Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 3 of 4 →
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which has appeared in this Magazine , was admirably delivered by Bro . Fenn , and the AA'hole ceremony AA'as performed in a manner Avorthy of the high reputation of Bro . AVilson . Bro . Brayne , the new Master ( who unfortunately was suffering from an attack of rheumatic gout ) , Avas then duly installed , and the following Avere the officers appointed : —Bros . Brayne , AV . M . ; AV . Philpot , S . AA .: F . AV . Elers , J . W . ; Conder , S . D . ; AA . Elers , J . D . and Sec . ; Oliver , I . G . ; Strange , Tyler . After the usual
addresses , four or fi \ -e new members ivere proposed and seconded ; and the lodge ivas then closed with solemn prayer . The banquet took place in the Assembly Room , under the presidency of the newly-installed AA . M ., Bro . Brayne . The dinner AA-as excellent . AVhen the cloth was draAvn , "The Queen and the Craft , " "The G . M . of England , Lord Zetland , " "TheD . G . M ., Lord de Grey and Ripon , and the rest of the officers of the Grand Lodge" were severalldrunk . To the last mentioned
y toast Bro . S . Barton Wilson returned thanks , alluding to the ceremonies of the day , by Avhich he hacl admitted one more lodge into the fraternity , one Avhich , under the able ancl experienced government of Bro . Brayne , had , he believed , a career of unusual success and usefulness before it . The AA . M . next gave the " Health of Lord Holmesdale , the Prov . Grand Master of Kent , " and read a letter , in Avhich his lordship expressed the great regret he felt at being prevented by his Parliamentary
duties from being present , and the Avarmest Avishes for the Avelfare and prosperity of the lodge . The toast AA-as drunk with the greatest enthusiasm . The next toast Avas "Bro . Dobson , D . Prov . G . M ., ancl the rest of the Grand Officers of Kent , " Avhich AA-as received also Avith much applause . Ifc Avas a matter of great regret to them all that Bro . Dobson was prevented being present ; for they all kneAV that he discharged all the duties of his important office with the greatest
abilityvisiting all the lodges and seeing their Avorking Avith his own eyes , ancl being in short ivhat a deputy ought to be . ( Cheers . ) Bro . EASTES , as Prov . S . G . AV ., returned thanks . He congratulated them nofc only on the choice of a name for their lodge"The Holmesdale" —Avhieh was an exceedingly happy one , bufc also on their selection of AA . M . He had been initiated by Bro . Brayne , and knew him fco be a thoroughly good Mason in every respect . —The Rev . Bro . HILL thenin a most eloquent speech
, , proposed the "Health of the AV . M ., " Avho responded to the compliment . " Tbe Health of the Prov . Grand Chaplain ( Bro . Hill ) , " Avhich folloAved , AA-as received Avith enthusiasm , and duly acknowledged . The other toasts Avere : " Bro . Isaacs and the Kentish Alsitors , " "Bro . Taylor ancl the Sussex and other Visitors " " The Officers of the Loclge , " responded to by Bro . AV . Philpot , & c . The proceedings soon after terminated , in order that tlie visitors might be able to save an early train
OXFORDSHIRE . OXEORD . —Apollo University Lodge ( No . 440 ) . —The anniversary of this lodge was celebrated on AA ednesday , Feb . 26 , at the Masonic Hall , Avhere the brethren assembled at four o ' clock in the afternoon , Avhen five candidates Avere initiated . At five o'clock the AV . M . of last year , Bro . the Rev . E . AV . Norman , Avho had been re-elected , proceeded Avith tbe installation of his officersand made the following appointmentsaddressing the
, , brethren in appropriate and encouraging terms as they presented themselves to be invested ivith their insignia of office : —Oswell Thompson , Exeter College , S . W . ; P . AV . A . Bowyer , Christ Church , J . W . ; Rev . C . M . Style , St . John's , Chaplain ; AV . Thompson , Treas . ; AV . AV . Harrison , Brasenose , Organist ; S . K . Browne Cave , Balliol , Sec . ; C . W . Ogilvie , Christ Church , S . D . ; A . T . Freene , Exeter , J . D . ; J . B . Jenkins and H . C . Risley ,
