Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Week.
committee that day six months . Mr . Lygon seconded the amendment , Avhich Avas supported by Mr . Monsell . Mr . E . Ball and Sir W . Jolliffe both gave a cordial support to the bill . The House , however , threiv out the bill by a majority of thirty-two . GENERAL HOME NEWS . —The mortality in London last week took a sudden rise , the deaths having increased to nearly 200 over those of the week previous . There seems to have been a
great deal of typhus in the metropolis , and of a fatal kind . The births for the same period Avere 2027 , which was A-ery nearly the average for the last ten years . The estimates for the Customs , Inland Revenue , ancl Post-office Departments have been issued . The total amount required is £ 4 , 752 , 795 , being a decrease of rather more than £ 25 , 000 as compared Avith the votes of the year 1861-62 . The citizens of Dublin having determined that a memorial of his late Royal Highness the Prince
Consort should be erected in their city , the Lord Mayor Ai-rote to Sir Charles Grey on the subject , desiring that lie Avould make her Majesty acquainted with their Avishes if it met with her sanction . In reply Sir Charles Grey informed his lordship that he had laid the matter before the Queen , AVIIO was profoundly touched by the assurances in the letter of royal attachment to herself and admiration of the Prince's character , ancl expressing her hearty wishes for the success of the undertaking . A respite has been received at NeAA-gate for Devereux , the sailor-boy , who stabbed the crimp in Ratcliffe-highAvay in a
quarrel arising out of some money dispute . Clarke , the murderer of Mr . Prater at Newcastle , has also been respited . The case of a wretched Avoman who AVUS burnt in her own house —a disreputable one—in Newington , Avas finally disposed of on Saturday . The coroner's jury had previously found a verdict of Accidental Death ; and the man with Avhom she cohabited , who had been remanded for further inquiries , Avas again brought up on Saturday , when the magistrate , being satisfied that there
had been no foul play , dismissed the case , and the man Avas discharged . Intelligence has been received of the foundering of the Spartan , screw steamer , laden with Government stores , for Halifax . The ill-fated ship left Falmouth on fche 2 nd of February , for Halifax and St . John ' s , New Brunswick , with a cargo of government stores , valued afc £ 30 , 000 and four passengers—Captain Hand , of the 63 rd Regiment , his Avife , child , ancl servant . The Spartan encountered a succession of
heavy gales , and on fche llth of February she was struck by a wave Avhich crushed in the saloon occupied by the passengers . It appears that Captain and Mrs . Hand and their child Avere drowned in their cabin—tbe servant escaping only to perish a few days later from exposure . The chief officer and two of the ereiv Avere also washed overboard ; ancl on the 16 th , shortly before the ship Avent down , the survivors took to the boats . Captain Hand ' s servant is reported to have died on the 21 st , but her companions were picked up by a passing vessel ancl conveyed to Havre .
FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE . —Ifc appears , from an official report published in the Moniteur , that the French government has succeeded in converting about three fourths of the Four and a Half per Cents into Three per Cents , the major portion of the remaining fourth being , it is said , held by minors or others AA-IIO cannot give a legal assent to the conversion . The sum obtained as a bonus by fche Treasury will be about £ 6 , 200 , 000 . In spite of their differences respecting German affairs in general ,
the Cabinets of Berlin and Vienna have come to an understanding as to the course AA-hich it behoves the Federal Diet to take regarding the disputes between the Elector of Hesse-Cessel and and his unfortunate subjects . In the sitting of the German Diet on Saturday , the Prussian and Austrian representatives proposed that the Hessian Constitution of 1831 should be re-established , " in the due conformity with the Federal laws , and Avith the proviso also that the rights of the estates should be respected . "
A "ministerial crisis" has occurred at Berlin . On Friday , the LoAver House , on tlie motion of Mr . Hagen , passed a resolution requiring that specific statements of the principal items of income and expenditure should be added to the estimates ancl budget . This resolution Avas opposed by the ministry , the Minister of Finance declaring that " it AA-as a epiestiou whether government Avould be practicable after the adoption of such a motionand Avhether the proposition did nofc encroach the
, upon executive ; " but it was , nevertheless , passed by 171 votes to 143 , the majority being assured by the example of England that governmentisperfeefcly practicable under the strictest parliamentary control of the finances . This defeat Avas regarded by the ministry as too serious to permit them to to retain office , and
The Week.
