Article ROYAL ARCH. ← Page 2 of 2 Article KNIGHTS TEMPLAR. Page 1 of 1 Article KNIGHTS TEMPLAR. Page 1 of 1 Article ANCIENT AND ACCEPTED RITE. Page 1 of 2 →
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Royal Arch.
Dowse . Several brethren Avere proposed for exaltation at the next meeting , to be held on the 16 th April . For some time past the duties of this chapter have not been carried on so regularly as heretofore , owing to peculiar circumstances , Avhich Avill now Tje obviated , by the judicious appointment of Avorking officers , aud there is every reason to expect , that in clue time , it may claim to be placed on a footing with the most flourishing in
the Province . D EVONPORT . —Chapter of Fidelity ( No . 280 ) .- —This chapter has for some time ceased to work . Under the skilful hands of its present officers no doubt ifc AA-HI soon become one of the best in the locality . Afc the chapter on Friday Aveek , three brothers AA-ere proposed as companions for exaltation at the next meeting .
NORTHAMPTONSHIRE . NORTHAMPTON . —Northampton Chapter ( No . 463 ) . —A meeting of the Chapter attached to the Pomfret Lodge ( No . 4 G 3 ) , was held on the 27 th Feb ., under the Presidency of Comp . Green , M . E . Z . The minutes of the last chapter having been read , ancl confirmed , the M . E . Z . vacated the chair in favour of Comp . James ( P . Z . 706 ) , Avho proceeded to instal Comp . Inns as First Principal , ancl Comps . Boeme and Gates to the Second and Third
Chairs . Comp . Flewitt was confirmed in his appointment as P . S ., ancl Comp . Robinson as E . The M . E . Z . having resumed the Chair , Comp . Gates proposed that a sum of £ 10 10 * . be voted from the funds of the Chapter to constitute the M . E . Z . for the time being a Governor of the Boys' School , and a further sum as a donation on the motion of Comp . Boeme , of £ 2 2 s . was appropriated to tie Northampton Victoria Dispensary . These propositions Avere carrieclunanimously . Amongst the visitingbrethren Avere Comps . Henry Mulliner ( of the Shakspeare Chapter at AA arwick ) ancl Riley ( of the Stuart Lodge at Bedford ) .
YORKSHIRE ( WEST . ) BHADEORD . —Chapter of Charity ( No .- 379 ) . —The usual monthly meeting of this chapter Avas held on Monday , February 24 th , in the neAV rooms of the Lodge of Hope , presided over by Comp . W . Mawson , also present Comps . M . Rogerson , Thomas Hill , W . Gath , J . H . Buckley , and Henry Smith , P . Z . ; C . H . Tavlor , M . O . H . ; J . P . Robinson , J . ; H . Butterworth , S . E . ; S . C . HillS . N . ; John GauntP . Soj . ; J . PiekardTreas . ; J . J .
, , , Holmes and several others . After the minutes had been disposed of , the Treasurer stated that his funds Avere in a flourishing state , ancl after motion being duly passed and carried , a handsome donation ivas made to the Lodge of Hope ; as an acknoAvledgement for the many kindnesses received from the brethren of that loclge . The chapter being closed in clue form , the companions sat down to an excellent supper , provided by the Stewards .
Knights Templar.
