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and marched back to the lodge-room , when the lodge Avas closed . A sumptuous banquet AVAS served up in the large room of the Eoyal about three P . M . About eig hty of the brethren , presided over by Bro . Suteliffe , supported on the right by the Rev . John Eudd , Bro . J . J . AVilson , Stockton , Bro . Gilmore , of Sunderland , & c ., and on the left hy the Rev . James Milner , Bro . Moore and Bro . Groves , Hartlepool . The peculiar forms observed by Masons on these occasions were not observedit being the desire that the
, worthy Vicar , AVIIO is not a member of the Craft , should be present , but the harmony and spirit of Masonry peiwaded the proceedings . The feast Avas of a high character , and did great credit to Bro . Murray , under Avhose inspection it Avas prepared and served ; and to the AVorshipful Master and brethren of the Harbour of Refuge Lodge , at Avhose cost it Avas provided . After dinner the Chairman gave in succession " The Queen ancl the
Craft , " " The M . AV . Grand Master of Masons , the Earl of Zetland , and the Deputy Grand Master , the Earl de Grey ancl Eipon , " ancl " The K . W . the Provincial Grand Master ancl the other Provincial Grand Officers , coupled Avith the name of Bro . Crosby . " These toasts Avere drunk Avith the ordinary manifestations of approval . Bro . Crosby , in responding , observed that throughout his Masonic career this Avas the first instance in which the Master of a lodge in the province of Durham —( Bro .
Crookes : " Or any other province" )—had been permitted to conduct a ceremony of this description ; and the Harbour of Refuge , the youngest lodge in the province , ought to regard it as a high compliment . ( Hear , hear . ) The Chairman next gave the health of their respected , he might say beloved , vicar , Mr . Eudd . Since he had come to the parish he hacl endeared himself to his people , and the Avork now progressing under his care Avas not likely to lessen his popularity . The toast Avas drunk Avith enthusiasm , as also the health of the Chairman and various other toasts . Some of the brethren contributed good songs , ancl the afternoon Avas very pleasantly spent .
GLOUCESTEESHIEE . GLOUCESTER—Royal Gloucestershire Lodge ( No . 1141 . )—This lodge held its usual monthly meeting at Beaufort House , College Green , on Friday , the 7 th inst ., Bro . Amos Steed , P . M . 97 ; P . Prov . G . S . B . Gloucestershire , W . M ., ancl many of the influential members Avere present . The AV . M ., after opening the lodge proceeded to pass Bros . KnoAvles ancl Cooke into the second degreeAA-hich he did in is usual expert and able maimer .
, The brethren then proceeded to elect the W . M . and Treasurer for the ensuing year . Their choice falling unanimously on their present Master , who Avas acordingly declared duly elected for the second year . Bro . Trimmer Avas also re-elected Treasurer . The usual proclamations were then made , the lodge closed and the hretbren adiourned to bancraet .
KENT . DOA'ER . —Lodge of Feace and Harmony ( No . 235 ) . —The above lodge held its usual monthly meeting on Monday , 3 rd inst ., at the Royal Oak Inn , on Avhich occasion there Avas a very numerous attendance . The lodge Avas opened at half past six o ' clock , by Bros . Adamson , Prov . G . A . D . C . of Kent , AV . M . ; Vanderlyn , P . Prov . G . S . B . Kent , S . AV ., ancl Treas ; Coram , J . AV . ; F . Prescott , S . D . ; Dallemore , J . D . ; ancl GruiiAvald , I . G . ; ancl
several P . M . 's . After the usual minutes had been confirmed and the ballots taken , Bros . Taylor , Hay , Ayers , and Bell Avere raised to the third degree . Bros . Peacock , Hood , and Groves were passed to the second degree , and Messrs . Beard , Smith , and Grimes duly initiated into the first degree of Freemasonry , all of the ceremonies being most ably performed by the AV . M . A letter Avas read from Bro . Dobson , Dep . Prov . G . M . of Kentthanking the lodge for the ten guineasand the