consequently they tendered their resignation to the kiiif on tln » following day . The King refused to aceept the resi gnation of his Ministers , and the crisis culminated in the dissolution of the Chambers . Signor Eatazzi , the neAV Italian premier has announced in the Chamber of Deputies the policy which his administration intends to pursue . The new ministers , he said Avill depend upon the alliance of France ancl Englandand will
, secure the friendship of other nations by the wisdom of their conduct , " and by provoking no one , either by deeds , speeches or demonstrations . " The Provvedimento Committee , organised afc Genoa and elseAvhere , have chosen Garibaldi to be their president , and have authorised him to solicit Mazzini ' s recall from exile . They have further resolved to petition the Italian Parliament for the establishment of universal suffrage .
AMERICA . —The Asia , which arrived yesterday at QueeustoAvn has brought the " inaugural address" delivered on the 22 nd ult ! by President Jefferson Davis to the Confederate Congress , on his formal assumption of the Presidency , for a term of six years . Undismayed by tbe disasters Avhich have lately befallen the Confederate arms in Kentucky , Tennessee , and North Carolina President Davis declares that " although the tide for the present is against us , the final result in our favour is not doubtful ; " for
the defeats Avhich have recently followed a series of victories will but stimulate to increased exertions a people resolved to be free , and " the period is noAV at hand Avhen the North must sink under a load of debt , Avhich has assumed dimensions Avhich will oppress future generations . " The principal intelligence respecting the military operations of the belligerents is a report that Nashville , in Tennessee , had been evacuated by the Confederate forcesancl had been occupied bthe Federal array
, y under General Buell . The report ivas , Ave are assured , " generall y credited in New York ; " bufc afc the same time Ave are told thafc there Avere " contradictory despatches" on the subject .- General M'Clellan had nofc undertaken any operation , bufc rumours ivere circulated that he ivould speedily make a movement . The village of AVinton , in North Carolina , had been burned by the steamers of General Burnside's expedition ; but no lauding Avas made , the Confederate force being considerable . General
Halleck , the Federal commander in Missouri , hacl forbidden his soldiers to steal or conceal slaves , on the ground that ifc Avas necessary to prove to the Southern people " thafc the Federals come , nofc to destroy the Constitution , but to restore peace and safety to fche country . " The Treasury Notes Bill , Avhich authorises an aggregate issue of 150 , 000 , 000 dollars of demand notes , had been passed by both Houses of Congress , ancl had received President Lincoln's assent .
To Correspondents.
F . R . —Sudden Glory received . AV . W . W . —AVe regret the Isle of AVight affair is not allowed to rest . The proofs against Bro . , if there Avere any , should have been forthcoming at Grand Lodge . EXCELSIOR . —You do not do your duty to the Graft if you refrain from reporting fche Master and officers of a lodge , where any portion of the ceremonies are readtothe Prov . G . M . ; and
, ifhe does nofc stop the practice , to Grand Loclge . A master should fill up the officers—as he cannot carry on his lodge Avithout officers however unfit the brethren may be . H . B . AV . — -There Avas nothing illegal in Avhat you reported . AA ' e are frequently invited to lodges by the most influential Grand Officers , it being well known that we Avill notice their proceedings .
G . AV . — -Is very irate at our reply last week referring him to the Calendar for lodges meeting at places other than Taverns , and IIOAV asks us if we cannot give half a score notable instances off-hand . AVell then , if he ivill not consult the Calendar , Ave answer , all the lodges at Bristol ; the majority at Bath ; do . afc Birmingham ; do . Liverpool ; do . Manchester ; do . Newcastle ; clo . Norwich ; all afc Leicester , and many other places . —AVe speak of tlie Board of General Purposes as a noun of
multitude . Communications from M . H . S ., D . M . L ., and J . W . AV . are in type , but are unavoidably driven out by the great pressure upon our columns . Numerous other articles are held over for the same reason .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Week.