YORKSHIRE ( WEST ) . BHADEORD . —Conclave of Faith ( No . 29 ) . —A meeting of the above encampment Avas held at the rooms of the Lodge of Hope ( No . 379 ) , on Monday , the 10 th inst ., at 7 in the evening . There Avere present , Sir Knights B . Gath and Thomas Hill , P . E . C ; Henry Smith , E . C ; Henry Farrer , 2 nd Capt . ; H . Butterworth , Reg . ; John Gaunt , Expt . ; J . B . Lawrence , ancl
others . A . very satisfactory statement of funds was made by the Treasurer . The necessary business being disposed of , the Sir Knights proceeded to practice for some time , Avhen the encampment Avas declared closed , ancl the Sir Knights retired to refreshment . NORTHUMBERLAND . NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE —Royal Kent Encampment—Friday
. . , the 7 th March , being the night of election of E . C . for the ensuing year , the encampment Avas opened by the E . G ., Henry Gabriel Liidwig . The following Avere the Sir Knts . present : — Past E . C . John Barker , Past Grand Captain of England ; Charles J . Bannister , Grand Aide Camp of England ; Andrew Gillespie , Grand Herald of England ; P . E . C . Henry Hothani ; Eev . Samuel AtkinsonVice ChancellorHAHammerbom
, ; . . , C . Rosenberg , AV . J . Harding , J . 0 . Potter , & c . On the ballot being taken the unanimous voice of the fraters fell on Sir Knt . C . J . Bannister , Past E . Comp . of the Jacques de Molay Encampment , and first Captain of this Royal Kent . The election of Treasurer Avas unanimous in favour of P . E . C . Henry Hothani . The Vice Chancellor then read a letter from the son
Knights Templar.
of Sir Knt . AVilliams of Sunderland , announcing the death of his father , Avhich took place on the 20 th February . On the proposition of Bro . John Barker , seconded by Sir . Knt . Hotham , it was resolved that the family of Fr . AVilliams , be informed of the general regret the fraters of this encampment felt afc the demise of the worthy Sir Knt ., and strongly sympathised AA'ith their bereavement , and regretted that the Sir Knts . Avere not informed of the illness of the respected frater , or of . the time of
his funeral , as many Avould have felt ifc a duty to attend the last obsequies of their lamented fraterin arms . The annual installation according to ancient custom , Avas fixed for the 18 th inst ., at two o ' clock . The motion of Sir Knt . Bannister AA-as then discussed and unanimously adopted , A'iz ., that the regular meetings of this encampment be the first Friday in every second month , instead of the second Friday as heretofore . There being no further business before the encampment , it ivas closed , Avith love and harmony , at eight o ' clock p . m .
Ancient And Accepted Rite.
NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE . —iJoyaZ Kent Rose Croix Chapter . — Wednesday , Sth March , being the clay appointed for the Installation of the M . AV . Sov . Elect— -the chapter Avas solemnly opened by the M . W . Sov . Henry Hotham 18 ° assisted by the following 111 . brethren : —Past M . W . SoA' . John Barker 31 ° ; C J . Bannister , 1 st Gen . 30 ° ; Andrew Gillespie , 2 nd Gen . 18 ° ; H . G . Liidwig , Grand Marshall 18 ° ; John Eutter , 18 ° Raphael ; J . T . Hoyle , 18 ° ; Edward Shotton , 18 ° ; J . Trotter , 18 ° & c . On the
confirmation of the last minutes , the 111 . Bro . J . Barker , 31 ° Avas requested to perform the ceremony of Installation , and on the M . AV . Sov . Elect , 111 . Bro . C . J . Bannister , 30 ° , being presented he AA-as duly installed in ancient form , MW . Sov . of the Royal Kent Chapter of Rose Croix for the ensuing year . It having been announced fchafc Bro . H . A . Hammerbom ivas desirous to forward his petition for Perfection , and the Most Perfect Marshall having been duly confided with the same—he presented
it to the M . AV . Sov . ; Avho , having taken the sense of the Chapter , and being accepted—Bro . Hammerbom Avas duly introduced ancl perfected S . P . R . »{< ., by the M . AV . Sov . C . J . Bannister . The folloAving are the officers for this year : —AVm . Punsheon , Past M . AV . S ., Prelate ; Andrew Gillespie , 1 st General ; H . G . Liidwig , 2 nd General i John T . Hoyle , Grand Marshall ; John Eutter , Eaphael ; EdAvard Shotton , Eecorder ; H . A . HammerbomCaptain of the Guard ; J . S . TrotterE Without .
