Article PUBLIC AMUSEMENTS. ← Page 2 of 2 Article NOTES ON MUSIC AND THE DRAMA. Page 1 of 1 Article THE WEEK. Page 1 of 2 →
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Public Amusements.
in the hearts of both the place Avhich had been usurped by coldness and mistrust . Mr . Howe and Mrs . Charles Young Avere called for on the fall of the curtain , and the success of " The Wife ' s Portrait" was unequivocal . It is an admirable piece , of a thoroughly legitimate school , and abundantly deserves its triumph .
ST . JAMES'S THEATRE . An English version , by Mr . Horace AVigan , of the comedy of " Nos Intimes , " entitled " Friends or Foes , " Avas produced here on Saturday evening Avith very marked success . The adapter has clone his Avork extremely well . Although he has for the most part adhered closely to the original , he has ivisely modified . some incidents Avhich Avould have been unacceptable to English taste ; ancl his dialogue is smart , pointed , and commendably free
from Gallicism . One or two little points have escaped him—as , for example , Avhen the husband , on entering the drawing-room says " good morning" to his Avife—the rectification of Avhich Avould bring the actio . n into more complete accordance Avith English maners . For the same reason Ave would recommend that the Avhole of the duel scene should should be left out , more especially since its excision Avould be in all respects beneficial to the piece . These slight alterations will greatly improve that
Avhich is , as it stands , a capital comedy , and increase the certainty of ifcs enjoying a protracted run . Tlie plot is slight , and the interest chiefly springs from the development of character . The piece has been excellently mounted , the lovely scene of the first act being especially creditable to the taste ancl skill of Mr . Lloyd . " Friends or Foes" achieved a triumphant success . At the fall of the curtain all the principal performers Avere called for , after which came a summons for the author , AA'hose absence AA'as apologised for by BIr . George Vining , ancl tbe comedy ought to draiv all London to see ifc for many weeks to come .
PRINCESS'S . Mr . Fechter has appeared as Iago , ancl realised the expectations of those Avho believed in his peculiar fitness for the character . His pronunciation of English had improved , and his general conception of the part AA-as excellent . There was in it a subtle malignity , AA-hich displayed itself in the furtive smile and the curled lip , Avhile the tongue played with words calculated to deceiveancl his general manner inspired a false reliance
, on his sincerity . Throughout , by an abundance of exquisite byplay , the actor took the audience into his confidence , ancl made them partakers of his secret intentions . The scenery ancl general stage-arrangement are the same as on former occasions , and greatly assisted the acting by means of picturesque ancl appropriate grouping .
Notes On Music And The Drama.
It is announced that Mr . Mapleson , who opened the Lyceum for a short season last year is to have Her Majesty ' s Theatre for the approaching opera season . AA'e hear of a German opera company , under the direction of Herr Tescher , of Darmstadt , coming over to London , to give performances during the ensuing season . Among fche celebrities already engaged , AA-O are told , are Herr Ander , the celebrated tenor from A iennanot entirely unknoAvn in Londonhaving
, , appeared many years ago at the Royal Italian Opera in "Guillaume Tell ; " and Herr Niemann , the representative of the famous Tannhauser at the Grand Opera in Paris . Other eminent German vocalists are spoken of as belonging to the troupe . The score of Meyerbeer ' s contribution to fche performance afc the opening of fche Exhibition has been received by her Majesty's -Commissioners , Avho have placed it in the hands of Signor Costa ,
to AA-liom they have entrusted the direction of their musical arrangements . The maestro , who had undertaken to Avrite only a march for the occasion , has , Ave understand , in a fit of enthusiasm inspired by his subject , composed an elaborate overture , Avhich is likely fco prove not one of the least attractive features of the programme of the opening ceremonial . The Avorks promised by Signers Auber ancl A erdi are expected . Professor Sterndale Bennett and MOfcfco Goldschmidfc have
. united in setting fche hyms of the " Lyra Germanica , " translated from the German by Miss AVinkAVorth , to music , for use in public and private vrorship . In addition to 120 ori ginal tunes , the best tunes have been selected from the collections of the German Protestants , Lutherans , Calvinists , and Moravians , and harmonised with appropriate hymns . The histories of famous old tunes will , as far as known , be given by the editors in notes .