, , lodge of Instruction for one guinea sent him , as Steward , as donations to the Eoyal Masonic Institute for Boys . This being the annual meeting for the election of AV . M . ancl Treas ., the hrethren proceeded to ballot , Avhen Bro . Vanderlyn , S . AV ., Avas elected as W . M ., also for the fourth time rp-elected as Treasurer , who returned thanks to the brethren for these and many marks of kind feelings he had received from the Dover lodge , since he had the honour of becoming one of its members . The
lodge was then closed , and about forty brethren sat doivn to refreshment . After the usual loyal and Masonic toasts , the AV . M . proposed "The neAvly Initiated Brethren , " Avhich Avas responded to by Bro . Smith . The visitors' toast Avas responded to by Bro . Pearson , from the United States . The AV . M . then rose and said he had this evening very great pleasure iu introducing another toast namely " Their Treasurer and AV . M . elect . " He
congratulated the lodge on the choice they hacl made , and as Bro . A anderlyn ' s Masonic abilities Avere so Avell known to them all , he would delay their time no longer , hut call upon them to drink " Prosperity to Bro . Vanderlyn , and a successful year to the Loclge under his guidance . " Bro . Vanderlyn having returned thanks for the manner Avith AA-hich the toast had been received , assured the brethren that every attempt Avould be made to uphold the lodge in the present high position Avhich it
holds in Kent . "The Health of the AV . M . " Avas then proposed . Bro . Adamson , in returning thanks , made some very happy remarks on this night attaining his majority , viz ., tint he hacl the pleasure of Initiating tAventy-one members during his year of office . "The P . M ' s ., " responded to by Bro . P . M . Boyton . The Healths of the other Officers Aveie drunk ancl severally responded to , after Avhich the brethren separated highly delighted ivith the proceedings of the evening . The installation is
fixed for Monday , 7 th April , at 6 o ' clock . AsnpoiiD . —Lnvicta Lodge ( No . 1011 ) . —The regular lodge meeting took place on Friday last , the 7 th inst ., under the able presidency of the W . M ., Bro . B . K . Thorpe , every officer being present . The lodge being opened in due form , the minutes of the former meeting Avere read and confirmed , after which Bro . Norwood , of Apollo University Loclge , Oxford , Avas raised to the sublime degree of M . M . This Avas folloAved by Bro . James being
introduced and passed to the second degree , the latter ceremony Avas performed by Bro . B . Thorpe in an effective and eloquent manner . The AA . M ., with his characteristic benevolence , suggested tbat efforts should be made to raise a sum of 50 guineas , so as to entitle this lodge to ten votes so long as it remains in existence , Avith the rank of A . P . attaching to the AV . M . fro . tern ., for the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys , and the brethren readily respondedpartlfrom the loclge funds and individual
, y donations ; ancl in addition to Avhich the following donations have been given : —Bros . Thomas HalloAves , £ 5 5 s . ; J . S . Eastes , £ 5 5 s . ; B . K . Thorpe , £ 1 Is ., and the AA'hole amount handed over to Bro . Dobson , D . Prov . G . M . for Kent , AA'I IO kindly engaged to take the office of Sfceivard at the forthcoming FestiA-al . Thus has this small lodge given another proof that Masonry does not consist in mere idle professions or self-indulgence , but in fche practice of the fundamental principles of our Order , " Brotherly
love , relief , and truth , " by feeding the hungry , taking care of the fatherless and the AVICIOAV , ancl doing unto others as Ave should Avish to be done by . TUNKRIDGE AVELLS . —Solmesdale Lodge ( No . 1176 . )—On AVednesday , Feb . 2 Gth , the impressive Masonic ceremonies attendant upon the consecration of this new lodge took place at the Sussex Hotel . It is a matter of surprise that in so large and and opulent a toivn a lodge has not long ago been established ;
and doubtless UOAV that has been achieved it will rapidly become one of tlie first in the province . Tlie proceedings of the day Avere someAvhat damped by the non-arrival of the Provincial Grand Master , Viscount Holmesdale , M . F ., Avho Avas detained in London by an important division in " the House "—the absence of Bro . Dobson , his lordship ' s able and genial deputy , and of several other distinguished brethren , AA-as also deeply regretted . Under the directionhoAveverof Bro . S . B . Wilson