M . C . ; R . B . Leach , Balliol , I . G-. ; J . 0 . Bigg , AV . J . Erskine , C . J . Johnstone , Lord Nevrey , J . J . Pearson , C . SAvainson , A . J . Wilberforce , AV . J . Woodgate , Stewards ; AV . Stevens , Tyler . On the conclusion of the business the brethren proceeded to the banquet room , Avhere a sumptuous entertainment , provided under the derection of Bro . AV . Thompson and the Stewards , awaited them . The AV . M . presided , and AA-as supported by about 100 brefchren
including the folloiving : —Capt . BoiA-yer , Prov . G . M . of Oxfordshire ; Aid . Spiers , D . Prov . G . M . ; Rev . AV . K . R . Bedford , G . Chaplain ; Rev . A . H . Faber and Rev . J . E . Codrington , P . M ' s . of the Apollo Lodge ; A . G . Holmes , AV . M . of tbe Alfred Lodge ; Past Masters Aid . Sadler , Thompson , E . Owen , J . AA yatt , E . Rainsford , H . Houghton , F . Symonds , J . Walker , and E . Bevers ; AV . W . Harrison , W . M . of the Churchill Lodge ; Scroggs , Looker , ancl Cooke , P . M ' s . of the Cherwell Lodge . There Avas a large attendance of officers and brethren of tbe Apollo , Alfred , Churchill , and Cherwell Lodges , for the
Apollo Lodge Avas lavish in its iiwitations , and bent on showing tbat its hospitality Avas as diffusive as it Avas generous and hearty The W . M ., in introducing the various toasts , more especially that of " The Queen , " spoke in terms in Avhich eloquence earnestness , and sympathy ivere combined , in a manner that made a powerful impression on all AA'ho heard it . His remarks too , on the nature , character , and objects of Masonry during the evening Avere distinguished for their poAvertheir
appropriate-, ness , and eloquence , and the hearty applause Avhich they elicited testified hoAV truly they Avere appreciated . The addresses of the Prov . G . M . ; of Bro . Faber , P . M . of the Apollo Lodge ; Bro . A G . Holmes , AV . M . of the Alfred Lodge ; Aid . Sadler , P . M . Alfred Lodge ; P . M . Looker , of the Cheiwell ; and of tAvo visiting brethren , one from Hampshire , and the other from Germany , Avere also listened to Avith especial interest . The proceedings
Avere diversified AA'ith some excellent songs by various brethren . Before the company separated , the Prov . G . M . announced thafc he and Bro . Blakiston hacl accepted the office of Stewards to the Masonic Boys' FestiA'al . He expressed his earnest hope that they should be Avell backed up by the presence and pecuniary support of the brethren of this proA-ince , and tendered to them his grateful thanks for the subscritions already promised
p , amounting to about 60 Z . On the conclusion of the banquet , the brethren adjourned to the lower room , Avhere tea and coffee were served . The proceedings of this festival will , in point of interest and success , bear comparison AA'ith any previous one ; the attendance was larger than usual , the arrangements AA-ere on the same liberal ancl comprehensive scale as heretofore , ancl nothing Avas omitted Avhich could in any Avay conduce to the comfort and
happiness of the party . The members of the Apollo Lodge have great reason to congratulate themselves on the success of this annual festive gathering , and all Avho had the good fortune to be present will revert to it with many pleasurable associations .
SOMERSETSHIRE . BATH . —Eoyal Cumberland Lodge ( No . 48 . )—The usual monthly meeting ivas held at the Masonic Hall , Corridor , Bath , on Thursday , March 6 th , under the . presidency of Bro . J . F . Ruddock , AV . M . The lodge having been duly opened , and the minutes of the last meeting having been confirmed , the W . M . vacated the chair , Avhich being taken by Bro . T . B . Moutrie , the Immediate P . M ., a gentleman was duly passed to the degree
of F . C , the AV . T . being given by Bro . P . M . Ashley . After some further business being disposed of , including the voting a donation to the Boys' School ( of Avhich this loclge is already a Governor ) the lodge Avas closed .
