Article PROVINCIAL LODGES. Page 1 of 15 →
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Provincial Lodges.
BERKSHIRE . ETONIAN LODGE , WINDSOR' ( No . 252 ) . —The members of this Lodge held their annual festival of St . John on Tuesday , the 2 nd of January , at the New Inn . After raising a brother to the degree of M . M ., aud balloting for a candidate for initiation , Br . Charles Lambert , P . M . ( 198 ) , was duly installed AV . M . of this Lodge for the second time , he having held the same distinguished office in 1853 , and having been
earnestly requested to assume the onerous duties of the chair by the united voice of the brethren ; the impressive ceremony of installation was A'ery creditably performed by Br . Jenkins , P . M . and Sec , assisted by P . M . Wigginton , R . P . Blake ( of Oxford ) , and Sir J . M . Doyle , K . C . B ., and other qualified brethren . Br . Lambert appointed his officers as follows : —Brs . Palmer , S . W . ; Haiiey , J . W . ; Evens ; S . D . ; Lester , J . D .: and Cantrell , I . G . Br . P . M . Hall was elected Treasurer ; Br . Holden , Sec . ; and Br . P . M . StaceyOrganist . ' The brethren then adjourned to refreshmentand
, , sat down to a banquet provided by Br . Dangerfield , which fully maintained the credit of his establishment . In token of gratitude for tho prosperity which had attended this Lodge , it was resoh'ed to propose at their next meeting a liberal grant to the Patriotic Fund .
CORNWALL . MOUNT SINAI LOD & E , PENZANCE ( NO . 142 ) . —The anniversary festival in honor of St . John , was held in the Freemasons' Hall . Penzance , 27 th December last . Br . Stephen Harvey James , jim ., of St . Just , was installed in the chair , as Worshipful Master of the Lodge for the ensuing year , in the room of Br . Polkinghorne , whose period of office had expired . The new Master appointed Br . Barzillai Beckerleg his Senior Warden
, and Br . Peter Roberts his Junior Warden . Br . Ball AA'as appointed Treasurer in the room of Mr . John Curnoiv , who for many years held that office , but to the extreme regret of the Lodge , Avas now obliged to retire , on account of longcontinued illness . Br . J . G . Beckerleg has retired from the Secretaryship , in consequence of a paralytic soisure , which noiv confines him to his bed ; ancl Mr . Charlton , superintendent of the West Cornwall Railway , was appointed Secretary . After the business of the Lodge was over , the brethren retired to their banqueting room , AA-here a splendid dinner awaited them . After spending a harmonious and pleasant evening , the Lodge closed about 10 o ' clock .
CHESHIRE . MASONIC BALL . —A grand Masonic Ball took place on Thursday evening , Jan . 5 , in the Assembly Room , in the Town Hall , Avhich was decorated for the occasion with . profuse ornamentation . Not only were all the Masonic emblems displayed in glittering profusion , [ amidst a beautiful arrangement of evergreen and floral ornament , but in accordance with the prevailing military spirita lendid of the flags and ensigns
, sp array . of the allied nations waved aboi-e ancl around the admiring visitors to the gay scene . Horabin ' s capital Quadrille Band gave forth its enlivening strains with customary zest , and was faxed unsparingly by tho charming galaxy , and dancing was continued with much spirit and enjoyment throughout the evening . The object the Managers had in view , was the truly Masonic one—that of aiding the funds of the Dispensary .
CUMBERLAND . LODGE OP UNANIMITY , PENRITH ( No . 424 ) . — -Tbe brethren of this Lodge met in their Lodge room , at the New Crown Hotel , on the evening of the Sth January , to celebrate the festival of St . John . Br . R . G . Hindson ' s year of office as W . M . having expired , Br . J . Walker was chosen W . M . for the present A * ear . The eveningwas spent in the most agreeable manner .
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Provincial Lodges.
BERKSHIRE . ETONIAN LODGE , WINDSOR' ( No . 252 ) . —The members of this Lodge held their annual festival of St . John on Tuesday , the 2 nd of January , at the New Inn . After raising a brother to the degree of M . M ., aud balloting for a candidate for initiation , Br . Charles Lambert , P . M . ( 198 ) , was duly installed AV . M . of this Lodge for the second time , he having held the same distinguished office in 1853 , and having been
earnestly requested to assume the onerous duties of the chair by the united voice of the brethren ; the impressive ceremony of installation was A'ery creditably performed by Br . Jenkins , P . M . and Sec , assisted by P . M . Wigginton , R . P . Blake ( of Oxford ) , and Sir J . M . Doyle , K . C . B ., and other qualified brethren . Br . Lambert appointed his officers as follows : —Brs . Palmer , S . W . ; Haiiey , J . W . ; Evens ; S . D . ; Lester , J . D .: and Cantrell , I . G . Br . P . M . Hall was elected Treasurer ; Br . Holden , Sec . ; and Br . P . M . StaceyOrganist . ' The brethren then adjourned to refreshmentand
, , sat down to a banquet provided by Br . Dangerfield , which fully maintained the credit of his establishment . In token of gratitude for tho prosperity which had attended this Lodge , it was resoh'ed to propose at their next meeting a liberal grant to the Patriotic Fund .
CORNWALL . MOUNT SINAI LOD & E , PENZANCE ( NO . 142 ) . —The anniversary festival in honor of St . John , was held in the Freemasons' Hall . Penzance , 27 th December last . Br . Stephen Harvey James , jim ., of St . Just , was installed in the chair , as Worshipful Master of the Lodge for the ensuing year , in the room of Br . Polkinghorne , whose period of office had expired . The new Master appointed Br . Barzillai Beckerleg his Senior Warden
, and Br . Peter Roberts his Junior Warden . Br . Ball AA'as appointed Treasurer in the room of Mr . John Curnoiv , who for many years held that office , but to the extreme regret of the Lodge , Avas now obliged to retire , on account of longcontinued illness . Br . J . G . Beckerleg has retired from the Secretaryship , in consequence of a paralytic soisure , which noiv confines him to his bed ; ancl Mr . Charlton , superintendent of the West Cornwall Railway , was appointed Secretary . After the business of the Lodge was over , the brethren retired to their banqueting room , AA-here a splendid dinner awaited them . After spending a harmonious and pleasant evening , the Lodge closed about 10 o ' clock .
CHESHIRE . MASONIC BALL . —A grand Masonic Ball took place on Thursday evening , Jan . 5 , in the Assembly Room , in the Town Hall , Avhich was decorated for the occasion with . profuse ornamentation . Not only were all the Masonic emblems displayed in glittering profusion , [ amidst a beautiful arrangement of evergreen and floral ornament , but in accordance with the prevailing military spirita lendid of the flags and ensigns
, sp array . of the allied nations waved aboi-e ancl around the admiring visitors to the gay scene . Horabin ' s capital Quadrille Band gave forth its enlivening strains with customary zest , and was faxed unsparingly by tho charming galaxy , and dancing was continued with much spirit and enjoyment throughout the evening . The object the Managers had in view , was the truly Masonic one—that of aiding the funds of the Dispensary .
CUMBERLAND . LODGE OP UNANIMITY , PENRITH ( No . 424 ) . — -Tbe brethren of this Lodge met in their Lodge room , at the New Crown Hotel , on the evening of the Sth January , to celebrate the festival of St . John . Br . R . G . Hindson ' s year of office as W . M . having expired , Br . J . Walker was chosen W . M . for the present A * ear . The eveningwas spent in the most agreeable manner .