, , ( who on this occasion acted as his lordship's deputy ) nothing Avas wanting to render the ceremony perfect and impressive . A considerable number of brethren Avere present ; ancl amongst the visitors Ave noticed : —Bros . S . Barton Wilson , P . J . G . D . of England ; Eastes , Prov . S . G . AV . ; the Eev . Bro . Hill , Prov . Grand Chaplain ; Isaacs , Prov . Grand Secretary ; Cook , P . Prov . G . S . AV . ; Jones , P . Prov . G . S . AV . ; Philcox , P . Prov . G . J . W . of Kent ; the Rev . Bro . Taylor , Prov . Grand Chaplain ; "Wellard ,
P . Prov . G . D . Cer . of Sussex ; Nettleingham , W . M . ; Potfcinger , P . M . ; Hills , P . M . ; J . T . Nettlingham . of 91 , Gravesend ; Tomlin , AV . M . ; Key , P . M . ; Clark , P . M . of 147 , Hythe ; AVinter , HOAVBII , and Birchell , of 47 , Hastings ; Fenn , W . M . 188 ; Marsh , P . M . 4-8 ; Adair , 141 ; Minton , P . M . of 7 , London ; Bathurst , AV . M . ; Giraud , J . W ., of 155 , Faversham ; Philpot ancl Plunkett , of 235 , Dover ; F . W . Day , P . M . ; E . Day , P . M . ; Assiter , Prov . S . W . ; Titus , S . D ., Blinkhorn , of 741 ,
Maidstone ; Thorpe , AV . M . ; Eev . A . H . Eoxburg , Chap . ; Kingsnortb , J . D . ; F . C . HalloAves , of 1011 , Ashford , & c . The lodge having been opened in due form , Bro . Wilson acting as W . M ., Bro . Nettleingham as S . AV ., and 'Bro . Eastes as J . W ., the petition to and Avarrant from the Grand Master of England Avere read , upon Avhich Bro . AVilson proceeded Avith the ceremony of consecration , assisted by the Rev . Bro . Hill , Prov . G . Chap , of Kent , and three P . M's ., Bros . Cooke , 741 ; Jone , 155 ; and Hills , 91 . An oration on Masonry , by Bro . S . B . AVilson ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
and marched back to the lodge-room , when the lodge Avas closed . A sumptuous banquet AVAS served up in the large room of the Eoyal about three P . M . About eig hty of the brethren , presided over by Bro . Suteliffe , supported on the right by the Rev . John Eudd , Bro . J . J . AVilson , Stockton , Bro . Gilmore , of Sunderland , & c ., and on the left hy the Rev . James Milner , Bro . Moore and Bro . Groves , Hartlepool . The peculiar forms observed by Masons on these occasions were not observedit being the desire that the
, worthy Vicar , AVIIO is not a member of the Craft , should be present , but the harmony and spirit of Masonry peiwaded the proceedings . The feast Avas of a high character , and did great credit to Bro . Murray , under Avhose inspection it Avas prepared and served ; and to the AVorshipful Master and brethren of the Harbour of Refuge Lodge , at Avhose cost it Avas provided . After dinner the Chairman gave in succession " The Queen ancl the
Craft , " " The M . AV . Grand Master of Masons , the Earl of Zetland , and the Deputy Grand Master , the Earl de Grey ancl Eipon , " ancl " The K . W . the Provincial Grand Master ancl the other Provincial Grand Officers , coupled Avith the name of Bro . Crosby . " These toasts Avere drunk Avith the ordinary manifestations of approval . Bro . Crosby , in responding , observed that throughout his Masonic career this Avas the first instance in which the Master of a lodge in the province of Durham —( Bro .
Crookes : " Or any other province" )—had been permitted to conduct a ceremony of this description ; and the Harbour of Refuge , the youngest lodge in the province , ought to regard it as a high compliment . ( Hear , hear . ) The Chairman next gave the health of their respected , he might say beloved , vicar , Mr . Eudd . Since he had come to the parish he hacl endeared himself to his people , and the Avork now progressing under his care Avas not likely to lessen his popularity . The toast Avas drunk Avith enthusiasm , as also the health of the Chairman and various other toasts . Some of the brethren contributed good songs , ancl the afternoon Avas very pleasantly spent .