, , querry The chapter being closed , the 111 . brethren dined together in the banquet-room of the chapter , presided over by the M . W . Sov . —On the removal of the cloth , " The Health of H . M . the Queen " Avas drunk . The M . AV . S . then proposed " The Health of the Mosfc Puissant Sovereign of our Order , Dr . Leeson , and the
Supreme Grand Council of the 33 " . The next toast Avas " The members of the 31 ° , coupling the same AA'ith the health of the installing Bro . John Barker , 31 ° / ' to Avhich Bro . Barker responded , giving for the benefit of the newly perfected brother , a slight sketch of the order . The next toast Avas " The P . M . W . S . 111 . Bro . Hotham " —Avhich Avas responded to by him . —Bro . BARKER having obtained the permission of the chair to give the next toast he thus addressed the brethren : — " It is with
unfeigned satisfaction that I propose this toast , as I do not require here to pass any vain compliments as to the worth of the brother Avhom Ave have this day installed to preside over us . The HI . Bro . Bannister has not been pitchforked into office , either from his position , or from the AA'ant of a better man , if such Avere the practice of this ancient chapter to confer its honours . Bro . Bannister has obtained high position in all the degrees of Masonrybecause he has not only practised the Avorkings of each
, degree , but from the loAvest to the highest office that he has filled in the Craft up to this sublime and perfect degree he made it a practice fco fulfil the offices he Avas respectively appointed to Avith assiduity , punctuality , and to the perfect satisfaction of his brefchren . Gifted with the poAver of mastering nofc only the rote of our rituals , bufc of thoroughly understanding Avhat he was called upon to repeat in tbe delivery of our rites and ceremonies , he has justly acquired the honour of being a good Avorking
Mason . If , however , Bro . Bannister hacl stopped here he Avould have distanced many of his contemporaries , and might have been satisfied Avith his labours . But , as I said before , he Avas not one Avho Avould only be a talking machine , but he Avent further ; applying , as he went on , the symbols of our rituals and trying to give effect hy practice what they taught . There *
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Royal Arch.
Dowse . Several brethren Avere proposed for exaltation at the next meeting , to be held on the 16 th April . For some time past the duties of this chapter have not been carried on so regularly as heretofore , owing to peculiar circumstances , Avhich Avill now Tje obviated , by the judicious appointment of Avorking officers , aud there is every reason to expect , that in clue time , it may claim to be placed on a footing with the most flourishing in
the Province . D EVONPORT . —Chapter of Fidelity ( No . 280 ) .- —This chapter has for some time ceased to work . Under the skilful hands of its present officers no doubt ifc AA-HI soon become one of the best in the locality . Afc the chapter on Friday Aveek , three brothers AA-ere proposed as companions for exaltation at the next meeting .
NORTHAMPTONSHIRE . NORTHAMPTON . —Northampton Chapter ( No . 463 ) . —A meeting of the Chapter attached to the Pomfret Lodge ( No . 4 G 3 ) , was held on the 27 th Feb ., under the Presidency of Comp . Green , M . E . Z . The minutes of the last chapter having been read , ancl confirmed , the M . E . Z . vacated the chair in favour of Comp . James ( P . Z . 706 ) , Avho proceeded to instal Comp . Inns as First Principal , ancl Comps . Boeme and Gates to the Second and Third
Chairs . Comp . Flewitt was confirmed in his appointment as P . S ., ancl Comp . Robinson as E . The M . E . Z . having resumed the Chair , Comp . Gates proposed that a sum of £ 10 10 * . be voted from the funds of the Chapter to constitute the M . E . Z . for the time being a Governor of the Boys' School , and a further sum as a donation on the motion of Comp . Boeme , of £ 2 2 s . was appropriated to tie Northampton Victoria Dispensary . These propositions Avere carrieclunanimously . Amongst the visitingbrethren Avere Comps . Henry Mulliner ( of the Shakspeare Chapter at AA arwick ) ancl Riley ( of the Stuart Lodge at Bedford ) .
