Article THE MASONIC MIRROR. ← Page 2 of 2 Article THE MASONIC MIRROR. Page 2 of 2 Article METROPOLITAN. Page 1 of 1
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The Masonic Mirror.
charities . He had had great pleasure in presiding over them , thoAigh he felt that he -was hut an ividifi ' ei-ent Chairman;—( Xo , no)— -hut as Charity was a truly Masonie virtue , and Avas said to cover a multitude of sins , he hoped it would cover his shortcomings . ( Cheers and laughter . ) The Boys were here introduced , and his lordship gave " Prosperity to the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys , " without a word of prefaceit having become evident from the noise
, that prevailed throuhout the hall that it Avas impossible to be heard . The prizes were next distributed , one of them being being the Canonbury prize , instituted by Bro . Ed . Cox , the AV . M . the noble lord in the chair addressing the recipients in a feAii-appropriate remarks . Bro . Frederick BinckesSecthen read the list of
subscri-, , p tions in brief as follows . , -C . s . d . London ' . „ 160115 6 AVai-Avickshire 700 0 0 Sussex 12 12 0
Somersetshire 128 6 0 Bristol 21 0 0 Kent 260 9 0 Isle of Wight 42 0 0 AVest Lancashire 167 12 0 Essex 18 18 0 Hants 116 11 0 Oxfordshire 90 6 0
Surrey 52 8 0 Middlesex 71 8 0 Dorsetshire 42 0 0 Berks and Bucks 7 7 0 Hertfordshire 14 3 6 One or two smaller amounts were subsequently received , and the total Avas stated to be £ 3520 , with tAvelve London and seven country lists to come in .
The health of the Treasurer , Aloe Presidents , and other officers was then drunk and briefly responded to by Bro . HopAvood , Past Grand Deacon . The company shortly afterwards broke up .. It is but justice to Bros . Shrewsbury and Elkington to state that the dinner Avas excellently put upon the table , considering the difficulty they had to contend Avith from the over-ci-OAvdecl
state of the hall , about SO or 90 more brethren being present than Avere ordered for . The musicalarrangements were conducted by Bro . LaAA-ler , Avho was assisted by Miss Banks , Miss Eyles , Miss Poole , Bro . G . Pen-en , Bro . Carter , and Bro . F . Kingsbury , AA-IIO presided at the pianoforte . The folloAving Avas handed us as the list of subscriptions from Kent : — £ sa
. . Viscount Holmesdale , M . P ., Prov . G . M . Kent ... 10 10 0 Bro . Dobson , D . Prov . G . M 10 10 0 Lodges and Brethren of 91 and 709 , Gravesend ... 81 7 0 Lodge and Brethren of 1011 , Ashford 53 11 0 Lodges and Brethren of 20 , Chatham ; and 216 , Brompton 25 0 0 Lodge 235 , Dover 1111 0 741 Maidstone 11 0 0
„ , „ 376 , Dartford 9 14 0 „ 621 , Ramsgate 8 8 0 „ 34 , Canterbury 5 5 0 „ 147 , Hythe 5 5 0 „ 184 , Sheerness , 5 5 0 „ 816 , Folkestone 5 5 0
We subjoin the Committee's Report : — "The Committee have great pleasure in presenting their Report for the last year . An examination of the accounts Avill show , that while the expenditure during that period has , from circumstances of a peculiar nature , been exceptionally largo , tho support received has been such as to enable the Coinmittee to meet the demands upon them Avithout encroaching upon the funded property . Nine hundred and fort-five children have
y been educated and clothed under the auspices of this Institution , Avhich , it is believed , has at length found its Avay to the estimation of the Craft at large ; and having regard to the encouragement afforded in the present year to those actively engaged in its management , and to the promises of future support , they feel assured that the attainment of that prosperity for Avhich
The Masonic Mirror.