SUSSEX . BRIGHTON- . —Royal Tork Lodge ( No . 394 . )—The monthly meeting of tliis loclge took place on Tuesday the 4 th inst ., at four o'clock at the Old Ship Hotel . The lodge having been duly opened , ancl the minutes of the previous meeting confirmed , a ballot for initiation ancl for joining followed , Avhen Messrs . Pearson and B . Chatfield Avere unanimously elected , and fortliAvith initiated into the mysteries of the Craft . Bro .
J . Smith Avas then raised to the sublime degree of a M . M . The AV . M . ( Bro . W . Curtis ) thanked his officers for their punctuality in attendance , and for their assistance in his expiring year of office , and in accordance Avith a vote of the lodge , presented to Bro . V . p . Freeman a P . M . 's jewel from the members , as a mark of appreciation , and in testimony of his indefatigable services for its prosperity . Bro . Freeman in grateful terms acknowledged the presentation . The brefchren
below the chair having retired , Bro . Curtis proceeded to instal Bro . Marchant ( late S . AV . ) in the chair of K . S . according to ancient custom . The brethren of different grades were then regularly admitted and the AV . M . proclaimed and saluted in the usual manner . The folloAving appointments were made : — Bros , Challen , S . AV . ; C . P . Smith , J . W . ; H . Saunders , Treas . ( re-elected ); Bull , Sec ; Robinson , S . D . ; Reeds , J . D . ; Buckman , Dir . of Cers . ( re-elected ); AA . Hudson , I . G . ; LeAvis ,
Steward ; Ancock , Tyler ( re-elected ) . The lodge ivas then closed in due form . A Avord of praise is deservedly due to the outgoing Master ( Bro . AV . Curtis ) for his admirable working upou this , as on all occasions , Avhich Avas by no means a light task , consisting , as it did , of one raising , tAvo initiations , and the ceremony of installation , the AA'hole of Avhich he rendered Avithout assistance , to the evident pleasure of the members generally . The brethren at seven o'clock sat doAvn to banquet under the presidency of the AV . M . The number dining Avas thirty-five , including the folloAving visitors : —Bros . Bacon ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
which has appeared in this Magazine , was admirably delivered by Bro . Fenn , and the AA'hole ceremony AA'as performed in a manner Avorthy of the high reputation of Bro . AVilson . Bro . Brayne , the new Master ( who unfortunately was suffering from an attack of rheumatic gout ) , Avas then duly installed , and the following Avere the officers appointed : —Bros . Brayne , AV . M . ; AV . Philpot , S . AA .: F . AV . Elers , J . W . ; Conder , S . D . ; AA . Elers , J . D . and Sec . ; Oliver , I . G . ; Strange , Tyler . After the usual
addresses , four or fi \ -e new members ivere proposed and seconded ; and the lodge ivas then closed with solemn prayer . The banquet took place in the Assembly Room , under the presidency of the newly-installed AA . M ., Bro . Brayne . The dinner AA-as excellent . AVhen the cloth was draAvn , "The Queen and the Craft , " "The G . M . of England , Lord Zetland , " "TheD . G . M ., Lord de Grey and Ripon , and the rest of the officers of the Grand Lodge" were severalldrunk . To the last mentioned
y toast Bro . S . Barton Wilson returned thanks , alluding to the ceremonies of the day , by Avhich he hacl admitted one more lodge into the fraternity , one Avhich , under the able ancl experienced government of Bro . Brayne , had , he believed , a career of unusual success and usefulness before it . The AA . M . next gave the " Health of Lord Holmesdale , the Prov . Grand Master of Kent , " and read a letter , in Avhich his lordship expressed the great regret he felt at being prevented by his Parliamentary
duties from being present , and the Avarmest Avishes for the Avelfare and prosperity of the lodge . The toast AA-as drunk with the greatest enthusiasm . The next toast Avas "Bro . Dobson , D . Prov . G . M ., ancl the rest of the Grand Officers of Kent , " Avhich AA-as received also Avith much applause . Ifc Avas a matter of great regret to them all that Bro . Dobson was prevented being present ; for they all kneAV that he discharged all the duties of his important office with the greatest
