Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 4 of 4 Article CHANNEL ISLANDS. Page 1 of 1 Article CHANNEL ISLANDS. Page 1 of 1 Article SCOTLAND. Page 1 of 2 →
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P . Prov . G . S . W . ; J . Fabian , W . M . 338 ; Chittenden , P . M . 390 , P . G . Purst . ; Dixon , P . M . 338 ; Potter and Vincent , 1034 ; Booty , 338 . The usual loyal aud lodge toasts were given , interspersed by some excellent singing from several brethren , kindly accompanied upon the piano by a visiting brother . The evening Avas spent in a most pleasant and fraternal manner , and the brethren separated afc an early hour , delighted AA'ith the clay ' s proceedings .
YORKSHIRE ( AVEST ) . BAILDON , NEAR LEEDS . —Airedale Lodge ( No . 543 ) . —The regular monthly meeting of this loclge ivas holden on AVednesday , the 12 th of February , afc which there Avas a A'ery Jarge gathering of members , particularly of the older brethren . ^ Bro . James C . Read , AV . M ., assisted by his officers , opened the loclge at seven o ' clock . The minutes being passed , Bro . Priestley Avas
examined as a F . C , and being found proficient , the W . M . called upon Bros . J . AValker and " Henry Smith , P . M . s , to assist him in the ceremony of raising Bro . Priestley to the sublime degree of M . M . The ceremony being concluded , Bro . EdAA-ard Haigh , recently returned from Australia , then rose , and claimed the attention ot the AV . M . and brethren for a feAV moments , recalling to their memory the time Avhen he left these shores for that distant colonyshortlafter they had raised him to
, y that high degree , which the brother had just attained . Before leaving , he expressed a hope for a speedy return , ancl his intention to present some little token of recognition of their kindness to the loclge . He then handed in a beautiful box of Avorking tools , made in Melbourne of native Avoods . The box Avas of most beautifully grained AVOOCI , the Henon pine ; the tools of black Avood , Myal AVOOCI and red gum , all elaborately polished ,
and fitted into their respective places in an ingenious manner . The W . M . accepted the present on behalf of the lodge , and a vote of thanks AA-as duly passed , on the motion of Bro . AV . AV . Holmes , P . M ., supported by Bros . J . Denby , Wainman Holmes , John Walker , sen ., J . AValker , jun ., ancl Lycias Barker , P . M . s . The loclge being closed , thebrethren passed an agreeable evening in the refreshment room . The repast being disposed of , the usual loyal and Masonic toasts Avere given ancl duly honoured .
ROEHERIIAM . —Phoenix Lodge ( No . 1206 ) . —In our notice a Aveek or two ago of the neAV lodges , for Avhich Avarrants have been granted since the issue of the calendar , we omitted to mention the Phoenix Lodge ( No . 1206 ) , the meetings of AA-hich are to be held at the Prince of AVales Hotel , on the first Tuesday in each month . The meeting of last week Avas only the second of the HBAV lodge , but already the furniture and appointments are tolerably completeowing partlto the fact that
, y some portions are those used ty the old Phoenix Lodge , at Rotherham , previously to its dissolution in 1846 , and haA'e been kept by some brethren Avho Avere then members in a state of capital preservation . The business transacted Avas the passing the by-laws ; ancl the proposition of three candidates is an indication that the new lodge Avill soon become vigorous and useful .
Channel Islands.
JERSEY . Lodge La Cesaree ( No . 860 ) . —The ordinary meeting of the month was held on February 27 th , when a much larger assemblage of the brethren took place than has been customary in the lodge of late , the number present being upwards of fifty . The AV . M . Bro . Baudains , opened the proceedings in the usual mannerassisted bhis AVardensBrosLe Contourand Le
, y , . , Sueur . The minutes of the previous meeting Avere read and confirmed . The lodge Avas then opened in the second degree , when several matters of business connected Avith accounts Avere arranged , ancl Bro . Dr . Piscarfc underAvenfc an examination as to his progress , ancl this proving highly satisfactory , he Avas impressively raised to fche degree of a M . M . b y Bro . Schmitt , P . M . The lodge having been resumed in the first degree , a discussion
arose on a proposition of Bro . Binet , P . M ., thafc in future all Avho became members by initiation shall be furnished with a copy of the Poole of Constitutions afc the expense of the lodge . This Avas resisted by several , and ultimately negatived , on the ground that it Avould be a needless expense , unless the Avork were translated and published in French , so many of the brethren having bufc little acquaintance Avith English . This matter being
Channel Islands.
settled , tho lodge Avas closed Avith the Avonted rites , and the brethren adjourned for light refreshment , when an hour Avas profitably spent in the enjoyment of social intercourse , and the expression of Masonic sentiments , in AA-hich several visitors took part , among Avhom may be particularly named Bro . Bull , from Birmingham .