GLOUCESTEESHIEE . GLOUCESTER—Royal Gloucestershire Lodge ( No . 1141 . )—This lodge held its usual monthly meeting at Beaufort House , College Green , on Friday , the 7 th inst ., Bro . Amos Steed , P . M . 97 ; P . Prov . G . S . B . Gloucestershire , W . M ., ancl many of the influential members Avere present . The AV . M ., after opening the lodge proceeded to pass Bros . KnoAvles ancl Cooke into the second degreeAA-hich he did in is usual expert and able maimer .
, The brethren then proceeded to elect the W . M . and Treasurer for the ensuing year . Their choice falling unanimously on their present Master , who Avas acordingly declared duly elected for the second year . Bro . Trimmer Avas also re-elected Treasurer . The usual proclamations were then made , the lodge closed and the hretbren adiourned to bancraet .
KENT . DOA'ER . —Lodge of Feace and Harmony ( No . 235 ) . —The above lodge held its usual monthly meeting on Monday , 3 rd inst ., at the Royal Oak Inn , on Avhich occasion there Avas a very numerous attendance . The lodge Avas opened at half past six o ' clock , by Bros . Adamson , Prov . G . A . D . C . of Kent , AV . M . ; Vanderlyn , P . Prov . G . S . B . Kent , S . AV ., ancl Treas ; Coram , J . AV . ; F . Prescott , S . D . ; Dallemore , J . D . ; ancl GruiiAvald , I . G . ; ancl
several P . M . 's . After the usual minutes had been confirmed and the ballots taken , Bros . Taylor , Hay , Ayers , and Bell Avere raised to the third degree . Bros . Peacock , Hood , and Groves were passed to the second degree , and Messrs . Beard , Smith , and Grimes duly initiated into the first degree of Freemasonry , all of the ceremonies being most ably performed by the AV . M . A letter Avas read from Bro . Dobson , Dep . Prov . G . M . of Kentthanking the lodge for the ten guineasand the
, , lodge of Instruction for one guinea sent him , as Steward , as donations to the Eoyal Masonic Institute for Boys . This being the annual meeting for the election of AV . M . ancl Treas ., the hrethren proceeded to ballot , Avhen Bro . Vanderlyn , S . AV ., Avas elected as W . M ., also for the fourth time rp-elected as Treasurer , who returned thanks to the brethren for these and many marks of kind feelings he had received from the Dover lodge , since he had the honour of becoming one of its members . The
lodge was then closed , and about forty brethren sat doivn to refreshment . After the usual loyal and Masonic toasts , the AV . M . proposed "The neAvly Initiated Brethren , " Avhich Avas responded to by Bro . Smith . The visitors' toast Avas responded to by Bro . Pearson , from the United States . The AV . M . then rose and said he had this evening very great pleasure iu introducing another toast namely " Their Treasurer and AV . M . elect . " He
congratulated the lodge on the choice they hacl made , and as Bro . A anderlyn ' s Masonic abilities Avere so Avell known to them all , he would delay their time no longer , hut call upon them to drink " Prosperity to Bro . Vanderlyn , and a successful year to the Loclge under his guidance . " Bro . Vanderlyn having returned thanks for the manner Avith AA-hich the toast had been received , assured the brethren that every attempt Avould be made to uphold the lodge in the present high position Avhich it
holds in Kent . "The Health of the AV . M . " Avas then proposed . Bro . Adamson , in returning thanks , made some very happy remarks on this night attaining his majority , viz ., tint he hacl the pleasure of Initiating tAventy-one members during his year of office . "The P . M ' s ., " responded to by Bro . P . M . Boyton . The Healths of the other Officers Aveie drunk ancl severally responded to , after Avhich the brethren separated highly delighted ivith the proceedings of the evening . The installation is
