelfare of its felloAA ' -creatures than is usually ascrioed to it . To perform certain ceremonies in secret , to recognise each other by signs , and to join in social festivities , are by too many believed to be the object ancl er . d of Freemasonry ; and ivhen Ave tell them that these are but accessories , ancl have no more to do
Avith the real principles on Avhich the Order is founded , and Avhich it endeavours to carry out , than the formal laying of the stone this day ivill influence the lives of the children educated in the schools , Ave are scarcely believed . If Ave are asked for the proof of the good Ave do , let us refer the inquirer to our charitable institutions ; Ave also can boast of schools , founded by Masons and supported by Masons , which , both for the excellence of their management ancl the good results Avhich accrue , are , I believe , second to none in the kingdom . And when any good Avork is in hand , AA'hether national or local , Avho so ready as the Freemason to come forward ancl render to the sufferers
all then- kind offices , AA'hich justice and mercy require , to relieve his distresses and soothe his afflictions ? AVhen Ave tell the sceptic that it is from the sacred volume of God's most holy law that Ave learn our duty to God , our neighbour , and ourselves ; , that every true member of the Order endeavours , as far as circumstances and human frailty Avill permit , to put into practice these three grand principles—brotherly love , relief , and truth , Avhich Ave are taught therein ; can he affirm that Ave have no
better objects in view than those Aisually attributed to us , no higher aim than our OAVII enjoyment , our OAVU self-gratification ? I trust you , hoAvever , my brethren , by your presence here this day intend to shoiv that no such unworthy motives influence yon , that you do feel an interest in the Avelfare of your poorer neighbours , ancl that you Avill do your part ancl use your utmost endeavours that the children of those amongst whom your lot is cost , should be
brought up in the Avay best calculated to render them fit members of society , ancl Avell qualified to fill the several stations in Avhich if . may please God to place them . " A collection Avas made in aid of the schools , after Avhich the blessing Avas pronounced , and the brethren again formed in procession as above , and marched to the site of the schools . The assisting brethren opened their ranks and permitted the W . M . of the Harbour of Refuge Lod and the officers performing leading parts in
ge , the ceremony , to pass through to a platform Avhere the stone had been prepared . Opposite this , and commanding a vieAV ot the proceedings , Avas another platform , Avhich was croAvded by ladies , respecting ivhose appearance , AA-C may observe in passing flattering remark's Avore made at the banquet subsequently held . Here , the lrandreth Psalm Avas sung , after Avhich the folloAving prayer Avas offered up by the Eev . James Milner , acting as
Chaplain : — " 0 Almighty and eternal God , Architect and Ruler of the Universe , at whose creative fiat all things just were made , we , the frail creatures of Thy providence , humbly implore Thee to look with favour on this our present undertaking : sanctify it to Thy glory and to the Avelfare of our fellow-creatures . Grant that the superstructure laid on this , stone may be the means , by Thy grace , of bringing man to the true faith and knowledge of Thee , and finally , that , Avhen Ave , Avith them , have
passed through the vale of this transitory life , we may ascend to that Grand Loclge above Avhere the Avorld's Great Architect lives and rules for ever . So mote it be . " Brother Suteliffe then said , " brethren , having assembled here this day for the purpose of laying the corner-stone of the National Industrial Schools , it AA-ill be my duty to see the ceremony correctly performed , in conformity Avith our ancient usages and customs . " He then proceeded , in proper Masonic form , to lay the stone ,
the following brethren acting as his assistants : Supt . of Works , James Groves , P . M ., 774 ; J . U . Spence , Sec ; M . Rickenson , Treas . ; G . Kirk , J . AV . ; J . Pearson , S . AV . ; George Moore , Dep . Master , P . M ., 774 and 1096 , ancl P . G . J . AV ; P . M ' s . Avith the corn , Avine , and oil , J . Crosby , P . M ., 95 , P . Prov . G . S . AV . and P . G . Treas . ; J . J . Wilson , P . M ., 749 , P . G . R ., and P . Prov . G . J . AV . ; anclG . E . H . Gilmore , W . M ., 111 . In a cavity Avas laced a bottle containing a of the The Stockton and
p copy Marltepool Mercury , and several coins of the present date . After the ceremony , Avhich Avas conducted by brother Suteliffe in an impressive and Avorkmanlike manner , three hearty hearty cheers Avere given , as a manifestation of good-Avill to the enterprise . A short prayer was again offered by the Chaplain , the National Anthem ( Masonic version ) sung , after Avhich the brethren again formed into procession ( order reversed ) ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
DEA'ONSHIRE . ' PLYMOUTH . —Brunswick Lodge ( No . 185 ) . —The usual monthly meeting of this lodge Avas held on the 5 th inst ., AA'hen three brethren of the E . A . degree Avere examined as to their proficiency ; having giving satisfactory proof , they were then passed to the degree of F . C . At the same lodge one person was balloted for and accepted , but nofc present , one also proposed . At the festive board Ave noticed two of the oldest
Masons in tlie province , Bro . Brewer , Sec . S 3 , and Bro . Maynard . The toast of the visiting brethren , having been given Avith the usual Masonic honours , Bra . Brewer rose and saicl it gave him considerable pleasure to visit Loclge Brunswick , aud see so many of his Masonic friends . After eulogising the Avorking of the W . M ., Bro . Elliott , lie resumed his seat . The AA . M . of the Lodge of Charity , 270 , and J . D . of Lodge Friendship , No . 238 , returned thanks for the complimentThe province had notice
, from the D . Prov . G . M ., Rev . J . Huyshe , on the demise of the late R . AA . Prov . G . M ., Earl Fortescue , that from the 21 st of September , 1861 , the Craft Avere to assume Masonic mourning for six months ; the question has been raised as to the propriety of discontinuing the same Avithout further notice .