The Week.
THE COURT . —Her Majesty and Prince Alfred , the Crown Princess of Prussia , and the Princessess Alice , Helena , Louisa , and Beatrice , have arrived at Windsor Castle , from the Isle of AVighfc . Prince Arthur remains for the present afc Osborne . IMPERIAL PARLIAMENT . —On Thursday the 6 th , the proceedings of the House of Lords Avere unimportant . On Friday the Marquis of Normanby brought forward another case of
alleged atrocity against the Italian Government , the culprit being the officer Avho issued the disavoived proclamation , to Avhich Lord Derby recently called attention . On Monday Lord Sfcratheden raised a discussion on the American blockade , and was supported in his views of sympathy Avith the South by his relative , Lord Abinger . Lord Russell replied in defence of the policy of the Government , and announced thafc it Avas the firm determination of tbe English Government to maintain
the strictest neutrality between the two contending sections of the republic- —On Tuesday , on the motion for the second reading of the Lunacy Law Reform Bill , Lord Chelmsford severely criticised the leading features of the Lord Chancellor ' s measure . Lord Shaftesbury , AVIIO spoke Avith the authority of a Lunacy Commissioner of long experience , expressed his general approval of the bill ; Avhich , after some further discussion , was read a second time . The House of Commons was chiefly
occupied on Thursday , 9 th , Avith the consideration of the Army Estimates . On moving the vote for the manufacturing and engineering establishments in connection Avith the AVar Department , Sir G . C . Lewis gave an interesting account of the supplies of munitions of Avar , Ifc appeared that since 1853 , 1 , 097 , 000 small-arms have been turned out from the GoA-ernment factories , ancl that altogether about 2400 Armstrong guns had been constructed . The right honourable Baronet referred
to the depreciatory statements Avhich had been made respecting Sir William Armstrong's artillery , and expresred his confidence in the new guns . With regard to the reserve of warlike stores , he stated that they had a siege-train of 105 guns , with 780 rounds ot ammunition for each gun ; 150 mortar beds , Avith 13-inch mortars ; and all the requisite equipments for a considerable army , ready for immediate service . The Mediterranean garrisons hadbeen re-armed , while the garrisons at home
had been both re-armed ancl increased . After some discussion , this ancl several other votes Avere agreed to . On Friday Mr . Lowe stated , in reply to a question from Mr . AValpole , that for the next twelve months the Government grants for educational purposes Avould be distributed in accordance Avith the old regulations . Mr . Gregory , AVIIO expressed his Avarni sympathy Avith the Confederate States in their struggle for independence , called attention to the blockade of the Southern ports . A
long debate followed , in the course of Avhich the Solicitor General defended tbe policy adopted by the Government , submitting that the American blockade Avas as effective as " other blockades had been in former years . " On Monday , Mr . Disraeli alluded to certain proclamations , alleged to have been issued by the Italian authorities in Naples , —including , apparently , the order to ivhich Lord Derby hid already called attention in the House of Lords—but Lord
Palmerston stated that tbe Government had received no official information respecting these documents . He remarked , however , that " Her Majesty's Government participated in the indignation which eA'ery Englishman must feel , at the publication of proclamations of such a disgusting character . " On Tuesday Mr . Hubbard announced that in the event of the Chancellor of the Exchequer proposing the re-enactment of the income tax in its present shapehe should bring forward a series of resolutions ,
, declaring that the impost ought to be re-adjusted so as to fall more lightly upon persons deriving their income from precarious sources . Lord Robert Montagu moved that a committee be annually appointed for fche purpose of revising all estimates or accounts laid before Parliament . The motion , which ivas opposed by the Government as unnecessary , ivas , after some discussion , negatived by a large majority . Mr . Horsfall then brought for-Avard his resolution"That the present state of international
, maritime law , as affecting the rights of belligerents ancl neutrals , is ill-defined and unsatisfactory , and calls for the early attention of her Majesty ' s Government . " The resolution was secondedby Mr . Cobden , ancl gave rise to a long debate , Avhich stands adjourned . ——On Wednesday Mr . Monckton Milnes moved that the House go into committee on the Marriage Affinity Bill . Mr , G . AA " . Hunt moved as an amendment tbat the House go into
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Public Amusements.
in the hearts of both the place Avhich had been usurped by coldness and mistrust . Mr . Howe and Mrs . Charles Young Avere called for on the fall of the curtain , and the success of " The Wife ' s Portrait" was unequivocal . It is an admirable piece , of a thoroughly legitimate school , and abundantly deserves its triumph .