fixed for Monday , 7 th April , at 6 o ' clock . AsnpoiiD . —Lnvicta Lodge ( No . 1011 ) . —The regular lodge meeting took place on Friday last , the 7 th inst ., under the able presidency of the W . M ., Bro . B . K . Thorpe , every officer being present . The lodge being opened in due form , the minutes of the former meeting Avere read and confirmed , after which Bro . Norwood , of Apollo University Loclge , Oxford , Avas raised to the sublime degree of M . M . This Avas folloAved by Bro . James being
introduced and passed to the second degree , the latter ceremony Avas performed by Bro . B . Thorpe in an effective and eloquent manner . The AA . M ., with his characteristic benevolence , suggested tbat efforts should be made to raise a sum of 50 guineas , so as to entitle this lodge to ten votes so long as it remains in existence , Avith the rank of A . P . attaching to the AV . M . fro . tern ., for the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys , and the brethren readily respondedpartlfrom the loclge funds and individual
, y donations ; ancl in addition to Avhich the following donations have been given : —Bros . Thomas HalloAves , £ 5 5 s . ; J . S . Eastes , £ 5 5 s . ; B . K . Thorpe , £ 1 Is ., and the AA'hole amount handed over to Bro . Dobson , D . Prov . G . M . for Kent , AA'I IO kindly engaged to take the office of Sfceivard at the forthcoming FestiA-al . Thus has this small lodge given another proof that Masonry does not consist in mere idle professions or self-indulgence , but in fche practice of the fundamental principles of our Order , " Brotherly
love , relief , and truth , " by feeding the hungry , taking care of the fatherless and the AVICIOAV , ancl doing unto others as Ave should Avish to be done by . TUNKRIDGE AVELLS . —Solmesdale Lodge ( No . 1176 . )—On AVednesday , Feb . 2 Gth , the impressive Masonic ceremonies attendant upon the consecration of this new lodge took place at the Sussex Hotel . It is a matter of surprise that in so large and and opulent a toivn a lodge has not long ago been established ;
and doubtless UOAV that has been achieved it will rapidly become one of tlie first in the province . Tlie proceedings of the day Avere someAvhat damped by the non-arrival of the Provincial Grand Master , Viscount Holmesdale , M . F ., Avho Avas detained in London by an important division in " the House "—the absence of Bro . Dobson , his lordship ' s able and genial deputy , and of several other distinguished brethren , AA-as also deeply regretted . Under the directionhoAveverof Bro . S . B . Wilson
, , ( who on this occasion acted as his lordship's deputy ) nothing Avas wanting to render the ceremony perfect and impressive . A considerable number of brethren Avere present ; ancl amongst the visitors Ave noticed : —Bros . S . Barton Wilson , P . J . G . D . of England ; Eastes , Prov . S . G . AV . ; the Eev . Bro . Hill , Prov . Grand Chaplain ; Isaacs , Prov . Grand Secretary ; Cook , P . Prov . G . S . AV . ; Jones , P . Prov . G . S . AV . ; Philcox , P . Prov . G . J . W . of Kent ; the Rev . Bro . Taylor , Prov . Grand Chaplain ; "Wellard ,
P . Prov . G . D . Cer . of Sussex ; Nettleingham , W . M . ; Potfcinger , P . M . ; Hills , P . M . ; J . T . Nettlingham . of 91 , Gravesend ; Tomlin , AV . M . ; Key , P . M . ; Clark , P . M . of 147 , Hythe ; AVinter , HOAVBII , and Birchell , of 47 , Hastings ; Fenn , W . M . 188 ; Marsh , P . M . 4-8 ; Adair , 141 ; Minton , P . M . of 7 , London ; Bathurst , AV . M . ; Giraud , J . W ., of 155 , Faversham ; Philpot ancl Plunkett , of 235 , Dover ; F . W . Day , P . M . ; E . Day , P . M . ; Assiter , Prov . S . W . ; Titus , S . D ., Blinkhorn , of 741 ,
Maidstone ; Thorpe , AV . M . ; Eev . A . H . Eoxburg , Chap . ; Kingsnortb , J . D . ; F . C . HalloAves , of 1011 , Ashford , & c . The lodge having been opened in due form , Bro . Wilson acting as W . M ., Bro . Nettleingham as S . AV ., and 'Bro . Eastes as J . W ., the petition to and Avarrant from the Grand Master of England Avere read , upon Avhich Bro . AVilson proceeded Avith the ceremony of consecration , assisted by the Rev . Bro . Hill , Prov . G . Chap , of Kent , and three P . M's ., Bros . Cooke , 741 ; Jone , 155 ; and Hills , 91 . An oration on Masonry , by Bro . S . B . AVilson ,