DURHAM . WEST HARTLEPOOL . —National Lndustrial Schools . —The Rev . John Rudd , vicar of Stranton , impressed Avith the deficiency of the means of education enjoyed hy the inhabitants of his parish , some time ago conceived the idea of setting about an effort to prOA'ide National Schools , to be erected in the village , and primarily for the education of the children of the village and its rural neighbourhood . He immediately set about a subscription
, eliciting a most encouraging response . The sum realized by this means amounted to £ 760 ; a grant of £ 367 has been received from the Educational Commissioners ; ancl £ 84 froii the National Society . 'These sums , together Avith presents of timber , lime , and bricks , about met the estimated cost of the building , namely , £ 1405 . Mr . Charles Casebourne , of AA'est Hartlepool , prepared the plans as a SreeAvill offering of Avhat Avill really be a very neat building . AVe may observe that there
will be a new feature in these schools—an industrial clement There ivill be a laundry ancl cook-house for the instruction of girls in household Avork ; and a garden of five or six acres , in which the boys ivill be taught gardening ancl other useful outof-door employments . The building is already several feet above the ground ; and the vicar having applied to Bro . John Sutclift ' e , W . M . of the Harbour of Refuge Lodge , to lay the corner-stone Avith masonic ceremonies , Bro . Suteliffe applied for
and obtained a dispensation from the R . AV . Piov . G . M ., Bro . J . FaAvcett , enabling him to do so . The ceremony came off on Tuesday the llth inst . The Prov . G . M . also granted a dispensation permitting the Master and brethren of St . Helen ' s , 774 ,
to assist the Master and brethren of the Harbour of Refuge Loclge ; and Bro . Sutclift ' e sent invitations to other neighbouring lodges , many of Avhose members , though not permitted to appear in the clothing of the craft , attended to Avitness tho interesting proceedings of the day . Among these Avere Bros . J . Crosby , G . R . H . Gilmore , Sunderland ; Rev . J . Milner , J . J . " Wilson , Stockton ; George Moore , J . Groves , S . Armstrong , and II . Hammerbom P . M . s ; and brethren to the amount of about 130 from
, about aight lodges of the province , including AA'est Hartlepool—St . Helen's , Hartlepool , and Phoenix , Sunderland , being Avell represented . Lodge Avas opened about 11 a . m ., after Avhich the brethren inarched to , the parish church Stranton in procession—Bro . Crookes , P . G . Sec , officiating as Dir . of Cers . Arrived at the church , prayers Avere read by the Eev . the Alcar , after Avhich the ReA ' . James Milner , of Elton , P . M ., preached
from 1 Chronicles , 28 th c , 9 th v ., "My son know thou the Gocl of thy fathers , and serve Him Avith a perfect heart and willing rnind . " Tlie preacher dwelt on the importance of education—¦ not vieAved merely as a matter of Avorldly expediency , but of duty as a means of preparation for the world to come . He contended for a religious education , and adverted , to the evils likely to arise from its secularisation . He congratulated them on the occasion Avhich had assembled them together that day
, and enforced the duty Avhich lay on those Avhom Providence had blessed in their substance to aid the poor towards the realisation of the blessings of a sound education . And in conclusion he said , " let me congratulate yon , my brethren of the Craft , in being permitted to take part in this holy , this useful
AA'ork . It is not often that Ave have the Opportunity of joining in ceremonies like the present , or of showing to the Avorld in general that Freemasonry has a deeper interest in the Avelfare of its felloAA ' -creatures than is usually ascrioed to it . To perform certain ceremonies in secret , to recognise each other by signs , and to join in social festivities , are by too many believed to be the object ancl er . d of Freemasonry ; and ivhen Ave tell them that these are but accessories , ancl have no more to do