YORKSHIRE ( WEST . ) BHADEORD . —Chapter of Charity ( No .- 379 ) . —The usual monthly meeting of this chapter Avas held on Monday , February 24 th , in the neAV rooms of the Lodge of Hope , presided over by Comp . W . Mawson , also present Comps . M . Rogerson , Thomas Hill , W . Gath , J . H . Buckley , and Henry Smith , P . Z . ; C . H . Tavlor , M . O . H . ; J . P . Robinson , J . ; H . Butterworth , S . E . ; S . C . HillS . N . ; John GauntP . Soj . ; J . PiekardTreas . ; J . J .
, , , Holmes and several others . After the minutes had been disposed of , the Treasurer stated that his funds Avere in a flourishing state , ancl after motion being duly passed and carried , a handsome donation ivas made to the Lodge of Hope ; as an acknoAvledgement for the many kindnesses received from the brethren of that loclge . The chapter being closed in clue form , the companions sat down to an excellent supper , provided by the Stewards .
Knights Templar.
YORKSHIRE ( WEST ) . BHADEORD . —Conclave of Faith ( No . 29 ) . —A meeting of the above encampment Avas held at the rooms of the Lodge of Hope ( No . 379 ) , on Monday , the 10 th inst ., at 7 in the evening . There Avere present , Sir Knights B . Gath and Thomas Hill , P . E . C ; Henry Smith , E . C ; Henry Farrer , 2 nd Capt . ; H . Butterworth , Reg . ; John Gaunt , Expt . ; J . B . Lawrence , ancl
others . A . very satisfactory statement of funds was made by the Treasurer . The necessary business being disposed of , the Sir Knights proceeded to practice for some time , Avhen the encampment Avas declared closed , ancl the Sir Knights retired to refreshment . NORTHUMBERLAND . NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE —Royal Kent Encampment—Friday
. . , the 7 th March , being the night of election of E . C . for the ensuing year , the encampment Avas opened by the E . G ., Henry Gabriel Liidwig . The following Avere the Sir Knts . present : — Past E . C . John Barker , Past Grand Captain of England ; Charles J . Bannister , Grand Aide Camp of England ; Andrew Gillespie , Grand Herald of England ; P . E . C . Henry Hothani ; Eev . Samuel AtkinsonVice ChancellorHAHammerbom
, ; . . , C . Rosenberg , AV . J . Harding , J . 0 . Potter , & c . On the ballot being taken the unanimous voice of the fraters fell on Sir Knt . C . J . Bannister , Past E . Comp . of the Jacques de Molay Encampment , and first Captain of this Royal Kent . The election of Treasurer Avas unanimous in favour of P . E . C . Henry Hothani . The Vice Chancellor then read a letter from the son
Knights Templar.
of Sir Knt . AVilliams of Sunderland , announcing the death of his father , Avhich took place on the 20 th February . On the proposition of Bro . John Barker , seconded by Sir . Knt . Hotham , it was resolved that the family of Fr . AVilliams , be informed of the general regret the fraters of this encampment felt afc the demise of the worthy Sir Knt ., and strongly sympathised AA'ith their bereavement , and regretted that the Sir Knts . Avere not informed of the illness of the respected frater , or of . the time of
his funeral , as many Avould have felt ifc a duty to attend the last obsequies of their lamented fraterin arms . The annual installation according to ancient custom , Avas fixed for the 18 th inst ., at two o ' clock . The motion of Sir Knt . Bannister AA-as then discussed and unanimously adopted , A'iz ., that the regular meetings of this encampment be the first Friday in every second month , instead of the second Friday as heretofore . There being no further business before the encampment , it ivas closed , Avith love and harmony , at eight o ' clock p . m .
Ancient And Accepted Rite.
NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE . —iJoyaZ Kent Rose Croix Chapter . — Wednesday , Sth March , being the clay appointed for the Installation of the M . AV . Sov . Elect— -the chapter Avas solemnly opened by the M . W . Sov . Henry Hotham 18 ° assisted by the following 111 . brethren : —Past M . W . SoA' . John Barker 31 ° ; C J . Bannister , 1 st Gen . 30 ° ; Andrew Gillespie , 2 nd Gen . 18 ° ; H . G . Liidwig , Grand Marshall 18 ° ; John Eutter , 18 ° Raphael ; J . T . Hoyle , 18 ° ; Edward Shotton , 18 ° ; J . Trotter , 18 ° & c . On the
confirmation of the last minutes , the 111 . Bro . J . Barker , 31 ° Avas requested to perform the ceremony of Installation , and on the M . AV . Sov . Elect , 111 . Bro . C . J . Bannister , 30 ° , being presented he AA-as duly installed in ancient form , MW . Sov . of the Royal Kent Chapter of Rose Croix for the ensuing year . It having been announced fchafc Bro . H . A . Hammerbom ivas desirous to forward his petition for Perfection , and the Most Perfect Marshall having been duly confided with the same—he presented
it to the M . AV . Sov . ; Avho , having taken the sense of the Chapter , and being accepted—Bro . Hammerbom Avas duly introduced ancl perfected S . P . R . »{< ., by the M . AV . Sov . C . J . Bannister . The folloAving are the officers for this year : —AVm . Punsheon , Past M . AV . S ., Prelate ; Andrew Gillespie , 1 st General ; H . G . Liidwig , 2 nd General i John T . Hoyle , Grand Marshall ; John Eutter , Eaphael ; EdAvard Shotton , Eecorder ; H . A . HammerbomCaptain of the Guard ; J . S . TrotterE Without .
, , querry The chapter being closed , the 111 . brethren dined together in the banquet-room of the chapter , presided over by the M . W . Sov . —On the removal of the cloth , " The Health of H . M . the Queen " Avas drunk . The M . AV . S . then proposed " The Health of the Mosfc Puissant Sovereign of our Order , Dr . Leeson , and the
Supreme Grand Council of the 33 " . The next toast Avas " The members of the 31 ° , coupling the same AA'ith the health of the installing Bro . John Barker , 31 ° / ' to Avhich Bro . Barker responded , giving for the benefit of the newly perfected brother , a slight sketch of the order . The next toast Avas " The P . M . W . S . 111 . Bro . Hotham " —Avhich Avas responded to by him . —Bro . BARKER having obtained the permission of the chair to give the next toast he thus addressed the brethren : — " It is with
unfeigned satisfaction that I propose this toast , as I do not require here to pass any vain compliments as to the worth of the brother Avhom Ave have this day installed to preside over us . The HI . Bro . Bannister has not been pitchforked into office , either from his position , or from the AA'ant of a better man , if such Avere the practice of this ancient chapter to confer its honours . Bro . Bannister has obtained high position in all the degrees of Masonrybecause he has not only practised the Avorkings of each
, degree , but from the loAvest to the highest office that he has filled in the Craft up to this sublime and perfect degree he made it a practice fco fulfil the offices he Avas respectively appointed to Avith assiduity , punctuality , and to the perfect satisfaction of his brefchren . Gifted with the poAver of mastering nofc only the rote of our rituals , bufc of thoroughly understanding Avhat he was called upon to repeat in tbe delivery of our rites and ceremonies , he has justly acquired the honour of being a good Avorking
Mason . If , however , Bro . Bannister hacl stopped here he Avould have distanced many of his contemporaries , and might have been satisfied Avith his labours . But , as I said before , he Avas not one Avho Avould only be a talking machine , but he Avent further ; applying , as he went on , the symbols of our rituals and trying to give effect hy practice what they taught . There *