Article MASONIC FACTS. ← Page 4 of 4 Article CORRESPONDENCE. Page 1 of 1 Article CORRESPONDENCE. Page 1 of 1 Article HER MAJESTY. Page 1 of 1 Article ELIAS ASHMOLE. Page 1 of 1 Article THE MASONIC SCHOOLS. Page 1 of 2 →
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic Facts.
The Fabric of the Priory was finished before 1294 . —Wldttalcer ' s Craven , p . 3 G 9 . The folloAving are extracts from the Bolls : — 1305 . In constructione pontis dekyldivyk in p'te xxiZ . xiis . ixd . 1307 . Carpentaria , caementariis , & c , ad cameram
d ' ni Prioris xxxn 7 . xiis . xd . Pro laticciis ad coram , de Skpton iii * . ird . Pro linea tela ad l ^ aperouns . 1311 . Operant apud Boulton circ cap prioris viil . vis . Yid . 1312 . Operant ad capel prior in parte viiis . viiic ? . 1314 . Eecept de Eva de Land proponte de Boulton de Rov faciend , vil . xiiis . ird . Cementar pro sarcofagis faciend in eeclesia xis . xd . ( Figs . 42 , 43 . )
FIG . 2 !) . ~ J ? OONTAINS ABBEY CHCHCH . SCALE—100 feet = 1 inch .
The " Editor is not responsible for the opinions expressed hj Correspondents . EOYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR BOYS .
TO THE EDITOR OE THE FREEMASONS MAGAZINE AND MASONIC MIRROR . DEAU SIB AND BEOTIIEK , —The late hour at ivhich I was enabled to ascertain the result of the Festii'al of "Wednesday evening , rendered the usual detailed announcement of the list perfectly impracticable . It is my intention , therefore , to ask for space in your columns next week for publication thereof .
Additional lists , since received , bring the amount of donations to £ 3 , 522 6 s ., Avith several returns still outstanding . I cannot permit this opportunity to escape without tendering the best thanks of all connected with the Institution for the generous aid and support extended by various brethren in many ways , and particularly to the Stewards , for their valuable exertions in producing the above gratifying result . At the same time I trust thafc the ivant of accommo-
dation so manifest last evening will press upon our rulers the absolute necessity of affording—by the erection of a second and more commodious Hall than the present the means of making our Festivals not only oreat demonstrations , but delightful and agreeable reunions by ensuring comfort for the ladies , and order and re ^ u * larity amongst the brethren , which , under existing arrangements , ifc is impossible to secure . I am , Dear Sir and Brother , yours fraternally , FREDERICK BINCKES , Sec .
Her Majesty.
10 THE EDITOR OF IDE FREEMASONS' MAGAZINE AND MASONIC MIRROR . DEAU SIK AND BEOTIIEK . —Anything relative to our beloved Queen will be acceptable to all loyal readers , and ivho more loyal than the Masonic fraternity ? The little incident herein recorded serves to illustrate how innocently grief may be indulged so as to afford air emblem of strong conjugal affection . On Friday last
the Queen and the four Princesses , . now at "Windsor , visited St . George ' s Chapel for the express purpose of placing around the mural tablet respecting H . R . H . the Duchess of Kent , and immediately over the spot where the remains of the late Prince Consort are deposited , wreaths of the choicest camelias , and upon the tesselated pavement of the aisle now be seen thedelicate
may . tokens of love placed there by England ' s royal widow and her daughters , to the memory of a much-loved parent and the good Prince Albert . Yours truly March , 10 th , 1862 . E . R ., PAST G . STEWARD ..
Elias Ashmole.
TO THE EDITOR OP THE EREEMASONS' MAGAZINE AND MASONIC MIRROR . Sin AND BBOTHEK , —My letter which you were good enough to insert in your paper of last week contained an error , I should have said that Elias Ashmole was initiated at "Warrington , in the year 1646 . Will you be kind enough to insert this as a correction . Yours fraternally , "Warrington , March 5 th , 1862 . H . B . W .
The Masonic Schools.
IO THE EDITOR OE THE FREEMASONS * MAGAZINE AND MASONIC MIRROR . DEAB , Sm AND BKOTHEK , —I learn with some regret and astonishment that the committees * of the W > Masonic Schools have passed resolutions interfering , as I conceive , Avith the rights and privileges of the individual subscribers to those institutions , forasmuch as it has been determined that on the payment of the
any person sum of £ 250 to either school , shall have a continued right during lifetime to appoint a child to be boarded and educated in those establishments . Now as the means of accommodating children in either school are limited , it folloAvs that for every life presentation purchased the subscribers at large will be debarred from selecting a candidate themselvesand if some half dozen
, or more of such presentations be purchased by Avealthy individuals , the subscribers will have no voice Avhatever in the selection of children , but will merely have to pay towards the support of those children Avho are placed on the establishment by other and AA'ealthy persons . I believe the average expense of each child in the schools considerablexceeds £ 30 a The annual
y year . interest arising from the sum to be paid down for a life nomination cannot be estimated at more than £ 10 , the remaining twenty pounds have to be made up by subscriptions from the Craft at large . I have myself for the last two years been an annual
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic Facts.