ST . JAMES'S THEATRE . An English version , by Mr . Horace AVigan , of the comedy of " Nos Intimes , " entitled " Friends or Foes , " Avas produced here on Saturday evening Avith very marked success . The adapter has clone his Avork extremely well . Although he has for the most part adhered closely to the original , he has ivisely modified . some incidents Avhich Avould have been unacceptable to English taste ; ancl his dialogue is smart , pointed , and commendably free
from Gallicism . One or two little points have escaped him—as , for example , Avhen the husband , on entering the drawing-room says " good morning" to his Avife—the rectification of Avhich Avould bring the actio . n into more complete accordance Avith English maners . For the same reason Ave would recommend that the Avhole of the duel scene should should be left out , more especially since its excision Avould be in all respects beneficial to the piece . These slight alterations will greatly improve that
Avhich is , as it stands , a capital comedy , and increase the certainty of ifcs enjoying a protracted run . Tlie plot is slight , and the interest chiefly springs from the development of character . The piece has been excellently mounted , the lovely scene of the first act being especially creditable to the taste ancl skill of Mr . Lloyd . " Friends or Foes" achieved a triumphant success . At the fall of the curtain all the principal performers Avere called for , after which came a summons for the author , AA'hose absence AA'as apologised for by BIr . George Vining , ancl tbe comedy ought to draiv all London to see ifc for many weeks to come .
PRINCESS'S . Mr . Fechter has appeared as Iago , ancl realised the expectations of those Avho believed in his peculiar fitness for the character . His pronunciation of English had improved , and his general conception of the part AA-as excellent . There was in it a subtle malignity , AA-hich displayed itself in the furtive smile and the curled lip , Avhile the tongue played with words calculated to deceiveancl his general manner inspired a false reliance
, on his sincerity . Throughout , by an abundance of exquisite byplay , the actor took the audience into his confidence , ancl made them partakers of his secret intentions . The scenery ancl general stage-arrangement are the same as on former occasions , and greatly assisted the acting by means of picturesque ancl appropriate grouping .
Notes On Music And The Drama.
It is announced that Mr . Mapleson , who opened the Lyceum for a short season last year is to have Her Majesty ' s Theatre for the approaching opera season . AA'e hear of a German opera company , under the direction of Herr Tescher , of Darmstadt , coming over to London , to give performances during the ensuing season . Among fche celebrities already engaged , AA-O are told , are Herr Ander , the celebrated tenor from A iennanot entirely unknoAvn in Londonhaving
, , appeared many years ago at the Royal Italian Opera in "Guillaume Tell ; " and Herr Niemann , the representative of the famous Tannhauser at the Grand Opera in Paris . Other eminent German vocalists are spoken of as belonging to the troupe . The score of Meyerbeer ' s contribution to fche performance afc the opening of fche Exhibition has been received by her Majesty's -Commissioners , Avho have placed it in the hands of Signor Costa ,
to AA-liom they have entrusted the direction of their musical arrangements . The maestro , who had undertaken to Avrite only a march for the occasion , has , Ave understand , in a fit of enthusiasm inspired by his subject , composed an elaborate overture , Avhich is likely fco prove not one of the least attractive features of the programme of the opening ceremonial . The Avorks promised by Signers Auber ancl A erdi are expected . Professor Sterndale Bennett and MOfcfco Goldschmidfc have
. united in setting fche hyms of the " Lyra Germanica , " translated from the German by Miss AVinkAVorth , to music , for use in public and private vrorship . In addition to 120 ori ginal tunes , the best tunes have been selected from the collections of the German Protestants , Lutherans , Calvinists , and Moravians , and harmonised with appropriate hymns . The histories of famous old tunes will , as far as known , be given by the editors in notes .
The Week.
