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LODGE MARINE ( NO . 282 ) , met on Monday , the 9 fch December , and re-elected its able Master , Bro . C . J . Evans . In the HoAA-RAn LODGE , Anchor and Hope ( No . 284 ) , only two of the members were eligible for election to the office of Master , viz ., Bros . J . Bennett , S . W ., and V . B . Davis . Tho loclge meet on Wednesday , the 4 th December , and elected the former . LODGE COURAGE WITH HUMANITY ( NO . 551 ) , met on Thursday the 12 th Decemberand elected Bro . J . H . Linton . There AA-as
, a very large attendance , and the Avork before the lodge , ( balloting , iniating , raising , and electing ) was heavy . At the supper table , Bro . C . J . Evans , of Lodge Marine , proposed " The health of the retiring Master , Bro . F . C . Hoft , in a very appropriate speech . LODGE ST . JOHN ( NO . 715 ) , met on Friday , the 13 th Dec , and re-elected Bro . G . C . Paul , Barrister-at-Law , AVIAO , as Junior AA ' arden , has been in charge of the lodge since the
departure for Europe of the Senior AVarden , our late Bro . Hinde . Bro . A . P . Manly was re-elected Treasurer , ancl Bro . Gahagan , Tyler . Bro . Paul Avas installed on the 19 th instant by R . AA ' . Bro . J . W . Brown . IN LODGE EXCELSIOR ( NO . 1137 ) , Bro . AV . H . Abbott , AVIIO has raised the lodge to a high position , Avas re-elected on Tuesday , the 3 rd December . The Loclge gave a grand / eie on tbe occasion of his "installation"on Tuesday 17 th . When the guests
, commenced assembling at the hour fixed for them , the loclge had already met , for the purpose of iniating Mr . D . T . Ealii , of the well-knOAvn firm of Ralli and Mavrojani , On the conclusion of the ceremony , the members of the lodge came doAvnstairs , for the purpose of mingling with their guests , and conducting them
into the lodge-room , for the completion of the business of the evening . The Master , having been re-elected , informed the brethren tbat there Avas no necessity of going through the ceremony of installation , and that he Avould therefore at once proceed to appoint his officers . Bros . AV . Pigofcfc and 5 \ J . Fergusson were appointed Wardens ; Bro . A . F . Peach Avas retained in the office of Secretary ; Bros . JEneas Perkins and C . D . Linton were appointed Deacons , and our Avorthy Bro . R . Staunton accepted
the office of Inner Guard . Bro . A . St . J . Carruthers had previously been elected Treasurer . We noticed that some of the brethren had on a HBAV jeAvel , whicli we were informed belonged to the Order of the Knights of Constantinople , lately conferred by the RCA \ Dr . T . C . Smyth , under the authority of the Marquis St . George , of Malta . At the banquet table , before anything else Avas clone , the brethren drank a parting glass Avith Bro . Thomas Jones , AA'ho Avas on the eve of his departure for Europe ,
and who , being in somewhat delicate health , Avas obliged to leave the Hall early . The AVorshipful Master proposed his health in a neat speech , for Avhich Bro . Jones returned thanks in his usual style . He deserved the complinent ; for he may be saicl to have been the founder of the lodge . The toivn band Avas in attendance , playing appropriate airs after the several toasts . INTHE DUM-DUM LODGE , ST . LUKE ( NO . 1150 ) , Bro . Captain W . W . Clark , of the Lahore Light HorseAvas elected Master
, , and the Eev . Dr . Lindstedt appointed Senior AVarden . At a previous meeting , held on Monday , the 25 th November , Bro . John W . BrOAvn presided , at the request of the Master , Bro . Captain Patterson , and raised Bros . Morgan and Lumsdaine , whom he had himself iniated in Calcutta . The removal of the
Artillery from Dum-Dum Avill greatly affect Lodge St . Luke . CHAPTER HOPE ( NO . 126 ) , met on AVednesday , the 4 th Dec , and re-elected M . E . Com . F . Jennings to the First Principal's Chair ; but as he has already served two years , a dispensation is necessary . Comp . John W . BroAvn , Avho had heen elected , at the previous convocation , to the chair of H , ancl Comp . Martin , who had been elected to the chair o £ J , were installed ; the Rev . Dr . T . C . Smyth Avas elected an honorary member of the chapter ;
