Article MASONIC INTELLIGENCE. ← Page 6 of 13 →
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Masonic Intelligence.
manner , ihe \ v . Ji then invested Ins officers , giving each of them a Masonic address , informing them of their duty and situation in the Lodge , ancl likewise describing their jewels of office . The officers appointed -vwe—Br . Pass SW Br Croft , J . W . ; Br . Marsh , S . D . ; Br . Gumev , J . W . ; Br . Playford , I . G . ' - Br ' P M JaquesD . C . Br . P . M . BarnesTresand BrScrivener The
, ; , . ; . . Hon Sec . Lodge having been dosad , the brethren retired to one of the most recherche banquets prepared under the immediate superintendence of the proprietors . Abou < - 40 brethren sat down to dinner , amongst whom were three or four-and-twenty visitors , including Brs . Dr . Rowe , P . G . S . D . and P . P . G . M ., for Essex ; Bisgood , D . P . G . M . for Kent ; Wing P . M . ; Z . Watkins , P . M . ; Warren , P . M . ; Adlard , P . M . ; Pereira I . M . ; CrewP . M . LenneyPMHarris 40
, . , .. ; , P . M . ; Oram , W . M ., No . ; Maudsley , wuns , Glover , Carter , Thompson , & c . The enjoyment of the evening was very much he-gn ened by some first-rate music and singing by Brs . G . Genge , Farquharson , Donald King , and G . Perren ; also by two of the visitors , one of whom , Br . Pereira , sang a Spanish song with great good taste and expression . The W . M . proposed the health of the Queen the Earl of Zetland , M . W . G . M ., Lord Yarborough , and the rest of the Grand Officers , past and present , to which Br . Dr . Rowe return *! + l , n ,, V .
, m a very neat speech , in the course of which he related one or two very pleasing anecdotes regarding Freemasonry . The health of the visitors was responded to by w-vr ^ - ' - - fOT Kent - Br . P . M . Burnid ge gave the health of the « VM which was received with great applause . The W . M . in returning his heartfelt thanks said he was convinced he had the good opinion and wishes of everyone of the brethren of the Old King ' s Arms Lodge . He should always endeavour to deserve it and would do all in his to maintain the di of that hi
, power gnity ghly respectab . e Lod ge .. In concluding , the W . M . presented the Lod ge with a case containing 30 very elegant Masonic Glasses , richly engraved with the Old King ' s Arms on the one it' r _ r 3 S''eat ligllts in Mas u !>> 7 on the other . One of the glasses was rafter different to the others , intended as the W . M ' s ., ancl was beautifully executed . After . he usual -Masonic toasts had been given and responded to , the W . M . left the chairand tiie brethren separatedeach expressing his deliht at the
, , g evening ' s entertainment , and congratulating the W . M . on his high position , and the very respectable ana aimabie Lodge he has to preside over , there being no Lodge that supports the different Masonic chanties better than this . [ We noticed the W . M . ' s newly invented ialmerstons or judicious bottle holders" were introduced on the table to all the champagne bottla . ? . It is a very good and simple invention , which prevents dirtvinthe hands or warning the wine . 1
MOUNT MORIAH LODGE ( No . 40 ) . —The monthly meeting of this most excellent working Lodge , was held at the Freemasons Tavern , on Wednesday the 24 th January £ !" ¦ " ?™ 2 ?¦ " }¦¦• Presiding , supported by a numerous assemblage of the brethren . ... ne W . M having most efficiently raised a brother to the third degree , a short conversation took place on the subject of the Patriotic Fund , which resulted in £ 10 10 * being voted towards it . The chair was then taken by Br . P . M .. W . H . Absolon who proceeded m a impressive mannerto instal BrLuis Artus
very , . into the chair as Y > . 41 . . or the ensuing year . At the conclusion of the ceremony , Br . Artus proceeded to invest the officers of the Lodge as follows :-Brs . Rixon . S . W . ; W- Russell J W Hadley , Treasurer ; W . H . Absolon , Secretary ; the Rev . G . M . Braine , S . D . ' - Vme , J . D ., and Costelloe , I . G . The business of the Lod ge having been concluded ' the Lodge was closed in perfect harmony ; it being extremely gratifying to observe wnat a perfect command the W . M ., who is aforeigner , has over our language , and IIOAV well he unaerstands and appreciates the ceremonies of
Freemasonry . The brethren then adjourned to dinner , and spent a very agreeable evening . Due honour having been done to ,. he usual toasts and to the W . M . and immediate P . M ., as most excellent worthv brothers , the hsalth of the P . M-s , of whom there were a goodly row present , was drank ami responded to by Br . the Rev . Hill P . G . Ch , for Worcestershire . He said , l . iat although h . was not often able to be present amongst them , vet he felt proud of his connection with Lodwhich he
a ge was happv to see so fully carried out ¦ ¦ hat spirit of charity for which their Order was so highly distinguished . Though comparativel y , bat a young man , he was now the father of their Lodge , in which he had
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic Intelligence.
