Article MASONIC INTELLIGENCE. ← Page 13 of 13
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Masonic Intelligence.
INSTRUCTION . ST . JOHN ' LODGE , HAMPSTEAD ( NO . 196 ) ,. —Last evening there was a large assemblage of the brethren at the Holl y Bush Tavern , Hampstead , when a testimonial ¦ consisting of a P . M . jewel of the value of £ 15 , manufactured by Br . Lowenstark , and a silver snuff-box , was presented to P . M . Br . T . A . Adams , by Br . Wm . Watson , on
behalf of the brethren of this and other Lodges of Instruction . The box and jewel both bear the following inscription : — " Presented to Br . Thos . Alex . Adams , P . M ., St . John ' s Lodge , No , 196 , by subscription of its members and brethren of several Lodges of Instruction , in testimony of the high estimation in which they hold his eminent Masonic qualifications , and of their sincere personal regards . Hampstead , 17 th January , 1855 . " A testimonial was also presented from the Parent Lodge , but the lateness of the presentation obliges us to defer our report of the proceedings until our next number .
ROYAL ARCH . BOBERT BURNS CHAPTER NO . 25 ) . —This Chapter met at tho Freemason ' s Tavern on Monday , January 26 , Comp . Goring , Z ; Newton , H ; ancl Robinson J . There were three exaltations , one Comp . proposed as a joining member , and a brother for exaltation . The election for the officers for the ensuing year were then proceeded with , and all thos 3 of the past year advanced in rotation ; the principals will therefore
stand Comp . Newton , Z ; Robinson , II ; ancl Kirby , J . There Avas an extremely numerous attendance . OLD KING ' ARMS CHAPTER ( No . 30 ) . This Chapter met on the 1 st of January , when the officers for the ensuing year Avere appointed as follows : —Comp . Linton , Z ; Watkins , H ; Plews , J ; Paas , E ; Maudslay , N ; and G . England , P . S . JERUSALEM CHAPTER ( No . 218 ) . —This Chapter held its usual monthly meeting at the George and Vulture Tavern , Cornhill , on Tuesday , January 9 th . A Brother
AA'ho had been proposed for exaltation , not being in attendance , the Comps . proceeded to discuss two motions , of which notice had been given the previous mouth , viz .: — That the sum of Five Guineas be given to the Patriotic Fund—which after some discussion was carried by a majority of four—and secondly , that any officer being absent fifteen minutes after the hour for which the Chapter was summoned , should be fined at the following rate , 10 . ? . for cither principal , ancl 5 s-. each other officer . This motion was carried . Other business having been transacted , the Chaptei closed .
HOPE CHAPTER ( NO . 248 ) . —A meeting of this excellent Chapter Avas held at the Globe Tavern , Royal Hill , Greenwich , on Thursday , January 18 , when although the numbers present fell somewhat short of that which usually attends ( no doubt in consequence of the inclemency of the weather ) , and Avhere disappointment was expressed , at the absence of seA'eral invited companions , it was delightful to see amongst those assembled that veteran and true mason Comp . Dr . Leigh , P . Z ., who , notwithstanding his advanced years , is ever ready to help and assist the various Comps . when inducted
into their several chairs . POLISH NATIONAL CHAPTER ( N O . 778 ) . —This Chapter held a convocation at the Freemason ' s Tavern on Thursday , the 25 th of January , when Comp . Lemanski , P . Z ., officiated in the unavoidable absence of Comp . Szulczeioski , who , in consequence of the lamented death of Comp . Lord Dudley Stuart continues in the first chair , Comp . Watson acting as H , and Comp . Warren taking his place as J . Comps . Ii . R . Sharman and W . B . R . Evans ( son of our late much regretted CompWilliam Evans )
. were duly exalted as Arch Masons ; after which Comp . J . W . Adams was installed as second principal . Comp . T . J . Coggin was also elected a joining member of the ¦ Chapter . The Comps . after supped together under the presidency of fhe M . E . Z . Comp . Szulczeioski , and spent a very pleasant evening .