AYR KILWINNING ( No . 124 ) . —Our Ayr correspondent Avnces to us : —AA e Avere present at a most interesting meeting of the Lodge Ayr , Kilwinning , on the evening of Monday last , afc Avhich four Serjeants of the 76 th regiment Avere passed and raised , the ceremony being performed by P . M . Bro . George Goocd , Avho delivered the lectures in a chaste and highly impressive manner , in presence of a very full meeting of the lodge , as Avell as a number of visiting brethren representing the Grand
Lodge of Scotland , Provincial Grand Lodge of Ayrshire , Mother Kilwinning , Ayr Operative , Royal Arch St . Paul , and No . 555 Fermoy , Ii eland . Labour being suspended , plumbline erected his column , and the brethren partook of refreshment , having for their chairman Bro . Andrew McGaan , Dep . Master , a brother Avhose cheerful disposition and courteous manner render his presence at the head of the convivial board at all times most acceptable . Iu returning thanks for the brethren of the 76 th
Serjeant AVarner mentioned that , it might HOAV be said that nearly all the Serjeants in the regiment Avere craftsmen , and so thoroughly imbued Avere they with the spirit of Masonry , that the non-commissioned officers of the 76 th seriously contemplated the introduction of a lodge charter into the distinguished corps to Avhich they had the honour to belong . In name of the Serjeants present , Serjeant AVarner tendered a cordial invitation to the members of their mother lodge to visit them at their mess
, AA'here they Avould meet Avith the extended hand of unfeigned Avelcome . A lively discussion Avas provoked by some remarks Avhich fell from Bro . J . McC . AVilliamson , suggestive of the propriety of having a lodge of Instruction formed in connection AA'ith Ayr Kihvinning . The Prov . J . G . AV ., Bro . D . Murray Lyon , Mother Kilwinning , thought it would tend to much good AA'ere they to take advantage of the facilities afforded by Grand Loclge for the erection of lodges of Instruction , by
applying for a charter for one to be established in connection Avith the united lodges of Ayr , and in which the services of the most accomplished and industrious local craftsmen could be brought into requisition for the benefit of every lodge . He Avould lend to such a movement the fullest support , because he Avas convinced that uniformity in our mode of conferring the degrees , Avas indeed a scheme Avorth contending and labouring for . There should be neither British , French , nor American Masonry among
us ; the cosmopolitan ought to feel himself at home as much Avithin the jurisdiction of the Grand Orient of France , as of fche Grand Lodge of England , able as easily to pass into the Grand Lodge , of Holland as into that of Kentucky . The R . AV . M . of the Loclge Operative , Bro . George Wilson , coulcl nofc see the necessity for a lodge of instruction in connection Avith Ayr Kilivinning ; for so long as they engaged the services of their present P . M ., Bro . Good , they had a sure guarantee , that
Masonry , through his instrumentality , Avould be disseminated in all its purity . Thejsnbject Avas then alloAved to drop without anything definite being agreed upon . Bro . Wilson proposed as a toast " The Health of Bro . '; G . Goocd , " Avhich he prefaced m suitable language , ancl had the satisfaction of seeing it Avell responded to . Bro . Good , to Avhoin the Lodge Ayr Kihvinning is under deep obligations , modestly aeknOAvledged the compliment the brethren had paid to him , and assured them that his
ardour in the cause of Masonry aud for the prosperity of his mother lodge remained unabated , and that his services were ever at their disposal . " The Acting R . W . M ., Bro . McGaan " Avas given by the Prov . J . G . W ., Avho hoped to seethe Dep . Master oftenet- in the chair than heretofore , a posifcion Avhich he Avas Avell peculiarly qualified to fill . " Bro . Serjeant Wallace of 555 , Fermoy , " ancl other toasts Avere given and responded to , and a nnmber of excellent songs sung , the brethren regretting that the speedy flight of time rendered an adjournment desirable .