they have laboured , is not far distant . Of this number sixtynine ave now registered in the books , —sixty-five beinn- inmates of the school , —where , since 1 S 57 , a home and maintenance have been provided for all those boys elected , Avhose parents or friends were desirous they should be placed therein ; tivo boys being absent owing to illness , and tAvo educated at schools adjacent to their residences . For the election in April next there are fourteen candidates , and only tAvo vacancies , —owing to the
retention of three boys until fifteen years of age , under power conferred by the new laAv;—the number of the former being added to month by month , giving assurance of a considerable demand upon the resources of the Institution at the sncceding election in October next . It is Avith considerable satisfaction the Committee report the continued generally healthful condition of the boys : To the changes AA'hich have been made during the past year in the official and educational staffj the Coinmittee
at present simply allude , Avith the hope that they may be to the advantage of the Institution , and to the benefit of those entrusted to their care ; they cannot , hoAA-eA-er , pass oA'er in silence the retirement of the late Secretary , Bro . Thiselton , Avhose connection Avith the school for tliirty-fivo years amply merits the testimony of approbation awarded him , and to Avhom their thanks are clue , for his long-continued and successful exertions . " The balance-sheet referred to above sho-. v the receipts for the year to have been £ 3387 Is . 9 d ., and the expenditure £ 3219 0 * . Cvl .
LODGE OE . TOPPA ( NO . 229 ) . —The members of the above lodge held their usual meeting on Monday week , at the Albion , Aldersgate-street , AA'hen the AV . M ., Bro . S . V . Abraham , in a very solemn manner initiated into the mysteries of the Order Messrs . A . Bhunenthal , A . D . Lorie , H . Levy , and P . Cohen , all of Avhom appeared much impressed Avith the solemn ceremony After the usual routine business , the loclge having been closed , the brethren adjourned to a most sumptous banquetprovided
, by those excellent caterers , the Messrs . Staples . The W . M . having given the usual Masonic toasts , introduced that of the neAvly initiated brethren , in doing ivhich he congratulated the lodge in having introduced into their number four brethren so fully Avorthy of becoming Masons ; as from the knowledge he had of them he Avas sure if they only brought to bear into the Order , that amount of zeal ancl assiduity they had practised in
in their private paths , they Avould become honourable and worthy members of the Craft . The lodge was fully attended by the members , and in addition the following visitorsVere present , Bros . Collin , P . M ., Globe Lodge , No . 23 ; M . Harris , P . M ., 18 ; Gardner , 109 ; C . Hart , 247 ; L . Hart , 91 ; and P . E . Van Noorden , late member of this loclge . The latter brother , by his musical talent , vocal ancl instrumental , contributed to the harmony of the eA-ening , ably assisted by Mrs . Newton Frodsham , and other professionals .
JORDAN LODGE ( NO . 237 ) . —The members of this loclge assembled at the Freemasons Tavern , on Friday 27 th February , Bros . Charles Dunn , . AV . M . ; Jeffreys , S . AV . ; Hammond , J . AV . There Avas present a good muster of the brethren , including Bros . Sheen , Spooner , Watts , Robinson , Patten , Arliss , and Dyers . P . M . 's . The visitors on the occasion were Bros Valentine , 78 ; Chandler , 453 ; Dr . Norman , 202 , and Goehel , 1171 . The lodge having been opened iu due formMessrs . GeeAngel
, , , and Stokesley Avere initiated , and Bros . H . 0 . Arliss , Baird , "Wolfskey , and Goebel Avere passed to the second degree . The ordinary business having been gone through in an able manner by the W . M . and his Wardens , this being the first meeting after the installation . The AV . M . then rose and in very suitable terms presented to P . M . Arliss , and P . M . Dyers , each a jewel from the members of this loclge , as a mark of their esteem
ancl to testify the able manner in Avliich both those brethren , discharged the duties Avhilst presiding over the lodge . The compliment was acknowledged in suitable terms by Bros . Arliss and Dyers . The brethren , Avith the visitors , soon after sat CIOAA-U to a very sumptuous banquet . The evening Avas spent in a very excellent ancl pleasant manner . The usual toasts ivere proposed and responded to , and the hilarity of the evening Avas much contributed to by the excellent singing of Bros . Allen , Gadd , Robinson , ancl Spooner , the latter giving the Entered Apprentice's song Avith great taste and ability .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Masonic Mirror.
