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members must therefore be attributed to that . Thafc the brethren , however , must know the object of the meeting . It was one worthy of ourselves , and of the brother in Avhose behalf it hacl been called . The occasion Avas one of pleasure , and yet of pain , —pleasure , that we had assembled expressly to mark our sense of the loss of our much-esteemed Master , —and pain , that Ave Avere about to lose him . I proceed to summon Bro . Young before the Eastern Chair to receive at our hands
this record of our feeling on his approaching departure . He then proceeded to read the address . "Lodge Morning Star ( No . 812 ) of Luclcnow , to Captain T . N Young , M . M . 's 23 /< 2 2 t . W . Fusiliers , Luclcnow , Worshipful Master of Lodge Morning Star . *¦ " D EAR SIR AND AVORSHIPEUL BROTHER , —We , the undersigned , Past Masters and Officers of the above loclge , in behalf also of all ifcs membersdo ourselves the honour of Availing upon
, you Avith this address on the occasion of your approaching departure from the station , and consequent separation from us , and in compliance also with a resolution passed afc the last regular meeting of the lodge held on Thursday , the 21 st inst ., to express personally and in general to you , our heartfelt SOITOAV and regret thafc the exigencies of the public service are about to depc-iA-e us of your presence from among us , in the exalted position to which your merits ancl peculiar qualifications claimed
for you , the mastership of the lodge , as Avell as the advantages and many excellent social qualities the brethren have enjoyed ancl participated in afc your hands , during your tenure of office in the eastern chair . Believe us , AVorshipful Sir and Dear Brother , that from the fraternal ancl social link thus formed between your good self and the brethren throughout of Lodge Morning Star , that in our future career , AvheneA-er recurring to the past ancl presentthe recollection of your name Avillin
, , all our future proceedings , revive a happy remembrance of your unwearied exertions and suffrages Avith the brethren of the lodge , and the noble and happy manner in AA-hich you have ahvays sustained and vindicated the interests and prosperity of the lodge , marked also by the most amiable and affable intercourse you have throughout maintained and accorded to one and all , as Avell as for the good Avorking , order , and harmony , by your exemplary deportment ancl steadfast conduct in the chair , AA-hich have Avon
for you the confidence and respect of all . AVith these sentiments , we beg to Avish you a passing adieu , humbly , bufc fervently , praying that the G . A . O . T . U . will spare you to enjoy many years of happiness and prosperity , and may his blessings also continue to alight upon and preserve all Avho are near ancl clear to you on earth . S . M . B . AVe remain , dear Sir and AVorshipful Brother , your most sincere friends and fraternal brefchren .
" Signed by tbe Past Master , Officers , and Brethren of the Lodge . " LucknoAv Lodge Rooms , 30 th Nov ., 1861 . " Bro . Macgrennan concluded by adding : " Bro . Young , I present to you on behalf this lodge this record of the sincere feelings of regret , Avith which we A'iew your approaching departure from amongst us . " Bro . BUCKLEY added a feAV words of regret at the loss to the
lodge by tbe removal from us of so highly esteemed a Master ancl so excellent and Avorthy a brother , coupled Avith the best Avishes of the brethren for the health ancl happiness of Bro . Young and family . Bro . YOUNG , AV . M ., AA'I IO Avas affected to tears , replied as follows : —I need scarcely say thafc the proceedings of this evening and the kindness of the brethren have much affected my feelings ,
so that I can scarcely do them justice in my endeaA-ours to return you adequately my heartfelt thanks ; bufc the Avill must be taken for the deed . The AVorshipful Past Master has expressed such kindly feelings toAvards me , in addition to those in the address , that the memory of this evening Avill not soon be effaced from my mind . The address , believe me , I value and prize highly , ancl shall do to the latest period of my existence . I regard it as the handsomest Avay in which I have succeeded
in doing my duty to the lodge and to the Craft , that success can be recorded . Such a record lives after us , and serves to point out to others that Avhere a man endeavours to do his duty honestly and cheerfully , a sure reward is in store for him , nofc only in his own . feelings , bufc in the good opinion of other men , of whicli , in my own case , I have had'from you , brethren , so kind and feeling an expression this evening . In the Avhole course of my career , the gratification with Avhich I respond to the kindness of the brefchren on the present occasion , stands prominent . It is a solace to me amidst the pain of parting from you . I
trust that the scene of this evening Avill encourage and incite the younger brethren to a spirit of emulation in that part of Masonic duty in ivhich it has been my OAVU constant endeavour to Avalk . My regret at leaving you is more than I can state , brethren . For , 1 st , the ties Avhich bind me to this loclge are many and clear , my position of Master to ifc lias been throughout one uninterrupted source of pleasure and delight to me , and my task
in presiding over you has been so lightened and otherivise made easy by the kindness and liberality of the brethren , that my descending from the chair is a source of no common regret . 2 ndly , my going from among you reminds me but too painfully of our many happy and social gatherings—gatherings where such harmony , good-Avill , and brotherly love have always prevailed , that my heart is full to think that I shall no more , fon the present afc leastform one of thafc " happy band" among
, you . It Avill be a grateful duty iu me not fco forget when I am writing to those dear to me , afc present far away , fche kind Avishes and fraternal feelings of the brethren towards them , personally , in addition to those expressed toAA'ards myself . In conclusion , permit me to assure you , brethren , that the memory of this evening will ever be dear to me , and years hence , Avhen . I am far aAvay , and perhaps Ave are scattered over the globe , the kind faces I IIOAV see around me will again and again
assemble to cheer and soothe me wheresoever I may be , and . under Avhatsoever circumstances of life . The ivhole proceeding , from beginning to end , was of the most affecting nature .
