Article MASONIC FACTS. ← Page 2 of 4 →
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Masonic Facts.
FIG . 30 . —NAIE , A . o . 3130 ,. Pillars on North Side .
FIG . 3 I . —Lady Chapel , A . D . 1220 .
FIG . 32 . —Tower , North Transept , A . D . 1 S 0 O .
FIG . 83 . —Chapels in South Transept , A . . 11-16 .
Fro . 31—South Transept , 1110 . ' . "Mi . t . VU FIG . 35 . —South Aisle of JSTave , A . D . 1150 .
FIG . 30 . —Refectory , A . D . 1170 .
"Whitb y Abbey about A . n ., 1300 . —Younr / s Hist , of Whitby , vol . i ., note p . 343 . 125 . " Among the workmen ive find the masons or cementarii separated into classes as early as the beginning of the 13 th century ; they ivere cutters and sculp tors of freestonelayersor as they were
, , termed vernacularly 'leggeres , ' and setters ; they either worked by the piece , or at fixed daily . Avages , with an extra allowance in some cases , as metesilver , but at the highest rate no metesilver or eorrody was given . In extensive buildings they worked in gangs of twenty men , AA'hose foreman ivas called
Vintenarius . " ( See Account of Works , Carnarvon Castle , 14 Edward 1 st , 1286 ) . —Hudson Turner ' s Domestic Architecture , Introduction , vol i ., p . 33 . ' ?>? ' 126 . Henry , surnamed Lathom , or Latomus , or the Stone-cutter , rebuilt the chapter-house , dormitory , refectory , and other parts of the Abbey of Evesham
, at the end of 13 th century . —History of JSvesliain , p . 28 . Leland says that Henry Latomus rebuilt the Church of Evesham in 1319 . —Collect ., vol . i . p . 249 . 127 . The folloiving is a translation of an Ordinance made by the Mayor and the four and twenty Aldermen of the City of London , 31 st Edward 1 st , 1303 .
An Ordinance made in the time of Gregory de Kokesle , Mayor , and hy the four and tivent y Aldermen as to carpenters , masons , and other labourers . j
I . As to carpeneters , masons , plasterers , daubers , tilers , and the servants of such and other workmen , it is thus ordained that each carpenter between St . Michel and St . Martin , shall take 4 _ d . per day for all things , or lid . for his money , and the table of the oivner of the work ; and that this shall be at the will
of the owner of the Avork , Avhichever he shall prefer . Ancl then betAveen St . Martin and Candlemas 3 d . a clay for all things , or one penny and the table . And then betAveen Candlemas and Easter M . per day , with all things , or 3 | c / . ancl the oAvner ' s table ; and between Easter and the Feast of St . Michel , 5 d . per day for
all things , or 2 d . per day and the oivner ' s table ; " and after this form , AA'hen the iveek is is Avholly a working Aveek , the carpenter is to have from henceforth the Saturday as for a full day . And the Sunday following , Ai'hen he does nothing , he is to take nothing . Ancl at all solemn feasts Avhen people fastthey
, are to receive also as for a full day , if they work until the evening , and nothing is to be taken for the feast day following ; nor yet upon any other feast day or upon a Sunday , when no work is done , is anything to be taken . These conditions as to journey work and the manner of Avorking aforesaid , are to be also
for Master Masons ( Mazounes Mestres ) and also for master carpenters and others , and master tilers , and master plasterers in plaster works . As to their
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic Facts.
FIG . 30 . —NAIE , A . o . 3130 ,. Pillars on North Side .
FIG . 3 I . —Lady Chapel , A . D . 1220 .
FIG . 32 . —Tower , North Transept , A . D . 1 S 0 O .
FIG . 83 . —Chapels in South Transept , A . . 11-16 .
Fro . 31—South Transept , 1110 . ' . "Mi . t . VU FIG . 35 . —South Aisle of JSTave , A . D . 1150 .
FIG . 30 . —Refectory , A . D . 1170 .
"Whitb y Abbey about A . n ., 1300 . —Younr / s Hist , of Whitby , vol . i ., note p . 343 . 125 . " Among the workmen ive find the masons or cementarii separated into classes as early as the beginning of the 13 th century ; they ivere cutters and sculp tors of freestonelayersor as they were
, , termed vernacularly 'leggeres , ' and setters ; they either worked by the piece , or at fixed daily . Avages , with an extra allowance in some cases , as metesilver , but at the highest rate no metesilver or eorrody was given . In extensive buildings they worked in gangs of twenty men , AA'hose foreman ivas called
Vintenarius . " ( See Account of Works , Carnarvon Castle , 14 Edward 1 st , 1286 ) . —Hudson Turner ' s Domestic Architecture , Introduction , vol i ., p . 33 . ' ?>? ' 126 . Henry , surnamed Lathom , or Latomus , or the Stone-cutter , rebuilt the chapter-house , dormitory , refectory , and other parts of the Abbey of Evesham
, at the end of 13 th century . —History of JSvesliain , p . 28 . Leland says that Henry Latomus rebuilt the Church of Evesham in 1319 . —Collect ., vol . i . p . 249 . 127 . The folloiving is a translation of an Ordinance made by the Mayor and the four and twenty Aldermen of the City of London , 31 st Edward 1 st , 1303 .
An Ordinance made in the time of Gregory de Kokesle , Mayor , and hy the four and tivent y Aldermen as to carpenters , masons , and other labourers . j
I . As to carpeneters , masons , plasterers , daubers , tilers , and the servants of such and other workmen , it is thus ordained that each carpenter between St . Michel and St . Martin , shall take 4 _ d . per day for all things , or lid . for his money , and the table of the oivner of the work ; and that this shall be at the will
of the owner of the Avork , Avhichever he shall prefer . Ancl then betAveen St . Martin and Candlemas 3 d . a clay for all things , or one penny and the table . And then betAveen Candlemas and Easter M . per day , with all things , or 3 | c / . ancl the oAvner ' s table ; and between Easter and the Feast of St . Michel , 5 d . per day for
all things , or 2 d . per day and the oivner ' s table ; " and after this form , AA'hen the iveek is is Avholly a working Aveek , the carpenter is to have from henceforth the Saturday as for a full day . And the Sunday following , Ai'hen he does nothing , he is to take nothing . Ancl at all solemn feasts Avhen people fastthey
, are to receive also as for a full day , if they work until the evening , and nothing is to be taken for the feast day following ; nor yet upon any other feast day or upon a Sunday , when no work is done , is anything to be taken . These conditions as to journey work and the manner of Avorking aforesaid , are to be also
for Master Masons ( Mazounes Mestres ) and also for master carpenters and others , and master tilers , and master plasterers in plaster works . As to their