and four Master Masons were exalted , A'iz ., Bro . Thos . Dickson , of Lodge No . 126 ; Bro . W . J . Pittar , of Lodge No . 265 ; Bro . Captain W . Durham , of Lodge No . 715 , and Bro . Jenkins , whose application must have been received after the precepts were issued . It Avas a very full meeting . LAHORE LODGE . —At the last regular meeting of Lodge Hope and Perseverance , on the 2 nd December , Bro . Ball Avas re-elected
to the Eastern Chair for the ensuing year , and Bro . Asquith Avas unanimously re-elected Treasurer . The brethren subscribed very handsomely for a testimonial , to consist of a Music Director ' s baton , of silver , suitably inscribed , for presentation to Bro . H . L . Oertel , as a token of their appreciation of his Avorth as a Mason and of his services to the lodge , particularly in organising and conducting the Glee Club attached to it . MEERUT . —Lodge Mope ( No . 596 ) . —On the 18 fch November ,
Bro . H . R . Bishop installed Bro . Foster into the chair , under a dispensation from Bro . Hogge , Pro . D . Prov . G . M ., for performing the ceremony with the aid of only two P . M ' s . After beinoinstalled , Bro . Foster conferred the 3 rd degree on Bro . Hall in a very able manner . Bro . Foster is a zealous and an accomp lished Mason , ancl is held in high esteem by the Meerut brethren . On the 19 thBro . Bishopunder a dispensationand Avith the
, , , aid of Ex . Comp . Hogge and Comp . McEvoy , installed Ex . Comp . Foster in the chairs of H ancl Z , Comp . Catcliffe in those of j and H , and Comp . Tyrwhitt in the chair of J . Hacl this not been clone , the Chapter at Meerut , Avhere such a good Masonic feeling prevails , Avould again have been closed , to our great regret . After the installation ( Comp . Hogge having left the Chapter , being in delicate health ) , Comp . Bishop , aided by and Foster in the
Comps . McEvoy chairs of H and J , exalted five brethren , viz ., Bros . AVaters , Perreau , Corbyn , Goldstein , Cohen . Bro . Bishop has been elected an honorary member of Lodge Hope , at Meerut , and also of Lodge Charity , at Umballa .
Royal Arch.
CHANNEL ISLANDS . JERSEY . —Chapter of Sarmony ( No . 303 . )—The Quarterl y Convocation Avas held on Monclay , March 30 th , Avhich AA-as numerously attended . The business consisted of the installation of the neAV officers , previously elected . The chapter having been opened by eight Principals AVIIO Avere present , the companions Avere admitted . The minutes of two former meetings
Avere read and confirmed The 1 st Principal , Most Excellent Comp . Schmitt , then addressed the chapter , taking a review of his tAvo years of Presidency , commenting on the efficient services of his officers , and uttering sentiments quite in accordance Avith the name of thechapter . The companions haA-ing retired , a Board of Installed Principals Avas constituted , Avhen S . Comp . Adams , Past Z ., Avas again obligated and placed in the 1 st
Chair by the retiring Z . The neAV President then installed Comp . Donaldson in the second , and Comp . Benham iu the third chair , Avith the proper ceremonies . The Board of Installed Principals Avas then closed , ancl the companions having been re-admitted , saluted their new officers . Comp . Rogers Avas appointed fco the position of Principal Sojourner . On the proposition of Comp . J . F . Du Jardine for tlie appointment of a sub-committee to inquire into the circumstances under AA'hich
the Grand Superintendent of the province still holds that rank , though no longer a member of any chapter Avithin it , and to point out to the Grand Chapter this violation of the Pooh of Constitutions , a discussion arose , and ifc Avas ultimately determined to postpone the consideration of it until a Chapter of Emergency , AA-hich it is proposed to hold in a Aveek or two , ifc being understood that summary measures on the subject AA'ill then be entered upon . The chapter AVUS closed about ten o'clock , and the companions adjourned to a banquet Avhich hacl been Avaiting for them nearly two hours .