INDIAN MASONIC MEMS . An official letter received from Bro . A . H . E . Boileau , from . Jhansi , confirms the report of his appointment as Prov . Grand . Master of Bengal , in succession to Bro . James Ramsay . Bro-Boileau has also been appointed Grand Superintendent of Royal Arch Masonry iu Bengal . Bro . J . J . L . Hoff will continue to exercise his present functionsunder authoritdelegated to him
, y bytheP . G . M . Bro . Thos . Jones , of Lodge Excelsior , is about to proceed on , leave to Europe in the Hotspur . AVe first met Bro . Jones in the Freemasons' Hall nearly ten years ago . when he Avas nofc a Mason . He soon after joined the Fraternity , and rose to high office Avith wonderful rapidity . By a combination of qualities ,, by his attainments as a linguist , by his readiness as a speaker ,
his energy , his astonishing aplomb , and great sagacity , he has . become one of the best knoAvn men in Calcutta . We Avish him God speed ! The AVarranfc of ihe new Lodge , Faith , Hope , and Charity , at Bareilly , has been received . It bears fche number 1190 on the Register . CALCUTTA . —TIIE ELECTIONS . —The elections have heen going briskl
on y in the several lodges in Calcutta . The Lodge Star in the East ( No . 80 ) , met on Wednesday , the llth December , and re-elected E . W . Bro . Sandeman . About 50 brethren Avere present ; among them Dr . Smyth , Avho made
a very interesting speech . The folloAving appointments have been made in the Lodge : —Bros . A . J . AVhitten and A . Simson to ba AVardens , Bro . AV . Eames ( who is also Treasurer ) , and Bro-B . S . B . Bailley to be Deacon ; Bro . AV . Bourne , M . D ., to be Secretary , and Bro . W . Bourne , C . U ., to be Inner Guard . LODGE INDUSTRY AND PERSEVERANCE ( NO . 126 ) , met on Friday , the 6 th December , and elected Bro . C . T . Davis . There was a large assemblage of brethren on the occasion . Bro . Chandler
Avas re-elected Treasurer , and old Bro . Daniel , Tyler . LODGE TRUE FRIENDSHIP ( No . 265 ) , met on Tuesday , the 10 th December , and elected Bro . AV . M . Benwell , a highly popular member , to Avhom Ave say sincerely—Pen ti voglio ! LODGE HUMILITY AVITH FORTITUDE ( NO . 729 ) , met on Monday , the 2 nd December , and eleefced Bro . J . B . Knight , Bro . J . G . Macgregor , the efficient Treasurer , was re-elected to that office ,
and Bro . Jacob AV . IS formally elected Tyler . We have known Bro . Knight for nearly the last ten years , and we have no doubtthat , under his Hiram , the lodge ¦ will continue to maintain its ancient reputation for loyalty and a strict observance of the landmarks . He was installed on fche 16 th by a Board of seven Past Masters , among Avhom were the Rev . Dr . Smythe and Bros . J . Martin , C . J . Evans , and A . H . Ledlie . Bros . H . F . Andrews and J . G . Macgregor Avere appointed AVardens , J . B . Gillon and A . LeFranc , Deacons ; H . Cockburn , Secretary ; W . Bishop , Inner Guard ; and J . W . Beatson , Master of Ceremonies .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
members must therefore be attributed to that . Thafc the brethren , however , must know the object of the meeting . It was one worthy of ourselves , and of the brother in Avhose behalf it hacl been called . The occasion Avas one of pleasure , and yet of pain , —pleasure , that we had assembled expressly to mark our sense of the loss of our much-esteemed Master , —and pain , that Ave Avere about to lose him . I proceed to summon Bro . Young before the Eastern Chair to receive at our hands
this record of our feeling on his approaching departure . He then proceeded to read the address . "Lodge Morning Star ( No . 812 ) of Luclcnow , to Captain T . N Young , M . M . 's 23 /< 2 2 t . W . Fusiliers , Luclcnow , Worshipful Master of Lodge Morning Star . *¦ " D EAR SIR AND AVORSHIPEUL BROTHER , —We , the undersigned , Past Masters and Officers of the above loclge , in behalf also of all ifcs membersdo ourselves the honour of Availing upon
, you Avith this address on the occasion of your approaching departure from the station , and consequent separation from us , and in compliance also with a resolution passed afc the last regular meeting of the lodge held on Thursday , the 21 st inst ., to express personally and in general to you , our heartfelt SOITOAV and regret thafc the exigencies of the public service are about to depc-iA-e us of your presence from among us , in the exalted position to which your merits ancl peculiar qualifications claimed
for you , the mastership of the lodge , as Avell as the advantages and many excellent social qualities the brethren have enjoyed ancl participated in afc your hands , during your tenure of office in the eastern chair . Believe us , AVorshipful Sir and Dear Brother , that from the fraternal ancl social link thus formed between your good self and the brethren throughout of Lodge Morning Star , that in our future career , AvheneA-er recurring to the past ancl presentthe recollection of your name Avillin