committee that day six months . Mr . Lygon seconded the amendment , Avhich Avas supported by Mr . Monsell . Mr . E . Ball and Sir W . Jolliffe both gave a cordial support to the bill . The House , however , threiv out the bill by a majority of thirty-two . GENERAL HOME NEWS . —The mortality in London last week took a sudden rise , the deaths having increased to nearly 200 over those of the week previous . There seems to have been a
great deal of typhus in the metropolis , and of a fatal kind . The births for the same period Avere 2027 , which was A-ery nearly the average for the last ten years . The estimates for the Customs , Inland Revenue , ancl Post-office Departments have been issued . The total amount required is £ 4 , 752 , 795 , being a decrease of rather more than £ 25 , 000 as compared Avith the votes of the year 1861-62 . The citizens of Dublin having determined that a memorial of his late Royal Highness the Prince
Consort should be erected in their city , the Lord Mayor Ai-rote to Sir Charles Grey on the subject , desiring that lie Avould make her Majesty acquainted with their Avishes if it met with her sanction . In reply Sir Charles Grey informed his lordship that he had laid the matter before the Queen , AVIIO was profoundly touched by the assurances in the letter of royal attachment to herself and admiration of the Prince's character , ancl expressing her hearty wishes for the success of the undertaking . A respite has been received at NeAA-gate for Devereux , the sailor-boy , who stabbed the crimp in Ratcliffe-highAvay in a
quarrel arising out of some money dispute . Clarke , the murderer of Mr . Prater at Newcastle , has also been respited . The case of a wretched Avoman who AVUS burnt in her own house —a disreputable one—in Newington , Avas finally disposed of on Saturday . The coroner's jury had previously found a verdict of Accidental Death ; and the man with Avhom she cohabited , who had been remanded for further inquiries , Avas again brought up on Saturday , when the magistrate , being satisfied that there
had been no foul play , dismissed the case , and the man Avas discharged . Intelligence has been received of the foundering of the Spartan , screw steamer , laden with Government stores , for Halifax . The ill-fated ship left Falmouth on fche 2 nd of February , for Halifax and St . John ' s , New Brunswick , with a cargo of government stores , valued afc £ 30 , 000 and four passengers—Captain Hand , of the 63 rd Regiment , his Avife , child , ancl servant . The Spartan encountered a succession of
heavy gales , and on fche llth of February she was struck by a wave Avhich crushed in the saloon occupied by the passengers . It appears that Captain and Mrs . Hand and their child Avere drowned in their cabin—tbe servant escaping only to perish a few days later from exposure . The chief officer and two of the ereiv Avere also washed overboard ; ancl on the 16 th , shortly before the ship Avent down , the survivors took to the boats . Captain Hand ' s servant is reported to have died on the 21 st , but her companions were picked up by a passing vessel ancl conveyed to Havre .
FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE . —Ifc appears , from an official report published in the Moniteur , that the French government has succeeded in converting about three fourths of the Four and a Half per Cents into Three per Cents , the major portion of the remaining fourth being , it is said , held by minors or others AA-IIO cannot give a legal assent to the conversion . The sum obtained as a bonus by fche Treasury will be about £ 6 , 200 , 000 . In spite of their differences respecting German affairs in general ,
the Cabinets of Berlin and Vienna have come to an understanding as to the course AA-hich it behoves the Federal Diet to take regarding the disputes between the Elector of Hesse-Cessel and and his unfortunate subjects . In the sitting of the German Diet on Saturday , the Prussian and Austrian representatives proposed that the Hessian Constitution of 1831 should be re-established , " in the due conformity with the Federal laws , and Avith the proviso also that the rights of the estates should be respected . "
A "ministerial crisis" has occurred at Berlin . On Friday , the LoAver House , on tlie motion of Mr . Hagen , passed a resolution requiring that specific statements of the principal items of income and expenditure should be added to the estimates ancl budget . This resolution Avas opposed by the ministry , the Minister of Finance declaring that " it AA-as a epiestiou whether government Avould be practicable after the adoption of such a motionand Avhether the proposition did nofc encroach the
, upon executive ; " but it was , nevertheless , passed by 171 votes to 143 , the majority being assured by the example of England that governmentisperfeefcly practicable under the strictest parliamentary control of the finances . This defeat Avas regarded by the ministry as too serious to permit them to to retain office , and
The Week.