DEVONSHIRE . STONEHOUSE . —Chapter of Fortitude ( No . 122 ) . —A convocation of this Chapter ivas held at the Prince George Hotel , Stonehouse , on the 31 st of January , a large assembly of the Order being present to Avitness the exaltation of Bros . Chapman , Pomeroy , and Rodda of Lodge , 122 , and Thomas Harvey , of Lodge 182 , to the supreme degree of Royal Arch Masons . The ceremony Avas impressively performed bP . Z . Excellent Comp .
y Dr . Dowse , Prov . G . J ., to Avhom this chapter is largely indebted for the great interest he has taken in its Avelfare . Ex . Comp . the Eev . George , Knowling , J . of Chapter 224 , added much to the interest and effectivness of the ceremony , by kindly officiating as P . Soj . At the conclusion of the ceremony P . Z . Ex . Comp . Eowe , Prov . G . A . S ., in proposing a vote of thanks to M . E . Z . Dr . Dowse , expressed himself most pleased at having the
opportunity of paying a debt so long clue from the chapter , to him , for his anxious readiness to render every assistance in the cause of Masonry , and this chapter particularly . The Comps . then proceeded to elect the officers for the ensuing year , Avhen the following were unanimously chosen , Ex . Comps . Mefctleton , P . Z . as Z . ; Phillips , H . ; Jew , J . ; Pomeroy , Scribe E . ; Rodda , N . ; Roberts , P . Soj . ; and Chapman , Treas . ; and on the 7 th February , they Avere duly installed in their respective offices , this ceremony also being ably performed by the M . E . Z ., Comp-
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
LODGE MARINE ( NO . 282 ) , met on Monday , the 9 fch December , and re-elected its able Master , Bro . C . J . Evans . In the HoAA-RAn LODGE , Anchor and Hope ( No . 284 ) , only two of the members were eligible for election to the office of Master , viz ., Bros . J . Bennett , S . W ., and V . B . Davis . Tho loclge meet on Wednesday , the 4 th December , and elected the former . LODGE COURAGE WITH HUMANITY ( NO . 551 ) , met on Thursday the 12 th Decemberand elected Bro . J . H . Linton . There AA-as
, a very large attendance , and the Avork before the lodge , ( balloting , iniating , raising , and electing ) was heavy . At the supper table , Bro . C . J . Evans , of Lodge Marine , proposed " The health of the retiring Master , Bro . F . C . Hoft , in a very appropriate speech . LODGE ST . JOHN ( NO . 715 ) , met on Friday , the 13 th Dec , and re-elected Bro . G . C . Paul , Barrister-at-Law , AVIAO , as Junior AA ' arden , has been in charge of the lodge since the
departure for Europe of the Senior AVarden , our late Bro . Hinde . Bro . A . P . Manly was re-elected Treasurer , ancl Bro . Gahagan , Tyler . Bro . Paul Avas installed on the 19 th instant by R . AA ' . Bro . J . W . Brown . IN LODGE EXCELSIOR ( NO . 1137 ) , Bro . AV . H . Abbott , AVIIO has raised the lodge to a high position , Avas re-elected on Tuesday , the 3 rd December . The Loclge gave a grand / eie on tbe occasion of his "installation"on Tuesday 17 th . When the guests
, commenced assembling at the hour fixed for them , the loclge had already met , for the purpose of iniating Mr . D . T . Ealii , of the well-knOAvn firm of Ralli and Mavrojani , On the conclusion of the ceremony , the members of the lodge came doAvnstairs , for the purpose of mingling with their guests , and conducting them
into the lodge-room , for the completion of the business of the evening . The Master , having been re-elected , informed the brethren tbat there Avas no necessity of going through the ceremony of installation , and that he Avould therefore at once proceed to appoint his officers . Bros . AV . Pigofcfc and 5 \ J . Fergusson were appointed Wardens ; Bro . A . F . Peach Avas retained in the office of Secretary ; Bros . JEneas Perkins and C . D . Linton were appointed Deacons , and our Avorthy Bro . R . Staunton accepted