, , all our future proceedings , revive a happy remembrance of your unwearied exertions and suffrages Avith the brethren of the lodge , and the noble and happy manner in AA-hich you have ahvays sustained and vindicated the interests and prosperity of the lodge , marked also by the most amiable and affable intercourse you have throughout maintained and accorded to one and all , as Avell as for the good Avorking , order , and harmony , by your exemplary deportment ancl steadfast conduct in the chair , AA-hich have Avon
for you the confidence and respect of all . AVith these sentiments , we beg to Avish you a passing adieu , humbly , bufc fervently , praying that the G . A . O . T . U . will spare you to enjoy many years of happiness and prosperity , and may his blessings also continue to alight upon and preserve all Avho are near ancl clear to you on earth . S . M . B . AVe remain , dear Sir and AVorshipful Brother , your most sincere friends and fraternal brefchren .
" Signed by tbe Past Master , Officers , and Brethren of the Lodge . " LucknoAv Lodge Rooms , 30 th Nov ., 1861 . " Bro . Macgrennan concluded by adding : " Bro . Young , I present to you on behalf this lodge this record of the sincere feelings of regret , Avith which we A'iew your approaching departure from amongst us . " Bro . BUCKLEY added a feAV words of regret at the loss to the
lodge by tbe removal from us of so highly esteemed a Master ancl so excellent and Avorthy a brother , coupled Avith the best Avishes of the brethren for the health ancl happiness of Bro . Young and family . Bro . YOUNG , AV . M ., AA'I IO Avas affected to tears , replied as follows : —I need scarcely say thafc the proceedings of this evening and the kindness of the brethren have much affected my feelings ,
so that I can scarcely do them justice in my endeaA-ours to return you adequately my heartfelt thanks ; bufc the Avill must be taken for the deed . The AVorshipful Past Master has expressed such kindly feelings toAvards me , in addition to those in the address , that the memory of this evening Avill not soon be effaced from my mind . The address , believe me , I value and prize highly , ancl shall do to the latest period of my existence . I regard it as the handsomest Avay in which I have succeeded
in doing my duty to the lodge and to the Craft , that success can be recorded . Such a record lives after us , and serves to point out to others that Avhere a man endeavours to do his duty honestly and cheerfully , a sure reward is in store for him , nofc only in his own . feelings , bufc in the good opinion of other men , of whicli , in my own case , I have had'from you , brethren , so kind and feeling an expression this evening . In the Avhole course of my career , the gratification with Avhich I respond to the kindness of the brefchren on the present occasion , stands prominent . It is a solace to me amidst the pain of parting from you . I
trust that the scene of this evening Avill encourage and incite the younger brethren to a spirit of emulation in that part of Masonic duty in ivhich it has been my OAVU constant endeavour to Avalk . My regret at leaving you is more than I can state , brethren . For , 1 st , the ties Avhich bind me to this loclge are many and clear , my position of Master to ifc lias been throughout one uninterrupted source of pleasure and delight to me , and my task
in presiding over you has been so lightened and otherivise made easy by the kindness and liberality of the brethren , that my descending from the chair is a source of no common regret . 2 ndly , my going from among you reminds me but too painfully of our many happy and social gatherings—gatherings where such harmony , good-Avill , and brotherly love have always prevailed , that my heart is full to think that I shall no more , fon the present afc leastform one of thafc " happy band" among
, you . It Avill be a grateful duty iu me not fco forget when I am writing to those dear to me , afc present far away , fche kind Avishes and fraternal feelings of the brethren towards them , personally , in addition to those expressed toAA'ards myself . In conclusion , permit me to assure you , brethren , that the memory of this evening will ever be dear to me , and years hence , Avhen . I am far aAvay , and perhaps Ave are scattered over the globe , the kind faces I IIOAV see around me will again and again
assemble to cheer and soothe me wheresoever I may be , and . under Avhatsoever circumstances of life . The ivhole proceeding , from beginning to end , was of the most affecting nature .