charities . He had had great pleasure in presiding over them , thoAigh he felt that he -was hut an ividifi ' ei-ent Chairman;—( Xo , no)— -hut as Charity was a truly Masonie virtue , and Avas said to cover a multitude of sins , he hoped it would cover his shortcomings . ( Cheers and laughter . ) The Boys were here introduced , and his lordship gave " Prosperity to the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys , " without a word of prefaceit having become evident from the noise
, that prevailed throuhout the hall that it Avas impossible to be heard . The prizes were next distributed , one of them being being the Canonbury prize , instituted by Bro . Ed . Cox , the AV . M . the noble lord in the chair addressing the recipients in a feAii-appropriate remarks . Bro . Frederick BinckesSecthen read the list of
subscri-, , p tions in brief as follows . , -C . s . d . London ' . „ 160115 6 AVai-Avickshire 700 0 0 Sussex 12 12 0
Somersetshire 128 6 0 Bristol 21 0 0 Kent 260 9 0 Isle of Wight 42 0 0 AVest Lancashire 167 12 0 Essex 18 18 0 Hants 116 11 0 Oxfordshire 90 6 0
Surrey 52 8 0 Middlesex 71 8 0 Dorsetshire 42 0 0 Berks and Bucks 7 7 0 Hertfordshire 14 3 6 One or two smaller amounts were subsequently received , and the total Avas stated to be £ 3520 , with tAvelve London and seven country lists to come in .
The health of the Treasurer , Aloe Presidents , and other officers was then drunk and briefly responded to by Bro . HopAvood , Past Grand Deacon . The company shortly afterwards broke up .. It is but justice to Bros . Shrewsbury and Elkington to state that the dinner Avas excellently put upon the table , considering the difficulty they had to contend Avith from the over-ci-OAvdecl
state of the hall , about SO or 90 more brethren being present than Avere ordered for . The musicalarrangements were conducted by Bro . LaAA-ler , Avho was assisted by Miss Banks , Miss Eyles , Miss Poole , Bro . G . Pen-en , Bro . Carter , and Bro . F . Kingsbury , AA-IIO presided at the pianoforte . The folloAving Avas handed us as the list of subscriptions from Kent : — £ sa
. . Viscount Holmesdale , M . P ., Prov . G . M . Kent ... 10 10 0 Bro . Dobson , D . Prov . G . M 10 10 0 Lodges and Brethren of 91 and 709 , Gravesend ... 81 7 0 Lodge and Brethren of 1011 , Ashford 53 11 0 Lodges and Brethren of 20 , Chatham ; and 216 , Brompton 25 0 0 Lodge 235 , Dover 1111 0 741 Maidstone 11 0 0
„ , „ 376 , Dartford 9 14 0 „ 621 , Ramsgate 8 8 0 „ 34 , Canterbury 5 5 0 „ 147 , Hythe 5 5 0 „ 184 , Sheerness , 5 5 0 „ 816 , Folkestone 5 5 0
We subjoin the Committee's Report : — "The Committee have great pleasure in presenting their Report for the last year . An examination of the accounts Avill show , that while the expenditure during that period has , from circumstances of a peculiar nature , been exceptionally largo , tho support received has been such as to enable the Coinmittee to meet the demands upon them Avithout encroaching upon the funded property . Nine hundred and fort-five children have
y been educated and clothed under the auspices of this Institution , Avhich , it is believed , has at length found its Avay to the estimation of the Craft at large ; and having regard to the encouragement afforded in the present year to those actively engaged in its management , and to the promises of future support , they feel assured that the attainment of that prosperity for Avhich
The Masonic Mirror.