GLASGOW . —Lodge Athole ( No . 413 ) . —This young and rising lodge held its usual hi- monthly meeting on Tuesday evening last , Bro . Patum , R . W . M . in the chair ; Bros . Schaw , " S . W . and Smith , J . AV . There Avas a large attendance and a considerable amount of labour gone through , the ceremonies of Initiation ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
P . Prov . G . S . W . ; J . Fabian , W . M . 338 ; Chittenden , P . M . 390 , P . G . Purst . ; Dixon , P . M . 338 ; Potter and Vincent , 1034 ; Booty , 338 . The usual loyal aud lodge toasts were given , interspersed by some excellent singing from several brethren , kindly accompanied upon the piano by a visiting brother . The evening Avas spent in a most pleasant and fraternal manner , and the brethren separated afc an early hour , delighted AA'ith the clay ' s proceedings .
YORKSHIRE ( AVEST ) . BAILDON , NEAR LEEDS . —Airedale Lodge ( No . 543 ) . —The regular monthly meeting of this loclge ivas holden on AVednesday , the 12 th of February , afc which there Avas a A'ery Jarge gathering of members , particularly of the older brethren . ^ Bro . James C . Read , AV . M ., assisted by his officers , opened the loclge at seven o ' clock . The minutes being passed , Bro . Priestley Avas
examined as a F . C , and being found proficient , the W . M . called upon Bros . J . AValker and " Henry Smith , P . M . s , to assist him in the ceremony of raising Bro . Priestley to the sublime degree of M . M . The ceremony being concluded , Bro . EdAA-ard Haigh , recently returned from Australia , then rose , and claimed the attention ot the AV . M . and brethren for a feAV moments , recalling to their memory the time Avhen he left these shores for that distant colonyshortlafter they had raised him to
, y that high degree , which the brother had just attained . Before leaving , he expressed a hope for a speedy return , ancl his intention to present some little token of recognition of their kindness to the loclge . He then handed in a beautiful box of Avorking tools , made in Melbourne of native Avoods . The box Avas of most beautifully grained AVOOCI , the Henon pine ; the tools of black Avood , Myal AVOOCI and red gum , all elaborately polished ,
and fitted into their respective places in an ingenious manner . The W . M . accepted the present on behalf of the lodge , and a vote of thanks AA-as duly passed , on the motion of Bro . AV . AV . Holmes , P . M ., supported by Bros . J . Denby , Wainman Holmes , John Walker , sen ., J . AValker , jun ., ancl Lycias Barker , P . M . s . The loclge being closed , thebrethren passed an agreeable evening in the refreshment room . The repast being disposed of , the usual loyal and Masonic toasts Avere given ancl duly honoured .
ROEHERIIAM . —Phoenix Lodge ( No . 1206 ) . —In our notice a Aveek or two ago of the neAV lodges , for Avhich Avarrants have been granted since the issue of the calendar , we omitted to mention the Phoenix Lodge ( No . 1206 ) , the meetings of AA-hich are to be held at the Prince of AVales Hotel , on the first Tuesday in each month . The meeting of last week Avas only the second of the HBAV lodge , but already the furniture and appointments are tolerably completeowing partlto the fact that
, y some portions are those used ty the old Phoenix Lodge , at Rotherham , previously to its dissolution in 1846 , and haA'e been kept by some brethren Avho Avere then members in a state of capital preservation . The business transacted Avas the passing the by-laws ; ancl the proposition of three candidates is an indication that the new lodge Avill soon become vigorous and useful .
Channel Islands.
JERSEY . Lodge La Cesaree ( No . 860 ) . —The ordinary meeting of the month was held on February 27 th , when a much larger assemblage of the brethren took place than has been customary in the lodge of late , the number present being upwards of fifty . The AV . M . Bro . Baudains , opened the proceedings in the usual mannerassisted bhis AVardensBrosLe Contourand Le
, y , . , Sueur . The minutes of the previous meeting Avere read and confirmed . The lodge Avas then opened in the second degree , when several matters of business connected Avith accounts Avere arranged , ancl Bro . Dr . Piscarfc underAvenfc an examination as to his progress , ancl this proving highly satisfactory , he Avas impressively raised to fche degree of a M . M . b y Bro . Schmitt , P . M . The lodge having been resumed in the first degree , a discussion
arose on a proposition of Bro . Binet , P . M ., thafc in future all Avho became members by initiation shall be furnished with a copy of the Poole of Constitutions afc the expense of the lodge . This Avas resisted by several , and ultimately negatived , on the ground that it Avould be a needless expense , unless the Avork were translated and published in French , so many of the brethren having bufc little acquaintance Avith English . This matter being
Channel Islands.
settled , tho lodge Avas closed Avith the Avonted rites , and the brethren adjourned for light refreshment , when an hour Avas profitably spent in the enjoyment of social intercourse , and the expression of Masonic sentiments , in AA-hich several visitors took part , among Avhom may be particularly named Bro . Bull , from Birmingham .