INDIAN MASONIC MEMS . An official letter received from Bro . A . H . E . Boileau , from . Jhansi , confirms the report of his appointment as Prov . Grand . Master of Bengal , in succession to Bro . James Ramsay . Bro-Boileau has also been appointed Grand Superintendent of Royal Arch Masonry iu Bengal . Bro . J . J . L . Hoff will continue to exercise his present functionsunder authoritdelegated to him
, y bytheP . G . M . Bro . Thos . Jones , of Lodge Excelsior , is about to proceed on , leave to Europe in the Hotspur . AVe first met Bro . Jones in the Freemasons' Hall nearly ten years ago . when he Avas nofc a Mason . He soon after joined the Fraternity , and rose to high office Avith wonderful rapidity . By a combination of qualities ,, by his attainments as a linguist , by his readiness as a speaker ,
his energy , his astonishing aplomb , and great sagacity , he has . become one of the best knoAvn men in Calcutta . We Avish him God speed ! The AVarranfc of ihe new Lodge , Faith , Hope , and Charity , at Bareilly , has been received . It bears fche number 1190 on the Register . CALCUTTA . —TIIE ELECTIONS . —The elections have heen going briskl
on y in the several lodges in Calcutta . The Lodge Star in the East ( No . 80 ) , met on Wednesday , the llth December , and re-elected E . W . Bro . Sandeman . About 50 brethren Avere present ; among them Dr . Smyth , Avho made
a very interesting speech . The folloAving appointments have been made in the Lodge : —Bros . A . J . AVhitten and A . Simson to ba AVardens , Bro . AV . Eames ( who is also Treasurer ) , and Bro-B . S . B . Bailley to be Deacon ; Bro . AV . Bourne , M . D ., to be Secretary , and Bro . W . Bourne , C . U ., to be Inner Guard . LODGE INDUSTRY AND PERSEVERANCE ( NO . 126 ) , met on Friday , the 6 th December , and elected Bro . C . T . Davis . There was a large assemblage of brethren on the occasion . Bro . Chandler
Avas re-elected Treasurer , and old Bro . Daniel , Tyler . LODGE TRUE FRIENDSHIP ( No . 265 ) , met on Tuesday , the 10 th December , and elected Bro . AV . M . Benwell , a highly popular member , to Avhom Ave say sincerely—Pen ti voglio ! LODGE HUMILITY AVITH FORTITUDE ( NO . 729 ) , met on Monday , the 2 nd December , and eleefced Bro . J . B . Knight , Bro . J . G . Macgregor , the efficient Treasurer , was re-elected to that office ,
and Bro . Jacob AV . IS formally elected Tyler . We have known Bro . Knight for nearly the last ten years , and we have no doubtthat , under his Hiram , the lodge ¦ will continue to maintain its ancient reputation for loyalty and a strict observance of the landmarks . He was installed on fche 16 th by a Board of seven Past Masters , among Avhom were the Rev . Dr . Smythe and Bros . J . Martin , C . J . Evans , and A . H . Ledlie . Bros . H . F . Andrews and J . G . Macgregor Avere appointed AVardens , J . B . Gillon and A . LeFranc , Deacons ; H . Cockburn , Secretary ; W . Bishop , Inner Guard ; and J . W . Beatson , Master of Ceremonies .