The Fabric of the Priory was finished before 1294 . —Wldttalcer ' s Craven , p . 3 G 9 . The folloAving are extracts from the Bolls : — 1305 . In constructione pontis dekyldivyk in p'te xxiZ . xiis . ixd . 1307 . Carpentaria , caementariis , & c , ad cameram
d ' ni Prioris xxxn 7 . xiis . xd . Pro laticciis ad coram , de Skpton iii * . ird . Pro linea tela ad l ^ aperouns . 1311 . Operant apud Boulton circ cap prioris viil . vis . Yid . 1312 . Operant ad capel prior in parte viiis . viiic ? . 1314 . Eecept de Eva de Land proponte de Boulton de Rov faciend , vil . xiiis . ird . Cementar pro sarcofagis faciend in eeclesia xis . xd . ( Figs . 42 , 43 . )
FIG . 2 !) . ~ J ? OONTAINS ABBEY CHCHCH . SCALE—100 feet = 1 inch .
The " Editor is not responsible for the opinions expressed hj Correspondents . EOYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR BOYS .
TO THE EDITOR OE THE FREEMASONS MAGAZINE AND MASONIC MIRROR . DEAU SIB AND BEOTIIEK , —The late hour at ivhich I was enabled to ascertain the result of the Festii'al of "Wednesday evening , rendered the usual detailed announcement of the list perfectly impracticable . It is my intention , therefore , to ask for space in your columns next week for publication thereof .
Additional lists , since received , bring the amount of donations to £ 3 , 522 6 s ., Avith several returns still outstanding . I cannot permit this opportunity to escape without tendering the best thanks of all connected with the Institution for the generous aid and support extended by various brethren in many ways , and particularly to the Stewards , for their valuable exertions in producing the above gratifying result . At the same time I trust thafc the ivant of accommo-
dation so manifest last evening will press upon our rulers the absolute necessity of affording—by the erection of a second and more commodious Hall than the present the means of making our Festivals not only oreat demonstrations , but delightful and agreeable reunions by ensuring comfort for the ladies , and order and re ^ u * larity amongst the brethren , which , under existing arrangements , ifc is impossible to secure . I am , Dear Sir and Brother , yours fraternally , FREDERICK BINCKES , Sec .
Her Majesty.
10 THE EDITOR OF IDE FREEMASONS' MAGAZINE AND MASONIC MIRROR . DEAU SIK AND BEOTIIEK . —Anything relative to our beloved Queen will be acceptable to all loyal readers , and ivho more loyal than the Masonic fraternity ? The little incident herein recorded serves to illustrate how innocently grief may be indulged so as to afford air emblem of strong conjugal affection . On Friday last
the Queen and the four Princesses , . now at "Windsor , visited St . George ' s Chapel for the express purpose of placing around the mural tablet respecting H . R . H . the Duchess of Kent , and immediately over the spot where the remains of the late Prince Consort are deposited , wreaths of the choicest camelias , and upon the tesselated pavement of the aisle now be seen thedelicate
may . tokens of love placed there by England ' s royal widow and her daughters , to the memory of a much-loved parent and the good Prince Albert . Yours truly March , 10 th , 1862 . E . R ., PAST G . STEWARD ..
Elias Ashmole.
TO THE EDITOR OP THE EREEMASONS' MAGAZINE AND MASONIC MIRROR . Sin AND BBOTHEK , —My letter which you were good enough to insert in your paper of last week contained an error , I should have said that Elias Ashmole was initiated at "Warrington , in the year 1646 . Will you be kind enough to insert this as a correction . Yours fraternally , "Warrington , March 5 th , 1862 . H . B . W .
The Masonic Schools.
IO THE EDITOR OE THE FREEMASONS * MAGAZINE AND MASONIC MIRROR . DEAB , Sm AND BKOTHEK , —I learn with some regret and astonishment that the committees * of the W > Masonic Schools have passed resolutions interfering , as I conceive , Avith the rights and privileges of the individual subscribers to those institutions , forasmuch as it has been determined that on the payment of the
any person sum of £ 250 to either school , shall have a continued right during lifetime to appoint a child to be boarded and educated in those establishments . Now as the means of accommodating children in either school are limited , it folloAvs that for every life presentation purchased the subscribers at large will be debarred from selecting a candidate themselvesand if some half dozen
, or more of such presentations be purchased by Avealthy individuals , the subscribers will have no voice Avhatever in the selection of children , but will merely have to pay towards the support of those children Avho are placed on the establishment by other and AA'ealthy persons . I believe the average expense of each child in the schools considerablexceeds £ 30 a The annual
y year . interest arising from the sum to be paid down for a life nomination cannot be estimated at more than £ 10 , the remaining twenty pounds have to be made up by subscriptions from the Craft at large . I have myself for the last two years been an annual