abilityvisiting all the lodges and seeing their Avorking Avith his own eyes , ancl being in short ivhat a deputy ought to be . ( Cheers . ) Bro . EASTES , as Prov . S . G . AV ., returned thanks . He congratulated them nofc only on the choice of a name for their lodge"The Holmesdale" —Avhieh was an exceedingly happy one , bufc also on their selection of AA . M . He had been initiated by Bro . Brayne , and knew him fco be a thoroughly good Mason in every respect . —The Rev . Bro . HILL thenin a most eloquent speech
, , proposed the "Health of the AV . M ., " Avho responded to the compliment . " Tbe Health of the Prov . Grand Chaplain ( Bro . Hill ) , " Avhich folloAved , AA-as received Avith enthusiasm , and duly acknowledged . The other toasts Avere : " Bro . Isaacs and the Kentish Alsitors , " "Bro . Taylor ancl the Sussex and other Visitors " " The Officers of the Loclge , " responded to by Bro . AV . Philpot , & c . The proceedings soon after terminated , in order that tlie visitors might be able to save an early train
OXFORDSHIRE . OXEORD . —Apollo University Lodge ( No . 440 ) . —The anniversary of this lodge was celebrated on AA ednesday , Feb . 26 , at the Masonic Hall , Avhere the brethren assembled at four o ' clock in the afternoon , Avhen five candidates Avere initiated . At five o'clock the AV . M . of last year , Bro . the Rev . E . AV . Norman , Avho had been re-elected , proceeded Avith tbe installation of his officersand made the following appointmentsaddressing the
, , brethren in appropriate and encouraging terms as they presented themselves to be invested ivith their insignia of office : —Oswell Thompson , Exeter College , S . W . ; P . AV . A . Bowyer , Christ Church , J . W . ; Rev . C . M . Style , St . John's , Chaplain ; AV . Thompson , Treas . ; AV . AV . Harrison , Brasenose , Organist ; S . K . Browne Cave , Balliol , Sec . ; C . W . Ogilvie , Christ Church , S . D . ; A . T . Freene , Exeter , J . D . ; J . B . Jenkins and H . C . Risley ,
M . C . ; R . B . Leach , Balliol , I . G-. ; J . 0 . Bigg , AV . J . Erskine , C . J . Johnstone , Lord Nevrey , J . J . Pearson , C . SAvainson , A . J . Wilberforce , AV . J . Woodgate , Stewards ; AV . Stevens , Tyler . On the conclusion of the business the brethren proceeded to the banquet room , Avhere a sumptuous entertainment , provided under the derection of Bro . AV . Thompson and the Stewards , awaited them . The AV . M . presided , and AA-as supported by about 100 brefchren
including the folloiving : —Capt . BoiA-yer , Prov . G . M . of Oxfordshire ; Aid . Spiers , D . Prov . G . M . ; Rev . AV . K . R . Bedford , G . Chaplain ; Rev . A . H . Faber and Rev . J . E . Codrington , P . M ' s . of the Apollo Lodge ; A . G . Holmes , AV . M . of tbe Alfred Lodge ; Past Masters Aid . Sadler , Thompson , E . Owen , J . AA yatt , E . Rainsford , H . Houghton , F . Symonds , J . Walker , and E . Bevers ; AV . W . Harrison , W . M . of the Churchill Lodge ; Scroggs , Looker , ancl Cooke , P . M ' s . of the Cherwell Lodge . There Avas a large attendance of officers and brethren of tbe Apollo , Alfred , Churchill , and Cherwell Lodges , for the
Apollo Lodge Avas lavish in its iiwitations , and bent on showing tbat its hospitality Avas as diffusive as it Avas generous and hearty The W . M ., in introducing the various toasts , more especially that of " The Queen , " spoke in terms in Avhich eloquence earnestness , and sympathy ivere combined , in a manner that made a powerful impression on all AA'ho heard it . His remarks too , on the nature , character , and objects of Masonry during the evening Avere distinguished for their poAvertheir
appropriate-, ness , and eloquence , and the hearty applause Avhich they elicited testified hoAV truly they Avere appreciated . The addresses of the Prov . G . M . ; of Bro . Faber , P . M . of the Apollo Lodge ; Bro . A G . Holmes , AV . M . of the Alfred Lodge ; Aid . Sadler , P . M . Alfred Lodge ; P . M . Looker , of the Cheiwell ; and of tAvo visiting brethren , one from Hampshire , and the other from Germany , Avere also listened to Avith especial interest . The proceedings