THE COURT . —Her Majesty and Prince Alfred , the Crown Princess of Prussia , and the Princessess Alice , Helena , Louisa , and Beatrice , have arrived at Windsor Castle , from the Isle of AVighfc . Prince Arthur remains for the present afc Osborne . IMPERIAL PARLIAMENT . —On Thursday the 6 th , the proceedings of the House of Lords Avere unimportant . On Friday the Marquis of Normanby brought forward another case of
alleged atrocity against the Italian Government , the culprit being the officer Avho issued the disavoived proclamation , to Avhich Lord Derby recently called attention . On Monday Lord Sfcratheden raised a discussion on the American blockade , and was supported in his views of sympathy Avith the South by his relative , Lord Abinger . Lord Russell replied in defence of the policy of the Government , and announced thafc it Avas the firm determination of tbe English Government to maintain
the strictest neutrality between the two contending sections of the republic- —On Tuesday , on the motion for the second reading of the Lunacy Law Reform Bill , Lord Chelmsford severely criticised the leading features of the Lord Chancellor ' s measure . Lord Shaftesbury , AVIIO spoke Avith the authority of a Lunacy Commissioner of long experience , expressed his general approval of the bill ; Avhich , after some further discussion , was read a second time . The House of Commons was chiefly
occupied on Thursday , 9 th , Avith the consideration of the Army Estimates . On moving the vote for the manufacturing and engineering establishments in connection Avith the AVar Department , Sir G . C . Lewis gave an interesting account of the supplies of munitions of Avar , Ifc appeared that since 1853 , 1 , 097 , 000 small-arms have been turned out from the GoA-ernment factories , ancl that altogether about 2400 Armstrong guns had been constructed . The right honourable Baronet referred
to the depreciatory statements Avhich had been made respecting Sir William Armstrong's artillery , and expresred his confidence in the new guns . With regard to the reserve of warlike stores , he stated that they had a siege-train of 105 guns , with 780 rounds ot ammunition for each gun ; 150 mortar beds , Avith 13-inch mortars ; and all the requisite equipments for a considerable army , ready for immediate service . The Mediterranean garrisons hadbeen re-armed , while the garrisons at home
had been both re-armed ancl increased . After some discussion , this ancl several other votes Avere agreed to . On Friday Mr . Lowe stated , in reply to a question from Mr . AValpole , that for the next twelve months the Government grants for educational purposes Avould be distributed in accordance Avith the old regulations . Mr . Gregory , AVIIO expressed his Avarni sympathy Avith the Confederate States in their struggle for independence , called attention to the blockade of the Southern ports . A
long debate followed , in the course of Avhich the Solicitor General defended tbe policy adopted by the Government , submitting that the American blockade Avas as effective as " other blockades had been in former years . " On Monday , Mr . Disraeli alluded to certain proclamations , alleged to have been issued by the Italian authorities in Naples , —including , apparently , the order to ivhich Lord Derby hid already called attention in the House of Lords—but Lord
Palmerston stated that tbe Government had received no official information respecting these documents . He remarked , however , that " Her Majesty's Government participated in the indignation which eA'ery Englishman must feel , at the publication of proclamations of such a disgusting character . " On Tuesday Mr . Hubbard announced that in the event of the Chancellor of the Exchequer proposing the re-enactment of the income tax in its present shapehe should bring forward a series of resolutions ,
, declaring that the impost ought to be re-adjusted so as to fall more lightly upon persons deriving their income from precarious sources . Lord Robert Montagu moved that a committee be annually appointed for fche purpose of revising all estimates or accounts laid before Parliament . The motion , which ivas opposed by the Government as unnecessary , ivas , after some discussion , negatived by a large majority . Mr . Horsfall then brought for-Avard his resolution"That the present state of international
, maritime law , as affecting the rights of belligerents ancl neutrals , is ill-defined and unsatisfactory , and calls for the early attention of her Majesty ' s Government . " The resolution was secondedby Mr . Cobden , ancl gave rise to a long debate , Avhich stands adjourned . ——On Wednesday Mr . Monckton Milnes moved that the House go into committee on the Marriage Affinity Bill . Mr , G . AA " . Hunt moved as an amendment tbat the House go into