AYR KILWINNING ( No . 124 ) . —Our Ayr correspondent Avnces to us : —AA e Avere present at a most interesting meeting of the Lodge Ayr , Kilwinning , on the evening of Monday last , afc Avhich four Serjeants of the 76 th regiment Avere passed and raised , the ceremony being performed by P . M . Bro . George Goocd , Avho delivered the lectures in a chaste and highly impressive manner , in presence of a very full meeting of the lodge , as Avell as a number of visiting brethren representing the Grand
Lodge of Scotland , Provincial Grand Lodge of Ayrshire , Mother Kilwinning , Ayr Operative , Royal Arch St . Paul , and No . 555 Fermoy , Ii eland . Labour being suspended , plumbline erected his column , and the brethren partook of refreshment , having for their chairman Bro . Andrew McGaan , Dep . Master , a brother Avhose cheerful disposition and courteous manner render his presence at the head of the convivial board at all times most acceptable . Iu returning thanks for the brethren of the 76 th
Serjeant AVarner mentioned that , it might HOAV be said that nearly all the Serjeants in the regiment Avere craftsmen , and so thoroughly imbued Avere they with the spirit of Masonry , that the non-commissioned officers of the 76 th seriously contemplated the introduction of a lodge charter into the distinguished corps to Avhich they had the honour to belong . In name of the Serjeants present , Serjeant AVarner tendered a cordial invitation to the members of their mother lodge to visit them at their mess
, AA'here they Avould meet Avith the extended hand of unfeigned Avelcome . A lively discussion Avas provoked by some remarks Avhich fell from Bro . J . McC . AVilliamson , suggestive of the propriety of having a lodge of Instruction formed in connection AA'ith Ayr Kihvinning . The Prov . J . G . AV ., Bro . D . Murray Lyon , Mother Kilwinning , thought it would tend to much good AA'ere they to take advantage of the facilities afforded by Grand Loclge for the erection of lodges of Instruction , by
applying for a charter for one to be established in connection Avith the united lodges of Ayr , and in which the services of the most accomplished and industrious local craftsmen could be brought into requisition for the benefit of every lodge . He Avould lend to such a movement the fullest support , because he Avas convinced that uniformity in our mode of conferring the degrees , Avas indeed a scheme Avorth contending and labouring for . There should be neither British , French , nor American Masonry among
us ; the cosmopolitan ought to feel himself at home as much Avithin the jurisdiction of the Grand Orient of France , as of fche Grand Lodge of England , able as easily to pass into the Grand Lodge , of Holland as into that of Kentucky . The R . AV . M . of the Loclge Operative , Bro . George Wilson , coulcl nofc see the necessity for a lodge of instruction in connection Avith Ayr Kilivinning ; for so long as they engaged the services of their present P . M ., Bro . Good , they had a sure guarantee , that
Masonry , through his instrumentality , Avould be disseminated in all its purity . Thejsnbject Avas then alloAved to drop without anything definite being agreed upon . Bro . Wilson proposed as a toast " The Health of Bro . '; G . Goocd , " Avhich he prefaced m suitable language , ancl had the satisfaction of seeing it Avell responded to . Bro . Good , to Avhoin the Lodge Ayr Kihvinning is under deep obligations , modestly aeknOAvledged the compliment the brethren had paid to him , and assured them that his
ardour in the cause of Masonry aud for the prosperity of his mother lodge remained unabated , and that his services were ever at their disposal . " The Acting R . W . M ., Bro . McGaan " Avas given by the Prov . J . G . W ., Avho hoped to seethe Dep . Master oftenet- in the chair than heretofore , a posifcion Avhich he Avas Avell peculiarly qualified to fill . " Bro . Serjeant Wallace of 555 , Fermoy , " ancl other toasts Avere given and responded to , and a nnmber of excellent songs sung , the brethren regretting that the speedy flight of time rendered an adjournment desirable .
GLASGOW . —Lodge Athole ( No . 413 ) . —This young and rising lodge held its usual hi- monthly meeting on Tuesday evening last , Bro . Patum , R . W . M . in the chair ; Bros . Schaw , " S . W . and Smith , J . AV . There Avas a large attendance and a considerable amount of labour gone through , the ceremonies of Initiation ,