Article MASONIC INTELLIGENCE. ← Page 3 of 13 →
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Masonic Intelligence.
¦ brethren for their kind expresssions and for their good feeling towards him . The W . M . then proposed the health of the visitors , which Br . Bagshaw , P . P . G ., Treasurer of Bengal , responded to in a neat speech . The health of the newly initiated brother having been given , Br . Dr . Jones proposed health and prosperity to the W . M . Br . HopAA'ood , in eloquent and feeling terms , thanked the brethren for the , honour they had conferred on him . It was thirty-five years since he was initiated ,
in the Lodge , and having passed the chair , his present position was unanticipated . He had seen a A'ariety of changes in the Lodge , and many of those who had greeted him at his initiation had passed away . He had , however , the same interest for the Lodge at heart as from the first , and would do all in his power to promote the welfare of the ancient ancl universally great institution , of which he was proud to be a member , and . more particularly to advance the interest of a Lodge oi'er which he presided t-venty . nine years ago . The W . M . resumed his seat amidst the applause of the brethren .
Several other toasts were then proposed , among others , the Grand Stewards' Lodge , which ivas briefly responded to by Br . Tomkins , W . M ., and the company separated soon after eleven o ' clock , much delighted with the pleasures of the evening . ALBION LODGE ( No . 9 ) . —A numerous meeting of this highly respectable Lodge , took place on the 2 nd ult ., at the Freemasons Tavern , when the W . M . Br . MacCulloch completed the duties of his year of office , by raising , in a most affecting manner , a properly qualified candidate to the sublime degree of a Master MasonThe chair
. was then taken by the Father of the Lodge , P . M . Br . Cant , when the W . M . Br . Mac-Culloch presented Br . F . Burton , W . M . elect , for the benefit of installation . This ceremony , the venerable P . M . Avent through in a manner most satisfactory to the Lodge , and at its conclusion , the ne-vly installed Master , than Avhom there is not a
more respected member in the Craft , received the congratulations of the brethren . He then appointed the following brethren as his officers for the ensuing year : —Br . Wood , S . W . ; Br . Moring , J . W- ; Br . P . M . Lee , Treasurer , Br . P . M . Rackstraw , Secretary , Br- Ferryman , S-D- ; Br . Friend , J . D . ; Br . Knight , I . G . ; Br . Mitchell , Steward . The working of the Lodge having been thus efficiently provided for , the W . M . put it into play by ably passing two brethren to the second degree ; after which , the Lodge was closed and the brethren retired to the banqueting room , where a most agreeable
evening Avas spent , to the harmony of which Br . Genge , Br . Cant , Br . Crawlev , Br-Houghton , Br . Gc ring , ancl Br . Mitchell , largely contributed . In returning thanks for the visitors , of whom there were a large number present , Br . Warren , P . M . of 202 , said , that although many years had elapsed since last he sat a guest at the social board of the Albion , still they had not obliterated the kindly feelings with which he regarded the Lodge , it having been tho first he had ever visited after joining the Craft ; and ho was delighted on looking round the table to see in the ranks of the Past Masters
, so many well remembered faces ; but that delight was enhanced , -when he saw in the chair that night , a Br . whom he in common with all who knew him so highly appreciated—a Br . Avithwhom he was Masonically connected in another Lodge , over which he hoped to see him preside as Master , Avith the same spirit and ability which he had displayed that night . Br . Crawley , P . M . of 25 , also replied to the toast , and in feeling terms referred to his past association with some of the Past Masters from whom he had learned his Craft Masonry . Several other toasts followed , and the festivities terminated in the most harmonious manner .
¦ w l f -L'O' - ( SSo . II ) . —ibis numerous Lodge , held its monthly meeting on Wednesday , Jan . 10 , Avhen a brother was raised to the third degree , and the Master elect , _ ., r . Spooner , installed into the chair by Br . Young , P . M ., in a most able ancl impressive manner , in the presence of a numerous board of installed Masters . The WM . then appointed Brs . Bincks , S . W . ; Masterman , J . W . ; Austin , S . D . ; Payne , J . D ; berman , I . G . Br . Williams was reinvested as Treasurer ; Br . Peter Mathews , as Secretaryand Br . le office which
, Tempas D . C-an , in a Lodge like the Enoch , rs one of the most onerous a brother can hold-and no one could better perform its uuties than j _ r . lemple . At the conclusion of business , a large number of brethren ^! r ' p ^ nl i ^ 'i ° beiu S - Write , Grand Secretary ; Br . Dr . Robert iSii ? n 1 an i P ' , ° i - G - ' of Essex - Bis ' < " ™ ' " 3 ; Woodley , 902 . Kennedy , 201 ; England , 57 ; Marsh , 30 ; Goldsmith , 25 ; Mallalieu , 227 B-u-rett
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic Intelligence.