manner , ihe \ v . Ji then invested Ins officers , giving each of them a Masonic address , informing them of their duty and situation in the Lodge , ancl likewise describing their jewels of office . The officers appointed -vwe—Br . Pass SW Br Croft , J . W . ; Br . Marsh , S . D . ; Br . Gumev , J . W . ; Br . Playford , I . G . ' - Br ' P M JaquesD . C . Br . P . M . BarnesTresand BrScrivener The
, ; , . ; . . Hon Sec . Lodge having been dosad , the brethren retired to one of the most recherche banquets prepared under the immediate superintendence of the proprietors . Abou < - 40 brethren sat down to dinner , amongst whom were three or four-and-twenty visitors , including Brs . Dr . Rowe , P . G . S . D . and P . P . G . M ., for Essex ; Bisgood , D . P . G . M . for Kent ; Wing P . M . ; Z . Watkins , P . M . ; Warren , P . M . ; Adlard , P . M . ; Pereira I . M . ; CrewP . M . LenneyPMHarris 40
, . , .. ; , P . M . ; Oram , W . M ., No . ; Maudsley , wuns , Glover , Carter , Thompson , & c . The enjoyment of the evening was very much he-gn ened by some first-rate music and singing by Brs . G . Genge , Farquharson , Donald King , and G . Perren ; also by two of the visitors , one of whom , Br . Pereira , sang a Spanish song with great good taste and expression . The W . M . proposed the health of the Queen the Earl of Zetland , M . W . G . M ., Lord Yarborough , and the rest of the Grand Officers , past and present , to which Br . Dr . Rowe return *! + l , n ,, V .
, m a very neat speech , in the course of which he related one or two very pleasing anecdotes regarding Freemasonry . The health of the visitors was responded to by w-vr ^ - ' - - fOT Kent - Br . P . M . Burnid ge gave the health of the « VM which was received with great applause . The W . M . in returning his heartfelt thanks said he was convinced he had the good opinion and wishes of everyone of the brethren of the Old King ' s Arms Lodge . He should always endeavour to deserve it and would do all in his to maintain the di of that hi
, power gnity ghly respectab . e Lod ge .. In concluding , the W . M . presented the Lod ge with a case containing 30 very elegant Masonic Glasses , richly engraved with the Old King ' s Arms on the one it' r _ r 3 S''eat ligllts in Mas u !>> 7 on the other . One of the glasses was rafter different to the others , intended as the W . M ' s ., ancl was beautifully executed . After . he usual -Masonic toasts had been given and responded to , the W . M . left the chairand tiie brethren separatedeach expressing his deliht at the
, , g evening ' s entertainment , and congratulating the W . M . on his high position , and the very respectable ana aimabie Lodge he has to preside over , there being no Lodge that supports the different Masonic chanties better than this . [ We noticed the W . M . ' s newly invented ialmerstons or judicious bottle holders" were introduced on the table to all the champagne bottla . ? . It is a very good and simple invention , which prevents dirtvinthe hands or warning the wine . 1
MOUNT MORIAH LODGE ( No . 40 ) . —The monthly meeting of this most excellent working Lodge , was held at the Freemasons Tavern , on Wednesday the 24 th January £ !" ¦ " ?™ 2 ?¦ " }¦¦• Presiding , supported by a numerous assemblage of the brethren . ... ne W . M having most efficiently raised a brother to the third degree , a short conversation took place on the subject of the Patriotic Fund , which resulted in £ 10 10 * being voted towards it . The chair was then taken by Br . P . M .. W . H . Absolon who proceeded m a impressive mannerto instal BrLuis Artus
very , . into the chair as Y > . 41 . . or the ensuing year . At the conclusion of the ceremony , Br . Artus proceeded to invest the officers of the Lodge as follows :-Brs . Rixon . S . W . ; W- Russell J W Hadley , Treasurer ; W . H . Absolon , Secretary ; the Rev . G . M . Braine , S . D . ' - Vme , J . D ., and Costelloe , I . G . The business of the Lod ge having been concluded ' the Lodge was closed in perfect harmony ; it being extremely gratifying to observe wnat a perfect command the W . M ., who is aforeigner , has over our language , and IIOAV well he unaerstands and appreciates the ceremonies of
Freemasonry . The brethren then adjourned to dinner , and spent a very agreeable evening . Due honour having been done to ,. he usual toasts and to the W . M . and immediate P . M ., as most excellent worthv brothers , the hsalth of the P . M-s , of whom there were a goodly row present , was drank ami responded to by Br . the Rev . Hill P . G . Ch , for Worcestershire . He said , l . iat although h . was not often able to be present amongst them , vet he felt proud of his connection with Lodwhich he
a ge was happv to see so fully carried out ¦ ¦ hat spirit of charity for which their Order was so highly distinguished . Though comparativel y , bat a young man , he was now the father of their Lodge , in which he had