the office of Inner Guard . Bro . A . St . J . Carruthers had previously been elected Treasurer . We noticed that some of the brethren had on a HBAV jeAvel , whicli we were informed belonged to the Order of the Knights of Constantinople , lately conferred by the RCA \ Dr . T . C . Smyth , under the authority of the Marquis St . George , of Malta . At the banquet table , before anything else Avas clone , the brethren drank a parting glass Avith Bro . Thomas Jones , AA'ho Avas on the eve of his departure for Europe ,
and who , being in somewhat delicate health , Avas obliged to leave the Hall early . The AVorshipful Master proposed his health in a neat speech , for Avhich Bro . Jones returned thanks in his usual style . He deserved the complinent ; for he may be saicl to have been the founder of the lodge . The toivn band Avas in attendance , playing appropriate airs after the several toasts . INTHE DUM-DUM LODGE , ST . LUKE ( NO . 1150 ) , Bro . Captain W . W . Clark , of the Lahore Light HorseAvas elected Master
, , and the Eev . Dr . Lindstedt appointed Senior AVarden . At a previous meeting , held on Monday , the 25 th November , Bro . John W . BrOAvn presided , at the request of the Master , Bro . Captain Patterson , and raised Bros . Morgan and Lumsdaine , whom he had himself iniated in Calcutta . The removal of the
Artillery from Dum-Dum Avill greatly affect Lodge St . Luke . CHAPTER HOPE ( NO . 126 ) , met on AVednesday , the 4 th Dec , and re-elected M . E . Com . F . Jennings to the First Principal's Chair ; but as he has already served two years , a dispensation is necessary . Comp . John W . BroAvn , Avho had heen elected , at the previous convocation , to the chair of H , ancl Comp . Martin , who had been elected to the chair o £ J , were installed ; the Rev . Dr . T . C . Smyth Avas elected an honorary member of the chapter ;
and four Master Masons were exalted , A'iz ., Bro . Thos . Dickson , of Lodge No . 126 ; Bro . W . J . Pittar , of Lodge No . 265 ; Bro . Captain W . Durham , of Lodge No . 715 , and Bro . Jenkins , whose application must have been received after the precepts were issued . It Avas a very full meeting . LAHORE LODGE . —At the last regular meeting of Lodge Hope and Perseverance , on the 2 nd December , Bro . Ball Avas re-elected
to the Eastern Chair for the ensuing year , and Bro . Asquith Avas unanimously re-elected Treasurer . The brethren subscribed very handsomely for a testimonial , to consist of a Music Director ' s baton , of silver , suitably inscribed , for presentation to Bro . H . L . Oertel , as a token of their appreciation of his Avorth as a Mason and of his services to the lodge , particularly in organising and conducting the Glee Club attached to it . MEERUT . —Lodge Mope ( No . 596 ) . —On the 18 fch November ,
Bro . H . R . Bishop installed Bro . Foster into the chair , under a dispensation from Bro . Hogge , Pro . D . Prov . G . M ., for performing the ceremony with the aid of only two P . M ' s . After beinoinstalled , Bro . Foster conferred the 3 rd degree on Bro . Hall in a very able manner . Bro . Foster is a zealous and an accomp lished Mason , ancl is held in high esteem by the Meerut brethren . On the 19 thBro . Bishopunder a dispensationand Avith the
, , , aid of Ex . Comp . Hogge and Comp . McEvoy , installed Ex . Comp . Foster in the chairs of H ancl Z , Comp . Catcliffe in those of j and H , and Comp . Tyrwhitt in the chair of J . Hacl this not been clone , the Chapter at Meerut , Avhere such a good Masonic feeling prevails , Avould again have been closed , to our great regret . After the installation ( Comp . Hogge having left the Chapter , being in delicate health ) , Comp . Bishop , aided by and Foster in the
Comps . McEvoy chairs of H and J , exalted five brethren , viz ., Bros . AVaters , Perreau , Corbyn , Goldstein , Cohen . Bro . Bishop has been elected an honorary member of Lodge Hope , at Meerut , and also of Lodge Charity , at Umballa .