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Masonic Intelligence.
INSTRUCTION . ST . JOHN ' LODGE , HAMPSTEAD ( NO . 196 ) ,. —Last evening there was a large assemblage of the brethren at the Holl y Bush Tavern , Hampstead , when a testimonial ¦ consisting of a P . M . jewel of the value of £ 15 , manufactured by Br . Lowenstark , and a silver snuff-box , was presented to P . M . Br . T . A . Adams , by Br . Wm . Watson , on
behalf of the brethren of this and other Lodges of Instruction . The box and jewel both bear the following inscription : — " Presented to Br . Thos . Alex . Adams , P . M ., St . John ' s Lodge , No , 196 , by subscription of its members and brethren of several Lodges of Instruction , in testimony of the high estimation in which they hold his eminent Masonic qualifications , and of their sincere personal regards . Hampstead , 17 th January , 1855 . " A testimonial was also presented from the Parent Lodge , but the lateness of the presentation obliges us to defer our report of the proceedings until our next number .
ROYAL ARCH . BOBERT BURNS CHAPTER NO . 25 ) . —This Chapter met at tho Freemason ' s Tavern on Monday , January 26 , Comp . Goring , Z ; Newton , H ; ancl Robinson J . There were three exaltations , one Comp . proposed as a joining member , and a brother for exaltation . The election for the officers for the ensuing year were then proceeded with , and all thos 3 of the past year advanced in rotation ; the principals will therefore
stand Comp . Newton , Z ; Robinson , II ; ancl Kirby , J . There Avas an extremely numerous attendance . OLD KING ' ARMS CHAPTER ( No . 30 ) . This Chapter met on the 1 st of January , when the officers for the ensuing year Avere appointed as follows : —Comp . Linton , Z ; Watkins , H ; Plews , J ; Paas , E ; Maudslay , N ; and G . England , P . S . JERUSALEM CHAPTER ( No . 218 ) . —This Chapter held its usual monthly meeting at the George and Vulture Tavern , Cornhill , on Tuesday , January 9 th . A Brother
AA'ho had been proposed for exaltation , not being in attendance , the Comps . proceeded to discuss two motions , of which notice had been given the previous mouth , viz .: — That the sum of Five Guineas be given to the Patriotic Fund—which after some discussion was carried by a majority of four—and secondly , that any officer being absent fifteen minutes after the hour for which the Chapter was summoned , should be fined at the following rate , 10 . ? . for cither principal , ancl 5 s-. each other officer . This motion was carried . Other business having been transacted , the Chaptei closed .
HOPE CHAPTER ( NO . 248 ) . —A meeting of this excellent Chapter Avas held at the Globe Tavern , Royal Hill , Greenwich , on Thursday , January 18 , when although the numbers present fell somewhat short of that which usually attends ( no doubt in consequence of the inclemency of the weather ) , and Avhere disappointment was expressed , at the absence of seA'eral invited companions , it was delightful to see amongst those assembled that veteran and true mason Comp . Dr . Leigh , P . Z ., who , notwithstanding his advanced years , is ever ready to help and assist the various Comps . when inducted
into their several chairs . POLISH NATIONAL CHAPTER ( N O . 778 ) . —This Chapter held a convocation at the Freemason ' s Tavern on Thursday , the 25 th of January , when Comp . Lemanski , P . Z ., officiated in the unavoidable absence of Comp . Szulczeioski , who , in consequence of the lamented death of Comp . Lord Dudley Stuart continues in the first chair , Comp . Watson acting as H , and Comp . Warren taking his place as J . Comps . Ii . R . Sharman and W . B . R . Evans ( son of our late much regretted CompWilliam Evans )
. were duly exalted as Arch Masons ; after which Comp . J . W . Adams was installed as second principal . Comp . T . J . Coggin was also elected a joining member of the ¦ Chapter . The Comps . after supped together under the presidency of fhe M . E . Z . Comp . Szulczeioski , and spent a very pleasant evening .