consequently they tendered their resignation to the kiiif on tln » following day . The King refused to aceept the resi gnation of his Ministers , and the crisis culminated in the dissolution of the Chambers . Signor Eatazzi , the neAV Italian premier has announced in the Chamber of Deputies the policy which his administration intends to pursue . The new ministers , he said Avill depend upon the alliance of France ancl Englandand will
, secure the friendship of other nations by the wisdom of their conduct , " and by provoking no one , either by deeds , speeches or demonstrations . " The Provvedimento Committee , organised afc Genoa and elseAvhere , have chosen Garibaldi to be their president , and have authorised him to solicit Mazzini ' s recall from exile . They have further resolved to petition the Italian Parliament for the establishment of universal suffrage .
AMERICA . —The Asia , which arrived yesterday at QueeustoAvn has brought the " inaugural address" delivered on the 22 nd ult ! by President Jefferson Davis to the Confederate Congress , on his formal assumption of the Presidency , for a term of six years . Undismayed by tbe disasters Avhich have lately befallen the Confederate arms in Kentucky , Tennessee , and North Carolina President Davis declares that " although the tide for the present is against us , the final result in our favour is not doubtful ; " for
the defeats Avhich have recently followed a series of victories will but stimulate to increased exertions a people resolved to be free , and " the period is noAV at hand Avhen the North must sink under a load of debt , Avhich has assumed dimensions Avhich will oppress future generations . " The principal intelligence respecting the military operations of the belligerents is a report that Nashville , in Tennessee , had been evacuated by the Confederate forcesancl had been occupied bthe Federal array
, y under General Buell . The report ivas , Ave are assured , " generall y credited in New York ; " bufc afc the same time Ave are told thafc there Avere " contradictory despatches" on the subject .- General M'Clellan had nofc undertaken any operation , bufc rumours ivere circulated that he ivould speedily make a movement . The village of AVinton , in North Carolina , had been burned by the steamers of General Burnside's expedition ; but no lauding Avas made , the Confederate force being considerable . General
Halleck , the Federal commander in Missouri , hacl forbidden his soldiers to steal or conceal slaves , on the ground that ifc Avas necessary to prove to the Southern people " thafc the Federals come , nofc to destroy the Constitution , but to restore peace and safety to fche country . " The Treasury Notes Bill , Avhich authorises an aggregate issue of 150 , 000 , 000 dollars of demand notes , had been passed by both Houses of Congress , ancl had received President Lincoln's assent .
To Correspondents.
F . R . —Sudden Glory received . AV . W . W . —AVe regret the Isle of AVight affair is not allowed to rest . The proofs against Bro . , if there Avere any , should have been forthcoming at Grand Lodge . EXCELSIOR . —You do not do your duty to the Graft if you refrain from reporting fche Master and officers of a lodge , where any portion of the ceremonies are readtothe Prov . G . M . ; and
, ifhe does nofc stop the practice , to Grand Loclge . A master should fill up the officers—as he cannot carry on his lodge Avithout officers however unfit the brethren may be . H . B . AV . — -There Avas nothing illegal in Avhat you reported . AA ' e are frequently invited to lodges by the most influential Grand Officers , it being well known that we Avill notice their proceedings .
G . AV . — -Is very irate at our reply last week referring him to the Calendar for lodges meeting at places other than Taverns , and IIOAV asks us if we cannot give half a score notable instances off-hand . AVell then , if he ivill not consult the Calendar , Ave answer , all the lodges at Bristol ; the majority at Bath ; do . afc Birmingham ; do . Liverpool ; do . Manchester ; do . Newcastle ; clo . Norwich ; all afc Leicester , and many other places . —AVe speak of tlie Board of General Purposes as a noun of
multitude . Communications from M . H . S ., D . M . L ., and J . W . AV . are in type , but are unavoidably driven out by the great pressure upon our columns . Numerous other articles are held over for the same reason .