¦ brethren for their kind expresssions and for their good feeling towards him . The W . M . then proposed the health of the visitors , which Br . Bagshaw , P . P . G ., Treasurer of Bengal , responded to in a neat speech . The health of the newly initiated brother having been given , Br . Dr . Jones proposed health and prosperity to the W . M . Br . HopAA'ood , in eloquent and feeling terms , thanked the brethren for the , honour they had conferred on him . It was thirty-five years since he was initiated ,
in the Lodge , and having passed the chair , his present position was unanticipated . He had seen a A'ariety of changes in the Lodge , and many of those who had greeted him at his initiation had passed away . He had , however , the same interest for the Lodge at heart as from the first , and would do all in his power to promote the welfare of the ancient ancl universally great institution , of which he was proud to be a member , and . more particularly to advance the interest of a Lodge oi'er which he presided t-venty . nine years ago . The W . M . resumed his seat amidst the applause of the brethren .
Several other toasts were then proposed , among others , the Grand Stewards' Lodge , which ivas briefly responded to by Br . Tomkins , W . M ., and the company separated soon after eleven o ' clock , much delighted with the pleasures of the evening . ALBION LODGE ( No . 9 ) . —A numerous meeting of this highly respectable Lodge , took place on the 2 nd ult ., at the Freemasons Tavern , when the W . M . Br . MacCulloch completed the duties of his year of office , by raising , in a most affecting manner , a properly qualified candidate to the sublime degree of a Master MasonThe chair
. was then taken by the Father of the Lodge , P . M . Br . Cant , when the W . M . Br . Mac-Culloch presented Br . F . Burton , W . M . elect , for the benefit of installation . This ceremony , the venerable P . M . Avent through in a manner most satisfactory to the Lodge , and at its conclusion , the ne-vly installed Master , than Avhom there is not a
more respected member in the Craft , received the congratulations of the brethren . He then appointed the following brethren as his officers for the ensuing year : —Br . Wood , S . W . ; Br . Moring , J . W- ; Br . P . M . Lee , Treasurer , Br . P . M . Rackstraw , Secretary , Br- Ferryman , S-D- ; Br . Friend , J . D . ; Br . Knight , I . G . ; Br . Mitchell , Steward . The working of the Lodge having been thus efficiently provided for , the W . M . put it into play by ably passing two brethren to the second degree ; after which , the Lodge was closed and the brethren retired to the banqueting room , where a most agreeable
evening Avas spent , to the harmony of which Br . Genge , Br . Cant , Br . Crawlev , Br-Houghton , Br . Gc ring , ancl Br . Mitchell , largely contributed . In returning thanks for the visitors , of whom there were a large number present , Br . Warren , P . M . of 202 , said , that although many years had elapsed since last he sat a guest at the social board of the Albion , still they had not obliterated the kindly feelings with which he regarded the Lodge , it having been tho first he had ever visited after joining the Craft ; and ho was delighted on looking round the table to see in the ranks of the Past Masters
, so many well remembered faces ; but that delight was enhanced , -when he saw in the chair that night , a Br . whom he in common with all who knew him so highly appreciated—a Br . Avithwhom he was Masonically connected in another Lodge , over which he hoped to see him preside as Master , Avith the same spirit and ability which he had displayed that night . Br . Crawley , P . M . of 25 , also replied to the toast , and in feeling terms referred to his past association with some of the Past Masters from whom he had learned his Craft Masonry . Several other toasts followed , and the festivities terminated in the most harmonious manner .
¦ w l f -L'O' - ( SSo . II ) . —ibis numerous Lodge , held its monthly meeting on Wednesday , Jan . 10 , Avhen a brother was raised to the third degree , and the Master elect , _ ., r . Spooner , installed into the chair by Br . Young , P . M ., in a most able ancl impressive manner , in the presence of a numerous board of installed Masters . The WM . then appointed Brs . Bincks , S . W . ; Masterman , J . W . ; Austin , S . D . ; Payne , J . D ; berman , I . G . Br . Williams was reinvested as Treasurer ; Br . Peter Mathews , as Secretaryand Br . le office which
, Tempas D . C-an , in a Lodge like the Enoch , rs one of the most onerous a brother can hold-and no one could better perform its uuties than j _ r . lemple . At the conclusion of business , a large number of brethren ^! r ' p ^ nl i ^ 'i ° beiu S - Write , Grand Secretary ; Br . Dr . Robert iSii ? n 1 an i P ' , ° i - G - ' of Essex - Bis ' < " ™ ' " 3 ; Woodley , 902 . Kennedy , 201 ; England , 57 ; Marsh , 30 ; Goldsmith , 25 ; Mallalieu , 227 B-u-rett