they have laboured , is not far distant . Of this number sixtynine ave now registered in the books , —sixty-five beinn- inmates of the school , —where , since 1 S 57 , a home and maintenance have been provided for all those boys elected , Avhose parents or friends were desirous they should be placed therein ; tivo boys being absent owing to illness , and tAvo educated at schools adjacent to their residences . For the election in April next there are fourteen candidates , and only tAvo vacancies , —owing to the
retention of three boys until fifteen years of age , under power conferred by the new laAv;—the number of the former being added to month by month , giving assurance of a considerable demand upon the resources of the Institution at the sncceding election in October next . It is Avith considerable satisfaction the Committee report the continued generally healthful condition of the boys : To the changes AA'hich have been made during the past year in the official and educational staffj the Coinmittee
at present simply allude , Avith the hope that they may be to the advantage of the Institution , and to the benefit of those entrusted to their care ; they cannot , hoAA-eA-er , pass oA'er in silence the retirement of the late Secretary , Bro . Thiselton , Avhose connection Avith the school for tliirty-fivo years amply merits the testimony of approbation awarded him , and to Avhom their thanks are clue , for his long-continued and successful exertions . " The balance-sheet referred to above sho-. v the receipts for the year to have been £ 3387 Is . 9 d ., and the expenditure £ 3219 0 * . Cvl .
LODGE OE . TOPPA ( NO . 229 ) . —The members of the above lodge held their usual meeting on Monday week , at the Albion , Aldersgate-street , AA'hen the AV . M ., Bro . S . V . Abraham , in a very solemn manner initiated into the mysteries of the Order Messrs . A . Bhunenthal , A . D . Lorie , H . Levy , and P . Cohen , all of Avhom appeared much impressed Avith the solemn ceremony After the usual routine business , the loclge having been closed , the brethren adjourned to a most sumptous banquetprovided
, by those excellent caterers , the Messrs . Staples . The W . M . having given the usual Masonic toasts , introduced that of the neAvly initiated brethren , in doing ivhich he congratulated the lodge in having introduced into their number four brethren so fully Avorthy of becoming Masons ; as from the knowledge he had of them he Avas sure if they only brought to bear into the Order , that amount of zeal ancl assiduity they had practised in
in their private paths , they Avould become honourable and worthy members of the Craft . The lodge was fully attended by the members , and in addition the following visitorsVere present , Bros . Collin , P . M ., Globe Lodge , No . 23 ; M . Harris , P . M ., 18 ; Gardner , 109 ; C . Hart , 247 ; L . Hart , 91 ; and P . E . Van Noorden , late member of this loclge . The latter brother , by his musical talent , vocal ancl instrumental , contributed to the harmony of the eA-ening , ably assisted by Mrs . Newton Frodsham , and other professionals .
JORDAN LODGE ( NO . 237 ) . —The members of this loclge assembled at the Freemasons Tavern , on Friday 27 th February , Bros . Charles Dunn , . AV . M . ; Jeffreys , S . AV . ; Hammond , J . AV . There Avas present a good muster of the brethren , including Bros . Sheen , Spooner , Watts , Robinson , Patten , Arliss , and Dyers . P . M . 's . The visitors on the occasion were Bros Valentine , 78 ; Chandler , 453 ; Dr . Norman , 202 , and Goehel , 1171 . The lodge having been opened iu due formMessrs . GeeAngel
, , , and Stokesley Avere initiated , and Bros . H . 0 . Arliss , Baird , "Wolfskey , and Goebel Avere passed to the second degree . The ordinary business having been gone through in an able manner by the W . M . and his Wardens , this being the first meeting after the installation . The AV . M . then rose and in very suitable terms presented to P . M . Arliss , and P . M . Dyers , each a jewel from the members of this loclge , as a mark of their esteem
ancl to testify the able manner in Avliich both those brethren , discharged the duties Avhilst presiding over the lodge . The compliment was acknowledged in suitable terms by Bros . Arliss and Dyers . The brethren , Avith the visitors , soon after sat CIOAA-U to a very sumptuous banquet . The evening Avas spent in a very excellent ancl pleasant manner . The usual toasts ivere proposed and responded to , and the hilarity of the evening Avas much contributed to by the excellent singing of Bros . Allen , Gadd , Robinson , ancl Spooner , the latter giving the Entered Apprentice's song Avith great taste and ability .