Royal Arch.
CHANNEL ISLANDS . JERSEY . —Chapter of Sarmony ( No . 303 . )—The Quarterl y Convocation Avas held on Monclay , March 30 th , Avhich AA-as numerously attended . The business consisted of the installation of the neAV officers , previously elected . The chapter having been opened by eight Principals AVIIO Avere present , the companions Avere admitted . The minutes of two former meetings
Avere read and confirmed The 1 st Principal , Most Excellent Comp . Schmitt , then addressed the chapter , taking a review of his tAvo years of Presidency , commenting on the efficient services of his officers , and uttering sentiments quite in accordance Avith the name of thechapter . The companions haA-ing retired , a Board of Installed Principals Avas constituted , Avhen S . Comp . Adams , Past Z ., Avas again obligated and placed in the 1 st
Chair by the retiring Z . The neAV President then installed Comp . Donaldson in the second , and Comp . Benham iu the third chair , Avith the proper ceremonies . The Board of Installed Principals Avas then closed , ancl the companions having been re-admitted , saluted their new officers . Comp . Rogers Avas appointed fco the position of Principal Sojourner . On the proposition of Comp . J . F . Du Jardine for tlie appointment of a sub-committee to inquire into the circumstances under AA'hich
the Grand Superintendent of the province still holds that rank , though no longer a member of any chapter Avithin it , and to point out to the Grand Chapter this violation of the Pooh of Constitutions , a discussion arose , and ifc Avas ultimately determined to postpone the consideration of it until a Chapter of Emergency , AA-hich it is proposed to hold in a Aveek or two , ifc being understood that summary measures on the subject AA'ill then be entered upon . The chapter AVUS closed about ten o'clock , and the companions adjourned to a banquet Avhich hacl been Avaiting for them nearly two hours .
DEVONSHIRE . STONEHOUSE . —Chapter of Fortitude ( No . 122 ) . —A convocation of this Chapter ivas held at the Prince George Hotel , Stonehouse , on the 31 st of January , a large assembly of the Order being present to Avitness the exaltation of Bros . Chapman , Pomeroy , and Rodda of Lodge , 122 , and Thomas Harvey , of Lodge 182 , to the supreme degree of Royal Arch Masons . The ceremony Avas impressively performed bP . Z . Excellent Comp .
y Dr . Dowse , Prov . G . J ., to Avhom this chapter is largely indebted for the great interest he has taken in its Avelfare . Ex . Comp . the Eev . George , Knowling , J . of Chapter 224 , added much to the interest and effectivness of the ceremony , by kindly officiating as P . Soj . At the conclusion of the ceremony P . Z . Ex . Comp . Eowe , Prov . G . A . S ., in proposing a vote of thanks to M . E . Z . Dr . Dowse , expressed himself most pleased at having the
opportunity of paying a debt so long clue from the chapter , to him , for his anxious readiness to render every assistance in the cause of Masonry , and this chapter particularly . The Comps . then proceeded to elect the officers for the ensuing year , Avhen the following were unanimously chosen , Ex . Comps . Mefctleton , P . Z . as Z . ; Phillips , H . ; Jew , J . ; Pomeroy , Scribe E . ; Rodda , N . ; Roberts , P . Soj . ; and Chapman , Treas . ; and on the 7 th February , they Avere duly installed in their respective offices , this ceremony also being ably performed by the M . E . Z ., Comp-