Avith the real principles on Avhich the Order is founded , and Avhich it endeavours to carry out , than the formal laying of the stone this day ivill influence the lives of the children educated in the schools , Ave are scarcely believed . If Ave are asked for the proof of the good Ave do , let us refer the inquirer to our charitable institutions ; Ave also can boast of schools , founded by Masons and supported by Masons , which , both for the excellence of their management ancl the good results Avhich accrue , are , I believe , second to none in the kingdom . And when any good Avork is in hand , AA'hether national or local , Avho so ready as the Freemason to come forward ancl render to the sufferers
all then- kind offices , AA'hich justice and mercy require , to relieve his distresses and soothe his afflictions ? AVhen Ave tell the sceptic that it is from the sacred volume of God's most holy law that Ave learn our duty to God , our neighbour , and ourselves ; , that every true member of the Order endeavours , as far as circumstances and human frailty Avill permit , to put into practice these three grand principles—brotherly love , relief , and truth , Avhich Ave are taught therein ; can he affirm that Ave have no
better objects in view than those Aisually attributed to us , no higher aim than our OAVII enjoyment , our OAVU self-gratification ? I trust you , hoAvever , my brethren , by your presence here this day intend to shoiv that no such unworthy motives influence yon , that you do feel an interest in the Avelfare of your poorer neighbours , ancl that you Avill do your part ancl use your utmost endeavours that the children of those amongst whom your lot is cost , should be
brought up in the Avay best calculated to render them fit members of society , ancl Avell qualified to fill the several stations in Avhich if . may please God to place them . " A collection Avas made in aid of the schools , after Avhich the blessing Avas pronounced , and the brethren again formed in procession as above , and marched to the site of the schools . The assisting brethren opened their ranks and permitted the W . M . of the Harbour of Refuge Lod and the officers performing leading parts in
ge , the ceremony , to pass through to a platform Avhere the stone had been prepared . Opposite this , and commanding a vieAV ot the proceedings , Avas another platform , Avhich was croAvded by ladies , respecting ivhose appearance , AA-C may observe in passing flattering remark's Avore made at the banquet subsequently held . Here , the lrandreth Psalm Avas sung , after Avhich the folloAving prayer Avas offered up by the Eev . James Milner , acting as
Chaplain : — " 0 Almighty and eternal God , Architect and Ruler of the Universe , at whose creative fiat all things just were made , we , the frail creatures of Thy providence , humbly implore Thee to look with favour on this our present undertaking : sanctify it to Thy glory and to the Avelfare of our fellow-creatures . Grant that the superstructure laid on this , stone may be the means , by Thy grace , of bringing man to the true faith and knowledge of Thee , and finally , that , Avhen Ave , Avith them , have
passed through the vale of this transitory life , we may ascend to that Grand Loclge above Avhere the Avorld's Great Architect lives and rules for ever . So mote it be . " Brother Suteliffe then said , " brethren , having assembled here this day for the purpose of laying the corner-stone of the National Industrial Schools , it AA-ill be my duty to see the ceremony correctly performed , in conformity Avith our ancient usages and customs . " He then proceeded , in proper Masonic form , to lay the stone ,
the following brethren acting as his assistants : Supt . of Works , James Groves , P . M ., 774 ; J . U . Spence , Sec ; M . Rickenson , Treas . ; G . Kirk , J . AV . ; J . Pearson , S . AV . ; George Moore , Dep . Master , P . M ., 774 and 1096 , ancl P . G . J . AV ; P . M ' s . Avith the corn , Avine , and oil , J . Crosby , P . M ., 95 , P . Prov . G . S . AV . and P . G . Treas . ; J . J . Wilson , P . M ., 749 , P . G . R ., and P . Prov . G . J . AV . ; anclG . E . H . Gilmore , W . M ., 111 . In a cavity Avas laced a bottle containing a of the The Stockton and
p copy Marltepool Mercury , and several coins of the present date . After the ceremony , Avhich Avas conducted by brother Suteliffe in an impressive and Avorkmanlike manner , three hearty hearty cheers Avere given , as a manifestation of good-Avill to the enterprise . A short prayer was again offered by the Chaplain , the National Anthem ( Masonic version ) sung , after Avhich the brethren again formed into procession ( order reversed ) ,