Avere diversified AA'ith some excellent songs by various brethren . Before the company separated , the Prov . G . M . announced thafc he and Bro . Blakiston hacl accepted the office of Stewards to the Masonic Boys' FestiA'al . He expressed his earnest hope that they should be Avell backed up by the presence and pecuniary support of the brethren of this proA-ince , and tendered to them his grateful thanks for the subscritions already promised
p , amounting to about 60 Z . On the conclusion of the banquet , the brethren adjourned to the lower room , Avhere tea and coffee were served . The proceedings of this festival will , in point of interest and success , bear comparison AA'ith any previous one ; the attendance was larger than usual , the arrangements AA-ere on the same liberal ancl comprehensive scale as heretofore , ancl nothing Avas omitted Avhich could in any Avay conduce to the comfort and
happiness of the party . The members of the Apollo Lodge have great reason to congratulate themselves on the success of this annual festive gathering , and all Avho had the good fortune to be present will revert to it with many pleasurable associations .
SOMERSETSHIRE . BATH . —Eoyal Cumberland Lodge ( No . 48 . )—The usual monthly meeting ivas held at the Masonic Hall , Corridor , Bath , on Thursday , March 6 th , under the . presidency of Bro . J . F . Ruddock , AV . M . The lodge having been duly opened , and the minutes of the last meeting having been confirmed , the W . M . vacated the chair , Avhich being taken by Bro . T . B . Moutrie , the Immediate P . M ., a gentleman was duly passed to the degree
of F . C , the AV . T . being given by Bro . P . M . Ashley . After some further business being disposed of , including the voting a donation to the Boys' School ( of Avhich this loclge is already a Governor ) the lodge Avas closed .
SUSSEX . BRIGHTON- . —Royal Tork Lodge ( No . 394 . )—The monthly meeting of tliis loclge took place on Tuesday the 4 th inst ., at four o'clock at the Old Ship Hotel . The lodge having been duly opened , ancl the minutes of the previous meeting confirmed , a ballot for initiation ancl for joining followed , Avhen Messrs . Pearson and B . Chatfield Avere unanimously elected , and fortliAvith initiated into the mysteries of the Craft . Bro .
J . Smith Avas then raised to the sublime degree of a M . M . The AV . M . ( Bro . W . Curtis ) thanked his officers for their punctuality in attendance , and for their assistance in his expiring year of office , and in accordance Avith a vote of the lodge , presented to Bro . V . p . Freeman a P . M . 's jewel from the members , as a mark of appreciation , and in testimony of his indefatigable services for its prosperity . Bro . Freeman in grateful terms acknowledged the presentation . The brefchren
below the chair having retired , Bro . Curtis proceeded to instal Bro . Marchant ( late S . AV . ) in the chair of K . S . according to ancient custom . The brethren of different grades were then regularly admitted and the AV . M . proclaimed and saluted in the usual manner . The folloAving appointments were made : — Bros , Challen , S . AV . ; C . P . Smith , J . W . ; H . Saunders , Treas . ( re-elected ); Bull , Sec ; Robinson , S . D . ; Reeds , J . D . ; Buckman , Dir . of Cers . ( re-elected ); AA . Hudson , I . G . ; LeAvis ,
Steward ; Ancock , Tyler ( re-elected ) . The lodge ivas then closed in due form . A Avord of praise is deservedly due to the outgoing Master ( Bro . AV . Curtis ) for his admirable working upou this , as on all occasions , Avhich Avas by no means a light task , consisting , as it did , of one raising , tAvo initiations , and the ceremony of installation , the AA'hole of Avhich he rendered Avithout assistance , to the evident pleasure of the members generally . The brethren at seven o'clock sat doAvn to banquet under the presidency of the AV . M . The number dining Avas thirty-five , including the folloAving visitors : —Bros . Bacon ,